190291F 190291 Original to City Clerk - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLE "CIS NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Decemb r-4. - 8 COMMISSIONER DATE Council Flle No. 1902$1 —By Robert F. — Peterson- Resolved That the Northern States ' SOLVED P Power Company be given permission to install 1 pole S.S. of Danforth 200' E. of Cottage, 1 pole in alley N. of Hatch bet. Churchill & Oxford (E. end of alley), 1 pole at Morgan Ave. & Collette Pl., 1 pole on S. side of Juliet E. of Cleveland, 1 pole in alley S. of Juliet E. of Cleveland, 1 pole in alley A S. of Laurel, E. of Farrington, i pole on S. side of E. Third St. E. of That the Northern States Power Company be Pederson, with necessary guys, an- chors, and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the North- given permission to install 1 pole S.S. Of ern States Power Company. Adopted by the Council December 12, 1958. Approved December 12, 1958. Danforth 200' E. of Cottage, 1 pole in alley (December 12, 1958) N. of Hatch bet,. Churchill &'Oxford(E.end of alley), 1 pole at Morgan Ave. & Collette P1., 1 pole on S. side of Juliet E. of Cleveland ' lipole in alley S. of Juliet E. of Cleveland, � 1 ;pole in alley S. of , Laurel, E. of Farrington,, 1 pole on S..side of E. Third St. E. of Pederson, with netessary guys, anchors, and wires. Poles and wires to be removed when•requested to do sorb --\the IL 'F Common Council and cost of said removal to be by the Northern States Power Company. DEC 12 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted'i'y'.tle Council 195— Yeas -Nays - DeCourcy l Peterson • Rosen AM. Mr. President, Dillon `1t,s � DEC 12 1958 Approved 195 — To Favor &a" Mayor v Against t f