09-302CounCil File # Green Sheet# RESOLUTION PAUt, MIhNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date l3 � WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services applied for and received the FY 2008 Assistance to z Firefighters Grant to purchase turnout gear, vehicle extrication training, and fire hose, and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is required to pay a 20% matching fund contribution of $71,310.0�, and � WHEREAS, upon receipt of this grant the City is obligated to appropriate the grant amount of $285,240.00, and s NOW THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the FY 2008 Assistance to Firefighters �o Grant; a copy of said application is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services. 11 12 13 14 15 16 �7 18 19 zo z� zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adoption Certifred by Council Secretary: BY CI!! �,%�S� Approved Mayor: Date v � : By: ' Requesied by Department of: Fire & Safet Services BY� ✓ r ; d� ` Approval &e ommended by Office o Fnanci t ervices: l By: Approved by Ci ney: BY: /� � J! Approv y M y r for Su i sio o Council: By: :�d� 3066162 Adopted by Council: Date �f ���d9 /��:3d� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �, DepartmenUdffice(COUncil: �, Date lnitiated: � j FR - F1fe ! 20.JAN-09 ; Green Sheet NO: 3066162 ' Contact Person 8 Phone: i Fire Chiet Tim Buller 222-0477 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DocumeM Required: Y Dacument Contact: ���� �Casse ConWct Phorte: 228-fi257 iy � ° i Ass+gn i Z i Num6er 3 � For � Routing � 4 ; Order ! 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations fpr Signature) �; ��'`�3v�� 1A� 2 1 20�9 � —�.— Approval of the attached Council Resolurion authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to accept the FY 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civii Service Commissio� Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a conVact for this depariment? Yes No 2. Has ihis personffirm ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not nomially possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Vliho, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Fire and Safery Services has applied for and received a FY2008 Assistance to Firefighter Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to purchase various equipment and provide training. A requirement oP this grant includes a 20% match by the City of Saint Paul. Advantages If Approved: The Department of Fire and Safety Services will be able to promote firefighter safety through the purchase of fire hose, tumout gear, and Craining for vehicle extrication. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Lost opportunity to purchase equipment and provide training for the firefighters. Total Amount of $356,550.00 Transattion: FundingSOUrce: Grant Financial Information: Federal Sttare $285,240.00 (explain} City Share $ 71,31Q.OQ Total $356,550.00 CosVRevenue 8udgeted: Activity Number: January 20, 2009 10:18 AM Page 1 �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page I of 2< ' Entire Application �jy�� lverview Did you attend one of the workshops conducted hy pHS's regional fire program specialist? Yes, I have attended workshop `Are you a member, or are you currently involved in the management, of the fire department or non- affitiated EMS organization applying for this grent with this application? Yes, I am a member/o�cer of this applicant F you are a grant writer or otherwise not affiliated with this applicant, please complete the information below. f you are a member/o�cer of this applicant, please do not complete the information requested below. After you are finished press he Save and Continue button below. Preparer Information ^ PreparePs Name • Address 1 Address 2 ' City ° State • Zip tps://portai. fema.gov/firegrandj sp/fire2008/application/print_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... I/21I200� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 :ontact Information ` Title Prefix � First Name Middle Initial a Last Name • Business Phone -Home Phone Mobile Phone/Pager Fax *Email * Title Prefix � First Name Middle Initial `Last Name T Susiness Phone 'Home Phone Mobile Phone/Pager Fax °Email Alternate Contact information Number 1 Fire Chief Mr. Tim Butler 651-224-7811 Ext. 651-775-6752 Ext. tim.butl er@ci. stpau f. mn . us Alternate Contact 4nformation NUmber 2 Assistant Chief Mr. Mike Hogan 651-224-7511 Ext. 651-755-8015 Ext. mike. hogan@ci.stpaul.mn. us Page 2 of 2< �f-n3Ja_ - !tps:(lportal.fema.govlfiregrantlj splfire2008Japplication/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_numbei=EM W-20... 1 /211200� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 lppficant Information :MW-2008-FO-08349 )riginally submitted on 04/03/2008 by Ken Gilliam (Userid: spdfss) :ontact Infortnation: \ddress: 100 East 11th Street :ity: Saint Paul itate: Minnesota 'ip: 551 Q1 )ay Phone:6512247811 _vening Phone: 6512707811 �ell Phone: 7157901176 :mail: ken.gilliam@ci.stpaul.mn.us \pplication number is EMW-2008-FO-08349 • Organization Name ° Type of Applicant Page 3 of 2� �%�a _ Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services Fire DepartmenUFire District � Type of Juris�+iction Served If other, p{ease enter the type ot Jurisdiction k Emp(oyer Number n DUNS Number Headquarters or Main Station Physical Address ^ Physical Address 1 _..,,�_� _ Physicaf Address 2 ' City ° State Zip Mailing Address ' Ma;ling Address 1 Ma�Iing Rddress 2 ' City ' State Zip Account lnformation �Type of bank account ' 3ank routing n�m6er - 9 digt number on the bottom 4eft (�and corner of your check °Yousaccountnumber Additional I nformation ' For thSs fisca! year (Federai) is your organization rece€ving Fede-al funding from any other grant program thaY may dupl�cate the purpose andlar scope of this grant request� " Ef awarded the AFG grant, wili your oraanszation expend mase Fhan �50Q,OQ0 sn Federal funds durmg your organizaf+on's `iscai year in which this AFG gsant was av�rarded? City 41-6005521 153857347 100 East 11th Street Saint Paul Minnesota 55101 - 2227 Need help for ZIP±4? 100 East 11th Street Saint Paul Minnesota 55101-2227 Need heip for ZIP+4? Checking 091000022 180111054532 No Yes ttps:f/portal.fema.govifiregrantljsp/fire2008/applicationiprint_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 11211200� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 � Is the applicant delinguent o� any Fed_eral debt? No If you answered yes to any ot the additional questions above. pYease provide an explanation in the space provided below: If awarded this AFG, the federal portion will be in excess of $500,000. Page 4 of 2� d�i ��� tps://portaLfema.gov/faregranUjsp/fire2008/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_number—EM W-20... 1 /21 /200! �pplicataonNumber: EMW-2008-FO-08349 )epartment Characteristics (Part I) Page 5 of 2� - d�.�d_� • Are you a mem6er of a Federa4 Fire Department or contracted by the Federal govemment and solely responsible No for suppression of fires on Fede�ai property? ' What kind of organization do you represent? All Paid/Career If you answered combinaEion, above, what'ss the percentage of o � o career members in your organization7 If you answered volunteer or combination or paid on-cail, how ma�y of your volunteer Firefghters are paid members from another career department? � What type ofi community does your organization serve? Urban = What is the square m;4eage of your f+rst-due response area? 57 � What percentage of your response area is protecfed by �00 °fo hydrants? � 4n what county/parish is your organization physicaNy 4ocated? {f you have more than one station, in what countylparish is your Ramsey County main station focated? • Does your organization protect critica! infrastructure of the Yes state? • How much of your }urisdiction's land use is for agriculture, wild ry o � o land, open space, or undeveloped properties? � What percentage of your jurisdiction's land use is for commercial, industtial, or institutional purposes? ° WMat percensage of your jurisdiction's land tis used Eor residenfs�l puraoses? 2� % 79 % � iiava mary occupied structures (commercial, industriaf, tesidential, or institutianal) �n yaur }urisdiction are more [han 389 four stories tai{� • Wha! is the permanent resident population af your 2g7151 Primarv/First Res�onse Area or iurisdiction served� � How many active firefighters does your depariment nave wno 410 perform firefighting duties? • Now many statiens are in your organization? � ° Do you currently report to the Nat:onai Flre Incident Reporting �.es System (NFiRS}? If yau answer2d yes above, p4ease enter your FDtNlFDID 62210 ' What services does your organization provide? Structural Fire Suppression Medical First Response �Idland Fire Suppression Basic Life Support Airport Rescue Firefighting (ARFF} Advanced Life Support Formaf/Year-Round Fire Prevention Program Hazmat Operational Leve4 Hazmat Technical Level Rescue Operationaf Levef Rescue Technical Level ttps:lfportal.fema.govlfiregranUjspJfire2008lapplicationlprint app.ysp?print=true&app_numbe�EMW-20... 1/211200' �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 )epartment Characteristics (Part if) 2007 � What is the toiaf number of f�re-related civilian fatalities in yourjurisdiction over the iast three years? • What is the total numBer of fire-related civi(ian injuries in your jurisdiction over the last three years? ' What is the totai number of line of duty member fatalities in your jurisdiction over the last three years? • What is the totai number of line of duty meml�er lnjur(es in your jurisdiction over the last three years? ^ Over the last three years, what was your organization's average operating budget? � What percentage of your TOTAL budget is dedicated to personnel costs {salary overtime and fringe benefits)? • What percentage of your annual operating budget is derived from: Enter �umbers only, percentages must sum up to 100% Taxes? 6rants? Donat�ons? Fund drives? Fee for Sennce� Gther? 