D001860C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR n� co m: ADMTIVISTRATIVE ORDER: • CityClerk(Original) BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's Accounting D'rvision -RequestingDept No: (} j �� Date: ,3�f7—�f� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grantsd to the Mayor in Sedion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Risk ManagemenY Division to amend the 2000 budget of the General Government Accounts of the Generel Fund, th Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: FUND AND ACTNIN: General Governm�lnnovations Specified Reserve 09061 0518 mayoYs contingency Worker's Compensation Incentive Program 09025 0299 services � Net Change CURREN7 BS1D_GEI 200,000.00 o.00 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES 6 D T (136,578.00) 63,422.00 136, 578.00 136, 578.00 0.00 To move authority from the Mayor's Contingency to the appropriate objects where spending will occur. G--- � � ctivity Mana9er Date Requestetl by: Department Director oate ���a-�-��--� 3"io zocr App ov by: M or Date Otfce of iinanual5ervices (G:\SHARED�BVOGETDEPTS�GENGON133tA0 09035 WK4) 3I&UO l�1m/'f /57/n15 DEPARTMCNT/OFFICPICOUNCA, DAffiA`lIIASED � v • v RiskManagementDivision , 3/10/OO„ GREEIV $19EET ' NO. 1U4316 COMACfPERSON@PH01JE 1� DEPAR'1MEN'CDRtECfO& O CRYCA[INCLL � � C[(YA1i0ANEY .'+O CfIYCLERK tI�AfCR MVSTBEONCAUNCLLAGENDABV(DA'IE) �� � BI/fJ('�1'DQtECI'OR O FW.&MGf.SERVI@SDIX. fl�a O MAYOR(ORASSLSTANIJ O CtI�FACCOUN[AM TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) ACIION R£QUFSIEO Administrative approval of the attached administrative order impfementi� a budget transEer within fhe General Government Accounfis of the Generai Fund to estabiish the budget for the Worker's Compensation Incentive Program for 2000. �mnmmanwnmas: a (a) W n�m(rt) YERSONAL SERVICL CONYRACT3 ML3ST ANSWER'fHEFOLiAWING QUESTIONS: PIANNAIGCOM1L�OSSION _CIVII.SERNCECOMIASSION 1.HasthispersonlSlmeverworkedwderaconrcactfortLisdeparm�eat? cmcpnu.urtEe YES NO " n srn� _ 2.Hasrhispe�od5cmeve�beenacityemployee? D6'IRICTCOIJRS YE$ N� � sUPeort�ts wtuc[t CoUNCa oweCrrve? 3. Dces Utis persodfum possess a slall not nolmally possessed by any cuerent ciry employee? YES NO (EYplain all yes aaswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) Alt[IA]]NGPROBL6M.65UE, OPPoRTUMI'Y (Who. Vfi+t �rn �'16ac, N'hYk A budget transfer is necessary to release a portion of the authority from the Mayor's Contingency artd provide the budget for the Worker's Compensation Incentive Program. The budget authority included in this order has always been designated for the WC Program. Recent administrative review indicated that the program should be handled differently (fiscally) from the past. It was concluded this program should be budgeted, and costs recorded, in a separate activity beginning in 2000. This transfer carries out that decision. qpVANfAGE$IFAPPROVED: , This order carries out the original intent for these fundswhen they were included in the adopted budgef - providing an incentrve to Iower worker's compensation costs. DISADVANfAGBS IP'APPROVFD. None. C' �-� DISMVANiAG£S @ NOT APPROVED: �/ �✓%9"� ( �} P"i.e ��"� l�f !A The sfia£f and managers who worked to lower worker's compensation costs for the last few years wil I not receive funds for safety supplies, training, and other reimbursable costs allowed under the program's policy. TOTALAMOONTOFTRANSACI]ON S 136.578 COST/REVENUEBI)I10E]'ED(CIRCLEONE) O NO FONDINGSOU&CE General Fund acnvixrMmmea L-001 -09025 PwnNCUC wroanunoN: (eCeuIN7 OfficeMFinancWlServices (G:�SHAREDIBU�GETDEPTSIGENGON123N0_09025WK4) L8/00