188804�f 04-"1� - inal to City Clerk . T_ J ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. , PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE rr)T.tneu File No. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32502, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules- and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. This is an .emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health. and safety. -THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250i, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be- and the same is, hereby further amended by striking out where they appear in their respective grades the following positions: Ambulance Surgeon Radio Technician pa' ' W Senior Radio Technician 0 z Superintendent of Police Radio Division '' ■■ '' 1 c� Secretary to Chief of .Police; L.l�! U o and, by inserting .said positions, under the heading "Police) in the same W respective grades. CL Section Z. That said ordinance, as, amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of their present grades where they Iappear in Section 6, and inserting. in the next numerically higher grades, ti respectively, the following positions: All those in -- • _ .., • Grade 37 .f�» •- y ..�,. __ - _ �-- . __ _ _ - _-- . .. Grade 38 under the headings Clerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 39 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Glerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 40 under the headings Attendance and ,Inspectional, Clerical, and ,Zxempt. Grade. 41 under the headings. Attendance and Inspectional, and Clerical. Grade 42 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy PUBLISHER 9- �7-5�' Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) ,. Annrnneil !__.._. — 0 ti11na1 to City Cler: , o � r ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. r ?— Grade, 43 under the heading Clerical. Grade 44 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 45 under the headings. Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and the positions: Filter Plant Operator Instrumentman Junior Librarian Grade 46 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Manual and Maintenance. Grade 47 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, Manual and Maintenance, and the positions: Assistant Planning Technician Nurse Supervisor -- .Schools. Nurse Supervisor - -T. B. Division Senior Architectural Draftsman Senior Engineering Draftsman Senior .Mechanical Draftsman The position of Senior Radio Technician shall w not be included. Grade 48 under the heading ,Manual and Maintenance. Grade 49 under the headings Clerical, Manual and Maintenance, and the positions: ". Assistant Public Works T- Technician (Construction) Assistant Public Works Technician (Playas) Senior Planning Technician Surveyor The position of ,Secretary to the Chief of Police shall not be included. Grade 50 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Manual and Maintenance, and the position: Chief Nurse The positions Ambulance: Surgeon and Superintendent of Police Radio Division shall not be included. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 .054.8 i Ir i� Orlglinai to City Clerk +' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1 -3- Grade 51 under the heading Clerical. 