3 36 0 93 43785208 90 °lo 72 % 0 % 0 ° lo 0 % 28 °lo 0 % Page 6 of 2� �� _�� - 2006 2005 3 3 40 28 0 0 277 239 IP you entered a value into OYher f+eld (other than 0}, p(ease explain � How many vehicles does your organization have in each af the types or class of veh�cle Iisted befow? You must include vehides thaf are leased er on !ong-ferm loan as weil as any vehicles that have been ordered or othenvise currenf(y under contract for purchase or lease by your arganization but not yet in your possession. En#er numbers only and enter 0 if you co not have any of the vehicles be(ow, Type or Class of Vehicle Engines (or Fumpers). Pumper. Pwr.perl7anker. ftescuelPumpzr, Foam PunDer, CRFS Pumper, Quint (Aeriai device of (ess ihan 76 feet), Type I, Type II Type III engine Tankers: Tanker Tender, Foam Tanker,rfendet (greater tnao 1,250 gallon tank capacdy) Total Number 21 0 Aer�al Apparatus Aenal Gadder Trock, Teiescoping..Art�culat!ng Ladder Towers. Platform, Ttller Ladder Truck. 9 Qumt (Aeriai device o` 76 feet er greater) BrushlQuick attack Brush Truck, Patroi Unit (°ick up wf Skid Uaii), Quick Attack Ur.it Mini-Pumper, Type 1V, Typs V, 0 TyRe Vi Ena:ne Rescue Vehic4es: '�escue Squad, Rescue {�ight, Medium, Heavyl, TechnECal Rescue Vehicle, Hazaraous Mater�als 6 Jnit �f�72s: -hAS Cnase Vehic4e. AirlLgn; Un�t, P,ehab Units S�mb llnit, Tecfin�cal Support (Cemmand, � 9 �perahona! SupoortlSupply), Hosz Ter.der, Salvage Truck, ARFF (Aircraft Rescue Firefi�ghtmg). ;ommard;h9obife Communications VehiGe, Fire Boats (more than 13 feet long), Othe� VehGCIe Total Number of Riding Positions 102 0 38 0 38 70 tps:1lportaLfema.govlfiregrant{j splfire2008fapplicationiprint_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EM W-20... 1 f21/200'. �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 )epartment Cali Volume 20Q7 2006 ` How m8ny �esponSes pBf ye8r by Category? (Enter whoie numbers oNy. If you have no c211s for any of the categones, enter 0) Working Structural Fires 681 716 7o8 False AiarmslGood intent Calls 2098 2010 3381 Vehicle Fires 258 217 242 Vegetation Fires 133 88 96 EMS-BLS Response Calls 0 0 o EMS-ALS Response Calls 26831 27457 28159 EMS-BLS Scheduled Transports 0 0 0 EMS-ALS Scheduled Transports 0 0 0 Vehicle Accidents w/o Extrication 0 0 0 Vehicle E�rications 270 137 168 Other Rescue 6031 5670 6777 Hazardous Condition/Materials Calls 835 731 818 Service Calls 3067 2869 1507 Other Calls and Incide�ts 264 330 313 Total 40468 40225 42169 2005 What is the total acreage of aii 0 0 0 vegetation fires? � Please indicate the number of #imes your departmeat provides or receives mufuai aid, Do not include first-due responses claimed above. in a particular year, how many times does your organization receive 1 2 1 mutual/automatic aid? In a particular year, how many times does your organization provide 3 8 4 mutualfautomatic aid? Page 7 of 2� l�f��a- - ttps:fiportal.fema.govlfiregrant/jsplfire2008/application{print_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... ll211200� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 8 of 2< tequest Information �� �d = 1. Select a program fior which you are applying. lf you are interested in appiyi�g under both Vehicie Acquisition and Operations and Safety. andlor regionai app)icatian you will need to submit separate applications. j14 you modify yovr se!ection, yoo wiil lose data entered under the ongmaf activity ) Program Name Operations and Safety ' 2. Wiil this grant benefi more than one organization? Yes If you answered Yes to Question 2 above, please expfain. The equipment requested by this grant will be available through our mutual aid network. It will also support our commitments to the State of Minnesota's Structural Collapse team and our Hazmat Emergency Respose team which covers the entire state. All PPE, training, and equipment requested will better protect us as we respond to these mutual aid requests. Full benefits will be outlined in the project narative. ^ 3. Enter Grant-writing fee associated with the preparation of this request Enter 0 if there is no fee. $0 Request Details - he act�vities for program ;3ga�rafirsr�s acre# �afe4y are listed in the table below. Activity Equipment Modify Faalities Personal Protective Equipment Training Weilness and Fitness Programs Number of Entries 2 0 2 1 0 Grant-writing fee associated with the preparation of this request. Equipment 1'. Are all of your active firefighters trained to NFPA 1001 or eqwvalent (Firefighter f/Firefighter II, or essentials)? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources (if not, please address this training issue in your narrative)? 2'. What equipment will you purchase with this grant? Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, piease specify. 3`. Number of units Equipment Details 4`. Cost per unit i'. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program is: Totai Cost Additionai �unding $ 203,400 $0 $ 93,150 $ 60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Yes Hose-large Diameter (LDH 4 inches or larger) 100' section of 5" large diameter hose. 280 (whote number only) $ 700 (whole doilar amounts only) �he equipment will replace old, obsolete, or substandard equipment currently owned by your organization 3ps:lJportal.fema.gov/firegranVjspifire2008iapplicationlprint_app.jsp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... U211200� �pp]icationNumber: EMW-2008-FO-08349 If you selected "replacing equipmenY' (from Q5) above, please specify the age of equipment in years. 6`. Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Page 9 of 2� Over 5 Years �� �� Will bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Equipment meets Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade equipmenf will 6ring the organization into statutory compliance in the space Standards related to water supply and the provided to the right. "General Duty" clause. Additionally, it will meet MN State Statute 182.653 regarding safe work places and known hazards. 7'. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. 8*. Will the item requested benefit other organizations or otherwise be available Yes for use by other organizations? If you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: 9*. Will this equipment be used for wildland firefighting purposes? 10`. Is your department trained in the proper use of the equipment being purchased with grant funds? If not, wi{{ you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? Equipment Equipment Qetaiis 1'. Are all of your active firefighters trained to NFPA 1001 or equivalent (Firefighter I/Firefighter fl, or essentials)? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application or wilf you obtain the appropriate training through other sources (if not, please address this training issue in your narrative)? 2*. What equipment wilf you purchase with this grant? Please provide further description ot the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. 3'. Number of units 4". Cost per unit 5'. Ge�erally the equipment purchased under this grant program is: This equipment will standardize our compliment of LDH and meet sta�dards set by most of our surrounding departments. We will substantially increase our water flow capabiliiies for mutuaf a+d planning purposes and significantly decrease safety hazards as outlined in the project narative. No Yes Yes Adapters, Wyes & Siamese Adaptor: 5" steamer connection to 5" Storz connection. 40 (wholenumberonly) $ 185 (whole dollar amounts only) The equipment will replace old, obso{ete, or substandard equipment currently owned by your organization If you selected "replacing equipment" (from Q5) above, pfease specify the age Over 5 Years of equipment in years. 6". Generally the equipment purchased under this grant program: Wi{{ bring the organization into statutory compliance. Please explain how this Will meet Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade equipment will bring the organization into statutory compliance in the space Standards regarding water supply and the provided to the right "General Duty" clause. These connections are necessary due to the LDH also requested by this grant. tittps:f(portal.fema.govlfiregranUj splfire2008/applicataonfprint_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 1l21 f200! �pplicationNumber: EMW-2008-FO-08349 7'. Does this equipment provide a health and safety benefit to the members of Yes your organization? If yes, please fully explain in the narrative section. 8'. Will the item requested 6enefit other organizations or otherwise be available Yes for use by other organizations? lf you answered Yes in the question above, please explain: 9`. WiII this equipment be used for wildland firefighting purposes? 10"'. Is your department trained in the proper use of the equipment being purchased with grantfunds? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application or wi{f you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? Personal Protective Equipment Page 10 of 2� �� �� Alfows for compatibility with our mutual aid network. No Yes Personal Protective Equipment Qetails 1`. Are all of your active firefighters trained to NFPA 1001 or equivalent Yes (Firefighter VFirefighter II, or essentials)? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application orwill you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? 2'. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. 3F. Number of units 4°. Cost per unit Coats NFPA 2007 compliant structural firefighting coat. 54 (Whole numbers only) $975 (Wholedollaramountsonly) 5 `. 27% . For turnout requests, what percentage of your on-duty active members has PPE that meets current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards in effect at the time of appfication? . If you are requesting new SCBA, what percentage of your seated riding positions has complaint SCBA assigned to it? • If you are asking for specialized PPE (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members have this specialized PPE that meets the established standards? 6 ". . For turnout requests, what percentage of your on-duty active members will have PPE that meets current appiicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? • If you are requesting new SCBA, what percentage of your seated riding positions will have complaint SCBA assigned to it if this grant is awarded? . If you are asking for specialized PPE (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members will have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? 7'. What is the purpose of this request? 100% to replace old/obsolete equipment If you have indicated you are requesting PPE (any PPE other than SCBA) in � n!a the Question above, what are the specific ages of your equipment in years? Ifi requesting SCBA, click on "n!a", do not provide PPE ages here but continue on to the next question. Age (in Years) # of Ifems Less than 1 1 ittps:l/portal.fema.govifiregranUj splfire2008lapplicationlprint_app.j sp?print=true&app_number=EM W-20... 