189654ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI 4C CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK council File No. 189654 —By Severin A. l,, Atorlinson- UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM - 0 <<.��. That the prl ar city : e,t- a1;..ti.s Bret I author! t3z�' Sys `r,'.; sat :,t3 i 7's � DATE Ioiiolr.OZ , 7 6 :it"aa 'r ff , of, non '-^1hl:ar7frSa t RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby ' authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Malcolm E. Lein, under the terms of which said Malcolm E. Lein is to furnish professional services as consultant in connection with the current remodelling and decorating project at the main Library; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that under the terms of the aforementioned agreement, Malcolm E. Lein is to 1. Furnish technical advice in connection with the proposed work to assure that the artistic integrity of the building*is retained and that an appropriate spirit of dignity and refinement is maintained throughout the building; 2. Provide assistance to and consult with the librarian and others concerned on matters of design, c'Tur�_r- nishings, fixtures, materials and colors in connec- tion with the project; I and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that for the above services, Malcolm E. Lein shall be paid the sum of $750, payable on completion of the project, and the office of the Corporation Counsel is directed to prepare the necessary agreement to effect the terms of this resolution. COUNCILMEN > ` Yeas Nays g - DeCourcy Holland ` Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel. Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 n ravor Against OCT 2 3 1958 -Adopted by the Council 19— OCT 2 3 1958 Approved 19— Mayor PUBLISHED