188804 (2)0;4j�L - 1nal to City Clerk T ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY-, ORDINANC9 NQ.,., � An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32502, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules_ and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an .emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THF, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is, hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in their respective grades the following positions: Ambulance Surgeon Radio Trechnician W Senior Radio Technician ® z Superintendent of Police Radio Division UI.. j 10 Secretary to Chief of .Police; U o and, by inserting .said positions, under the heading "Police" in the same \ a respective grades. Section 2. That said ordinance, as. amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of their present grades where they appear in Section 6, and inserting, in the next numerically higher grades, respectively, the following positions: All those in -- Gr��de 37 1. • Grade 38 under the headings Clerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. , Grade 39 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 40 under the headings Attendance and.Inspectional, Clerical, and ,exempt. Grade 41 under the headings. Attendance and Inspectional, and Clerical. Grade 42 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Professional and, Subprofessional. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council A or+1v u „� co c, Clerk - - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. c 2.- Grade. 43 under the heading Clerical. Grade 44 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 45 under the headings. Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and the positions: Filter Plant Operator Instrumentman Junior Librarian Grade 46 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Manual and Maintenance. Grade 47 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, Manual and Maintenance, and the positions: Assistant Planning Technician. Nurse Supervisor -- Schools. Nurse Supervisor - -T. B. Division Senior Architectural Draftsman Senior Engineering Draftsman Senior Mechanical Draftsman The position of Senior Radio Technician shall not be included. Grade 48 under the heading .Manual and Maintenance. Grade 49 under the headings Clerical, Manual and a Maintenance, and the positions: Assistant Public Works Technician (Construction) Assistant Public Works Technician (Plans) Senior Planning Technician Surveyor The position, of Secretary to the Chief of Police shall not be included. Grade 50 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Manual and Maintenance, and the position: Chief Nurse The positions Ambulance. Surgeon and Superintendent of Police Radio Division shall not be included. Yeas Councilmen Navy Passed by the Council j Orldinal to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ( �j PRESENTED BY `"" J ORDINANCE NO. »3_ Grade 51 under the heading Clerical. 'Grade 52 under the headings. Clerical, and Manual and Maintenance. Grade 54 under the heading Clerical, and the positions: Architectural Designer Engineering Inspector Grade 55 under the headings Clerical, and Exempt. Grade 56, under the heading Manual and Maintenance. Grade 57 Grade 58 under the headings Manual and Maintenance, and .Exempt. Grade 60 Grade 62 Grade 63 Grade 64 Grade 66-':, Grade 67 Grade 68 Grade 69 Grade 70 Grade. 