1121 /200' �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 e� 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 or more Page ll of 2� �y-3d� 300 # of inembers with no gear If you have indicated you are requesting SCBA in the Question above, to `w�l n!a which edition(s) of NFPA are your SCBA complaint? If not requesting SCBA, please click on "n/a" and continue on to the next question. Year # of NFPA compiiant SCBA 2007 Standard 2�02 Standard 1997 Standard Older Standards 8'. If purchasing a PASS device, what type of PASS device will you be purchasing? � � 9*. Is this PPE : If you selected Other above, please spec+fy. 10*. Wili this equipment be used tor wildland firefighting purposes? Not applicable For protection use against fire No 11'. Is your department trained in the proper use of the equipment being Yes purchased with grant funds� If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? Personal Protective Equipment rersonaE Protective Equipment Detai}s 1'. Are all of your active firefighters trained to NFPA 1001 or equivalent Yes (Firefighter I/Firefighter �l, or essentials)? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application orwill you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? 2*. Select the PPE that you propose to acquire Pants Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. 3*. Number of units �'. Cost per unit NFPA 2007 compliant structural firefighting pants. 54 (Whole numbers only) $750 (Whole dollar amounts only) ttps://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2008/application/print_app.jsp?print—true&app_number=EMW-20... 1 /21l200S �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 5 '. 27% . For turnout requests, what percentage of your on-duty active members has PPE that meets current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards in effect at the time of application? • If you are requesting new SCBA, what percentage of your seated riding positions has complaint SCBA assigned to it? . If you are asking for specialized PPE (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members have this specialized PPE that meets the established standards? 5 �. . For tumout requests, what percentage of your on-duty active members wi(l have PPE that meets current applicable NFPA and OSHA standards if this grant is awarded? . If you are requesting new SCBA, what percentage of your seated riding positions will have complaint SCBA assigned to it if this grant is awarded? . If you are asking for specialized PPE (e.g., HazMat), what percentage of applicable members wil/ have specialized PPE that meets established standards if this grant is awarded? 7'. What is the purpose of this request? 100°l0 Page 12 of 2� d � ��a to replace o!dlobsolete equipment If you have indicated you are requesting PPE (any PPE other than SCBA) in —� the Question above, what are the specific ages of your equipment in years? If —� n/a requesting SCBA, click on "n7a", do not provide PPE ages here but continue on to the next question. Age (in Years) Less than 1 0 10 11 12 or more # of Items ��� # of inembers with no gear If you have indicated you are requesting SCBA in the Question above, to .r, n/a which edition(s) of NFPA are your SCBA complaint? If not requesting SCBA, ` piease ciick on "n/a" and continue on to the next question. Year # of N�PA compfiant SCBA 2007 Standard 2002 Standard 1997 Standard Older Standards 8*. It purchasing a PASS device, what type of PASS device will you be purchasing? 9'. is this PPE : Not applicable For protection use against fire ttps:(/portal.fema.gov(firegrant(jsp/fire2QQ8/application/print_app.j sp?print=true&app_nusnber=EMW-20... 1 /21lZOQ� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 If you selected Other above, please specify_ 10*. Will this equipment be used for wildland firefighting purposes? No 11*. Is your department trained in the proper use of the equipment being Yes purchased with grantfunds? Ifi not, wifl you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this applicaiion or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources? Training Progtam Training Details 1'. Are alI of your active firefighfers trained to NFPA 1001 or equiva{ent Yes (Firefighter I/Firefighter N, or essentials)? If not, will you be asking for training funds for this purpose with this application or will you obtain the appropriate training through other sources (if not, please address this training issue in your narrative)? 2'. Which of the following most closely describes your requested program? OtherTraining (Explain) Please provide further description of the item selected above or if you selected Other above, please specify. 3". Generally, this program can best be categorized as (select one): Training on new equipment provided by an AFG grant Page 13 of 2� lly-.�d�- Training on extrication equipment requested by this grant. Training will focus on safe extricaion practices and explore safe applications for the equipment during vehicle extrication, heavy rescue, rapid intervention, forcible entry and structural coflapse operations. Full description in project narrative. If you answered other above, please specify. 4'. What percentage of applicabie personnei wift be trained by this program? '100 % 5". Generally, the training program provided under this grant : WII bring your department into compliance with federal or state mandated training requirements, please specify: 6'. Will this training enhance your ability to perform mutual aid? If you answered Yes to the question above, please explain. 7"`. Will this training be instructor-led? Budget item Requested training will bring us into compliance with MN State Statute 182.653 regarding safe work places and known hazards. Additionally, it will meet MN OSHA Fire Brigade standards, specifically the "general duty" clause. The training will also meet NFPA technical rescue standards involving vehicle extrication and heavy rescue equipment. Yes This equipment we are traming on wiVf be availabfe throughout our mutual aid network and the state of Minnesota. It is necessary that we are properfy trained in the proper use and safety issues if we are to properfy respond when requested. Yes ittps:l/portaLfema.govlfiregrantfjsp/fire2008fapplicationfprint_app.jsp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 1121 f200� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 14 of2� 'Item Rescue d - �1-3�3 Please provide further description of the item selected above or }f you selected other Training on equipment requested in this grant. Full description in project narralive. above, piease specifiy. ' Select Qb}ect C4ass Contractual If you setected other above, please specify ` Number of units 30 {wnoie number onry} ` Cost per unit $ 2000 (Who1e dollar amounts only) 3udget Budqet Object Ciass a. Pessonnel b. Fringe Senefifs c. Travel d. Equipment e. Supplies f. Gontractua[ g. Construction h. Other <- _ $0 $0 $0 $ 296,550 $0 $ 60,00� $0 $0 i. lndirect Charges $ 0 Federal and Applicant Share Federa4 Share $ 285,240 Appl�cant Share $ 71,310 Federai Rate Sha�ing (°lo) 80/20 (Admin�svatmely changee) ' I�Ioft-F2d2fHl R2SOUCC2S (7he com6ined Non-Federaf Rasourcas must eGuat fhe Appf�cant Shere of $ 71,310) a. Applicant $ 71,310 b. State $ 0 c. Local $ 0 d. Other Sources $ 0 If you entered a vafue in Other Sources other than zero (0), include your explanation below. You can use this space to provide information on the project, cost share match, or if you have an indirect cost agreement with a federal agency. Total Budget $ 356,550 tps:llportal.fema.govlfiregranUjspifire2008{applicationiprint_app jsp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 1121I200� �pplicationNumber: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 1 S of 2� Jarrative Statement i1��� - U Project Description ' Please indicate which of these Target Capabiliiies your request outlined in this appiication wifl satisfy. Check all that apply: Responder Safety and Health Firefighting Operations/Support Hazardous Materials Response Search and Rescue ' Please provide your narrative statement in the space provided below. Include in your narrative, details regarding (1) your projecYs description and budget, (2) your organization's financial need, (3) the benefit to be derived from the cost of your project, and (4) how the activities requested in your application will help your organization's daily operations and how this grant will protect life and property. 2008 AFG Pro}ect Narrative for the Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services The Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services proudly provides fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to an area covering 57 square miles with a resident population count of 287,151. Our response area is home to critical infrastructure including our state capital building and associated government facilities, 61 miles of main line railway, 24 miles of river waterway, 18 miles of interstate freeway, a downtown airport, hospitals, arenas, large pubiic gathering locations, several large utility groups, and commercial facilities that support the surrounding metro area of 2.8 miflion people. Additionalfy, we are the host city of the 2008 ftepublican National Convention and we are activefy preparing for that event. Our department has a total of 410 sworn positions and 61 support positions involved with emergency response, fire prevention, administration, and support services. The operations division is divided into three shifts. Each 24-hour operatio�al shift is comprised of one deputy chief, three district chiefs, 16 engine companies, seven ladder companies, and three rescue squads. Eleven of the engine companies also dual-staff 11 advanced life support ambulances. We also cross-staff specialty units including the state's only Hazmat Emergency Response Entry team, a state Chemical Assessment team, an Advanced Technical Rescue team, four rescue boats, and an engine responsible for airport rescue and tirefighting. We have 50 members on the state's 250- perso� SUSAR Collapse Rescue team, Minnesota Task Force One. Our fire prevention division performs 19,000 inspections each year. Our public education group reaches over 80,060 citizens through programs and station tours involving seniors, communities, and schoo(s. In 2007, the depaRment responded to a total 40,468 incidents. We have an average response time of 3.1 minutes. We provide mutual aid to multiple departments in several mutual aid networks including the Minneapolis Fire Department and the Metropolitan Airport Fire Department. As we are the state's only Hazmat Emergency Response Entry team and a core component of Minnesota Task Force One, our response area expands to include the entire state of Minnesota. This grant would not only benefit our department, but also any fire department in the state requiring our assistance. The following paragraphs outline our 2008 AFG Project Description. Following that, we describe our financial need, cosUbenefit analysis, and conclude with our statement of effect as required by the program guidance. As we reviewed the many suggestions made by our members for this year's Assistance to Firefighters Act Grant application, we believe that we have focused on three goals that carry the greatest impact for the safety of our personnel and the safety of the public that we serve. