Council File_No._ —.
PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Council File No. 188986 —
Whereas, A written proposal for the
making of the following improvement,
and open,'. widen and extend Winona
Street by opening a cul -de -sac with a
50 ft. radius, the center of which lies
PRELIMINARY ORDER.. "a f� wt`s tlw� east ,line of Cushir�¢
l The undersigned hereby proposesthe making ofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.:
,y...f+.. .........1..... �.. !....� ......•.... . r.:. ��iyiw/ �' 1. G ....................................................... .................
ri 1?eripwiden and extend Winona street„"t y!operan,g._a.,c - nde- sac.ni.th.,,a 5o ft. , radius,:
1,47 ,�ythe center -of -Which lies 50. ft. crest of the east line of Cushing�s Addition and. on
the center line of Winona Street by taking ••and° coridemni:ng••,for- street purposes" :1, �
AiT "that part "oi' Lot" i� '; Block" 2; Guehiig s Accj itions lying between the south line of
Winokpal, reetrana.,g line fi arc'_,of,.a..circle..having A5 50, it. • radius, . and the
center of the circle being on the center line of;�Pinona Street 50�,ft: west of the east
line of Cushing's Addition. Ail of that ••part =of -Lot'�2;• Block�2 •`CusYiir�g!s�A�ddition; lying
,between the south line of Winona Street and a line which is the are of a circle having
a 50 ftemdiusp and the center of the circle being on the center line of Winona Street
- 50•ft.- -rest- 6f-the -east line ° -•of Cushing Is- 4dditioir. All of•-that ~part of Lot 3.9 Block 2,, r
Cushing"s Additions lying between Tthe south line f�Winona Street and a line which is the
are of a circle having a 50'ft�Fradiuta;Lana:tRelTeenter of the circle being on the center
line of Winona Street 50 ft. west of.the� east,,line of Cushingrs Addition. All of that
part` ofLotT . j . '$lock`1�' CuehingtseAilditionDt ` ly rigs l;'etWeeri,'t le' north line of i inona
Street and a line which is the arc of a circle having a.50 ft, radius, and the center
of the circle being,on the . center line of Winona Street, 50 ft, crest of the east line of
AAKI VV'ngt, '.—A itiori: 'All�of, that part of, ,Lot; 10; B1ock;�i ' Cushii gI's -Addition, alyirr
v 4•a, ., r)'r }.a.r t f 1,�i 1� t A-4 It- i.i .Y r .g
1etweenttlie =Vile,--of-Wiflona T� Street' arid`a line t�Yiicii min "the arc Hof a circl e' having
a 50 "ft'. radhe center of the ,.circl'e`being on �t ' 6 (center' line''�of'iWinoAa Street
50 ft, ,so of. the east line of Cushing's.Additionp_.and -all of that part of Lot 9
-Block ., ,,,CashiKg l s; Addition] lying �bgbi6en; -the north' ;ling .of Winona Street' ,arid•-,d :llizie•� °f
which isythe' a'rc of a b"' 3.rcle having a 50; f�: radius and _the cbdter' „df the circle i
�'/.'l Vr1� 'L1-a� -f.d' i.i.'r L'`' x, t'•+i'� .j- �n �� i�,l, iTx- --n f .,i 1�_ 'V:`- 1 i. ='. __S_ f•2ait
t4digtijo'n inonthe center:.le of �9inona, Street �50"ft wdst of-`the' east line_ 'of Cushing s U+ ,Wlf �'.+ L4f�.+.i i �Gui L3 4. iu b � .:5'L rJY� fi ilii L2 }31,.�:Lc G i,li:tixa ' :� titA's ;ho south lino Of %=0 :,i +✓zr::ot ':! 9 line r•h1eh it tho ea c of � cirLl, hav3z±�
a ,0 tt.redtost and tho cortcr of that el ele bcir_g cr_ the - center li.n0 of Tama SLrcot
50 ft* west of tho east limo of aa-Z i.rgrs At4diti.ono ru of tf t pant ,Df Trot 3s Block 2t
Cuahlr4ts - ,.2, ;Jiticri j 1y�t;; b : i, :t tho e"Vi .11r_a of winena Strca L ra�,i a ll; -o %hi.ch ia tho
are of cirOlt a 510 ft, r,'IIJ aC . = •thy , ccr ;Lcr of tho circle b; i.r7 on tho canter
lira of rU 1MB Stmt 50 ft"* :�c`t of tie r=yt UP.-, cf tr%Wlingt3 10 All of that
xf=1 of -rii lA;p* 1. f'n1f�1 s_!, - #?- __�__+#
Streefcande t', :t a 4hidlitlE0the1f'afttVV a:) e'ikc1e a W� of :50i£ft:-`radiva;• and the ce ter,
of the 'circle being-on the centeer line;�dS -Winona . Street 50 ft. nest of-the--,east line of
ACnahirigr a Addit on.;:All of:.that...pea`t--- of..Lot.olO .*..Block 1s Cushing'ts Additi °irk lying
between the north line of Winona Street - anti a line -which is' the-, arc-. of a; circle having
a 50'Afto radius .. 1aad.3the center, of. the circle being 'on,the ,,center,line. of•Winona Street°
50 ft`, west �of the east line of Cushing's Addition.4 and`alll ot_i6t. part of Lot 9s
Block 1, Cuslii"ng't PJAdditions lying between -the. north line of Winona . Street . and a line
H "^ rC " ^il
which is the. Garc:cof;.a circle .having a 50 ft. • radius °'and' "the' center fif the circle
being on the.- center line of Winona Street 50 ft. west of the east line_of Cushing's
Addition. .na;�rm�::.� t �►
,•lextiu: on .
re tcraun ; ........Ia or. ..
Roann �-
4. 'resident, ll311on / �} Ir"UMBL ItE,D•,,, -
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