09-336Council File # �'��
Green Sheet# 3068929
BE TT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the February
17, 2009 decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on the Appeals of Letters and Letters of Deficiency,
for the following addresses:
Propertv Appealed
429 Grand Avenue
Barry Star
Decision: Grant variances for the egress windows.
1498-1500 Reanev Avenue
Bernice Knajdek
Decision: Deny the appeal and grant an extension for 120 days to replace the windows.
140i Rice Street
David Gores
o/b/o Mary Gores
Decision: Grant variances for the egress windows.
1195 Hancock Street
Bruce Linroth
Decision: Deny the appeal on the furnace service. Deny the appeal on the windows and grant a six-month
extension to bring the egress windows into compliance. If the current tenants move out prior to the six-
month extension, the windows will have to be replaced before new tenants can move in.
905 Sims Avenue
Jason Frey
o/b/o KBD Investments, LLC.
Decision: Grant variances for the egress windows.
370 Summits Avenue, Unit 3
Robert Muschewskie &
Leaetta Hough-Dunnette
Decision: Grant variances for the egress windows.
35 807 St. Clair Avenue, Unit A Julie Bunn
37 Decision: Deny the appeal on the window well and grant an extension to November 30, 2009 to come into
38 compliance. Grant a variance on the window height with a six-week extension to repair the stuck window.
40 1318 Bazclay Street Thao Yang
42 Decision: Deny the appeal and grant an extension for 90 days to replace the windows.
44 691 Marvland Avenue West Mazgaret Uriah
45 o/b/o High Point Property Management
47 Decision: Grant variances for the egress windows.
49 2092 Oranee Avenue East Howard Jones
51 Decision: Grant variances on the egress windows with dimensions of 21 inches in height by 34 inches in
52 width. Deny the appeal for egress windows and grant an extension for six months for the replacement of
53 the three windows with 17.5 and 15 inch openable heights.
Yeas Nays Absent
Bostrom �/
Carter �/
Hanis ; i
Helgen ,/
Lanhy ,�
Stark r /
Thune ,/
� �
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date ��/�/fGl Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoption Certified by Counc'I Secretary
By: �
Approved May;r ate � J.fJ?�
Approved by the Office of Finaucial Services
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet
DepartmenU�celCOUncii: Da[e Initiated: � � � `� �
�o-�°°°��� 24MAR-09 Green Sheet NO: 3068929
ConWCtPersonBPhone � Department SentToPerson InitiaVDate
Marcia Moermond y o 000cu 0
s-8S7� 1 onncil De artment D"vector
Assign Z 'ryClerk GSriClerk
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 0
Routing 4 0
Doa Type: RESOLUTION - Ortler 5 - - 0
E-Document Required: Y
Document Contact: Mai Vang
ConWct Phone: 6-8563 _ �
ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested: �
Resolution approving the February 17, 2009 decisions of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Appeals of Letters of Deficiency for
properties at 429 Grand Avenue, 1498-1500 Reaney Avenue, 1403 Rice S[reet, 1195 Hancock Street, 905 Sims Avenue, 370
Summits Avenue, Unit 3, 807 St. Clau Avenue, Unit A, 1318 Barclay Sfreet, 691 Maryland Avenue West, and 2092 Orange Avenue
East, per LHO's recommendation.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service CoMraMS Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/frm ever worked under a contract for ihis department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
wrrent ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Nlho, What, When, Where, Why):
Advantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
Total Amount of
Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: A�ti��ty Number:
Financial Information:
March 24, 2009 2:20 PM Page 1
v' ��W
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Room 330 City Hall, 15 Kellogg Blvd. West
The hearing was called to order at 1:40 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Leanna Shaff, Department of SafeTy and Inspections (DSI) — Fire Prevention;
Richazd Singerhouse, DSI — Code Enforcement; and Mai Vang, City Council Offices
Appeal of Barry Star to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 429
Grand Avenue.
Appellant Barry Star (1784 Phalen Place, Maplewood) appeared.
Ms. Shaff stated that the inspector had found that the openable dimensions of the egress windows in
all units were 21 inches high by 30 inches wide.
Ms. Moermond stated that she would recommend that the council grant a three inch variance on the
window height.
Appeal of Bernice Knajdek a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 1498-
1500 Reanev Avenue.
Appellant Bernice Knajdek (1526 Reaney Avenue) appeared and provided photographs of the
Ms. Shaff stated that the building had been inspected on January 28, 2009. The inspector found that
the egress windows in all bedrooms of both units had openable dimensions that were short of the
minimum required 24 inches high by 20 inches wide. The dimensions of all of the windows were
19 inches high by 26 inches wide.