72 Grade 73 Grade 74 Grade 75 Grade 77 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Orl 6&1 to City Clerk ORDINANCE 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -4:. Sectio% 3. That said ordinance., as. amended, be and the game is hereby further amended by inserting in Grade 69 under the heading "Professional and Subprofess'ional"-the line, 11* *Assistant to the CityArchitectll. Section, 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is. hereby further amended by inserting before the title "Assistant Manager- - Water .Department'" a double asterisk ( * *), and by in$erting-in Grade 68 under the heading "Professional and Subprofessionalll the title "Assistant c'Mager- -Water Department" F Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first payroll period following its passage, approval and publication. Approved: ' i Service,- mmis loner SEP 23 1958 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun > Orilrimal to City Clerk ORDINANCE 1.88804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1 An ordinance mending Ordinance No. 32501, entitled: "An admini trative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules an regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, s amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered, necessary for the p eservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE, COUNCIL OF THE ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordin ce No. 32501, approved August 20, 191, as amended, be and the same is ereb.y further amended by striking ou � where they appear in their respec ive grades the following positions: Ambulance urgeon Radio Tec ician Senior Radi Technician Superintend t of Police Radio Divis on Secretary to hief of Police; and, by inserting said positions unde the he respective grades. Section 2. That said ordinanc , as g a'P - " in same hereby further amended by striking out f their pr appear in Section 6, and inserting in the ext n e led, and the same is e nt grades where they rically higher grades, respectively the following positions: All those in -- , and Professional ce and Inspectional, 1 and Subprofessional. ce and Inspectional, l � and Inspectional, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by A Council Grade 37 Grade 38 under the headings Cler oand Subprofessional. �■■ U o Grade 39 under the headings Attenc ® Clerical, and Professic Grade 40 under the headings. Attenc and Clerical. Grade 41 under the headings Attenc i and Clerical. , and Professional ce and Inspectional, 1 and Subprofessional. ce and Inspectional, l � and Inspectional, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by A Council Orivintl to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -2- 1.88804 Grade 42 under the hea�gs Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, an Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 43 under the headink Clerical. Grade 44, under the heading s \Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Pr essional and Subprofessional. Grade 45 under the headings A tendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and the po itions: Filter Plant Op rator Instrumentman Junior Librarian Grade 46 under the headings Attend nce and Inspectional, Clerical, and Manual an Maintenance. Grade 47 under the headings Attendan a and Inspectional, Clerical, - Manual and Main enance, and the. positions: Assistant Planning Te hnician Nurse Supervisor - -Sc ools • Nurse Supervisor - -T. . Division Senior Architectural D ftsman Senior Engineering Dra sman Senior Mechanical Draf man The position of Senior Radio Technician shall not be included. Grade 48 under the heading'Manual and Maintenance. Grade 49 under the headings Clerical, Man al and Maintenance, and the positions: Assistant Public Works Te hnician (Construction) Assistant Public Works Te hnician (Plans) Senior Planning Technician Surveyor The position of Secretary to the C ief of Police shall not be included. