190433190433 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ..r CITY Ur'ST. PAUL FlouNCIL NQ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 190433 —By Bernard T. Holland— COUNCIL RE S UTION— GENERAL FORM Whereas, The Civil Service employes of the City of Saint Paul have been PRESENTED BY VT rated a cost -of- living salary increase COMMISSIONE DATE - •rroncing January 1, 1959, of ap- - Ztely six per cent; and The Saint Paul Armory 1 - '-1 action to 't .,,iii • .:1�.. Pal.] naAM} WHEREAS, the Civil Service employes of the City of Saint'Paul have been granted a cost -of- living salary increase commencing January 1, 1959, of approximately six per cent; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Armory Commission has taken action to grant to employes of the Saint Paul Armory Commission a cost of living salary increase commencing January 1, 1959, of six per cent of their present salaries, and has requested concurrence of the Council in such action, said increase, -to have-the effect of changing the salaries of the following men- tioned persons as is hereinafter indicated: .t Reece J. McGee, Superintendent, present salary $5,200.00, to be increased to $5,512.00; L. R. Bolin, Janitor - Engineer, present salary $4,461.60, to be increased to $4,729.30; John E. Swansen, Janitor - Engineer, present salary $4,461.60, to be increased to $4,729.30; Joseph LaForte, Janitor, present salary $4,066.56, to be increased to $4,310.54; and -- _ . . I. - -- ---. WHEREAS, the Comptroller has indicated that,with the balance being carried over from the Armory Fund, sufficient funds are available to pay the aforementioned increase in salaries, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul concurs in the action of the Saint Paul Armory Commission in increasing the aforementioned salaries by six per cent, commencing January 1, 1959; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul be and he is hereby requested and authorized to provide the moneys necessary for said increases, as provided by law. COUNCILMEN i Adopted by the Coun@- EC 3 0 1958 19— Yeas Nays ourey DEC 3 0 1958 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson (2 ---In Favor Rosen p ®0$InA Mayor Winkel Against q 5m )AE• 2r"!,drr.t (Peterson) PUBLISHED DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Saint Paul commencin g 1-90433 COUNCIL O. TPAR 6 E FILE' E F 4 kAMSEY COUNTYTMkINN. WHEREAS, the Civil Service employes of the City of have been granted a cost-of-living salary increase January 11, 1959s of approximately six per cent; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Armory Commission has taken action to grant to employes of the Saint Paul Armory Commission a cost of living salary increase commencing January 1, 1959, of six per cent of their present salaries, and has requested concurrence of the Council in such action, said increasef to have the effect of changing the salaries of the following men- tioned persons as is hereinafter indicated: Reece J., McGee, Superintendent, present salary $5,200.00, to be increased to $5,512.00; L. R. Bolin, Janitor- Engineer, present salary $4,461.60, to be increased to $4,729.30; John E. Swansen, Janitor - Engineer, present salary $4,461.60, to be increased to $4,729.30; Joseph LaForte., Janitor, present salary $4,,066.56, to be increased to $4,310.541 a , and WHEREASs the Comptroller has indicated that,with the balance being carried over from the Armory Fund, sufficient funds'.are available to pay the aforementioned increase in salaries, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council:of the City of Saint Paul concurs in the action of the Saint Paul Armory Commission in increasing the aforementioned salaries by six per cent, commencing January 1, 1959; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That of Saint Paul be and he is hereby provide the moneys necessary for by law. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel 24r` President, Dillon--- 5M451:b8 `Q�:,^_1,:: �1•c.eCw�.:r, rT-n Favor 0 Against the Comptroller of the City requested and authorized to said increases, as provided Adopted by the Counci�DEC 3 0 1958 19_ DEC 3 0 1958 Approved 19— Mayor