189407ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' 1 -/ �}� 7 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO ` . i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILAESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED,, that Oren R. Stewart be permitted to install and operate an 11 -car private parking lot on Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 1, Lanets North Dale Park, on the south side of Larpenteur Avenue, between Dale and Grotto Streets, in connection with a new 11 -unit apartment building at said location, in accordance with applicantts plans approved September 18, 1958, subjectto compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject to the further condition that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 Q Council File No. 189407—BY Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, That Oren R. Stewart be permitted to install and operate an 11- car private pparking lot on Lots 4, 5 and = 6,;B lock 1,.Lane's North Dale Park, on the south sidq of Larpenteur Avenue, between Dale and Grotto Streets, in connection with a new 31 -unit apart- ment -_building at s a i d location, in accordance with applicant's plans ap- proved September 18, 1958, "subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject td the. further condition that sidewalks abutting said ' L ises be kept clean aiid free of d snow at all .times. pted by the Council October 3, roved October 3, 1958. (October 11, 1958),,, OCT 3 1958 Adopted by the Council 19_ OCT 3 1958 Approved 19— To Favor Mayor Against Y 11/,;; OFI=ICr. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota OF CITY; APPLIC 40i FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT CLERK (Please print or type) TO THE HDNOR&ALS gAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City 'F evJEP 4 PM 2. 12 City of Saint Paula Minnesota SAINT PAU,. MiNNESOTAremodel or reconstruct an existing Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) a FILLING STftjdj,I.ERK No, of islands and pumps : No, of tanks qnd capacity: KMPARx.1M LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacl�y of parking Lot To bo used in connection with: % % IJ Al ! 7 .4- P T � t8kr)C, �ISCEIi.�iSOUB: indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor., etc.) Capac#ty of parking area: *Location : so, v r ),A-R PE'lV r E 14V C, '13TW. Giro -Wo-1- pA kF Legal Description : Lot Block Addition LANES No DALE P41; 1,� Applicant's Name : 0 j? a N Home or Office Address: 10 o o \IV 1'►'1 0 N iA Nh AV IE Phone Number 14 LY F WBY THE APPLI¢ANT, 5a.,3-5 8 Signature (date) Address . Phone No.: E C�F V � 00 (rSEP 5 1958 crly Saint Paul, .Minnesota When comploted: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. B.S. corner of Fain St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. OFFICE OF; CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota - i Sept. 25,1958 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder ()r14�� Mr. Marshall F. Hurley' Corporation Counsel `Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached application of Oren R. Stewart f6r permit to install and operate an 11 -car private parking lot on Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 1, Lane's North Dale Park, on,the south side of Larpenteur Ave. between Dale and Grotto St., in connection with new 11 -unit apartment building on'that property, in accordance with appli- cant's plans approved Sept. 18, 1958. Ve (truly yo s, ty Clerk 1 MINNESOTA 931- 939 -930 .. ..................... ZONING, - CITY,'O�F 1713 CITY MALL AND COURT HOUSS 1. SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL 9. ;AINNi5OTA c September 24, 1958 Mr. Joseph Okoneski•, City Clerk ! Building , Dear Sir: a This is in the matter` of tbe` application of Oren R.Stewart for a permit to install and-operate a priva'to parking lot in connection with an eleven unit apartment building on property located, on the south side of Larpenteur Avenue between Dale and Grotto Streets.;' This - property is described as Lots,4, 5, 6, Block 1, Lane's North Dale Park. The property under "consideration is presently vacant, and has a frontage of 125 feet along-Larpenteur Avenue and extends southerly to a depth of 102 feet. Field'investigation''discloses that this site is in an area of mixed land uses, with a filling station and the Northern States Power substation to the east; a shopping center across Larpenteur Avenue to the north, and single family J"es to the west and south. The applicant proposes to develop this site with a 2A story structure having one and two bedroom apartment units. This,property was recently rezoned to "C" Resi- dence to Permit this proposed development. The location of the proposed building and parking area isi.shown on the attached plan. All yard and area requirements of the Zoning and Building code will be complied with, The proposed layout! and operation of the parking area has been approved by the Traffic Engineer. The applicant's plans meet existing standards for this type of facility. Field; - investigation discloses no basic objection from the stand- point of adjacent land uses or traffic. In consideration of;'these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that this per- mit to establish a private parking lot incident to this eleven unit apartment building at this location be granted, all in accordance with applicant's plans approved September128, 1958. - Sincerely yours, l w .E Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director HCW: FGI a. Encl. ° ;E .1� �( y City of Saint Paul, Minnesota RETITION TO AMEND ORDIANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE the signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition, For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. TO THE XONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 5/16/58 Ln r- o ` c/o the City Clerk �' °" p r' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owkerscof tt+roL