190498ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK' CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL NO. 190498 " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 190498 —By Bernard', T. Holland —Severin A. Mortinson- UNCIL RESOLUTI N —GE RAL FORM Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas, The Citizens' Advisory Com- PRESEN BY ' mittee on the Second United, Imp9ove- COMMI [ONE DATE `[�*,p. Y _.' " WHEREAS the Citizens' Advisory Committee on the Second LUited Improvement Bond. Issue, after study and consultation with the City Techni- cal Committee, has made reports to the Council recommending the projects =y^ for General Improvement for the year 1959 under the 1953 United Improvement Bond Issue program and has recommended the amount of funds that should be allocated to each such project; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has considered . -such recommendations and is in agreement with the Advisory Committee in the matter; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the projects to be given priority for the year 1959, together with the sums of bond moneys appropriated for each such project and the bond funds from which such appropriations are made are hereby designated as follows:. STREETS AND BRIDGES - BOND FUND 200 Project - _w ,- _ - Number Project ST -9 Shortline Route - (Supplemental) ST -33 Fairview Ave. - Summit to Selby ST -29 Hamlin Bridge over Milwaukee Short Line Tracks (Balance) ST 31 t Cliff Street - St. Clair to Smith (Balance) ST -32 Pennsylvania, - Minnehaha Bridge (Supplemental) ST -34 Como Park Roadway - inc. opening at Church & Van Slyke ST -35 Como Park Connection'to Midway Parkway ' ST -3 Como Ave. - ,Snelling to Hamline (Supplemental) ST -36 Forest Street - Minnehaha to Maryland ST -37 Highland Parkway - Hamline to Edgcumbe ST -35 Myrtle Ave. - Eustis to Montgomery ST -39 East Sixth St. - Earl to Johnson Parkway ST -1+0 Stryker Ave. - Annapoliz to Dodd Road ST -7 Territorial Road- Raymond to Hampden (Supplemental) ST -41 East Third St. - Maple Ito White Bear Ave. iST -42 East Seventh St. - Johnson Parkway to White Bear Ave. TOTAL FUND 200 $2,366,000 Adopted by the Council 19— I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon F 5M 5.58 a1Q ..AmIunt 500,000 63,500 200,000 40.500 50,000 153,000 76,500 35,500 200,000 55, 400 60,000 100,000 102,000 90,000 .1,.00, 000 206,000 rn Favor A gainst , `4 Approved 19— Mayor • COUNCIL 19-90498 1493 ORIGINAL TO CITY 'GL6RK � . • y CITY OF ST. PAUL I NO n- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE SEWERS - BOND FUND 210 Project Number Protect Amount SE-4 Riverview Sewers (Balance) 767,000 SE-17 St. Anthony Hill Outfall Sewer (Supplemental) 1,0002000 SE-19 Broadway Relief Sewer 72,000 SE-20 Trout Brook Sewer Repairs 33,000 TOTAL BOND FUND 210 $1,$722000 " CIVIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER - BOND FUND 1,20 Project Number Project Amount z M -1 Civic Educational Center $1,232,000 TOTAL BOND FUND 1,.20 - $1,2.,32,000 - -� PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS & PUB. BLDGS. - BOND FUND 500 Project Number _ Protect Amount PL-17 Valley Playgrounds .31,000 TOTAL BOND FUND 500 $ 31,000 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the proper City officers and bureaus proceed immediately to prepare the necessary resolutions, etc., for the sale of General Improvement Bonds in the amount of $5,501,000 par value, to finance the above projects, all as provided in Ordinance No. 10135, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on September % 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul on November 3, 1953. - JW4 61959 'COUNCILMEN Adopted ,by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy JAN 6 1959 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson V Peterson Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel .Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 Q - L 4-91,1498 DUPLICATE.TO PRINTER - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL CITY NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE SEWERS - BOND FUND 210 Project Number Pro ect ;mount SE-4 Riverview Sewers Balance 6 767,000 EB-17 St. Anthony Hill Outfall Sewer (Supplemental+) 13,000,000 SE -19 Broadway Relief Sewer 72sOOO 5E-20 Trout Broos Sewer Repairs 33.000 TOTAL BOLD MD 210 CIVIC EDUCATIONAL CFd1TER - B0ND FUND 420 Project l!unber- Project M -1 Civic Educational Center TOTAL BOND FUND 420 PARKS., PLAYGROUNDS & PUB. BLDGS. - BOND FUND 500 Project Number Project PL-17 Valley Playgrounds 7OTPI BOND FUND 500 (1,872,000 Amount X1.232„000 X1,232,000 Amount 31.000 '31,000 RESOLVED rURT ER.0 that the proper City officers and bureaus' proceed immediately to prepare the necessary resolutions, etc., for the sale of General Improvement Bonds in the amount of $5,501,000 par value, to finance thb above projects, all as provided in Ordinance No. 10135, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayot on September 9, 1953, and ratified by the electors of the City of Saint Paul. on November 3.s 1953• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson P n Favor Peterson Rosen n Winkel "' Against Mr. President, Dillon sM s -58 2 JAPE 51959 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 5 1959 Approved 19— Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - �1�V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. 90498 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the Citizens$ Advivory Comittee on the Second United Improvement Bond Issue, after study and consultation with the City Techni- cal Committee, has made reports to the Council recommending the projects for General Improvement for the year 1959-under the 1953 United Improvement Bond Issue program and has recommended the amount of funds that should be allocated to each such project; and SEAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has considered such recommendations and is in agreement with the AemieoiT Committee in the matters now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the projects to be given priority for the year 1959, together -with the suuns of bond moneys appropriated for each such project and the bond funds from -which such appropriations are made are hereby designated as folloks: STREETS AND BRIDGFS - BOND FUND 2DO Project linter Pro ect ST -9 Shortline .Route Supplemental) ST -33 Fairview Ave. - Summit to Selby ST -29 Hamlin Bridge over Mil - Waukee Short Line Tracks (Balance) ST-31 Cliff Street - St.. Clair to Smith (Balance) ST-32 Pennsylvania - Minnehaha Bridge (Supplemental) ST -34 Como Park P.oa6 ray - ine, opening at Church & Van Slyke ST 35 Como Patti Connection to Midway Parkway ST -3 Como Ave. - Snelling to Haml.i.ne (Supplemental) ST-36 'Forest Street - Minnehaha to Mszyland ST-37 Highland Parkway - Hemline to Edge mbe ST-38 Myrtle Ave. - Eustis to Montgomery ST -99 East Sixth St. - Earl to Johnson Parkway ST -40 Stryker Ave. - Annapolis to Dodd Road ST -7 Territorial Road - Raymond to Hampden (Supplemental) ST -41 East Third St. - Maple to White Bear Ave. ST—/+2 East Seventh St. Johnson Parkway to White Bear Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s -58 2 TOTAL FUND 200 In Favor Against Am�upt 500:000 63,800 200 ..000 40.95W ,{ {!! {/o !• 38,9800 200 .,000 !/ 60'S'000 1001,000 102,v000 90,1000 i{ !R/ t2,366,000 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19 Mayor