189691Original to City Clerk ®E��� l.
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 14ilouncil File No. 189691 —By Adrian P.
C - I —GENERAL FORM '' Yne eas, The City Council of the
%6� of St. Paul th ok, r ,� :ructions
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City-of St. Paul, through instructions
to the Commissioner of Public Works, has requested the Commissioner of Highways
to,make a further survey and planning study of the location of the Capitol
Approach segment of the Interstate Highway System and has suggested that the
Commissioner of Highways assign such studies to its consultant, Howard,
Needles, Taman and Bergendoff, and has further suggested that the Highway
Department consultant be authorized and instructed to cooperate with Victor
Gruen Associates, consultant for Greater St. Paul Development, Inc.,.in a
Joint study of the Capitol Approach segment of the Interstate Highway System,
WHEREAS, Pursuant to said request of the City.Council, the Commissica er
of Highways has indicated that he is willing to proceed with such a joint plan-
ning study and in this connection has requested the City Council of St. Paul
that a specific alternate route or routes in addition to the route alignment
now approved be determined in advance so that the Commissioner of Highways,
in making such additional studies, may comply with the laws of the State of
Minnesota and satisfy the requirements of the United States Bureau of Public
Roads; therefore,be it
RESOLVED, That in addition to the route alignment presently approved,
-the City Council recommends that, in general, an alternate route corridor
beginning at Mississippi Street and Pennsylvania Avenue and in general follow -
ing the location of Pennsylvania Avenue, Arch Street, Lafond Avenue, Marion
Street, Louis Street, and Kellogg Boulevard to a junction with Pleasant Avenue,
be used for the joint study, the hereinbefore described route being suggested
by Greater St. Paul Development, Inc., under date of August 30, 1958, in a
letter submitted to Mr. Zimmerman, Commissioner of Highways, by Mr. James E.
Kelley, President of Greater St. Paul Development, Inc., it being understood
that the planning studies for both routes be based upon Interstate Highway
standards for planning and design; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is
herein authorized and instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the
Commissioner of Highways and to Greater St. Paul Development, Inc.
OCT 2 8 1958
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 195 —
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy OCT 28 1958
Holland Approve 195 -
arzl a li "
In Favor
Peterson ' Mayor
Rosen against
Mr. President, Dillon 58
SM 6.86 2 .. pUBLISHED ,/ ' / '