09-295Council File # 09-295 Green Sheet # 3067716 Presented by RESOLUTION � OF S/�I,NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHLNG THE CREATION OF A MAYORAL TASK FORCE TO MAXIMIZE 2 THE 2010 CEN5US RESPONSE RATE ROI2 THE CITY OF SALNT PAUL WHEREAS, ihe U.S. Consritution requires that a census be taken every 10 years; and 4 WHEREAS, the U.S. Census is a count of all residents living in the United States; and 5 WHEREAS, census data is used to alloaate billions of dollars in federal assistance to state and local 6 govemments for highways, hospitals, schools, public transportarion and health programs; and 7 WHEREAS, Census 2Q10 is on the horizon and the U.S. Census Bureau wants to ensure that everyone 8 is counted; and 9 WHEREAS, in the 2000 Census, Minnesota's 75 percent response rate was second in the nation, only 10 one percentage point behind Iowa; and 11 WHEREAS, Ramsey County's return rate was 78 percent, while Saint Paul posted a 74 pexcent 12 response rate for the 2000 Census; and 13 WHEREAS, Saint PauPs 2000 Census figures were three percentage points higher than the 1990 return 14 rate; and 15 WHEREAS, while undercount figures for counties across our country are kept, undercounts for 16 individual cities are not tabulated; and 17 WHEREAS, the U.S. Census Monitoring Board esrimates the undercount for Ramsey County in the 18 2000 Census was 5,990 individuals with an estimated federal funding loss of $45.7 million; and 19 WHEREAS, a reasonable extrapolation is possible based on the premise that 60% of Ramsey County's 20 population resides in the City of Saint Paul. Using that premise, the esrimated 2000 Census undercount in the 21 City of Saint Paul is approximately 3,594; and 22 WHEREAS, the current formula for federal funding impact per person is $1,000 per year x ten years 23 equaling $10,000 per census period which would result in an esrimated loss of federal funding of at least $35.9 24 million to the City of Saint Paul in the 2010 Census; and 25 WHEREAS, historicaily, the hard to reach groups include: communities of color, immigrants, limited 26 English speakers, renters, the homeless population, residents of group homes, and college students; and 27 WHEREAS, the2000 Census yielded a map that provides a strong glimpse of our final response rates; 28 and 09-295 29 WHEREAS, Invest Saint Paul areas had a disproportionate amount of the lowest response rates in the 30 ciry as reflected in the attached map; and 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 S4 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 �1 72 73 74 75 76 77 WHEREAS, Mayor Chris Coleman, Saint Paul City Council, and Department Directors of Saint Paul are committed to spearheading ancreased outreach efforts throughout Invest Saint Paul areas and integrating census infornlation into Invest Saint Paul activiries to maximize the response rates in these targeted areas of need; and WIIEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul has agreed to be one of 39,000 govemment entities in parhxership with the U.S. Census Bureau; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul understands that its primary role in this partnership is to formulate a Census 2010 Complete Count Committee that includes stakeholders across our city, especially hard to reach communities, including: government, education, media, faith-based, community-based organizations, business, immigrant advocates, domestic violence advocates, communities of color, philanthropy, and labor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a Census 2010 Complete Count Committee named Mayor Coleman's 2010 Census Task Force is established to serve in an advisory capacity to the City of Saint Paul; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the arganization and chazge of the task force is as follows: Secfion 1. NAME: Mayar Coleman's 2010 Census Task Force Section 2: PURPOSE: The Task Force shall advise and assist the city in obtaining the most accurate and complete population count for Census 2010 by increasing the quesrionnaire mail back response rate through a focused, shuctured neighbor-to-neighbor program. The Task Force will also utilize the local knowledge, expertise and influence of each Task Force member to design and implement a census awareness campaign targeted to the community. Section 3: DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Task Force shall discuss and formulate strategies and techniques, working with the city and census bureau officials, to enhance and increase the city's response rate to Census 2010. The Task Force shall be charged with the responsibility of planning and conducting local educational initiarives, including creating, printing and distributing posters, flyers and handouts for use by the media and others. 