'Grade 52, under the headings. Clerical, and Manual and Maintenance. Grade 54 under the heading Clerical, and the positions: Architectural Designer Engineering Inspector Grade 55 under the headings Clerical, and Exempt. Grade 56, under the heading Manual and Maintenance. Grade 57 Grade 58 under the headings Manual and Maintenance, and Exempt. Grade 60 Grade 62 Grade 63 Grade 64 Grade, 66�` Grade 67 Grade 68 Grade 6.9 Grade 70 Grade 72' Grade 73 Grade 74 Grade 75 Grade 77' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen A gainst Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) ' Approved Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 s n Orl¢�nal to City Clerk ' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. gw- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -4:. Section 3. That said ordinance, as. amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Grade 69 under- the heading "Professional and Subprofess`ionalil- the line. "* *Assistant to the City Architecttl. Section, 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is. hereby further amended by inserting before the title "Assistant Manager- - Water Department"' a double asterisk ( * *), and by inaerting'in Grade 68 under the .heading "Professional and Subprofessionalll the title 11Aasistant Manager - - Pater Departments!. , F Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first payroll period following its passage, approval and publication. Approved: t� i_ S.ervice, minis loner SEP 23 1958 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland e? Mortinsan Favor Peterson Rosen gainst Winkel SEP 23 1958 esiden -Approved: Attest: _ a City C16 rk Mayor 1M 12 -57 8 { - �MenlDeD �e 6, 1 Q�f Origi*al to City Cleric ORDINANCE 1.88804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. I An ordinance mending Ordinance No. 32501, entitled: "An admini trative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules an regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, s amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered, necessary for the p eservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE, COUNCIL OF THE ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordin ce No. 32501, approved August 20, 191 as amended, be and the same is ereb.y further amended by striking ou where they appear in their respec ive grades the following positions: Ambulance urgeon Radio Tec ician Senior Radi Technician Superintend t of Police Radio I ivis on Secretary to hief of Police; and, by inserting said positions unde the hea ' g "P - it in same respective grades. Vw Section 2. That said ordinanc , as(alnended, and the same is hereby further amended by striking out f their pre nt grades where they appear in Section 6, and inserting in the ext n erically higher grades, respectively, the following positions: All those in -- Grade 37 J C) m Grade 38 under the headings Cler al, and Professional o and Subprof e s sional. Uj U o Grade 39 under the headings Attend ce and Inspectional, v Clerical, and Professio 1 and Subprofessional. r Grade 40 under the headings. Attenda ce and Inspectional, and Clerical. ' Grade 41 under the headings Attendanc and Inspectional, i and Clerical. