188949Original to CIty Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER—t .x 88949 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFI COUNCIL THE CITY CLERK `f,louncil File No. 188949 —By Adrian P. ZION— GENERAL FORM Wi f +,kel- yeas, Additions and Deductions �Li n c ` e r neces ary .h DATE SEPMB TEER }L_ 1958 Z hNvff^dY WHEREAS) Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary,in the Improvement described as the Paving of OAKLAND AVENUE from Grand Avenue to Ramsey Street, Comp - troller's ,Contract L- 5897 -A, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the quantities of Additions and Deductions, as per the attached list, re- sulting in' a Net Addition, the amount of which is to be financed from Bond Fund t -21, and WHEREAS, the Total Net Addition is # 9,054.152 now therefore be it' RESOLVED, That the City of St,. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made'in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of 0 99054.15, said amount to be ',added to the lump sum consideration named in'the Contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L- 5897 -A, for the making of the above Improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above;named Contractor that the sum of 9,054.15 is the correct amount to be added to the above Contract. t 't -p 2 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counel 195 — Yeas Nays DeCourcy SEP 2 1958 Holland Approved 195 - Marztt7l'li"" Tn Favor Mortinson 61JLi Peterson n Mayor Rosen `-' Against Mr. President, Dillon PUBLISHED SM 8.88 '40"2 Duplicate to Printer COUNCIL 18894.9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE SEPTEMBEF? 2. x-958 WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as; the Paving of OAKLAND AVENUE from Grand Avenue to Ramsey Street, Comp« troll®r's Contract L- 5897 -A, Ashbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and WHEREAS, 1t has been found necessary to make the quantities' of Additions and Deductions., as per the attached list, re- sulting in a Net Addition the amount of which is to be finanged from Bond Fund St-21, and WHEREAS, the Total Net Addition is $ 9,054.15, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That °the City of St. Paul through its City Council, approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $ 90054.15, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the Contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L- 5897 --A, for the making of the above Improvement. The,Commissioner of public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $ 9,05'.15 is the correct amount to be added to the above Contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Mortinson Tn Favor a Peterson Rosen �j Against Mr. President, illon ant 6.56 41SDO,,2 SEP 2 1958 . Adopted by the Council 195— SEP 2 1958 Approved 195— Mayor Ft At ESTIMATE 188949 Pfti4q-1 V 9A�-, AVE* GRAND AVRp TO R-AMOET PT, 14"5097"A ADDITIONS 118 Cu,Yds* Excavat-lion 1 25 147,o50 33 CUXYdea Int, i:25 54125 Sq*Yds. Remove present pavement including Pgoe 1P50 924000 19*3 Sq*Ydea Remote present brick surfacing 1000 19,30 22*6 SqoYds* Remove bae course . concrete pave.ment, 10,10 6 3786-3 Lin.Fto Remove granite curb 030 110136 2297 LineFto Remove c n1crete I curb 025 50ig 2 Each Remove �Uees 50*00 100000 2 Each Remove exipting Side Inlets 5,00 10*00 1 Each Adjust Catch Basin 20000. MOO ,7o5 Tons Asphaltic oopprete Wearing Course T 11000 82e 50 66*3 SqoYdno Bituminous Seal Coat 020 13*26 I-- 6603 Sq,Ydao Bituminous Tack Coat *04 2*65 'J50 SqeYdao 7: Concrete bise to construct (Standard S 6o525*00 1 a �p@rWth) 4-50 �D3*8 Lin*Fto 7 X18" Straight concrete curb to construct. 2-900 7,,607.6o 2207 LinoFto Z:xl8" Radiui concrete curb to construct . 0 2-40 -4048 2-9,6 Sq.Ydoo Monolithic concrete driveway to construct 2064 1 - - L" - � -. - ­-- . 4*90 2 52 Sq* Fte 41* Monolithic concrete walk to construct 0.5 93 *25 34. Sq*Yda* Grass Sod to furnish and lac' 4 p , q 35 11.,90 12*5 LinoFte No* 1 M. He to construct !b - 6'9,," 226*50 2 Each Side Inlets to construct (24" Curb opening) 30.00 0000 1 Each 24" Side Inle'i hole in now curb* 2000 2000 51 Lin•Ft* 12" Vo C. Pipe Sewer (Extra Strength). 5.28 ?