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Total Request: $1,127,900.00 --- ($902,320 Federal Portion) Activity: Extncation Equipment - $317,�00 Our department performs approximately 1500 vehicle accidents annualiy. These accidents often demand that expeditious vehicle extrication be a priority step in ensuring that our patients are rescued and transported to a trauma hospital in a timely manner. Additionally, we regularly rely on this "extrication" equipment for heavy rescue calls, forcible entry, rapid intervention rescue, structural collapse, and a host of other scenarios. The current state of our extrication equipment is unacceptable to say the leasi. Many power units and tools, well over a decade ofd, are in need of repair or rep{acement. We have had many documented instances of hose and equipment faifure. The majority of our inventory is antiquated and unreliable at best. As we have piece-mealed units together over the budget cutting years of the past decade, we have created an equipment cache that is hard to consistently train on and maintain due to a lack of standardization. This grant, if awarded, will replace necessary extrication equipment on all seven of our departmenYs ladder companies and all three of our rescue squads which are involved in heavy rescue, hazmat, extrication, and advanced technicai rescue operations. �ttps://portal.fema.govJfiregrantljsp/fire2008lapplicationJprint_app.jsp?print=true&app_numbei=EMW-20... 1 J21i200' �pplicationNumber: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 16 of 2� �y 3d�- The equlpment will include a hydraulic power unit, cutter, spreader, and aIl necessary hoses, accessories, and secure mounting for each ladder company. The rescue squads wifl receive the same equipmeni as the ladder companies and have the additions of a portable electric power unit, multipie rams and ram attachments, high-pressure 1ift bags, stabilization struts, and all necessary hoses, attachments and mountings. We have budgeted $23,000 for each of seven ladder companies and $52,000 for each of three rescue squads based on quotes 4rom several vendors. With this grant, we wiA be able to standardize our equipment cache, which wiA al{ow us to become safer and far more effectfve. This equipment will help us meet compliance requirements contained within MN OSHA Fire Brigade Standards as well as Minnesota State Statute 182.653 regarding workplace safety and known hazards. The equipme�t will also allow us to comply with NFPA 1936 recommendations on powered rescue tools. Activity: Vehicle 6ctrication Training - $60,000 With the addition of the extrication equipment afforded by this grant, this grant also allows us the opportunity to offer standardized and current extrication training to all members of the department. We have had no formal, department-wide training in many years and this grant will allow us to catch many firefighters who have had little to no structured extrication training. The grant will further allow us to standardize operating procedures and maintenance policies. The training monies requested will aflow us to contract through a technical college system or certified private contractor to provide training for all personne! while on duty. No additiona! personnel costs are requested, as this training wili be scheduled within the departmenYs normal training schedule. The training will allow 1 �0°10 of our operations-level personnel to attend S hours of instructor-led instruction. The curricufum will be presented 6y certified instructors and will convey modern extrication tactics and techniques. This training is essential so that we may prepare our personnel to safely operate the new equipment, better serve the public, and meet the standards as listed above in the equipment portion of this request. Activity: Structural Firefighting Turnout Gear -$517,500 The largest component of this grant request is structural firefighting turnout gear. Again, due to budget constraints, we have fallen behind in replacing this absolutely necessary equipment. A recent inventory of afl turnout gear concluded that 70% of our firont-line tumout gear is no longer NFPA compliant and manufactured prior to 1997. Some turnaut gear currently in �,�se was manufactured prior to 1990 and many sets being worn for protection today are in disrepair and well pass_ their life expectancy. We are requesting 300 sets of NFPA comp4iant structural firefighting coats and pants, This grant will allow us to replace all of our turnout gear in question and adequately protect 100°fo of our firefighting personnel. This will further aliow us the opportuniry to immediately implement a replacement cycle that will keep us current with industry-accepted time limits for the turnout gear so that we do not find ourselves in the same position in the future. This activity will bring us into compliance with Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade "General Duty" Standards and Minnesota State Statute 182.653 regarding workplace safety and known hazards. It will further bring us into compliance with the 2007 NFPA-1971 turn out gear recomendations. Activity: Washer/Extractors - $30,000 Wth the addition of the turnout gear, we acknowfedge the need to maintain the investment and provide for the health and wellness of the firefighters wearing it. We are requesting three commercial grade washer/extractor machines, budgeted at $10,000 each, to allow personnel the opportunity to clean their gear on a regular basis and as �ecessary due to contamination from emergency incidents. We have previously relied on a cleaning contract that has been unreliable, frustrating to personnel, and which has actually damaged some of the turnout gear to the point that it had to be discarded. These machines wili be located in each of our three response districts and will allow us to get gear back in service in a timely manner. Additionally, we will be able to use these washer/extractors to clean rope rescue equipment and EMS supplies more efficiently than is currently possible. This activity will bring us into compliance with Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade "General Duty" Standards and Minnesota State Statute 182.653 regarding workplace safety and known hazards. It will also bring us into compliance with the 2007 NFPA-1971 turn out gear requirements and NFPA health and safety recomendations. Activity: �arge Diameter Nose and Adaptors -$203,400 The final portion of this grant request includes the costs to replace/upgrade 100% of our large-diameter water-supply hose (LDH). We are currently using 4" supply hose on all of our apparatus. Many lengths of our LDH currently in service are older than the majority of the firefighters using them. We have documented instances of water delays, pressure losses, and firefighter injuries related to LDH that has ruptured or had couplings that are damaged. While we are slowly trying to replace the hose through normal budget measures, the true replacement numbers that realistically need to happen continue to be pushed back due to other budget emergencies and priorlties. Additionally, most of our smaller, neighboring mutual aid departments have transitioned to 5" LDH, which has far greater water flow capabiiities and fiar less friciion loss_ The many benefits to this transition to new 5" LDH are ittps:l/portaLfema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2008/applicationlprint_app.jsp?print=true&app number=EMW-20.._ 1/21I200S �pplicationNumber: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Dy �v y Page 17 of 2� a necessary goai and we are hopeful that this grant award wili allow us to implement the transition correctly. We are requesting $196,000 to replace 100% 04 our LDH supply. We are requesting an additional $7,400 to purchase the necessary adaptors for the 5" steamer to 5" Storz connections on all apparatus. This grant wil4 better protect our firefighters by significantly decreasing the potential safety hazards of the aatiquated suppfy hose. It will further alfow us to provide better water flow capabilities to an aging city and water system, as well as a fleet that is being taxed to do more with less. As similar to the turn out gear requested in this grant, this award will allow us to immediately implement a proper replacement budget that will eliminate the potential to fall into this situation in future years. This activity will bring us into compliance with Minnesota OSHA Fire Brigade `General Dut}�' Standards and Minnesota State Statute 182.653 regarding workplace safety and known hazards. It will further allow us to re-evaluate our water supply potentiai and better prepare for the large fire loads located through out our response area and our neighboring jurisdictions. FINANCIAL NEED The department has a total operating budget of $43,805,399. Our personnel costs make up 90% of the budget. The city is fortunate to be able to fully staff full-time fire, rescue, and emergency medical services, but due to the associated operating costs and the number of services that our department provides, our available funding for additional programs, training, and equipment is limited. To compound our financial situation, the State of Minnesota has had consecutive budget shortfalfs for the past five years and they have made Iarge cuts (34 % in 2004 alone) to focal government