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen gainst Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved Attest: City Clerk M \ayor 1M 12 -57 8 Original to city Clerk ORDINANCE 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5%L 1.88804 Grade 42 under the hea�gs Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, an Professional and Subprofessional. Grade 43 under the headink Clerical. Grade 44 . under the heading s \Attendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and Pr essional and Subprofessional. Grade. 45 under the headings A tendance and Inspectional, Clerical, and the po itions: Filter Plant O\an ,. Instrumentman Junior Librari Grade 46 under the headings Att and Inspectional, Clerical, and Manuaaintenance. Grade 47 under the headings Att and Inspectional, Clerical, Manual anenance, and the. positions: Assistant Planning Te hnician Nurse Supervisor! _Sc ools Nurse Supervisor - -T. . Division Senior Architectural D ftsman Senior Engineering Dra sman Senior Mechanical Draf man The position of Senior Radio Technician shall not be included. Grade 48 under the heading -Manual and e. Grade 49 under the headings Clerical, Man al and Maintenance, and the positions: Assistant Public Works Te hnician (Construction) Assistant Public Works Te hnician (Plans) Senior Planning Technician Surveyor The position of Secretary to the C ief of Police shall not be included. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk AM 12 -57 c 8 Passed by the Approved: Mayor Favor Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 188804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Grade 50 under the headings Attendance and Inspectional, Manual anV Maintenance, and the position: u-nies v ur s e The position Ambulance Surgeon and Superintendent of Police Ra o Division shall not be included. Grade 51 under the headin Clerical. Grade 52 under the headin Clerical,and Manual and Maintenance. Grade 54 under the heading lerical,and the positions: Architectur Designer Engineering spector Grade 55 under the heading Cle ical. Grade 56 under the heading Man al and Maintenance. Grade 57 under the heading Cleri al. Grade 58 under the heading Manua and Maintenance. Grade 60 under the heading Profes ional and Subprofessimal. Grade 63 under the heading Profess onal and Subprofessional. Grade 64 under the heading Professi nal and Subprofessional. Grade 66 under the heading . Professi al and Subprofessional. Grade 67 under the heading Professio al and Subprofessional. Grade 68 under the headings Attendan and Inspectional, and Professional and Subpr fessional. , Grade 70 under the heading Profession and Subprofessional. Grade 74 Grade 75 under the heading Professional d Subprofessional. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the DeCourcy Holland Mortinson — Peterson Rosen — Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M 1E -57 8 Favor Orlclhal to City Cleric PRESENTED BY / ORDINANCE 188804'' COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. This or d. hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessa preservation of the public peace , health and safety. Section 4. This orall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the roll period following its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -67 8 Appr ov Service rOw -A Nays Passed by the Council In, Favor Against Approved: Mayor Quadmplicate to Department ORDINANCE 188804 IL�j COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Aa srdlmr+a axasat"s 04 *baia staratt" Civa servtfza Sars" ot mod aoloptws rules and ram op" -vod Ausaft att. 1914, ass readsrsd 146osaaary for tko 'Ps "foty. TM COOK= or Tax CITE` c* ram to tbs of skw Paulo 41Vr.4rr s is tbaroort 0 TWO 110 *a aaaorsoney ordlaa uc* at tho polio psacao bssltb ad SAJN,,T PAUL DOU 0AM !