D001861C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � roved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept 's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: Db1 �OI Date: ADMINISTR,4TIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of General Govemment Accounts to amend the 1996 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the �ce of Pinancial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Generel Government Accounts Exempt Property Assessments GL 001- 09051-0439 GL 001- 09051-0541 Environmental CleanUp • GL 007- 09055-0299 Tort Liability GL 001- 09070-0511 Tort Claims GL 001- 09081-0511 Municipal Memberships GL 001- 09726-0255 Elections GL 001- 09263-0299 Emptoyee Parking GL 001- 09948-0299 Fringe Benefits Street Maintenance Other Misc Services Settlements Settfements Dues Other Misc Services Other Misc Services 19,268 433,695 50,000 607,000 275,000 91,200 338,549 1,465 20,733 (1,465) 432,230 38,957 88,957 1,786 602,786 (1,786) 273,214 57,358 142,558 7,436 345,985 189,500 (97,751) 91,749 1,998,272 0 1,998,212 c � ir� ^_. � � - i � ' ZOc�c� Prepared by: Accountant Date Ap ved b: Director of Financial Services Date � �iU� � .���•�I Requested by: Department Director Date rJba�g�� co�ern��ca�„�c� Reid 266-5553 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 03-13-0o I GREEN SHEET No. 101144 � �����oA � ��. �� o �a� o �� � o ��� o �.� o ������ o (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) of Adwinistrative Order Budgd Revision to cover 1999 year end variances. �<.u��� �� � Whv,whn Whce.V+6y�: 1. flas dtia pasodfvm e�x wmked wdu a cwtrzct fa th� depazfmrnt? YES NO 2. fiaa 4rie Pe�son/fam e�u 6em a city w�playa? YES NO 3. Doee tltis penodfi�m poexas a sltIl not nmmaIlY P�� M' �5 <�«nS �Pt�Yee� YES NO (Esolain alI va aw�wers on uoante abeet and atmc6 to 0een aheetl yeaz end, variances occurred in some expenditure categories. This azLninislrative order reconciles actual 1999 spending to 1999 budget. acriviry will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. show a negative variance in 1999. �y������ MAR 14 ?�Qp ,-,._ t..� � y� ,�, _ �,t�r f, � _, rn.wsncrsoN_s 101002 cosraeevenueawcereo�cma.eorvc�� � tro General Fund A���09051 09055 09070 09081 09126 09263 09948 Mox w��,�, �