aid programs. The City of Saint Paul absorbed massive cuts in state aid from 2003 to 2007. As in most c+ties, the public is resistant to tax �ncreases while at the same time expecting a wider array of services. Our fire department has continued to remain positively focused on our long-term goals even in the face of ineasurable set backs. As with many departments around the nation, we find ourselves being asked to do more with less and many times this ultimately compromises firefighter safety. Our department has made it a goal to increase funding in the areas of training and equipment through outside sources, but the current economy has not been heipfui. We have formed a committee ot department personnei to wark on alternative funding sources. This grant committee is dedicated to succeed at efforts such as the Assistance to Firefighters Act Grant, as relying on tradit+onal means is, unfortunately, no longer a practical option. On a positive note, the city's new mayor and council agreed last year to perForm a comprehensive external audit of the fire department to address what they acknowledged as a significant problem due to the past edministrations' lack of support of the fire department This audit was completed at considerable cost and it identified many areas of needed improvement that internal an extemal audit committees are now trying to prioritize and fund. One of the most important audit recommendations with relevah""e �' to ihis grant request stressed the importance of funding a replacement program for equipment. It appears that this will happen, but we are so far behind on so many necessary items that the budget projections are staggering. Key equipment and training issues can be resolved if we are awarded this grant and it will al{ow us to realistically budget to keep these activities properly funded in the future. COST / BENEFIT The investment in this grant project will adequately equip Saint Paul's firefighters to respond to the vast majority of incidents to which we are summoned. This immediate investment in equipment and training will pay off in long-term results by safely protecting our firefighters whife they effectively respond to an ever-widening variety of incidents. It will further protect the department, city, and taxpayers from the long-term costs associated with working with sub-standard equipment and training, as well as reduce liability issues involved with fire loss and firefighter injuries. The turnout gear is an obvious necessity for most of our response categories involving fire, rescue, hazardous materials, and extrication responsibilities. The washer/extractors will allow us to properly maintain this investment and at the same time protect our members from exposure to multiple health hazards. The amount of turnout gear afforded by this grant will ailow us to immediately implement a replacement program designed to spread out the future replacement costs of this necessary equipment over a manageable period of time. The extrication equipment and training wilf properly prepare us for an ever-evolving technica! rescue environment and have the added benefit of equipping us for a variety of incidents including special extrication, forcible entry, rapid intervention rescue, and structural collapse. The replacement of the large diameter hose with new, larger diameter supply lines will be safer for our firefighters and provide better water suppfy for our incidents. As our city ages and continues to grow, we continue to tax an older water suppiy system with a heavier burden. This investment will alfow us to do more with fess and still offer superior protection to our firefighters. It also addresses interoperability issues with our mutual aid neighbors. This entire grant award will be a fong-term win for the community as we save them the impact of multiple financial burdens and at the same time better prepare ourselves to protect them. The savings afforded to our short-range budget needs will ailow us to prioritize many other smaller, yet equally deserving projects over the next few years. This award will allow us to do more by tttps://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2008/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_number—BMW-20... 1 /21/200� �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 18 of 2� ' �t1°—sl�� eliminating several cost burdens that woufd otherwise be prioriTy above other important goafs. STATEMENT OFEF�ECT The activities requested by this grant are the outcome of departme�tal research on how to make our jobs safer while providing a better level of service to our community. Our fire department prides itself on being safe while aggressive in our approach to the incidents to which we are dispatched. in an attempt to provide the best service possible, while at the same time promoting firefighter safety, we believe that we have identified several achievable solutions to the problems that we face on a daily basis. The award of this grant will allow us to overcome the financial restraints that are prohibiting us from doing ourjob in the safest way possible. The fact of the matter is that if this grant is not awarded, we will still respond when called to do the best job we can with the tools that we have available. Firefighters and civilians will unfortunately, but undoubtedly get hurt if we cannot significantly address the inadequacies described in this grant request. All of the items that we have requested will greatly enhance our ability to protect our community and our neighboring communities to which we respond. At the same time, all of the items requested will enable us to perform ourjob betTer, with pride, and with a higher level of safety and confidence. Our current city management fulfy supports our fire department, but due to events affecting the budget there are only so many available funds to distribute between many of the city's essential services. Even in the face of setbacks, we have continued to make positive progress over the past few years and we will continue to move forward towards our goals. We realize that you will undoubtedly see thousands of equally qualified requests from depactments of all sizes. We understand that not all of these departments will 6e fortunate enough to receive a grant this year and we hope that we have convinced you of our project's worthiness We also want to thank those of you reviewing this application for your time and dedication to this process and the fire service. We can assure you that the members of the Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services have a commitment, second to none, to protect the community that we serve and that this grant will have far-reaching results in our goal to be the safest fire department in the nation. This grant award would allow our fire department a safer, more definitive edge as we prepare to deal with the incidents we are familiar with, as well as the new incidents that all of our departments across the nation are preparing tor in the decades to come. We appreciate your consideration of this grant request and we lo�k forward !a your positive response. Respectfully, Firefighter Ken Gitliam Saint Paul Department o4 Fire and Safety Secvices � Please describe all grants that you have received from DHS including any AFG grants received from DHS or FEMA, for example, 2002 AFG grant for vehicle or 2003 ODP grant for exercises. (Enter "N/A" if Not Applicable) 2006 and 2007 UASI and Homeland Security Grants by City Emergency Management Department; 2005 State Homeland Security Grant (State HazMat Response Team Equipment); 2005 State Homeland Security Grant (Interoperable Radio Equipment ); 2004 Training Grant (Training for Collapse Rescue Team); 2004 Assistance to Firefighters (Safety Equipment, Driver Training, Health and Fitness), 2004 HazMat Emergency Preparedness Exercise Grant (EOC HazMat exercise); 2004 Urban Area Security Initiatives (CAD and Station paging upgrades); 2004 State Homeland Security Grant (Equipment and Plan�ing to build Police/HazMaUBomb Squad Interoperability); 2003 State Homeland Security Grant (Police/HazMaU Bomb Squad Interoperability equipment); and 2002 Assistance to Firefighters (SCBA) ittps://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp(fire2008lapplication/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_number=EMW-20... 1/Z 1/200' �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 19 of2� lssurances and Certifications ���� �orm 20-16A lou must read and sign these assurances by providing your password and checking the box at the bottom of this page. �ote: Fields marked with an ' are required. Assurances Non-Construction Programs Note: Certain of these assurances may not be applicable to your project or program. If you have any questions, please contact the awarding agency. Further, certain Federal awarding agencies may require applicants to certify to addltional assurances. lf such is the case, you will be notified. As the duly authorized representative of the applicant f certify that the applicant: 1. Has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance, and the institutional, managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project described in this application. 2. Will give the awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, and if appropriate, the State, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the award; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives. 3. Wil{ establish safeguards to prohibit empfoyees from using their positions 4or a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personaf gain. 4. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable time frame after receipt of approval of the awarding agency. 5. Will comply with the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. Section 4728-4763) relating to prescribed standards for merit systems tor programs funded under one of the nineteen statutes or regulations specified in Appendix A of OPM's Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration (5 C.F.R. 900, Subpart F). 6. Will comply with all Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; (b) Tit{e IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; (c) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. Section 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; (d) the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sections 6101-6107), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; (e) the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis ofi drug abuse; (fl the Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 197D (P.L. 