*cd*n 1: VW Ordlatat o X#i X345 010 *pipravad Aul it 20& 1914# � + afte*4046 ba 04 ths "Mo is Ursby f tbar amid by .sip s ut *bar* tbay oppswr An tbaktr riaapect3v �r a #bs 10110WAng posltlonst Amato 40 +��chisi lsr �s Tsl t44 of ]p is aaCUti 1XV10i sscr*tary to obi* i s11rs€ ands w tagoting XMA posh# s v4dev A* boa g upolls*lt j* !be a ►x s respact$ ;railo*, *fttloa a. Tbst SM4 OvAlma a►rs, uc A404# ba **d tbs *am* 1s horsby 40 ►sr ,tweadsd #y strikuw out of tbelr isssat jg&A00 " *0y *ppsar #as fir, tract lassrtl !,s tbs tx+ a -riallbearrai�� rs�rpac#1�ir� tlta< ��as�p pasltisaslaa #b+ i gads �� araida 34 uo4or tbs + s 3ast ' a prat'asalsr and Upt'+A toosswo Ondo 39 vad6r tiaa k"* Wt* Attr*damcs psoift4v, clorlea 1, sue. prolasaia 00:4 prassrtdo . Ora4 40 * ay tba Jm4ftgs Att+ dlncs and opseflorAL s clotica 1, 004 41 sador tb: b+r%ftX# Attoa os Is WOW# ✓0 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 8 Qaadrapucate to Department ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Om" 42 uador the hoadloss Clori+c*ls w#d pr Or A& 44 -v4der �s r grads 0 w24*r tl�* loadw2a a >p'a"r puwd Junior Wkv sRtr�l�s 00 *144,01 84proushlowe 0 1888 04 s ftd laspactioom, ttal Sobprstwool mt1. s 404 1a004QU0040 QrAA* 46 undor thw h*xdlup Attvadimuo awd taxpealwal, da �:Irxi„ atd 3 �� Im►taa�cw. cleric *11. Msaa41 d into cs, "a tbs �aal�,ss Nurse davorvitw Stater Artutoc t wr z0glaeorl Th* pallwaft so Sealer - -+ka a.- Viaisa gall Marts It I3itilx�'sAal► t lc . am" 49 t4d*r ***&41** 'u0*04I UvaAe 49 vadsr the ko*440 CIc �k, #slatlai�az�k tic t A00LOt ►t VOW 'WA so*wr ' Pb"its Too -3w "sue vka�"Wtaof ftetatary si lased, Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 8 Nays > Toew sltt joeft 00) Ttss Pis) Passed by the Approved: pct Mayor Favor Quaikaplicate to Depaftment ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. on" so *odor hi x*4 *ad Tha rsitifto Ar �' �altrae iiea Gras $1 aadar the koadift OVada 52 asteor *a ha s We""Co. Grp t wit 1- 88804 aa� aie�d r�►t.a:t mh*U not ha fAcII OL 'tart A. h rakl %*A 0 oRwiU003, 3 posipat lampoctor O r0o 53 t tadgr #eta hoafts � O r*A* $6 t t the ha*ftg Ortde 57 w w&r the b*x44jj t, Grade So u under 00 hoattao . or** 0 u uddor tho b" ter 43 m mWwr th h"dtag Or*" 14 a a " r the haaa a► " ara4 , a aal"ar Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 s 0 axtd Winti066004 ad ,toad +atca. 14616aai a1A losim" and soupartlt"81 . 0081 aad ftbP9*"*S$ . taate"I aad waO*010W+ iassaa4 Awd 94*Wo siewo :ft&ace and IMSV000004. Iasiaaal *add >r *mA L and ��#�aa�►�aa�. Passed `bv the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Qua&mplleate to Department r , ORDINANCE 188804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Sftttft 3. IMs iW4inames is her � to ar _ a rsoacy 6r& Mw;* r"dore,4 *6coosa�ry few,** �r�� +� t1� pout 006 $ as" rte'. 4$010"wowft 41a This ardia"c r ikau oat "d �* Ift force from aftrr t tr first y at Ow i1rot ray r po ' od Uuowias its posaftso 1 Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinsan Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 O!w8 App o"d, 30s,V 00 C lsoi r Nays Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved: Mayor TrlpHeate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. A* ordinance amending Ordinance No.1 32901, ontitiodi tip administrative ordinane* rela g to the CIvl1 $ervice 1BUteau of the City of Saint ]PIu10 :approving aad adopting rule$ and regulations thorof94 it 188804 approved Augutt ?.0. 