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Oritizal. to City Clerk ORDINANCE 188804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Grade 50 under the h�adings Attendance and Inspectional, Manual an Maintenance, and the position: Chief \Nur s e The position�Ambulance Surgeon and Superintendent of Police Ra o Division shall not be included. - Grade 51 under the headin Clerical. Grade 52 under the headin Clerical,and Manual and Maintenance. Grade 54 under the heading Ctlerical,and the positions: Architectur4 Designer Engineering spector Grade 55 under the heading Cle ical. Grade 56 under the heading Man al and Maintenance. Grade 57 under the heading Cleri al. Grade 58 under the heading Manua and Maintenance. Grade 60 under the heading Professional and Subprofessimal. Grade 63 under the heading Profess onal and Subprofessional. Grade 64 under the heading Professi nal and Subprofessional. Grade 66 under the heading Professi al and Subprofessional. Grade 67 under the heading Professio al and Subprofessional. Grade 68 under the headings Attendan and Inspectional, and Professional and Subpr fessional. Grade 70 under the heading Profession and Subprofessional. Grade 74 Grade 75 under the heading Prof essionalVnd Subprofessional. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the OrlcMal to City Clark ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY /• 9/ ORDINANCE NO. u4s 1.88804 . Section 3. This or din \ce . hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary preservation of th e public peace, health and safety. ,Section 4. This ordinhall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the firoll period following its passage, approval and publication. Appr YPas rAiineilmen Nava Alf vil Service om Is loner Passed by the Council QuadmpU"te to Depattment ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. AA rrdiaossace emon"S "As a6aialatrati" CtVU dovviei xvxo * of 64 aAd ai &Vtiias rules and O app"Yod Avown ao. 19140 as rendered aacessary for t* ps fit'. TIM COON= Or TIM CITY wMeo srslatb to tha at SAW Pa410 "roving 1888()4 This lit an emergency ordlsaa+ce of the p Odic pwcw, ho4th aI►a d SAWT PAUL 00X$ OJOAM 5*04sn L mat Ordlimasco 9e. Z50jo appvo'I od AuVot 20. 1' 14, as anst4od, be, a' the "me is luereby t thor am#*Aed by .etriktag *at mouse they ai►poM► in their respective St. a t fcdiQii�rta;>ettiaasars Amoco ftqom R,adi+o+AChniaira Mmlotr 4440 T*gw ft"rinuadw a IP -. ee, Radio Divisic a secretary to Chief of elicat &a, toy ta.asartiad XMA positims VAdee the he& g la the oasxas respective *raies. $*ctlea 2. TUt *MA ot41wmce, cuc Adod, Us and the .aaa• is boreby further &=ended by otrik l eat of their sos"t dxsdeo ire *oyr appeor In 0401on ir, and Wertin,g in tk* 4ext a ricaUy higher Braden, reop"Ovely s the Soma s p"it enaa AU tk0" 1 - Grade 37 Grad* 38 emder the Uea d0 Cloair„ai, 04 pre(doel and1►prlaoil. Crado 39 under the kra+lts Att adance as ftspoctias►4,. clerIca.3, ali pswessiewa and pror aido . t t"a 40 * *do r tko s Atteadaoce .a nd spoeflor 1, #A4 Clerical, o 41 vade r the kekftgs Attea4ac}o aaad la ctfssal, aa� Cle�riw�►x. ✓0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council QuedropHeate to Department ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. toad"=* 444 bwpactfow, oslonat ostd �Sobpr t,��Iio>~a3. Grade 46 wader th* bsadlnar Air Oriole 47 ►r t o ist*d s rAtt clurlca7, ivi� U41 drat poaitiatr� - �T�iw ��1tldY1� S*xtor Ar- thlttat *1 MogiUMMa s satyr i�toov 8fttot Mo+ l;c Tko pooW a. sR Smier Toodmic a 1 Lio�ricl�►t. �i ids wdauc�e and laspocticusi, l�iau "i > refovoiio"I. ��►�+� and �t1��M�#%ir a#anc;�r aaoEC# �prpsctl�I. and �c►lnt�na�c�. d�rN► and �s1�►iarctia�i, '� *laic ,t3sl�.