Ms. Moermond reviewed the photographs. She asked whether the blind obstnxcted the window
opening. Ms. Shaff said that that was not noted on the inspection report.
Ms. Moermond asked how many windows there were. Ms. Knajdek stated that there was one
window per bedroom, and that there were two two-bedroom units.
Ms. Moermond stated that there was a five inch shortfall in the height and six inches extra in width,
and that that was on the borderline of what she was comfortable with. She said her decision would
be for[hcoming.
Ms. Moermond reviewed the records on February 20, 2009 and recommended denying the appeal
and granting an extension for 120 days to replace the windows.
February 17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes ��3� Page 3
4. Appeal of David Gores, on behalf of Mary Gores, to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency
List for property at 1403 Rice Street.
Appellant David Gores (1475 E. 3` Stteet, At. Pau155106) appeazed. He provided a diagram with
Ms. Shaff stated that the openable dimensions of the egress windows being appealed were 20 inches
high by 28 inches wide.
Ms. Moermond stated that she would recommend that the council grant a four inch variance on the
openable height of the egress windows.
5. Appeal of Bruce Linroth to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 1195
Hancock Street.
Appellant Bruce Linroth (1727 Geneva Avenue N., Oakdale, MN 55106) appeared. He provided a
drawing with measurements.
Ms. Shaff stated that Mr. Linroth was appealing the egress windows and the furnace service
requirement. She stated that the inspector's notes did not give the actual window measurements but
that the property owner had reported that the windows measured 14 inches by 62 inches.
Mr. Linroth stated that they were brand new vinyl windows that could be completely removed from
the openings, and that the opening was 18 to 20 inches wide. Ms. Shaff stated that the code
requirement was for the window azea and not for the size of tl�e opening.
Ms. Moermond reviewed the window drawing.
Ms. Shaff stated that inspector's report indicated that the window in the north sleeping room
measured 15 inches high by 21 inches wide. Mr. Linroth said that it was a child's bedroom.
Ms. Moermond asked about the fixrnace situarion. Mr. Linroth stated that the furnace was cleaned
every year and that the tenant replaced the furnace filter every two months. He said that he had a
friend who was "furnace man" and who came over every year and looked at the flame.
Ms. Moermond stated that the cost for the required biannual service began at about $125 and had a
wide range. She asked what the test looked for that would not be covered in a standard cleaning.
Ms. Shaff stated that the required service included testing for safe and efficient burning and for
cazbon monoxide issues.
Mr. Linroth stated that those things could be determined by looking at the flame and that there was
a carbon monoxide detector in the house. Ms. Shaff stated that the service was still required.
Ms. Moermond stated that there was a six inch shortfall on the window width and that in an
emergency situation the tenant might not be able to remove the window. She said that the fact that
the bedroom with the small window was a child's room would not affect her decision because she
February 17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes �'��� Page 4
had to be concerned about the long term. She asked how long the current tenants had been renting
the property. Mr. Linroth stated that they had been there for eight years.
Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal on the furnace service. She said she would
recommend denying the appeal on the windows and granting a six month extension for the windows
to be replaced. She said that if the current tenants moved out before the six months were over, the
windows would have to be replaced before a new tenant could move in.
6. Appeal of Jason Frey, on behalf of KBD Investments LLC, to a Certificate of Occupancy
Deficiency List for property at 905 Sims Avenue.
Appellant Jason Frey (978 Aurora Avenue, #2, St. Pau155104) appeared. He submitted a letter
from the current tenant stating that she felt the windows were adequate for safety.
Ms. Moermond read from the inspector's report which gave egress window dimensions of 20 inches
high by 37 inches wide in the first bedroom (downstairs), 20 inches high by 43 inches wide in the
second bedroom (upstairs), and 21 inches high by 32 inches wide in the third bedroom (upstairs).
Ms. Moermond stated that the letter from the tenant did not work in the appellanYs favor but that
the window dimensions did, and that she would recommend granting variances on the window
Appeal of Robert Muschewskie and Leaetta Hough-Dunnette to a Certificate of Occupancy
Deficiency List for property at 370 Summit Avenue, Unit 3.
Appellants Robert Muschewskie and Leaetta Hough-Dunnette appeared and provided photographs.
