09-314Council File # 09-314 Green Sheet # 3067044 RESOLUTION c��nr Fresented by SAINT PAllL, MINNESOTA 3s 1 WF�REAS, Qwest Corporation ("QwesY') has proposed to occupy a 6-foot by 20-foot azea of 2 Como Golf Course at the southwest comer of Hoyt Avenue and Dunlap Street for a communications cable 3 and cabinet, as shown on the attached map (E�ibit "A"), a copy of which is on file in the Office of 4 Financial Services-Real Estate Division, in the file number Ol-PKLDVRS-2009; and 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WFIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation ("Parks & Red') has given pernussion to Qwest to install and operate said communications equipment over and across said golf course, as stated in the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission's Resolution Numbered 09-03, adopted February 11, 2009, a copy of which is attached hereto; and WHEREAS, Qwest must enter into an easement agreement with the City of Saint Paul for the installation and continued operation of said equipment, and pay just compensation to Pazks & Rec as deternuned by an independent appraisal pursuant to Section 13.01.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter; now, therefore be it 16 RESOLVED, that the proper city officials aze hereby authorized and directed to enter into an 17 easement agreement with Qwest for the installation and operarion of communications equipment; and be it 18 fiuther 19 20 RESOLVED, that just compensation for said easement be paid by Qwest and deposited into the 21 Parkland Replacement Fund and held in reserve for future purchase of park property as required by 22 Chapter 13.01.1 of the City Charter, and that any other costs incurred by the City of Saint Paul in 23 accordance with the pazkland diversion guidelines, sha11 be fixlly compensated by Qwest. Bostrom Carter Stark Thune Yeas Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Coun il Secretary By: i . Approved Date —� L�P By: Requested by Division of: Par <s and Recreation B �'' P � ' L � W� ��. Approved by the O ce of Financial Services By: N/A Approved by Cit� sY om B f ��� �Y'T �, . Y� { Approved,by �yor £ar Submission to Council t F � ,,�i��� � �,i gY: ` '�-' b 3`, c.'il.CkiL✓'`�-^�--! � � Green Sheet Green Sheet 09-314 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmentlOffi Council: Date Initiated: .w+�� s � �����.��-� ,�E� Green Sheet NO: 3067044 Contad Pereon & Phone: Deoartrnent Sent To Person initiai/Date BobNOVek � 0 mancialServica � 2 �-8863 . 1 i Attome ��� 2 arks and Recreation Must Be on �C Agenda by (Date)_ Number 3 a oPs Oit'ice �" /� F ' Fw 4 omN Routing 0 Dx. Type: RESOLIJTION Order 5 ' Cierk 0 EAocument Required: N Documept CoMact: Contaet Phone: - . Total � of Signature Pages _(Clip Ali Locations for Signature) Action Requested: _ Approve resolufion to authorize cliversion of city pazkland on Como Golf Course @ the SW comer of Hoyt Ave. and Dunlap St. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firm ever worked undera contract for this department? CIB CommiUee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiil not normaily possessed by any current dty employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � Qwest Communa6ons wants to upgrade and expand their equipment they currently have at this site. Pazks and Recrearion staff and Commision aze supportive of the request. Advanfages If Approved: � The City will receive funding for future parkland purchases. � Disadvenpges If Approved: Encroachment onto Ciry property DisadvanWges If Not Approved: The City would continue to own pazkland and forego additional funding for future pazk purchases. Total Amount of CostlRevenue Bud eted: Trensaction: 9 Funding Source: Activity Number. Financial Information: pmount paid to City by Qwest for the diversion will be based on an idependent appraisal as required by City (EUplain) Charter. February 25, 2009 11:48 AM Page 1 09-314 � paui Parks �,a Recreatian Cornmission 3� City HallAwicx, ZS W.4th Strett, Sain[ Paut, MN SSt02 -{651�66-640D , RESOLUTION # 09-03 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Saint Paul, Division of Pazks and Recreation, owns city park land, known as Como Golf Course, generally between Haznline Avenue, Hoyt Avenue, Lexington Parkway and Como Pazk. Qwest Corporation has requested the diversion of a 120 squaze-foot azea of the golf course for the installation and operation of an underground communications cable and one cabinet at Dunlap and Hoyt. STAFF COMMENTS: The Division of Pazks and Recreation has determined that the park land may be diverted for this purpose COMMISSION REQUEST: Staff recommends and requests approval of this diversion. COMMITNITY CONCERNS: There are no known issues or community concerns at this time. � �4-314 � -�� '�rks �na Recreatian Gommission soo-�y��tinnn�,2s w.4� sa«�, s� Paa� aaa ssioi-�6s�}zsb-5ano RESOLi3TION 09-03 WI�REAS, the Saiat Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body established to advise.the Mayor anii City Conncil on Iong-range and city-�vide matte;s reIated to Parks and_Recreation;.azid WHEREt1S,: 23.�i.l,offheGity Ghaiterrequires thatthe Commissiouieuiew . any diveision or rlisposal ofpaazk properiy and pr�sent a recqmmendafion to the:SamtPauI City .- Council; and ' `, , _ _- ` WFILREAS, the Crty ofSauit Patil, Dzvisiou ofParks ;andRecreahan, owns crty gark land, Imown as Como: Cso1f Couise, geneially'between Hamiine Avenue, �Ioyt AYenue, :._, _, ; "- T;eaangtonPark�tay aud Como'Pxrk, and = _ ' l�3EERBAS, Qwest CorporaUon Fias_zequested the�dlversion af a 126 square-�oo� area of � the golfccn�se for th� xnstaI�at�on and �operatzon ofa eommnniea�one cable and cabmet (as ` sfiown on Attachmenf:A} and � . _:, � -::.• € , : , ' ,.. ;.. :;. . , ;: -� . ,. ._ �1�HEREA3,:the Divisiqn ofI?ar"ks'a'nd ReereahSn:ha"s°detei�mi"ueci tha"t tfie nark.7aiiri mav .°_. 09-314 Bama�d� •Detai latec � Fggp. �v�poii-Siou F�Jh' i2(It EaztiWaqaxl SWe3q8 �7 - 6TmxapoGS.R9nnpso`a 55p21 3V Ra�:76 3 57125 0U Fu:7RS]t.tt68 aengineers w�: ���m EXHIBIT A Certificote of Survey for. QWEST GOftPORATtON � Job Number: 82MiN7U Locotion: City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesoto See sheet 2 of 2 for legat descriptions SCALE: i" = 30' HO YT A NE COR L07 1 BLOpC 9 E'LY 75 (HATCHE6j FOR UNDERGROUNO EQlliP�AENT ONLY— — --- e , ' .CON�� � ' r- - - .. . S�DEW P ; ' � ASPHALT 'fRq�� ;:; ii i�e �rt i.�— a � ��—trs� �ri. ��i i�_�_�i��r i iii�iaii i i.� i.EGEN� m —Ex. TeEephone Cobinet � —Ex. Sfirub , � —Ex. Tree " JOH NO.� 208.0638 SEC. 22, T. 29 N., R. 23 W., 4TH PM. CO.: RAMSEY ��.' `- . <� �-. o . � � � � � Q J Z � � I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH€S SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LtCENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER TfiE LAWS OF 'iHE STATE OF MSNNESOTA. � PETER �. GI'FZ� � /�� L{G. N0. 4490T DATE - � �