�ti1r1'�1► � )w iacl"dd. (;*ad& 46 "nd*v tom► jk""$ u�►� "l Ova" 49 i odor Ow ki&di Cx*Ae VFW ,A 05LOt"t pia 'Wo ar ft iadTod -soy" ka •p*10 o of 4 Ir'rrtsz�r owl la�ct"04 �attlbr#a�cti. �,eue T+rWsia(w 1VU00) ouncilmen Nave Passed by Yeas C 1888 04 cisriece stud T'r o Or*di► 43 ardor tiro h"d� G o Clerical. *zA Pftv Orads 46 Al- wider tho Uvitumuffs ciotiea4. iml ri* pia �stt� Junior Wforar toad"=* 444 bwpactfow, oslonat ostd �Sobpr t,��Iio>~a3. Grade 46 wader th* bsadlnar Air Oriole 47 ►r t o ist*d s rAtt clurlca7, ivi� U41 drat poaitiatr� - �T�iw ��1tldY1� S*xtor Ar- thlttat *1 MogiUMMa s satyr i�toov 8fttot Mo+ l;c Tko pooW a. sR Smier Toodmic a 1 Lio�ricl�►t. �i ids wdauc�e and laspocticusi, l�iau "i > refovoiio"I. ��►�+� and �t1��M�#%ir a#anc;�r aaoEC# �prpsctl�I. and �c►lnt�na�c�. d�rN► and �s1�►iarctia�i, '� *laic ,t3sl�.�ti1r1'�1► � )w iacl"dd. (;*ad& 46 "nd*v tom► jk""$ u�►� "l Ova" 49 i odor Ow ki&di Cx*Ae VFW ,A 05LOt"t pia 'Wo ar ft iadTod -soy" ka •p*10 o of 4 Ir'rrtsz�r owl la�ct"04 �attlbr#a�cti. �,eue T+rWsia(w 1VU00) ouncilmen Nave Passed by Yeas C 1888 04 Quakmplioate to Department ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. an" 00 tadst alto boa aad CAW 140. The Nasitloar A el' riotic• Rtt46 aim" oadar the leading Grade 62 an+0r *6 mod, "lat+cm. . Grath % oo"r kit r tatnOOTL Orligo 55 vader Uxt hoadio0 o rmw $6 WW*t the h.xdl s Ati ado a" t""et 1, *MA&C*v- "At *0 P"ithn: 1.88804 L"ce 8art«aa aad > rrinteadent slow I'll a6t " Wclsrd: cieiricals"4 k*l sad laspector 'gads 57 tze or tke hea4414d l Grade 58 Under the koa awt armis 60 "dor the beadifs# orada 43 r Ike k"dinx or&" i4 M" t the koaaing v tlrwk ii r tho ko"Ixg pr it 47 oar ti►,i R�►adia� . Grp 6&, WaAOT 6 %%iagr A Arad, 7d -=4*r the ho&Awx pr Crsado 74 ar*4 75 w4er the heo+dJuS pr, Yeas Councilmen Nays eiho p4wituWat aael MA'Stassisco. Jaical. w aad 36"Wexasco. eeribabi &1d ra esviwwwL eesion 7, and xd'osslara. 00910 "1 and d ra�r�eio . Nsiim al and l sirl , 18140W and IOApW**ttiqai. a&xce and juspoct'iewZ. 00ptaftisio si. 154i"Mal Mead S**r4t6$r#0asL and d r+fIII elect". Passed %v the Council QnaarapUcate to Department ORDINANCE 188804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. .4. mattes 3. TMe or4isanco is hers doeW*A to b a& emorgoacy o riiuoar'o readorat a0cog"rr tpr. the Prose vi►tiow of dw tic p"Col hwatlL and safety. ct a 4. Vda ordinance shall t&oct and � it force from "A after the first "y of 00 first p aysoli fair ' od lsuow� its 104 9 &W9V*l "d y�xcotlea. . Yeas Councilmen A e"& service, commalsalftear Nays Passed by the Council TriDUute to the ComDtroUer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An oirdivance amending Ordinance No.1 32501,. oAtitisdi IiAtt administrative ordinance rsing to the Civil Service bureau of the City of Saiat J)Iule approving and adopting rules and regetlations. t'hsrafo4 it 188804 approved At>guit 20, 1914, as amended. This s an emergency ord.Asnce rendoreed necessary for the prokOrvation of the ablic p"Coo health and safety. THE 00UNCIL 01F ' THZ CITY OF MMTJPAUL DOE$ 0"AIN: Section I. Tat ordi"Aco )Ko, 3250i,l approvod Au iust 20, 1914o as amendod, be ind the same it hereby where they appear in their respective grtides A m. balance I$tirgsoa Radio Technician S, tor Radio Tochotci Superintandeat of Poli 8ecret4ry to Chief of 3 and, by inserting said positions qAdsr the respective grAde3s, Section -t. That MAW ordbiance, as hereby furthe t! emeaded by striking out of theit appear in -Section 6, and iaeeertIng in the