1888600*inal to City clerrk - ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY 1 An ordinance 1-88860 COUNCIL FILE NO. Lff O RDINANCE_NQ. Council File Nor 488860— Ordinance Nc F; 1131& —$y Add i li #iWinke — t � An "bt 31n0nce amending �ffl.anc 3fltt41'6M /4l,.ptitled: ce frart'1g penni" amoending Ordinance No. 10080, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority to,,the Village of North St. Paul to connect the public sewer system of said Collage of North St. Paul to the ,public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and there- after maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions." approved 'May 13, 1953, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. i THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 10080, approved May 13, 1953, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended.,by adding to the first'paragraph of Section 3 of said Ordinance, after the legal description of certain property in Washington County, there - set forth', the following: "and except that said Village of North St. Paul may permit the installation, maintenance and_op.eration of.a sewer „ iservice connection between its said :3 public sewer system and the following LIJ °u described real property lying beyond >- o its corporate limits and situated in the U Village of Maplewood, County of Ramsey, ' Stgte of Minnesota, to -wit: Subject to County Road B and sewer easements, the east 200 feet of that part of the North- west Quarter (NW' /a) lying northerly of the ®° Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railway right -of -way in Section 14, Township 29, Range 22, 11. Section 2. That the operative effect of this ordinance and its amendment of said prior Ordinance No. 10080, shall be contingent upon the acceptance of thesame by said Village not later than 60 days next after the passage and approval of this ordinance; such acceptance by said Village to be represented by its enactment of an ordinance formally accepting this ordinance and agreeing to abide by all of the provisions, terms and conditions of the same, and the filing of a certified copy of such Village ordinance with 'the City Clerk and with the City Comptroller of said City o£ `Saint Paul. i Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy ! Holland i Mortinson i Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -67 8 Trt� ) PUB11 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against i O-t¢inal to City Clark PRESENTED BY Yeas t - RDINANCE I -8860 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. ✓ I Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. j Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force; upon its passage, approval and publication. Councilme DeCourcy Holland Pete Rosen Winkel Msident ,bl Nays O Attest: City C lerk 1M 12 -57 q 8 9 Passed by the ouncil SEP 10 1958 �^ Tn Favor y A gainst SEP 10 1958 Approved: w A n _ .. Mayor GOVERNMENT OF T1 41E VILLA13E OF NORTH SAINT PAUL COUNTY OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA from the office of Village Clerk i } November 14, 1958 I Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk, =City of "St. Paul, " - . - 386 Court House Bldg.-, 4, St. Paul, 2, Minnesota.,, f t Re: St. Paul Ordinance Dear Mr. Okoneskis #11318 9/10/58 Y: I am enclosing herewith two certified copies of our Ordinance $297 which was adopted on November 39 1958- t 'f This is in accordance with your letter of September 18, 1958. Please give one of the copies to the City Comptroller for his files. Also, please send me the publication notice on St. Paul Ordinance $ 11350, adopted 10/2W58. Very truly yours, Herman L. Ko e Village Clerk 1 r - VILLAGE OFFICES: 52 7TH AVE. N. E., ,NORTH ST. PAUL 9, MINN. PHONE SP 7.1347 .. .. - - ` _.. - . 9 - l + •.• a ., { • , _ l�, .. . .. • - • - = _ , a, ` - .z Aovember. 14 , 158,. s t 34r.. Joseph R: Okoneeki.` pity 'Clerk. - City -of St. - Paul. - - . 386 Court House Bidg:.. ;. ',St.. Paul. '2. -'Minnesota., 'au. Ordinance ` Dean Mra_4koneeki, - - _ ' #11318. 9 /1058: . .1 am enclosing., hi!rewith' two certified copie,8` _ our .Ordinar�oa #297 which way veto ted on- Hov.ember. ' 3. 