Ms. Hough-Dunnette staYed that the building was a 100-year-old structure and that they were
requesting a variance on the dormer windows on the third floor. She said that they had remodeled
the unit and had pulled all of the required permits, and that the Historic Preservation Commission
(HPC) had been involved. She said that the building inspector had been there several times and that
the property had passed the final building inspection on January 12, 2009.
Ms. Shaff stated that the egress windows being appealed had been measured at 16.5 inches high by
28.5 inches wide.
Ms. Moermond asked about the building permit that had been issued for the windows. Greg
Johnson, DSI, stated that the window sashes that were installed complied with the building code and
nearly complied with Minnesota State Building Conservation Code requirements, which were more
liberai than the St. Paul Legislative Code. He stated that when he inspected a building, he had no
way of knowing whether it was going to be used as a rentai.
Ms. Shaff stated that Chapter 34 requirements applied to all buildings.
Christine Boulwaze, HPC, stated that the windows faced Summit Avenue and were the same size
and style as what had been there before. She said that at the time staff had signed off on the
windows, it had been the understanding that the third floor would be owner-occupied, and that
normally when the situation came up with egress and rental, HPC staff worked with building
February 17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes ��7j?J-(� Page 5
inspectors and plan review to discuss options. She said that this was the first time she had been in a
situation in which orders had been issued for egress windows.
Ms. Moermond asked whether the appellants had additional comments. Ms. Hough-Dunnette stated
that there were two balconies close to the windows, and that there was a very high-quality,
centrally-monitored smoke and fire detection system and ten smoke detectors in the building. Mr.
Muschewskie stated that the safety of the building had been a consideration in choosing features
and materials for the remodel. He said that changing the windows would require substantial
changes to the construction of the building.
Ms. Moermond noted the other codes referenced but stated that the Legislative Code was the one
being cited, and that if there were inconsistencies in interpretation the differences should be
resolved within DSI. She stated that since the building permit had been issued and HPC had been
consulted, the appellants had been validly under the impression that they'd done everything
conectly. She said that because the property was within a historic preservation district, the
appellants' ability to comply with the orders was compromised.
Ms. Moermond recommended granting a vaziance on the egress window height.
8. Appeal of Julie Bunn to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 807 St.
Clair Avenue, Unit A.
Marlon Gunderson (2486 Lake Elmo Avenue N., Lake Elmo, MN 55042) appeared in behalf of the
Ms. Shaff stated that the egress window in the basement bedroom measured 14 inches high by 23
inches wide, and that the size of the window well was also an egress issue. She said the egress
window well measured 24 inches by 33 inches and that the code required 36 inches by 36 inches.
Mr. Gunderson stated that the inspector had measured a window that did not open fully and that the
window that did not stick was 20 inches high by 23 inches wide.
Ms. Shaff asked why the inspector had not measured the other window. Mr. Gunderson stated that
the window was above a bed. Ms. Shaff stated that a bed could not be directly below the egress
window. Mr. Gunderson stated that the tenant had said he'd prefer that the egress window be the
one above the bed.
Mr. Gunderson said that he'd taken care of the grate outside the window so that it could be removed
from the inside. He said that he was concerned about aesthetic issues with altering just one of the
building's window wells.
Ms. Moermond asked Mr. Gunderson whether he'd brought photographs. Mr. Gunderson said that
he had not. He said he'd been able to get into and out of the window well to remove the grate, and
that most of his tenants were women.
Ms. Moermond reviewed the window dimensions. Mr. Gunderson said that he could fix the
sticking window to open to the full height but that for security reasons he would prefer to have only
one of the windows have removable bars.
February 17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes �� Page 6
✓ W
Ms. Shaff stated that the window would have to be fixed so that it could be opened to the full
Ms. Moermond stated that she was not comfortable with the egress window size and would like to
take some time to think about her decision. She asked about the window well issue.
Ms. Shaff stated that the issue was with 24 inch depth (well wall to window) and the ability of a
firefighter in full geaz to gain access.
Ms. Moermond asked for a diagram of the window well. The hearing was recessed from 2:35 to
Ms. Moermond, Ms. Shaff and Mr. Gunderson reviewed the diagram prepared by Ms. Shaff.
Mr. Gunderson stated that there was a door neazby that could be used for egress. Ms. Moermond
stated that fires in underground spaces behaved badly. Mr. Gunderson said that a firefighter would
break the full window to gain access, so egress was the primary issue.