next respectively, the 1011 WWS poeitionss All those tirade 37 d �y striking out fol'.iowing positions: Radio Division «poli,ciell is the same be and the same is sent grades where lboy highor grades, Grade 30 'under the h"Oings Clerical.. OM. proiessionsl and Subpsofsssimai.. Crade 39 under the headings Attendance Inspectional., Clerical, and professiortal an professiozu Quad* 40 under the headings Attonftnco an inspectional. and Clerical. tlrkde 41 under the headings Attendance an d `pectionsl. and ClsiricaL Yeas Councilmen Nava Passed by the Council Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Grade 42 under the headings Attu &uc Clsxical, and ProfessioW tirade 43 under the heading Clerical. or*de 44 under the headwga Atten Clerical, and Profoosioa Grade 45 under. Ote headWgs Atten c Cleticalt and the pomitt ip V'titex Pl nt tlper tbl lristruanentman , Junior Librarian Orade 46 under the hea.dingu Att. Clerical+ and Woual Qtade 47 under t%s headings ,A,ttd Cletiral; Mat nual and posttions. ,Karsic`,:,,f PIA= Nurse ilupbrviso Nurse Supervia Santor Architoc $enidr Zagin+ac Senior Mecbani The position, Of not be Jftluded. Otado 4$ under the he*ding Grade 49 under the headiags Clei Matatenanes# and the Aesistaut Assistant. ><Ssnidr x?� SurVey'or The pa.sitton of 56cre shall not he -included. and inrpectional, ad fsbprofession4l. s and YnspedOonal. and Subprofoostmal. And,144pocticonalt co and inspectional. �+iQti�cs. and inspectional, mance, and the Techntclan --T. B.,. ral Draftsman ,g Draftsman, 1 Draftsman To hnfclan shall anti M inteooncs. uvAuei. tend 188804 Work* Tschutcirh (Construction) 'Works Technician (Plaus) Ceohnieift to the chief' of 0olic6 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE 1-88804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Grade 60 under the headings Attoadmceland InspoctJoWo U84"I and Ualatenance. an.4 the positica; Chief Xurse The positions Am'6ulanco rgson and $uportuten4ent of Police Radio Division not b 0 Grade 51 under the headtbg WoriW. Orade, 52 tender the b"dLogo Clerical. d )Aanutl and Uaintononcoo Grado 64 under the heading clerical d, the poottioxill; Arthitocturta pes ot Engineering 1"ps tor Grade .65 under the heading Cleric Grade 56 under the heading Uan and.Wintonamoo. Grade 67 under the heading Cleric 1. Grade 38 under the heading Mon and Wint6no4ce. Grade 60 under the heading Profs siomAj and ftbprotessimal. Grade 6� under the heading Prof@ sibdal and SubpWossionsl. Grade 64 under the heading Prot, SIM41 and Subprofessimal. Grade 66 tgn4sr the heading prof sional and Subprofession*l. Ovj.►6 67 tzndsr the heading Prof sional and &*Vrefossioual. Grad* 64 under the headings Att dandeaAd Inspectiaml, and Profs**! and hpxC411siqual. Grade 70 under the heading, Prote Sional and $Ubpr Grade 74 Grade 75 under the heading Profs, *JoAU and Subp4oaeg $ion&,. Yeas Councilmen Nava PqI .qqpd by the Vnunei TriDllcate to the ComDt"Her ORDINANCE 188804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -4- Socticz 3. This ordintme* is het eby declar to be &a emergency ordinance randored aocew"ry for the -prowelrvatiaaa tho pobiio peat*, health ."d raistyY. $arectift 4. This ©rdinan ea *W1 take offec �aad be In force tram tuad utter the Arpt day of the fir6t ,p*yra1l period f wig itrr pssrsses approval and paWcation. App>t ovad; Commierioner Yeas Councilmen Nava Passed by the Council &' Ae 56 under the headitag' I nual and *Iatenanee: ; ,, . made 57' under :the heading. Clerical: . . Grade 58 t t�x#dez' £Yae heading hAnual and Mace. , ' .' •r ' ,Evade 60 under the heading i'rofeasiona3: `:ldb' rafeBSional. 