186189Original to City Clerk PRESENTED COMMISSI, CO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL, NOS�i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 'D Hera February 10, 1958 RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller to purchase from KEYS WELL DRILLING COMPANY Labor.,-tools., equipment and materials for pulling the Court House Pump, inspecting, repairing and reinstalling-same at a cost of approximately $660.00, without advertisement as per Informal Bids, as an emergency existed where failure to act promptly would work hardship to the,best interest of the City. Charge -.25 A 8. Jt=t?s , J'I Mitchell Gy Cernptroller Council File No.. 186189 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized with' the consent of the • Mayor and the; Comptroller to purchase from KEYS ; WELL DRILLING COMPANY Labor,; tools, equipment and materials for i pulling the Court House Pump, inspect mg, repairing and reinstalling same' at a cost of approximately' $660.00, without advertisement as per Informal Bids, as an emergency existed where failure to act promptly wduld work hardship to the best interest. of the, City. . ? . - Charge -25 A 8. Adopted by the Council February 18 J Approved February 18, 1958. (February 22, 1958) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy FE B 13 '13 Holland Approved 195_ Mortinson In Favor Mayor Peterson A Rosen Mr. President, gainst gillo�n�- s 5M 2 -57 Qp., 2 Duplicate to Printer J"' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY February 10, 1958 COMMISSIONER DATE ESSOLVED0 That the Purchasing agent be and he is hereby authorized with J the consent of the Kayor and the Comptroller to purchase from JMY$ MLL DRILLING COWAW Labor, tools, equipmut and materials for pulling the Court House Pump, inspecting, repairing and reinstalling saw at a cost of approximately $660 *00, without advertisement as per informal Bids, as an emergency existed where failure to act promptly would worst hardship to the beat interest of the City. Charge - 25 A 8. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland marzibel}i- Mortinson 1 Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2.57 -ALIN.2 n In Favor Against El FEB 1G `137.8 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved F L- J 1 `� E ��' `' 195— Mayor