thirds of the seveeral descriptions of real estate situated withinl00 f et of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners -6f 50r r more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorablg Boil to 5 e, rezone the following described property: (legal description and strAet .r address) o' Lots 16, 172 180 199 252 26; Blk. 5; Youngman and Lammts Addition' from a B Residential District to a C Residential District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Apartment Record Owner Signature Lot Blk,, Addition Mildred Opigkv John F. Borotz John F. Borotz .1"fa-ai 9 pa L Martin H. Reitz Martin H. Reitz p b Martin H. Reitz State of Minnesota) ss County of Ramsey) 1 901MV4 ,cult, �dtiNh4cA f Alden T. Ikeda being first duly sworn, deposed and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of five pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above. are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscr bed qnd swo before me this d ' ay of ,1958 'Page 5 of 5 pages, ota1� 4AWteukey, Minn. Approved as °to 'form 7/2/54 Nay Commission expires of the Corporation Counsel O.FFICE OF CITY CLERK BYREAU OF RECORDS 386, City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Sept. 25, 1958 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley;. Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 189406 The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition to rezone Lots 16, 17, 10, 19, 25 and 26, Block 5, Youngman and Lamm's Addition, in the block between Alton St. and Snelling Place extended south and between Stewart and Youngman Aves., from "B" Residence to "C" Residence District. Ve& truly yours i Cit Clerk wr+��s�wsaa SEP 2 3 1960 4PjW -40OU MINNESOTA 8.0-:> >tiA;tRD OF ZONING, -CITY OF SAINT PAUL : f.`•.i17F #'i1N.i18k :2 -2 2 -lfa 1016 QTY MALI AND COURT MOOft fA1NT PAUL >.MINNt /OTA ............................ ......................... ......................... .......... .......... .................. . September 22, 1958 -Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk. Building. ^_ � � ���� 'j Dear Sir: a This is in the matter of the peti ion of Alden T. Ikeda to rezone from "B" Residence to "C" Residence proper y located in the block between Alton Street and Snelling place extended sout and between Stewart and Youngman Avenues. The property.under consideration is described as Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 25 and 26; Block 5; Youngman and Addition. This property has been zoned "B" Residence since the adoption of the zoning ordinance in 1922. The property is "L" shaped, having a frontage of 160' along Stewart Avenue and 80' along Youngman Avenue. The total area of this site is 28;800 sq. ft. or .66 of an acre. The,owners of 20 out of 24, or 83.376 of the several descriptions within 1001' of the property sought to be re- classified have signed this petition. If this petition is granted, the applicant proposes to construct a two -story twenty unit apartment building and will provide satisfactory off- street parking. The proposed development will comply with all yard and area requirements of the zoning ordinance and building code. The adjacent land uses are as follows: north across Stewart Avenue is vacant land just .to the west of which are.the Sibley Manor Apartments; to the south across Youngman Avenue is vacant land which will be acquired for Reserve Boule- vard RAY; to the west is a vacant lot fronting on Stewart Avenue and a single family home fronting on Youngman Avenue, just west of this property is the land owned, Remington Rand which is zoned Light Industry; to the east is vacant land fronting on Youngman Avenue and a single family residence fronting on Stewart Avenue. Rock is near the surface of property in this area which makes the land very costly to develop with one and two family homes. Although the area to be rezoned i`s "not abutting the existing Light Industrial zoning, the Board of Zoning, because of the subsoil condition in this area and the existing land uses, feel that the highest and best use of this property is for apartment purposes. In addition, they note that this property would not be required in the development ;of Res.erve'Boulevard along the bluff. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that this petition be granted for this•apartment development. Sincerely yours HCS11:FTI PUBLISHED 9_13 -68? Encl. C�✓ � Herbert C. Nieland Planning Director Sibl oy Manor s 21x33 - %� � 2i4,�F,,� 4 2465 f .5 s Dl ff Line RPPMCANT: A. T. Ilkeda FILE IM. 3897 HOUSE NUMBE, RS 2.442 PURP'1SE To razons from "B" to "C" ro3 o �v DATE Juno 30, 1958 ,i PXTIT10.13 SIGNERS: ' � (20 of possible 24, 83 ,..,;,vi AREA liOuP CONSIDERATION: PREPARED B1 CITY PLA "TNIN3 BOARD. Skll,,Ff (PAUL P3Ti�iSO'i'Ai CITY O S I T PAUL DEPART NANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER Valuation Engineer MRS. DONALD e,' g'1,` Commissioner ELTOR A. DEHN Asst. Valuation Engineer JOHN W.; _ .`9E � b� N �mmissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 • W:Fr CApital 4.4612 May 27, 1958 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: I have examined the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 16, 17, 18, 195 25 and 26, Block 5, Youngman & Lammts Addition, from "All Residence district to "C" Residence district, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, t Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy Commissioner of Finance CH: se Attach. c.c. to Mr. Schroeder BE WED MAY 2'71058 CITY FLAX AN(; ; -qA 11) SainL l- au), iL,IbpLka2Fa CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier HARRY A. JOHNSON Chief Clark �j Norton -Kirby Realtyjpl ompany J. A. KIRBY, Jr., , /ricm -po wleri OF CITY +L.CV REAL ESTATE President ( [[(� MORTGAGE LOANS A. T. IKEDA, Park Building - 1595 Selby%enue PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Vice President Saint Paul 4, Minnesota INSURANCE 1958 MAY 23 AM 10 57 SAINT VAuj. MINNESOTA May . f %