5, Gxade 63 under `the heading ProPessional•.'rafeasional• = ,., . • (}rade 64 unse• theeeiiir�� ,P�'bi"ees.o8�1:.pxoi`etstonal: ''Gxade 66 under the heading P pfessional• piare6sior . C}r de. 67 tinder hee83pB;'ProPessional iprae,ssianal..' COPY ORb „ COUDIC]I► FILE g0.1888fJ , en i ed pn rdinance: eg 325 pd tiAn a;Enistrative•ordinance relating to the Civil Sep ^vice BureaW'of:,';.tbe ,City. of; Saint' Pauli approving T - and adopting rulep e�id;;z'egul- ations therefor)" . ed, This'is an eme gency ordinance approved August W f' 191;x+,. aa.,;'ameiad y ''"2ieai and rendered neceasa_ ors .the�pr_eservati�oi?;:oY� "tha? public peace', •yam amit THEjdOV iC47,,bF; .. • -' �. Y =,. .,:��,�.� t-.:� t�Oxinance- P1o. 325' s aPP oved 'August 20, l 14, gebtion, 1.�, .�,.., as amended be, and the same gZhereb �: t ther::ame a �by striking out Where they .appear in' their_ aspen lve, grades' -the ; fo 'owing positions i �AlbtilRLtCeW � g ... �s .. Ix tj '+ecYiniciana;�3, senior Ra - ,-. .gyPernhendent•�of`�Po3:ce; u'�DiYision t _ nkearet�rY�to..Ghief of Poli e; ' and, by igeeriu& sac3',post,9?A= de- the�.headin' .'�EoTYce`:,.in. the. same respective grades.: = - -; � ,fin ... , r.1 t.:hr,�...w.►� M• •n ►�r �� , the pan ..,, be ana Section. 2.�A Tit said, ordinance;as' am , e SIG further amended' by striking; out;;of,�;�their;�p. sent'grsli8s �rhere they hereby _ • 'appear in.8ection 66 and inst3M4n,,9'�►•the' nett to rical.ly- higher gr Pa B . IV GraU 1- -7 "�T �L,W, a and J!•+wjrc"' iiu.Wmif ° ... aF 51, • CURCI " and -tbe I coaltioria s _ f • Alter Plax►�,�c,Tpex�tor s• a '. ` ov . - . • , , - .r • ,�_ �• ••� a y8� i 1� 1 eo'�.�02�. .. ^, '. hider. the � • Clericgi,, - &nd 2dahuall mad' 2�► r3fe c '.. ` y ' .. :., Crade 7.' uridyer :fie tiadingei -•Attend ed and .anspeot ona]° j.. clilriwal Manusl, ems ' and.'the 4:. . .. . /., ..., A' • -•positions t a ' i ..c; ' - • , ' • Assistant P log- OeAa �Yi •• •, - _ Nurse der iaox,► =8c Ourse , supervisor -=T, - Senior'.A hittatuy * • _ .; • _ , Senior. , EngSitieerini -Draf Senior. MOOD - ' ' Sezilor RRd y1'/1� `( �4 34i`.}$ „(f�•Ot1 Oil O _ - _ Grade .4$ �nd®r t- be 'hagAim, Mm�nwe ma ma, onsm-ei, . ,. _T ; Oro" ,�9 under tine headings Cleriasl ., usI sibd i�Y1 �'i43]�k1CF;� .do• the poilti . _ J r • - A$B�.'stmt .Pu$i4c.' �lor Ttchn CfB►rW' 'GonstrwOoni ; " . 1ffi3188At.'t�bL WOZ' TeCbhiCiY1,� Ilidr PlBiS1Td C 8.TT3 ; ... po$ition ..fit swi*txzy .to, CbieS''Qf Police - _ - :.pIs,11 not be. gilded lk axle. 4`.lincibi the 'headiAst AtteendrMe, Iiupea"tiopaj, . • .wind Me�inter cay aiA t pAsit4ozi - Cbief Nurser. .. , E ,• Ampulatioe`ti *ge Bti�pezizterideA. t `'`''.at Police. Radio` bi elioa ;$Y�7:' 'pt be iTlucied�• trade `3 Qr' -thQ hesding.li�.41'�.Cal. i . ' (;r9de'' S2 ; lender "the ' b+ee�i nos Gler3csly 'a�ad ua]. axrc� ` _ 'izader,,- itie ' he4d'i C�.erics�7i,� ih4 t oit3 ori�c._l: s - -:z:= �` tlL �:tl�L -fib V I • -. kaglueet" Uspeatdr -' (}rade '55 iatder 'the heading- bli 0 R D I N A, N C E.' �7 ...' r' �r �` '.�: i ;j, r. ,,� *• ` :y! ' , ! ♦ +. 1 e COtt��TT//•� Y n F•ry !�.rI XO48 W4 {-s _ o,nee amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled .. ) i administrative ordinance .relating to the Bureau of •the City of Saint 'Pault ap viiig ` Civil Servic es:and regulations'ther adopting efor, , . and = - approve August �'► 914, as amended. • � This is an emerg cy dialnanrice � Pp fo_the preservation of the' public p ce; health and rendered necessa�� `•j..'