-69,28 4e7 Lin*Fte Ornamouial Pipe railing to salvage and ip@tgXX 3000 14910 00 3*5 CUeYd8* Conciet6 block retaining wall to construct 25P 879 36,5 Lin,Ft* 6N Se'wer' s-rV'ica connection to construct 111.69 6 3-o6 4 Cu*Ydoo C" t-Support Wall-Footing 45,00 180000 llg Lbee Reinfo*n - p .0 012 ,g Steel in Wall 13956 16 Lin*Fto Block Reinforcing d65 5 -10.92 2071 Lin*Ft. Paper j6i nts :o8 16­P 68 . 420 LineFte Formed Joints *055 23010 72 Lin*Fte Remove Manhole 4000 288.00 72 Lin*Fto Ree on a truct kanhole 12.00 864,00 4 Cu*Ydoo No* I A6 concrete mix for 10-A Patch 04414@ 45*00 180.00 1*250u*Ydoo Construct PO 45*00 _ 5 t concrete steps 6925 15 Cu.Yda. Consir-u6t concrete coping 4 oo Z. 6 QeOO 51 CuaYdea Cru3hodiRock' furnish 'and place 000 000 264 Cu-Yds, Sand Fill to furnish and place 2060 4008960 3 Galo Asphaltic materiialfor"- Guard Rail 3-05 9-Pl 1 Each Special! Catch, Basin on Ramsey Street 163.8; 68 Cu*Yde, Top soil in place I - 2-50 170900 Sewer Connections thru Rock 1--27LP39 A lterin' 3 ''at Basins ' .g -OA C and French Drain 217970 3?EDUCTTONS TOTA34 ADDITIONS 23,419.15 1649 Lin#;Ft* 12" concrete pipe .. sewer removal 030 494470 241 Ton Asphalt - Ic Concrete Binder - Course Type D 10400 2.,410,00 47 sq.Yd3, 3" Brick Pavement with Oiled Sand Nahion 7oOO 329.00 74 Sq,yds- 71' c6iicret4 Base to constr"i;ct 4'80' 6 6060 3 -'96 08 35 1,6 Lin*Fto Branitel curb 'to reset 1080 6 10 Each Adjust e;;isting Manholes and Catch Basins 20000 200oOO 616 Sq.Yda, Remove present asphalt surfacing 10195 708.40 40 Lin-Pto 7"X18" SPraight concrete curb to construct 2.04 MOO TOTAL 1 ON DEDUCTIONS 5 7M47 I - , ­ -­,.- .4 NET ADDITIONS 9054!15 • H PM149�A 1;8 Cu.Ydso �16 33 Cua.Ydso SgeY4p.0 1903 Sq.Ydso 2996 SgoYdasb 378803 LinoFto 2297 L_in.Fto 2 Each 2 Each 1 Each 6Ze5 Tons 03 SgoY480 6603 SgoYdae 150 Sq.Ydso 3 A3o8 LineFto 2207 Linopto 3 29.6 Sq.Yds. 525 Sqo Fio 3 Sq.Yds. 12o5 LinoFte 2 Each 1 Each 5i Lin.Fte 407 Lin,Fte 336" 95 NoYda. 36.5 Lipp Ft. 4 Cu.Ydp. ll3 Lba. l68 Lin.Fto 2071 Lla.Ft. 42 4 Line Ft. 72 Lin.Ft• 72 tin- Ft-4 Cur Ydoq 1o250u9Y4$o 15 CU.Yds. 51 CuoYdso 204 Cu.Yds. 3 Gal. �.9 Egeh 6A CuoYds. PI.NJM ESTIMATE I OAU AND A.V-Ee - GRAND AVEo TO RAMSW STo Excar►a � t on ADDITIONS Emba. ent Remove present pavement including 'base Removq proognt brick aurfaciang Remove onO Course concrete pav®ment Remove grg44 a gurb Remove 6pperrete curb Reawve treed Remgvp existing Side Inlets Adjust Catch Basin Asphal is concrete gearing Course Type P Bituminouo Seal Coat BWimi i I ous Tack Coat 7" Con rete base to construct Standard Stx�e:qgthj 7"x18" Strglot concrete curb to construct 7 "x18" RfL .14s concrete _1 0 to constru�st P Mo4plithic concrete driveway to construct 4" Ionplithi c concrete wal)f to constrnt Grass hod to furnish and plane No. Z. Ho to construct Side Inlets to construct (24" Curb Opening) 2-4" Side Inlgt hole In new cured 12" V, �C. Pipe Sewer (Extra Strength) Orng*op} al F p® mailing to salvage and 1fotall Concrete blgck retaining fall to' congt "40 6P Sewer Seryipe connection to construct Construct ,Support Wfk i Footing ReinfoF4ing Sbee1 in plece Block R4499rcing Paper Joir�ts� I Formed, Jo$ ate Rej � �4 h41e Reconat�+uct M nhol.e No. 16 concrete mid for YOGA catch basins Con�tr�uct Concrete steps Construct concrete cgpY Cruise e`d Rock furpi1 :4 and plage $and Fill to few -piah and �?laca Asp4' aiiic terial. for Ouard Rail Special CatcY} Basin on Rapisey S_ rget Top soil in place Sewer Connections thru RocX Altering l0A Catch Basins- and French Drain 1-88949 L "_5897 -4 to 25 1.25 1.50 1e 00 1.10 02 5 50600 5o 00 20.00 lio00 20 .04 0 0 2000 204.0 4045 /c 5� 30f00 5.28 3.00 25,00 3.o6 45.i0 :08' 06 .055 4.00 12.00 45-00 5040 4X60 4 00 2000 3005 2.50 TOTAL ADDITIONS 239419 *13 1649 Lin*Fte DEDUCTI ONS 12 "'= Jncrete pipe sewer removal .30 494.70 241 Ton Asphaltic (- on Binder Course Type D 10000 2,410.00 t7 7 0 Sq.Y4s. Sq.Ydso 3" Brick Pa,vgment With Oile' Send Cushtgn 71' Concrete Base to Construct (High Early Strength) 7000 4080 329000 3,6 6000 6Fe8 35106 LinoFto �r ®nit® curb to reset �.9 6;4 10 Each Adjust existing Manholes and Catoh Basins Remove 20400 1.15 200000 616 40 Sq.Yds. Line-Fto prasenti nsphlalt surfacing 7 "x18 S' rA ght concrete curb tb con.strupt 2000 708940 80000 TOTAL DEDBCT1040 1 o; T ADDx i01 9054pi5