1958'. Whig is in acoordeince rrit Y °t", Teeter, of Septemb ®r i8;' 1958. s _'Plea" give one of `the -copies to• .the City Conptzoll r 1 for his fijt�. -Al T'b ®e .fie me` th - ,i ' P a end a pgblicatiorv` notice on St. t Patil ,Ordlnahca 'f 11350.,- Adopt `10/2 /5$,; , • _ _. - - - • - . _ - � : ,. S � _ -• .. '� ♦- _ 'r' ,': 9' _ sus _ ..ui• •i `X '•.' � .y '' - ' -• ' ' . - j �(( ±y��_ 1 Very. _tru] - F}erman L je . $Olt eke ' - - ` ,..� s; •__� +`` r , �• ",q` 4•''�i.,; �4` - Vi 11 Clark - -��, ; copy ,forrCity: Comptroller ds yci'a i Lu ESf �T (' 1iv ..+�t to 2. -1aL i, r "ei, nsss�{i�rli .F .: i : bosaa � .i pi ut�, sib ss a -Vgva- o ca fist., otvt3� I* ;a f3vorfii: srt�. ,tfiaiJ 3 so ° ,L�s�w►; �r�;nlfe0 ds'E xtt U •si `xobi �a 9�y�]iL�.�' er{ o Cra�nucJ• ` if . . - AN OMINANOE ACCFPTiNa TiE T8 `MD 'bfex# ` E 01tY, CAF' SAINT .PAIL, - apTrdved�septowber 10, 1958 -,, BEING 'AN ORDINANCE- AMEND ,4?PD1IGZ�t�i ©5;10080; -oi the City .of -Saint Fi►ul, "entitled "i4ri Ordinance ti ti Griaticg '- ofm a`d''Authority ito . -the Vill * of North St. Fa:ul to conueQt the public, sewer- system -of said„Yillage, of 3iorth St. Paul to. the public sewer *':stem of t1id "'City city, S�►int_`i'aiulj 'aar a, thereafter maintain and operate tie sass: *.. _ ` ate' an nutlet': for said,•public,YSol ®r e�yetedi of said 'Villikge.: for public, ssw�ge coaveya e and diaapot►]:urpoa8, and - providing applicable terms and conditions*" WHREAS;R�titie._ City, >at :Patil , `Itamueey County, Minnesota,' has heretofore. by Qrdinance No,' 11318 tppro*ed 5 ®pts tbt�r yl4, 1958,: amended. Ordinance "Noo. 10080, by ch• , i the. i'irat, i rai h•o •.Sectigb' -Three ,thereof thereb rant raai•saion �`� Pay -ag P y . I'e to tha;Vil] age of" North St. Pain]; to s®wer...faciltieas to. a parcel of dQacriiia�a� _t " Sub ject; tb, Gan nt' Toad =B: and :sewer easements, t)* east � 200Y,feet` of- thht. -part of::thq° Northweit' "barter ( )•'�' ` ;a• -�. " ljiiig,; northerly -of - this :Xi=oapblis, -St. Paul and Sault-, s.te.x "Marie. $ail lway right -bf- s:i in Section 14, ' Townehip•,- solely for6anit ary sewage ftraiinage purposes, and dbjoci to,ail provisions', terns` = and conciitionas` of this .,ordinance - whioh'- .acre_ ' hereby m -de . applicable. thereto with , the 'same intent' .purpose d e� fect -as if such next :above • described .real gdtate� were inttrely situated within the - corporate liipits'cf maid Village. WHEREAS,- 41sid- Ordinance - further - provide$ 'that %the, Yillago of North St.- Paul;. shall `not permit. Qay further conneetinu to bay,jaade to 'its, sewer system with property lying outside 'the corPorate_ limits •of' d did• Village without further express with- ortmatiob ' therefor•. by s the, Counoil of the' " City ,of ,Bai nt Paul. _ THE V ILLA CO GIL O NoRx'H ST*- PAUL ONDAAlNS t ' _ Section 1., ' ;That the village: of - ,North- _St. Paul does hereby accept and a$i^�►e `to abide ,by mill the "texua - and conditions set � forth in Ordinaance No. 11318- appiroved .September. 10, •1958 bj'_the-City - of .Saini Paav1f plants*' County; Minnesota.. Sectioxi 2. That , the Villa3ige' Clerk of .the , Villoge -of North St:. - Paul be -and. `- „ hereby is authorized' and- dirscted to ; file a ceirtifimd eopy'.of this Ordinance. • . with• the pity Qlark of +the' City, of - Saint - Pau]: fari with the' City Copptraller of thA City' Q` f Saint Paul., upon the pas$age, aipproval` and'publioa:tion of this Ordinance. , = _ This' Ordiriapgo •shall be in full�.iorc* and eliect,frm and after- its, passage, approval ; an4 publication as required by law,,'' Approved and :passe'd No.vearber 3; 1958. (ilin '.. Nox' -thrup +: , } . •'r:4,�;T;�- :, • .,.; ` _ ., - Mayor '- - - ­Aftestf, . Horma hi L. Kottke Village `Appr'oved s '` Oivil J 'Johnson , p yi11'age Ma�na$er < 41V1 4t7 Voting Mayor 'Northraip ,.Ay ®% Trustees Groojs aye, 'Uaulcland aajie, hemIDersbaugh -aye,° ` r:•. r- $oasch -aye '.. __ *x�•�= rid: = -,;, .. - . {II J,- 1 i 3 is 4 1 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app- / Adopted 0 Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland D�s�e}l�t Mortinson Peterson Wnel Mr. President Dillon .188860 DeCourcy Holland 0 P�etterson WiM, Mr. President Dillon