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; (g) Sections 523 and 527 of the Public Health Service Act of 1912 (42 U.S.C. 290-dd3 and 290-ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; (h) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Section 3601 et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; (i) any other nondiscrimination provisions in the specific statute(s) under which application for Federal assistance is being made; and Q) the requirements of any other nondiscrimination statute(s) which may apply to the application. 7. Wifl comply, or has already complied, with the requirements of Title If and III of the Uniform Refocation Assistance and Rea1 Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) which provide fior fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of Federal or Federaliy assisted programs. These requirements apply to all interest in real property acquired for pro�ect purposes regardiess of Federal participation in purchases. 8. Will comply with provisions of the Hatch Act (5 U.S.C. Sections 1501-1508 and 7324-7328), which limit the political activities of employees whose principa! employment activities are funded in whofe or in part with Federal funds. 9. Will comply, as applicable, with the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. Sections 276a to 276a- 7), the Copeland Act (40 U.S.C. Section 276c and 18 U.S.C. Sections 874), and the Contract Work Hours and :ttps:/Iportal. fema.gov/firegrandj splfire2008/appl ication/print_app.} sp?print=true&app_numbei =EM W-20... 1{211200! �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 20 of2� Safety Sta�dards Act (40 U.S.C. Sections 327-333), regarding labor standards for Federally assisted �Cf�IJ� construction sub agreements. 10. Will compiy, if applicable, with flood insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the F1ood Disaster Protection Act ofi 1973 (P.L. 93-234) which requires recipients in a speciaf fiood hazard area to participate in the program and to purchase flood insurance if the total cost of insurable constructio� and acquisition is $10,000 or more. 11. Wi41 comply with environmental standards which may be prescri6ed pursuant to the following: (a) institution of environmental quality control measures under the Nat+onal Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91-190) and Executive Order (EO) 11514; {b) notification of violating facifities pursuant to EO 11738; (c} protection of wetlands pursuant to EO 11990; (d) evaluation of flood hazards in flood plains in accosdance with EO 11988; (e) assurance of project consistency with the approved State management program developed under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. Section 1451 et seq.}; (fl conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Air) Implementation Plans under Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.); (g) protection of underground sources of drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended, (P.L. 93-523); and (h) protection of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, (P.L. 93-205). 12. Will comply with the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. Section 1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential components of the national wild and scenic rivers system. 13. Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 469a-1 et seq.). 14. Will comply with P.L. 93-348 regardi�g the protection of human subjects involved in research, developme�t, and related activities supported by this award of assistance. 15. Will comply with the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966 (P.L. 89-544, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 2131 et seq.) pertaining to the care, handling, and treatment of warm blooded animals held for research, teaching, or other activities supported by this award of assistance. 16. Will comply with the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. Section 4801 et seq.) which prohibits the use of lead based paint in construction or rehabifitation of residence structures. 17. Will cause to be performed the required f;nancial and compliance audits in accordance with the Single Audit Act of 1984. 18. Will comply with afl applicable requirements of al1 other Federal laws, executive orders, regulations and policies governing this program. 19. It will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hours provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. 201), as they appry to employees of institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other no�-profit organizations. Signed by yCen Gilliam on 44102/2{�QE ttps://portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire2008/application/print_app.jsp?print=true&app_number=EM W-20... l l21 /2005 �pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 Page 21 of 2� `orm 20-16C - -- ---- - --- -- - -- - - - -d -1-30�- (ou must read and sign these assurances by providing your password and checking the box at the bottom of this page. �lote: Fields marked with an " are required. ;ertifications Regarding Lobbying, Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters and Drug-Free Workplace 2equirements. App{fcants should refer to the reguiations cited be{ow to determine the certifrcation to wh'rch they are required to attest. Appficants should also revisw tha it�struct�ons for certification includsd in the regulations befose completrng this form Signature on this form provides tor comp4'tance with certifcation sequirements under 44 CFR Part 18, "New Restriciions on Lobbysng; and 44 CFR Part 17, "Government-wide Debarment and Suspensian {Non-procusement) and Govesnment-wide Requiremenfs fos Drug-�ree Workplace {Grants)." The certifications shall be treated as a matesia4 representation of fact upon which re4iance wil! be placed �hen the Department of Homeland Security {DHS) determines to award the cavered transaction. grant, or cooperative agreement. 1. Lobbying A. As required by the section 1352, Title 31 of the US Code, and implemented at 44 CFR Part 18 for persons (entering) into a grant or cooperative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 44CFR Part 18, the applicant certifies that: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid by or on behalf of the undersigned to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an o�cer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any Federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement and extension, continuation, renewal amendment or modificatio� of any Federal grant or cooperative agreement. (b) lf any other funds than Federaf appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an otficer or emp{oyee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal grant or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities", in accordance with its insYructions. (c) The undersigned shall require that the fanguage of this certification be included in the award documents for all the sub awards at all tiers (including sub grants, contracts under grants and cooperative agreements and sub contract {s)) and that all sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 2. Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters (Direct Recipient) A As required by Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, and implemented at 44CFR Part 67, for prospective participants in primary covered transactions, as defined at 44 GFR Part 17, Section 17.51�-A, the applicant certifies that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a deniaf of Federal benefits by a State or Federal court, or vo{untarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. (b) Have not within a three-year penod preceding this appfication been convicted of or had a civilian judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or perform a public (Federaf, State, or locaf) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, 4alsification or destruction of records, makmg false statements, or receiving stolen property. (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminaily or civilly charged by a government entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification: and (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default; and B. Where the applicant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, he or she shall attach an explanation to this application. 3. Drug-Free Workplace (Grantees other than individuals) �s required by the Drug-�ree Workplace Act of 1988, and implemented at 44CFR Part 17, Subpart F, for grantees, as defined at 14 CFR part 17, Sectio�s 17.615 and 17.620: ttps://portal.fema.gov(firegrant/jsp(fire2008/application(print_app.jsp?print=lrue&app_number=EMW-20... 1(21 /200� 3pplication Number: EMW-2008-FO-08349 (A) The applicant certifies that it will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: Page 22 of 2� � /� (a) Pub�ishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited i� the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing an on-going drug free awareness program to inform employees about: {1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantees policy of mainta+ning a drug-free workpiace; {3) Any avai{able drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be +mposed upon employees for drug abuse viofations occurrir�g in the workplace; (c) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant to be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will: (1) Abide by the terms of the statement and (2) Notify the employee in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction. (e) Notifying the agency, in writing within 10 calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual �otice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to the applicable DHS awarding o�ce, i.e. regional o�ce or DHS office. (� Taking one of the foRowing actions, against such an employee, within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted: (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as -;� .._...-....