'The task Force will prepare materials for public service announcements on radio and television. Members may speak at fonuns and meerings to promote and inform others of the census. The Task Force may distribute recruiting materials while also promoting the use of the most common foreign languages in those materials. The Task Force may identify locarions for `Be Counted Sites" andlor Quesrionnaire Assistance Centers. Section 4: MEMBERSHIP; OFFICERS: The Task Force shall consist of 20 members. The Mayor shall appoint the members with the consent of the City Council. The Task Force shall elect its own chairperson. Section 5: TERMS: The Task Force shall serve from February 2009 through August 2010 at which rime the Task Force, having completed their wark, shall dissolve. No resolution dissolving or rescinding the Task Force is necessary. Any organizafion represented on the Task Force may replace a Task Force member who steps down or can no longer serve on the Task Force. The new Task Force member's name shall be put forward to the Mayor for appointments with consent of the City Council. 09-295 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Section 6: MBETINGS: A quorum shaIl be at least 11 members. The Task Force shall also conduct all meetings in accordance with adopted city policies and procedures and shall use Roberts' Rules of Order in conducting its meetings. The Task Force shall meet at least quarterly but may meet more offen ifnecessary. Section 7: STAFF: The Mayor shall appoint a city employee to serve as the primary liaison to the Task Force; and 87 FINALLY RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnents, 88 made by the Mayor, of the following community stakeholders to serve on Mayor Coleman's 201Q Census Task 89 Force: 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 48 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Grant Abbott, Saint Paul Area Council of Churches Marcia Avner, Minnesota Council of Non-profits Chief Tim Butler, Saint Paul Fire Department Lestex Collins, Pan African Complete Count Committee Ryan Dolan, Minnesota Demographic Center Consul Ana Luisa Fajer, Mexican Consulate Readus Fletcher, Interim Saint Paul HREEO Director Molly Grove, Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce Illean Her, Asian Pacific Complete Count Committee John Keller, Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota Danielle Kluz, Bridges to Safety Ruby Lee, Northwest Area Foundation Lillian McDonald, Emergency & Community Health Outreach (ECHO) Yusef Mgeni, Saint Paul Public Schools Rogelio Munoz, Latino Complete Count Committee Ami Nafzger, U.S. Census Bureau Julie Schnell, SEN Healthcare Minnesota Diane Wanner, Saint Paul District Council Coordinator Mary T. Karcz, or other designee assigned by the Ramsey County Manager Anna Marie Hill, Minnesota Indian Affairs Council Bostrom Carter x37i1S Requested by Department of /` y 1ct.t.r.ei1`J�- fl.�.� � I�v BY �C°,tl�.C� Approved by the Office of Financia Services By: Thune Approved By: ![ Adopted by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by C cil 5ecretary gy B � Approve y a • Dat BY� �� Submission to Council . � � Green Sheet Green Sheet 09-295 Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartnentlOfficelCouncil: Datelnitiated: GCeen Sllee� NO 3067716 MO — Mayor's Office 10 ConWCt Person & Phone: Ueoartnent Sert To Persun Initiall0ate i Kris Fredson y o a or•s ofsce [ ----- �1 I 266$534 1 or•sOtSce DeparhneutDircctor t I Assign 2 itvAttoroev I� � I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 or•s0ffice 1 MavorfASSisfant ` For Routing a ouncil � 1 Doa Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 ' Clerk Ci Clerk I E-DOCUment Required: Y Document ConWct: Conpct Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolurion establishing the Creation of a Mayoral Task Force to maximize the 2010 Census response rate for the City of Saint Paul. Rewmmendafions: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission L Has this person(firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Se{vice Cammission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curcent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheM. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advanhges If Approved: DisativanWges If Approved: � Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total Amount of CosURevenue Butl etetl: Transaction: 9 Funding Source: Activity Number: Financiai information: (Explain) March 10, 2009 9;58 AM Page 1 09-295