1914, an ame004. This ids an omergrxicy ordinance rondeired ece�r4axy fax the pres'irvOloo at the ublic pAWce, health and THE 0OHNOL 0T ` T Z CITY OF Section 1. t Ordinance Not 32501 a� ameeidede be ind. the mam"' is horeby where they, appear in {chair reopective grfiidso Am. bulance surgeon dio Tochtl'ician S -Ator RAO, 'r*cha4ci Superfntfn'diaat of POIi Sect6t4rt to Chief of J and, by inserting said positions ceder the respoct vo grader, Ssutlou Z. T hat s#A4 ot4biAnce, as hereby #urthe t' amdad'ed by striking nut of their appear to Section 6, and ins+ertin g in the next 'al PAUL ,R,3pAn+ra apptovod August 20, 1914, d �y striking out Idl". goring positions: RAdio Division itPtpRC611 in the same be and the same ire grades whert #bey higher grades, t espectivily *; the folloWWS positionst All thQSG Grade 37 Grade 38 'under the hrrirdgs clerlcai.. ia,rafe�eisionul and Subprofesyioal.. O redo 39. Mader the, headings Atte4daace' Inspections4., Clerical, and -Profassto"I an. prafesslone orst4t 40 under the h*ad#ngs .Attendance axe 1as ectioze 1. and clerical.: Or*& 41 =do* the h*adinga' Attendance and iipectibwi " and Olo ricaal- Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 8 Passed by the Approved: Mayor In Favor Against Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. c; rsdo 4Z under . tht headl4ge Attabdo q,c d *tatatoianos. �X�76`�c!Rlr >�d �rnitsilsioen;Rl akads 43 undor the ho *digg Glorleal. OrAde 44 undor the hodiogs Att, aRintonatct, And the Cjoricalr Oaind Profa+ialm atads 45 undor Os h**4W s Att*n Cieriralt sod the posi+tt er Viltbr P #t Ope r toa Norge dupbrvis o �t1 /trl�lRal3 #II�ldxt xUrsae SupovV414u �►�►� Ial�pacL %►ail, ad 1$u?�profeae�asia 1. a "d t4opMeertiedal. o►nct �'frprc�e�itsi�al. co sod .140pearctim. -AL I , * "do 46 under they bye adingga Atten. i co and jnspecttctnall, AspistwA VOW Assiairta nt PWbi $u4voyor There p0.6140ft of sacrt *hall not'' o -fncludesd. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -67 O§W 8 Works TochnielAn (FIA00) Ceeohmicuft to than Ehlot, of 001166 by the Council Approved: Mayor 188804 In Favor Against 01eri.cait anel rtata<ute2 d *tatatoianos. Ott& 47 uhd*r tha headings AA,tten cee and Inapoctietal. Cl0ti4;&1; 3tris.noal And aRintonatct, And the , ' �aosltims: •, Norge dupbrvis o --sr- loollat xUrsae SupovV414u -T.. B. IDiviefou. $aator A rchito rel Drattsraam $enic*r zngIU06 g Draftsmmann seawtor Mschani 1 Dmitenum The position Of $4nior Arwedio TO- dbnlctan shall net be lwuded. dodo 4$ unclips tho ha*di xg .M an 1 lertti .molateosAce. GrAd* 49 un4*r tho hot go +Cie cailo- UVAU*1 >lind gainton"r. and the sit o": AspistwA VOW Assiairta nt PWbi $u4voyor There p0.6140ft of sacrt *hall not'' o -fncludesd. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -67 O§W 8 Works TochnielAn (FIA00) Ceeohmicuft to than Ehlot, of 001166 by the Council Approved: Mayor 188804 In Favor Against Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE 1-88804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Qmde 60 under the headlogo Attoa&acs usaual and u0int*nancol an nd jp4spoctimAlo tho posittoo; con and $u"rint*A4*4t not be iacltmUd. - Meautt and the positiono; Gr*de 58 under the hox,4iag )'an -, and Maintenance. Orado 60 under the keadins Frofe oiomAl and Subproiosaimal. Grade 0 umdo* the heading profs sional and Subp*afoasional. Crtad* 64 under the heading Prot' ato"I and Subptofomaionsl. Grade, 66 toder the heading prof LaJOU&I sod Subpro$000001. arxio 67 under the headia$ Prof $ion". and MorefosaloW.. Gradfk 64 under the ho dfi 0 Att daues, and la." Prot*# .. and hpro Orado 70 under the heading Pr. Am* Grade 74- Grade 75 under the heading Profs 06" Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12-67 .0mmo.8 a4d Inspettimol, Usiow. - and Subprotossional, and Subprofoasionall. by the Council In Favor Against Approved: Mayor Chit( Xurse The poflitioos An*ulaboo of Police udio, %vision Orado $I under the heading Clerical. Grad* $2 Under the, headin$$ CjorjCja Uaintonanco. Grado 44 under the heading Claticol t Fougineerlas snaps' tor Grade AS under the heading Cloric 1, Grade 56 under the heading Uan and Grads 67 under the hoadb*g Cleric 1. nd jp4spoctimAlo tho posittoo; con and $u"rint*A4*4t not be iacltmUd. - Meautt and the positiono; Gr*de 58 under the hox,4iag )'an -, and Maintenance. Orado 60 under the keadins Frofe oiomAl and Subproiosaimal. Grade 0 umdo* the heading profs sional and Subp*afoasional. Crtad* 64 under the heading Prot' ato"I and Subptofomaionsl. Grade, 66 toder the heading prof LaJOU&I sod Subpro$000001. arxio 67 under the headia$ Prof $ion". and MorefosaloW.. Gradfk 64 under the ho dfi 0 Att daues, and la." Prot*# .. and hpro Orado 70 under the heading Pr. Am* Grade 74- Grade 75 under the heading Profs 06" Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12-67 .0mmo.8 a4d Inspettimol, Usiow. - and Subprotossional, and Subprofoasionall. by the Council In Favor Against Approved: Mayor TrlpHeate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE 188804 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. suction 3. This ordi i Ace is hotebY 4401& r to Toe th smotsoncy' ordtnanco oAderod Aoces"ry for tbo presorvattca tho PuMir. peue, heath 044 "fetyr. suction 4. This Ordinance owl tow %ffect. d b o A forco from *nd after tho first dey of tho first p*ytoll, pow f iter p016sa %e, approval And p"catioa►. Appyroviod; C�►�misrtoaMr Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 S -37 56 un4er pil and WU:texanoc Grade 5 T under :'the heading. Oldpic4l '.01tde 58 �%nu' 1 Arid- Mainte' -to I?e- I�ebAjng'y . a b Ofle, i3iona G;.J�de� 60,twder the heading'PrQf 00ional 94d. pr heading Professional,- .and rofeissignal-b ng 65,under- the 7 Ti tofei3siontai Zra�d� 64:unaet tb6 heiiditg e4s t d�e b bc 'p b am" '66 'und6r the heading PrpfessioM Si l-, uO Oro-de, 67 vnder,the� lkeAd�-- Profegsjo"nis-1 ,�x;tor ie. pg,' nqr V -Y COPY ORDINANO,E COUNCIL FILE 110.188W4 j r*Acp,. _7N d, .-,,,32501 Wa 0 rainande, ending the t tive'ordi rice relating to An admilaiS ra I � 'Aan '0 a Civil, Sqi.-v tbe- Saint- Paul approving ice- BureaWbf-I' , ' COY, 69�' igno thetekoi�,f "pgp and adopting rUIPO, hiii eme ency praimuce, go 1914,, as.