189060r i 4 1 ' 1 • r, original to City Clerk `CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N CO W.W. RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONE i September 4, 1958 DATE i RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build Electric�Transformer Vault and duct line F `S ` under the •'sidewalk- one the South side of E. Fifth St., West of- -Sibley St., as shown on attached sketch. Permission has been granted by Nalpac, Inc. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland arzl e l Mortinson Peterson Rosen � Y/ Mr. President i on sM 6 -s6 t� 2 i t In Favor `J Against Council File No. 189060 —By Adrian P• Winkel— That the Northern States Resolved, iven permission 'Power Company be build Electric to excavate for an Transformer Vault the duct out side Of .E e sF ��wSt West of Sibley St., as on attached sketch. Permission `shy been granted .by Nalpac, Inc• j Adopted by the Council September 9, 1958. 1958• Approved September 9, (September 13, 1958) SEP 9 1958 Adopted by the Council 195 - SEP 9 1958 7 Approved 195- 1 Mayor Duplicate to Printer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE arp` 1 l %c" ;, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, illon sM a -as agBo,2 That the Northern States Pomw Ca Wmy be givem permission to excavate for and build Electric Transformer Vault and duct ling under the sidewalk au the South side of E+ Fifth St.* West of Sibley 8t.,# as shown on attached. sketch. Permission has been granted by Nalpac, Ian. In Favor Against Adopted by the Council SEP 9 195_ SEP 9 1958 Approved- 195— Mayor Ii1 �1 ti 090681 J � �1 Ci U o JI r y .4- L /- E! 4 S t i Y , t t Iq v; 0 ST