� safety. �; -_ ; , .. .. .. , OF THp CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES-' ORDAIN ' .:� ,,• THE CO ,_- , , � r , • - • • , - `r That Ordinance No 3R54) ` approv d. August 20, f 191, ectio they same is .hereby Puf'ther amended y - striking out as amended, be a . ' . in their respective grades' the foll wing- positions s~ . y#E re they; appe-4r F V^ T ' `/ k• Ambulance Surgeon _ Radio Technician . • k . '•,` Senior Radio'.Technician - ' Superintendent ,of .Police o. Division I Nr'- Secretary. to Chief of Police %a� . said positions under the ;� \ bjr, - inserti�, - beading " ol3ce "° in the game,'- . . ' respective e��;� .. - - - ,- - - "� . ' i•' f � � - - • That said ordinance' as amend . ' _ . Section 2 , nd be.and the e-. is ��d by striki out of their � re � ; ' 1 • . hereby - further amendd ng p_ lit grades, where' they appear in;Section 6 ltd inserting in,the next -numer tally - higher grades, ' • reaps lively, the to, positionst All'those in - Grade 37 . ?! ..Grade 8 under the headings 'Clerical, and f- ofess - - 3 tonal and professional. } / yGradd.. 3 , uhder .the h' dings• Attendance and Z...s ect - _ g � ,. p tonal; , w - ..Clerical, a ProfeBSional and Su . rofessional - ' . . .. n s � A to .... , � - •� , ,. Grade, 40 under the head B t ndance'and Inspections];; T r a_nd Clerical: Grade. 4l under the' "heading Attendance -and. Inspectional., . + and Clerical. '.�• ; ` Grades42 under the heidin s "Attendance and- In'spectio - ' B n le s '.Clerical and Professional and Subprofessional: • is w `.. .,t^ J '4 ' • ! ' _ n • ^�. Grade' 43 under the .heading Cle�'ical. P 1: tirade; 44 i nder•;ihe "headi s '� ndance`and`'Tns ec' rig At p tiona1 : Clerical;, and Professo °ancl Subprofessional. •fin _ ° . �� � ~ - y , t Grade • 6 der the headirig'Mg *I And.,WIzteniwe� _ - ,arad,e.' 'tamer 7. Abe held# ClelresZ. `axade '8 er t1tia. heidi ig ixius�l, grid I tebcsnce; *or Grade 60: �;m�ber the hemming profe S 1oi�a1 '. d tibpx�c>Se Grade the heading i'rQ!`+sibna],' siad;'Stt?prage$83Oh .i ,under - `heeding. Grdd® 64• under; the pf'ofe rof sloiftlt, - '( ` ' -f r&w 66 vurider the F adirfg c�fessio aait Subpxq p ade- 6T Vmdqi'tba hdw irig Profi s i. and; $ubpibfesie 43�a1+ - " { Grade.68► htat'.�tr�ge AttetrC ,a�ad ?aape4ti01 j _ 1 stowa �.- - fwd .'BubB es83oneil: ^ ;. e`'�6 'iinde'r the h,eadiing_Prafeeei© Ozd Oft SIOM1 'Grade;75 IP r.t4e h"&bg Vwfoii and. ubprca aea csi t7:' ,. ecticz 3: • Thfs . ord nnr�aer "hereby dec 'ed , to• be; 04 ewa=. Y i oraiiwme rendere& mc$s4ary •1LI er the jgeservAt M of the ,peace; • _ - health. grid ` wii?�'�`j�. " • ' ' � - ' . _ ... , .: .. . _ . � . , ect3.ori _: ...'Vie_ ordlrabxi a Ohm. d �ef eat and,' be' iri i'orae fro® ' . ixA after, the: fiiit .day qg the, �fi�it} Mrol • perjod' :fo1.hc7vitsg -its ►aage� , - - approyal arid' pub*. Sticu�. .;; • ' r - RRD R�AD7NQ. �' APPROVI ,oP' -FOi = Atilg; 27;: 19g ' � ,, -.. - :iii „ ?� I Fes. .�,�1 "+�.'- '. "t''nf, C '��' .'�ti.- p�L�;:'' •l "` ••�, 1� . ,•+' •3 •' ,i.. v , I i -vl -..'.n ! '' I 4.{ Jt �.. i. 't, �'_+ ���r ,7 , • V i. _� ' /•_+��Y� ,, .. ,T��,,s t� �.' :.Si,. .J , y i_ .6,•'f. yi•' 0.ti4rf�. ` _ - .. '• , OFFICE OF CSI T Y CLERK JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN I Council Recorder 386 City -ball and Court , House St. Paul 2, Minnesota August 29, 1958 Hon. Joseph J. Mitchell Civil Service Commissioner Dear Sir: The City Council referred back to you for study and your approval, if you *ish, the attached Ordinance, Council File #188804. Very your Cit lerk P. S. The ordinance has had two readings and is laid over from day to day for Third Reading and Approval of Form. MINNESOTA a<:> i �f. Laid over to 3rd and app Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President Dillon 188804. 2nd 6 i �j as Nays \ eCourcy I Holland �E�914X� : '�Nll -rtinson \eterson - �nkel �% r. President Dillo�f