-am6ded-1 . This is an ­��,t"FAa_th and approved 4UgUst 'b ace, reservat _bf,7the 11 pe rendered (nect!SSP 7_ safetY., 4 F S ZT-PAI. "0 _ILUM To qOW C F CV% d 'Aug�zst., 2O, 1014i �()rdjtance'No. 3254P ,bection. Striking out as amended., be, and the SSM,; er- tionsi Vhqt' tliey, ear in' tl�ei e A4ujwj�e- % Technician'. p Radio dio Rei F ef of P lu e; t%r o, Y-4. a i be n- t -same and, bY insetting, t-4 4 respectil be and the same Is e-jgs'gpe y , i�ectfiopl 2 °r- they 'hereby : further al;Fhded 0 t" z. the, next ricallY,bigl*r .gradPs$ appeAr aiad inser respectively'. tbg f 6.1l6kn9--IPO_PAt_i9PeW' d 'dd 37, ra tO G Anwvsel jnqp'e6tioWlj- a-ijbpr- esS Grfide 'under 't6 headings --,AtteIUUI and qj&Cal Gx;bLde 40. under, the headings Attftdance, nal lieadJm :"fd )lc:t"5 41. under. th6 ge 00_ "add Grade. 42 uad6r,,the headings,,AtPPdssioual. ical.. P'rofessio'nal and, Grade 43, Under ,theme �? _%ejitbq hedip ` 3 j�m a'aid. UOpectio Grader nily 4 id Pr Professional ad $u bprofe sioWa i, iiri m . •+•,l::. ��6}� ',/.�•�g�.,q I���Id�.ny � JPeat3,1 •• � 5,• •� F. a..- _'� _ V" 'f 'f' �A�y��e C C41�• =' � toes posit �i .. = t,'Optrator. ' -Alter �].a_ i _ � •. i tai � _ - � S p. • (#tdties ''user the in��ltt�e ;% ; C1erl re�i;, _end Mue�.i: ezte . c'• : `l : - r x • wT #T W er :fie headingli •Attea es JCl .auspeot gn .�'. .. � clirrica ., Manusl, I+ ► i' :e c d -` 5 ; - .. ;; ' _ - • gip' _ • � � .: : ' � � . - �, `, - y F`, - ° , -- Assis tdnt P�aip9l obn - ian ; �' - �_ - Nurpe stperidsor*168c _ ` ... 1 . '.- ° � • , . ° , -� des _ superyiesor - =T� -- B. ivae.iata„ ; � = _ ' f ' :. . `" _ . - . -._ . v ., .x{''i'i @C '_iii S�'1�.,,��ior�, 6gineeea�r��ilng�.D+�rs�' -•�� `. ,• ...,' -a• -• ° i•` • - VL- YYitia ®A V�+4 • irY811 gynar+w,e - -- - Fr` e_ ., -�. -_' ' - - o .49, under, tlae boadi ngs Clerics . - _ tas,1. ` } • ' - __ •' - ' ' " ' �innt�lnc�r ate. the p�3�3 � - .. - , • - . � r � _ ,; ; , • .�.y� _ , - - • _� • •1�.��ry* • .. Y r , • _•• •p�� /� rte. M.. },•�y�� !1��� y� ,y ��/ `�•-(•L�L7 f7 ozs •,�4i� �I• 4i ;�L +uMr+.•Q WMM. li {/ructio .) - ,. . VR!a�Y As itt lot b90 •Wor �eah�atai.�� ��' �:. ,.: ' : ,• r= ._ cian • ` - n U not, be, (ix�s. 54- ceder then hetd9 s f �t ®z i�te ±. Ina atio ,�_ - rY� {136IIR aA�nbttuae Sa7:iat@i1�e! Jo •.{ siVY y17 r luded :., t l*de:.5X' 0► tha'- beading.C].e b - 'yl►,L,itrG' • tiil�++ �P,i�li•` - - ' - - _ • d ,�T1WI.i��'.L -. ,eii �piiGgi•i ?- � -J • '• _ � - � l .I w• ._ / � lei VC7a�w+��►' �• - - - - ' ' • � •! _' _ ./'�•��('y�p �••:11 �� - '���11��••r��11lss .�i}•••�..A ���Q......,� ('��w�+ �,��(,.y7 y{. n•p�+� °�y�� . r. - - .GrOA3' '•41�M!! er• Lb% rC' Ut* M+�ri�* 'a h4 ° V Ai V�V�iA•, • 1 • ; L - - `' _ x� - `c Arciritut�sti D p 4 - , _ �g� oeri:�tag speator r 4rade 55 under 'the mic. - O ,P} 0RyDINA,NCE� COUNCIL. FILE -NO,. 88$04 {yY5 _ : nee, amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: An . ' ordinl t -i administrative ordinance .relating to the' +'a Bureau of 'the City of ,Saint Paul, ap v3ng Civil Servic es and regulations' therefor, and adopting 14 as amended. This is an chi M =' ` approved August f 9 ' = enierg cy or' rianee _the preservation of the public p ce, •health and rendered necessaJ ;, safety. or VE THE CQ _ CITY OF, SAINT PAUL: DOES-' ORMIN i "`. �'Y 1. That Ordinance P1o..3250, `.aPProv d, August 20, f 1914, - 4 .� $ectio = . 4 . the' same is _hereby further amended y strikii oiit f - - :� as amended, be a In their respective grades,' the foil wing positions Yj � here theY, aPP �' f :. ti''- C i Mme•- _ _ a - - _ r _ , �.-- - •. Ambulance Surgeon r Radio Technician '_- t -' ,• ?