� _„-- amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabifitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency. (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f). (B) The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the pertormance of work done in connection with the specific grant: Place of Performance Street City State Zip Action E your pface of performance is different from the physicaf address provided by you in the Applicant information, press Add P/ace of �erformance button above to ensure that the correct place of performance has been specified. You can add multipfe addresses by epeating this process muftiple times. iection 17.630 of the regulations provide that a grantee that is a State may elect to make one certification in each Federal fiscal ear. A copy of which should be included with each application for DHS funding. States and State agencies may elect to use a Statewide certification. �igned by Ksn Gilliam on 041ff2/2fl08 tps://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire2008/application/print_app jsp?print=true&app_numbei=EMW-20... 1 /21 /2005 'a�el Reyiew Page 2 of 1 U.S Depz:tmeor of Homalana Secnnhj i7/J ��� �Flasnrnotor � G ZG472 <� � Mr. Ken Gilliam Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services 100 East 11th Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-2227 Re: Grant No.EMW-2008-FO-08349 Dear Mr. Gilliam: �ti �' ��� ����.�. i s �� On behalf ot the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), I am pleased to inform you that your grant application submitted under the FY 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant has been approved. FEMA's Grant Programs Directorate, in consultation with the U.S. Fire Administration, carries out the Federal responsibilities of administering your grant. The approved project costs total to $356,550.00. The Federal share is 80 percent or $285,240.00 of the approved amount and your share of the costs is 20 percent or $71,310.00. As part of your award package, you will find Grant Agreement Articles. Please make sure you read and understand the Articles as they outline the terms and conditions of your Grant award Maintain a copy of these documents for your official file. You establish acceptance of the Grent and Grant Agreement Articles when you request and receive any of the Federal Grant funds awarded to you. By accepting the grant, you agree not to deviate from the approved scope of work without prior written approval Prom DHS. If your SF 1199A has been reviewed and approved, you will be able to request payments Online. Remember, you should basically request funds when you have an immediate cash need (i.e you have a bill in-hand that is �ue within 30 days). If you have any questions or concerns regarding the awards process or how to request your grant funds, please call the helpdesk at1-866-274-0960. Sincerely, � f ; � � 'J � � � „ �`",���� �✓ �� R. David Paulison Administrator ittps://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/j sp/fire_admin/awards/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EMW... 1 /21 /2005 'a, el Reyiew Agreement Articles .�t'�t#a'.}f b/""s" n Y' �^ ����� U.S. Department of Homeland Security � � Washington, D.C. 20531 Ef,I.;U .8: AGREEMENT ARTICLES ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT PROGRAM - Operations and Safety program GRANTEE: Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services PROGRAM: Operetions and Safety AGREEMENT NUMBER: EMW-200S-FO-08349 AMENDMENT NUMBER: TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Articie VI Article VII Article VIII Article IX Article X Article XI Article XII Article XIII Article 1 - Project Description Project Description Grantee Concurrence Period of Pertormance Amount Awarded Requests for Advarces or Reimbursements Budget Changes Financial Reporting Performance Reports DHS Officials Other Terms and Conditions General Provisions Audit Requirements Additional Requirements Page 3 of i �'�l��d� The purpose of the Assistance to Firefighters Program is to protect the health and safety of the public and firefighting personnel against fire and f re-related hazards. After careful consideration, DHS has determined that the grantee's project submitted as part of the grantee's application, and detailed in the project narrative as well as the request details section of the application - including budget information - was consistent with the program's purpose and worthy of award. Therefore, the grantee shall perform the work described in the approved grant application as itemized in the request details section of the application and further described in the grant application's narrative. These sections of the application are made a part of these grant agreement articles by reference. The grantee may not change or make any material deviations from the approved scope of work outlined in the above referenced sections of the application without prior written approval from DHS. However, in keeping with this years program guidance, grantees that have grant funds left over after completing the approved scope of work prior to the end of the period of performance have three options for the use of the excess funds: 1) they may return the unused funds to the Federal government, 2) they may use a maximum of $5,000 to expand the activities for which they were awarded, or 3) create or expand an existing fire prevention program. Grantees are encouraged to review the program guidance for more information on this topic. Article II - Grantee Concurrence ittps://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/jsp/fire_admin/awards/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EMW... 1 /21 /200� 'a�el Review Qy ��� Page 4 of � By requesting and receiving Federal grant funds provided by this grant program, the grantee accepts and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the grant as set forth i� this document and the documents identified below. By receiving funds under this grant, grantees agree that they will use the funds provided through the Fiscal Year 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program in accordance with these Articles of Agreement and the program guidelines provided in the Fiscal Year 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grants program guidance. The grantee agrees that Federal funds under this award will be used to supplement, but not supplant, State or local funds for first responder preparedness. All documents submitted as part of the application are made a part of this agreement by reference. Article III - Period of Pertormance The period of performance shall be from 23-DEC-08 to 22-DEC-09. The grant funds are available to the grantee for obligation only during the period of performance of the grant award. The grantee is not authorized to incur new obligations after the expiration date unless the grantee has requested, and DHS has approved, a new expiration date. The grantee has 90 days after period of performance to incur costs associated with closeout or to pay for obligations incurred during period of performance. Award expenditures are for the purposes detailed in the approved grant application only. The grantee cannot transfer funds or assets purchased with grant funds to other agencies or departments without prior written approval from DHS. Article IV -Amount Awarded The amount of the award is detailed on the Obligating Document for Award attached to these articles. Following are the budgeted estimates for each object classes of this grant (including Federal share plus grantee match): Personnel $0.00 Fringe Benefits $0.00 Travel $0.00 Equipment Supplies Contractual Construction Other Indirect Charges Total $296,550.00 $0.00 $60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $356,550 00 Article V- Requests for Advances or Reimbursements Grant payments under the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program are made on an advance or reimbursable basis for immediate cash needs. In order to request funds, the grantee must logon to the Fire Grant System using their user idlpassword (used to submit the application) the grantee filis out the on-line Request for Advance or Reimbursement. If an authorized user needs access to the application but does not have the user id or password, they may be obtained by calling the help desk at 1-866-274- 0960. Articie VI - Budget Changes With prior DHS approval, grantees may make changes in funding levels between the object Gasses (as detailed in Article IV above), in order to accomplish the granYs scope of work. The granYs scope ot work is outlined in the project narrative and in the request details of the grant application. The provisions of this article are not applicable to changes in the budgeted line-items listed in the request details section of the application as the line-items in the request details section (i.e., scope of work) cannot be changed. Article VII - Financial Reporting The Request for Advance or Reimbursement mentioned above will also be used for interim financial reporting purposes. At the end of the pertormance period, or upon completion of the grantee's program narrative, the grantee must complete, on-line, a final financial report that is required to close out the grant. The Financial Status Report is due within 90 days after the end of the performance period. ittps://por[al.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire_adminlawards/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EM W ... 