Ms. Shaff stated that the fully opened 20 inch by 23 inch window had not been measured by an
Ms. Moermond asked whether paint was causing the window to stick. Mr. Gunderson said that it
was. He said that he'd prefer to leave the bars on that window. Ms. Shaff stated that only one
egress window was required in each sleeping room but that the window still needed to be repaired.
Ms. Moermond recommended denying the appeal on the window well and granting an extension to
November 30, 2009 to come into compliance. She said that the 33 inch width was fine if the depth
was increased to the required 36 inches. Ms. Moermond also recommended granting a variance on
the window height with a six-week extension to the repair the stuck window.
9. Appeal of Thao Yang to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 1318
Bazclay Street.
Appellant Thao Yang appeared. Mai Vang provided Hmong translation services.
Ms. Shaff stated that the egress windows in all three bedrooms were measured at 18 inches in
openable height by 33 inches in openable width.
Ms. Moermond stated that six inches was a significant shor�fall and asked whether there were
photographs or diagrams. Mr. Yang said that there were not.
Ms. Moermond asked how old the building was. Mr. Yang stated that it was 50-plus years old. Ms.
Moermond asked about the type of exterior. Mr. Yang stated that it was a rambler with siding.
Mr. Yang stated that an inspector had recently approved everything. He said that a licensed
contractor had done work on the house and that all of the work had been approved.
February 17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes b�°?j�jjjJ Page 7
Ms. Moermond asked whether the work had included any changes to the windows. Mr. Yang stated
that all of the windows had been replaced witt� windows that were the same size as the original
ones. Ms. Moermond said that it didn't appear that a building permit had been pulled for the
windows. Ms. Moermond stated that she would continue the hearing for two weeks. She asked Mr.
Yang to provide further documentation indicating that he had been told that the windows were
approved. She said that any persuasive documentation would be considered and that if no
additional documentation was provided, she would recommend denial of the appeal.
Ms. Moermond reviewed the file on February 24 and recommended denying the appeal and
granting an extension for 90 days to replace the windows.
10. Appeal of Margazet Uriah, on behalf of High Point Property Management, to a Certificate of
Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 691 Marvland Avenue West.
Appellant Mazgaret Uriah appeared. She said that a Public Housing Agency (PHA) inspector had
measured the egress windows in the three bedrooms at 21.5 inches openable height by 28 inches
openable width, 21.75 inches by 28 inches, and 20.5 inches by 28 inches. She said that a follow-up
inspection was scheduled with Fire Prevention.
Ms. Moermond stated that the Fire inspector would verify the measurements and that if they were
the same as the PHA measurements, she would recommend that the council grant a vaziance on the
egress window heights.
Ms. Uriah stated that she could not collect rent in the meantime and asked whether the inspection
appoinhnent could be moved up.
Ms. Moermond stated that she would recommend that the orders be withdrawn until the
measwements were verified on site. Ms. Uriah stated PHA would not pay the rent. Ms. Moermond
asked whether half of the months rent would be taken care of if the issue were resolved by mid
February. Ms. Uriah stated that PHA would back-pay the full month if the windows were taken
caze of before the end of the month.
Ms. Moermond asked the amount of the rent. Ms. Uriah stated that it was $1,081 per month. She
said that the estimate for window replacement was $1,900.
Ms. Moermond said that she would recommend that the council grant a variance on height for the
affected windows. She said that it the Fire inspector found different dimensions for the windows,
the issue would be revisited. She stated that the orders were not withdrawn.
11. Appeal of Howard Jones to a Certificate of Occupancy Deficiency List for property at 2092
Oranee Avenue East.
Appellant Howard Jones (1337 Winchell Street, St. Pau155106) appeared. He provided
photographs of the windows.
Ms. Moermond referred to the photographs and the inspectar's report. She stated that the only
windows she was comfortable granting a variance for were the ones with dimensions of 21 inches in
openable height by 34 inches in openable width. She said that the windows in the other three
bedrooms fell significantly short of the 24 inch height requirement.
February 17, 2009 Property Code Hearing Minutes D � � Page 8
Mr. Jones stated that the basement was not a sleeping area and was not rented as a sleeping room,
but that the tenants had a bed there. Ms. Shaff stated that the bed would have to be removed if the
basement wasn't going to be used as a sleeping azea.
Ms. Moermond stated that the egress window requirements only applied to rooms being used as
sleeping rooms.
Ms. Moermond recommended denying the request for a variance and granting an extension for six
months for the replacement of the three windows with 17.5 and 15 inch openable heights.