- =' Senior Radi'o'Technician- - :'• - }' ; ` Superintendent ,of .Police a . o; Division j Secretary, to Chief: of Police ` a -' \ b - in said positions under the °heading " olieeA° in the same,'- • � - -..- -�- -'err Y� +�'• "`•,• ' , '- _' - .. � :,, •'• - ' - - ..;•,_ _- - _ _ " , - respective e_��� .:.a -- , :_ _ - .- • • - -. , - _ ; -� • ",:; t -� - ,, _ , ` - -_ Section 2 That said ordinance'as amend `be.and- the same,. is ' 'hereby - _further aine}�dia by striking out of their pre nit grades +where : they :r inserting in .the y appear in;$ection 6 d e next -numer telly, higher grades a t.i . , . - } - • iow3ng positions: All ' those In -- , respectively, the o ..Grade 38 under the headings Clericai,. and: ofessional - _ _ Y and � &. rofessiooai, -, � • 1,. ��.. •- • • . • ,�= . .. Grade. 39, under , the hidings Attendance and Inspectional; 4 Clerical a� professional and Sub'professional. ` Grade �+O under the headings Attendance'aryd Inspectional; t and Clerical: Grade. 4l under the "heading 'Attendance and .Inspectional, and C1eri.cal. :`• z_ Grade; .42 under the headings "Attendance and - Inspectional, F ` .- Clerical, and Froi ssional and Subprofessional: Gradey 1+3 under the .heading- C16 -ical. {. , Grade, 44 under ;the' "lieaclirigs Attendance "aril "ifispectionil, _ %Clerical ` and Professional and Subprofessional. Gr4d Gjin4dr the h6ard3.3* Iftxa* and .I sate nae; ` G 7- :u �x • the - beadi# Clorlcal. - *Or ti*' - headiaig An axis, Mee_ tenante,6, Qri 6 ui4er the 74@R4 '0 8$ I a _$U�1�11't)f$ Ff ,G13a : F ` . under Ue 'Qrdde . 4' under. #s h6ikUng ��3� �►r�. �iibp;t'okle .: -&3 OA 66 vtnidsr h 4id rig a�eesia d Sub$�co es c .� - `, _ -� : • '�t ` . ..; - C�r+�de �'�' ��' ' - h' 'e®uA'tng a�'ee��� , ' and: Sub���s$�,c�� � ' -_ � _' _ .- ' _ . ,f. ( 3* 68 ice'' ' • .' At re An lib @$ P]S@.l:: 75 cr , hf ng fzs and- ubproteaa care �. @Ct ' , : Th$$ _orr# smdOry -i't� here ,+ c�ec� mod ,�6� Vie. , Mw ` + � _ h�.th. tom. ` �a'P'�'�'�. _� • �_ • : *, _ .- } ,. 5 - _ • � .• . _ ., ' : c _ . . - . ' ectio� A . �`+ $ "�x'd!% �} %►]#. eke, -eae�t aad'`l -e i fgidB i'ra® a�tAr� the, Fi t' -day 'f the, ���t jxwr � p0 r�od''r ct7lc�ing �. ►age _ - •- - .-1 -. + � - ., .,'• y-* I ' , . .. •, • • e K` - � - .-vim i - .._ -, _ � ' ' j. :•'•. .. ` + �.�: �• ,ry�t 'iL �: the 4 � L- ,.��.��� . y �.,� y y _<. r'- a• _ ,=..' ' 4 "•,Yi 4" , � 1. _'i��i:a,� �`.'. '�,-�,• '�. '� •� �' "�° r �' n.- %. t ,a -j•: '!- ,�•T -' , ITEM jw:IRG IV AM$_ Lt r` +t, � _ _+�. ,T��,a..ss t� +S1 Y�- i., ..: *.r• 'y t 4, - ",fa•' R'�'¢ Xs : - , •� ;r . , cf � 1, �1 �W ,1� i! /. .f' �.•tui. • r�'�i -` — - _. _ .F •_ .. _ _� � .' ,�� . _ •�, • , _ , �c i, - ' OFFICE OF BUREAU OF 386 City "RA and G St. Paul 2, Minnesota I low 0 .... -- 1w i TY CLERK House August 29, 1958 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Hon. Joseph J.!Mitchell Civil Service Commissioner Dear Sir: The City Council referred back to you for study and your approval, if you wish, the attached Ordinance, Council File #188804. Very nruly yon' • Cit lerk C\ J P. S. The ordinance has had two readings and is laid over from day to day for Third Reading and Approval of Form. 0-5 1 MINNESOTA 8<�' Ilia ;uapisazd "s a T ua�so \ uosaa ;a \ uosullao X6Ib�tic� pusllo 1/ 6aanoDaa SSU , %11 ri uoll!a 3uaplsaid "ilk - TaXUZM uason uosia ;ad uosui; ON X�C < PusIIoH saanoaaa s�BN sea2L dds pus pig 03 JOAO Pisa s"