1 /21 /200� 'ar�el Review Article VIII - Performance Reports Page 5 of � �G .3oa The grantee must submit a semi-annual and a final performance report to DHS. The final performance report should provide a short narrative on what the grantee accomplished with the grant funds and any benefits derived there from. If a grantee's pertormance period is extended beyond the initial 12-month period, a periodic pertormance report is due every six month increment until closeout. Articie IX - DHS Officials Program Officer: Tom Harrington, Deputy Director of the Grants Program Office, is the Program Officer for this grant program. The Program Officer is responsible for the technical monitoring of the stages of work and technical pertormance of the activities described in the approved grant application. Grants Assistance Officer: Marketa Graham is the Assistance Officer for this grant program. The Assistance Officer is the Federal official responsible for negotiating, administering, and executing all grant business matters. Grants Management Branch POC: Christine Torres is the point of contact for this grant award and shall be contacted for all financial and administrative grant business matters. If you have any questions regarding your grant please call 202-786-9512. Article X- Other Terms and Conditions A. Pre-award costs directly applicable to the awarded grant are allowable if approved in writing by the DHS program o�ce. In order to be reimbursed for items purchased prior to award, grantees must submit a payment request and provide rationale for incurring the costs prior to award. All pre-award expenses should have been disclosed during the award negotiation process. Failure to disclose pre-award expenses during the award negotiation process may affect the costs' eligibility. B. Quotes obtained prior to submittal of the application - for the purposes of applying for this gcant - are no± considered to be sufficient to satisfy the requirements for competition as outlined in OMB Circular A-110 be�ow. A!'s bidding activities implemented For competition must be sought and obtained after award, i.e., during the period of performance. Grantees rrzay be jeopardizing w t�heir awards if the requirements set forth are not adhered to. Article XI - General Provisions The following are hereby incorporated into this agreement by reference: The program's annual Program Guidance 44 CFR, Emergency Management and Assistance Part 7 Part 13 Part 17 Part 18 Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to state and local governments Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-procurement) and Government-wide Requirements for Drug-free Workplace (Grants) New Restrictions on Lobbying 31 CFR 205.6 Funding Techniques OMB Circular A-21 Cost Principles for Educational Institutions OMB Circular A-87 Cost Principles for State/local Governments, Indian tribes OMB Circular A-122 Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations OMB Circular A- Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With State and Local Governments 102 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Application and Assurances contained therein. ittps://portal.fema.gov/firegrant/j sp/fire_admin/awards/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EMW... 1 /21 /200� 'apel Reyiew OMB Circular q- 110 �� ��� Page 6 of 1 Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other NonProfit Organizations Assistance to Firefighters Grant Application and Assurances contained therein. Article XII- Audit Requirements All grantees must follow the audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations. The main requirement of this OMB Circular is that grantees that expend $500,000.00 or more in Federal funds (from all Federal sources) must have a single audit performed in accordance with the circular. As a condition of receiving funding under this grant program, you must agree to maintain grant files and supporting documentation For three years upon fhe official cfoseouf of your grant. You must afso agree to make your grant files, books, and records available for an audit by DHS, the General Accounting Office (GAO), or their duly authorized representatives to assess the accomplishments of the grant program or to ensure compliance with any requirement of the grant program. Article XIII- Additional Requirements (if applicable) Vehicle Awardees: Vehicle awardees for FY 2008 will be required to include an advance payment bond as part of the contract with their vehicle manufacturer. An advance payment bond is like an insurance policy that protects you in the event that the manufacturer with whom you contracted to build your vehicle cannot fulfill the contract, i.e., cannot finish building your vehicle for any reason. An advance payment bond is a financial tool used to guarantee that , in the event of manufacturer/contractor default, funds will be available to finish the construction of your vehicle and ensure its proper operation. From the vehicle grantee's point of view, the insolvency of a contractor during the construction of a vehicle will most likely result in delayed completion of the vehicle, additional expenses for a different manufacturer/contractor to finish the work, or even loss of grant funds For this reason, we now require manufacturers/contractors to provide a bond from an independent bank, insurance company or bonding agency so that the vehicle grantees can recover darrtages they may sustain if the manufacturerlcontractors default during the cortstruction of a vehicle. The amount of the bond should be equal to, or greater than, the sum of any payments, compensation and/cr consideration provided prior to the delivery of the vehicle. If na down payment is required in the purchase contract, an advance payment bond is not required. Regardless of whether a performance bond is obtained, each vehicle purchase contract must include a performance clause. The pertormance clause stipulates a certain date when the vehicle will be delivered by the vendor. If the vendor does not deliver the vehicle by the date stipulated in the pertormance clause, penalties are administered to the vendor. These penalties should be of a severity sufficient to provide the vendor with incentive to deliver the vehicle at the earliest possible date but no less than $100 per day. Regional Hosts: Grantees that are the hosts of regional projects as provided for in the annual program guidance are accountable for the equipmenY purchased with grant funds and disbursed to other first-responder organizations under a memorandum of understanding. Responsibility for maintenance of the equipment may be placed in the hands of the recipient if specifically delineated in the memorandum of understanding between the host and the recipient. Modification to Facilities Requirements: Modification to facility projects (including renovations associated with equipment installations) are subject to all applicable environmental and historic preservation requirements. Applicants seeking assistance to modify their facilities or to install equipment requiring renovations may undergo additional screening. Specifically, DHS is required to ascertain to what degree the proposed modifications and renovations might affect an applicanYs facility relative to the National Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, National Flood fnsurance Program regulations, and any other applicable laws and Executive Orders. No project that involves a modification to facility can proceed — except for project planning — prior to formal written approval from DHS. If your award includes a modification to a facility, you are responsible for contacting the Program Office so you can be given direction on how to proceed; your contact in the AFG Program Office is Stephen.pezzetti@dhs.gov. Noncompliance with these provisions may jeopardize an appiicanYs award and subsequent funding. Grants Management Adjustments to Original Application (if applicable): ittps://portal.fema.gov/firegranUjsp/fire_admin/awards/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EMW... 1/21 /2005 'anel Reyiew Page 7 of � p�j3Da This grant award was reduced by $771,350. The approved number for Coats and Pants is 54 not 300 as requested in the initial applicatio�. The washer extractor, the three sets of extrication equipment for the Heavy Rescue Squads which includes the gas power unit, electric power unit, cutter, spreader, multiple rams and ram attachments, high-pressure lift airbags, struts, hoses, and mounting equipment, the Exirication sets for their 7 ladder companies which include the hydraulic power unit, hoses, cutter, and the spreader were removed from the request. The reduction has already been made in the grant award and in the application as approved by Mr. Ken Gilliam via email on December 5, 2008. The total project cost was reduced from $1,127,900 to $356,550. The federal share was reduced from $902,320 to $285,240. The applicant share was reduced from $225,580 to $71,310. ittps:(/portal.fema.gov/firegranUj sp/fire_admin/awards/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EM W... 1 /2ll200S 'a Re�iew FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OBLIGATING DOCUMENT FOR AWARD/AMENDMENT 7a. AGREEMENT NO. EMW-200&FO-08349 6 RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS Saint Paul Department of Fire and Safety Services 100 East'11th Street Saint Paul Minnesota, 55101-2227 9. NAME OF RECIPIENT PROJECT OFFICER Ken Gilliam 2. AMENDMENT NO. 3. RECIPIENT NO. 0 41-6005521 Page 8 of 1 09-3/�.� 4. TYPE OF 5. CONTROL NO. ACTION W462110N AWARD 7. ISSUING OFFICE AND ADDRESS 8. PAVMENT OFFICE AND ADDRESS Grants Management, Operations Directorate FEMA, Financial Services Branch 245 Murray Lane - Building 410, SW 500 C Street, S.W., Room 723 Washington DC, 20528-7000 Washington DC, 20472 POQ Christine Tortes 202-78G9512 PHONE NO. 10. NAME OF PROJECT COORDINATOR PHONE NO. 65'122478'I'I Tom Hamngton 1-866-274-0960 '11. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS 12. METHOD OF 13. ASSISTANCE ARRANGEMENT ACTION PAYMENT Cost Sharing 23-DEC-08 SF-270 15. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION a. (Indicate funding data for awards or financial changes) PROGRAM NAME CFDA NO. ACCOUNTING DATA PRIOR TOTAL AMOUNT AWARDED ACRONYM (ACCS CODE) AWARD THIS ACTION XXXX-XXX'XXXXXX'XXXXX- + OR (-) XXXX-XXXX-X AFG 97.044 2009-M8-000"IGF-25000000- 410I-D TOTALS $0.00 $285,240.00 $0 00 $285,240.00 b. To describe changes other than funding data or finanaal changes, attach schedule and check here. N/A '14. PERFORMANCE PERIOD From23-DEC-08 To22-DEC-09 BudgetPeriod From:01-OCT-08 To'30-SEP-09 CURRENTTOTAL AWARD $285,240.00 $285,240.00 CUMMULATIVE NON- FEDERAL COMMITMENT $71,310.00 $7"1,310 00 76a. FOR NON-DISASTER PROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS REQUIRED TO SIGN AND RETURN THREE (3) COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT TO FEMA (See Block 7 for address) Assistance to Firefighters Grani recip�enis are not required to sign and return copies of this document However, recipients shoutd pnnt and keep a oopy of ihis document for their records. 16b FOR DISASTER PROGRAMS: RECIPIENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SIGN This assistance is subject to terms and conditions attached to this award notice or by incorporeted reference in program legislation cdetl above. '17. RECIPIENT SIGNATORY OFFICIAL (Name and Title) DATE N/A N/A 18 FEMA SIGNATORY OFFICIAL (Name and Title) Bertram Mckeithen Jr Go Back DATE 19-DEC-OS ittps://portal.fema.gov/firegrandj sp/fire_admin/awazds/spec/view_award�ackage.do?agreementNo=EMW... 1 /21 /200