Council MIA No. __
t •until File No. 190209 -
`k14ereas, A written proposal for the
�,.ing� of the following improve -j
71 V,;jiy i initary sewer -`ror th �
, .a e•a�,ti -,a• .
4TU -r
Saar**- cs7't�
The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefoRowing public improvement by the City of Saint Pa
< ..........., . ....... :........ ..._ ..... ............... ... >. ..._. ..,� ....., ...�,.�.... ........... ..........I —- .......... ....,.......... _.. . --
i . Construct a- sanitary sewer from the tei�mi -nus of tFie existing sani_tar_y- sewer, xa
sai d� fermi nus being" approximafly �35'S 'feet 'south of:.- the; north> 1 i e `_of :the SW
._of:. the..NW of_. Section. _ 2, .Townshi p_28 North, Range r22; West °andapproximately -:K
X200 feet west of the east. _1 i ne of the • SW -of -the NWT. of sa "i d "Secon
' °$urns - Avenue- i n° °property that .has been- condemned .for.:sewer, - purposes - ----- �i n_ an ,
j easement (,toy be obtained) Dccc=~ er $
Also construct a storm water Sewer,rrvm =uattI yam; R ��,r�'� •"
property that has been condemned for sewer purposes and in an easembe'°
.-.Said property that has been condemned for sewer purposes being described "
as Al 1 that part of the SW�!ofj,thef NWk f act )12 i T28, R22 lying northerly of i
Upper Afton Road and lying southerly and easterly of the following described
�l i nee: h- 'Commenci rigat- a-,poi'- nt'-on the;ea'st i'lf esof• sari d�.SW ,•of�sai d NW>+, said point
! � being 290 feet south of NE corner of said SWJ of said NWM. thence west at right_
angles a distance—of 217.38 feet- thence S 31005' W a distance of 150 feet; -
t#i Sout 'aV'distance ofY 8;73 feet;-=thence•-S- 31 ,05 -• W,on,a�st'raigtit' line
°td the- the-ine of-•Upper;AA bn Ri�ad; �sxcept'�for that.part'1`ying southerly,
Wand easterly ofF the •:fo'lrlow ng "'described' , i -ne.- • Commenci ng -at a `point on ,sai d
east"] i ne= of, s`ai &SWZ-W} sai & NWt-'i'n, sa ud'Sec ��2;� -Tr '28' �R?122 *sai'd-�po'i.nt being.
X390 =feet souihu of �thie� *NE' cornea "ofi; =sai d �SWW• f,,A i:d' NW1;'�tlience = west #at'�ni ght
�arigl'e "s a d�`stance`' of "160:9 feet; thence S31005! W on a s.trp,i „ght' line to the
northerly 1 i ne- of Upper Afton Rd.
Al r .lq ° st ,tors r fi g ” ttjt-, Crt� '
prcl;cSai'd teasement ;(to b "e `'o' Eta "i ned)`ffor= b"otti' "ttie `sans °t'ary "sewers��and" the 4s'torm
Sys rri►.1 ewe a-.3'0 •foot "wide easement the centerl i,ne of .sa,id, easement
('to . be =obta�i vied)," ba i ng ' desc r i bed as follows : Comment i ng..on the south ;1 i'rie' of t
Burns�Ave:c�at+fhe 'i- ntersect%on,ofC sai' d= asouth} 1'i °rie,.with thdcdastal3ne.-of�VihPO
;NWj,11 -1: ' NW�fof`�sai'd' Sec;tioril2'; thenc "e southeriy al.ong'� theteast�l "i'ne of. s'a4id
iNW"'r� oft sai"d�NWz� of-> sai "drSecfion�2'l to #a! point' on sa t�`b
i`dfpoi n ' . be, ng
18-31'T feet = di?stant"� f-'r60the=NE `'come "rrQVthe'NW = of�.tlie> NW .:of- 'sa;i.cl
• 3_. ,xSect i ov� 2';�t
t._ �; -9 µ w` � ` �" 1'e of lll+•2- !- 'stmeasur'ed`ifrom`the:eas
t'thence-- southWesteri'yOat an ang 7 ,ttl i. e.af. ".
1-NW' oft'tlie° AW�= df,+sai- d7Sectidnt2 to -th p"re "viously desc'r— Lbed"pro'peftyftl
ibeen,(cond'emned •for sewer•- purposes. 3 fc+-0 thartc&S ri V
to t�v.`rcrthorjy lino of Uppor A'ftcn k" d) except for tttn *
end. - Al�so�constructxacsaair iny�'s "e`wer�f'r- omlthe aforementioned easement (to`tijE-ob=
etai -ned) IiialWhi•te Bear,Ave"nue' i-nian easementc(torbe o�tai;ned) .... d : nt tt- :. 9
3S'�,`�:et' mirth• of i:l•,a U. o0rncr of Fiat d 5thf sal d Q�:1!''lo,; LA:
o"l l 'A1 so constructfa storm�`water sewer- from-the 'afor.er�ent'i'on�d easemen4tt; 'to be .
robt-ai�ned)'to'"Wh'i?tet -Bear avenuei�n_`an aasement (to be obtained). • `
• ..: ' ewers'aridt'I* _ 'w
Sa-i- dAea "sement 0" o�6ae-.o6fafned) ffor bo`t'httFiewsan'i'tary'Ss a'
`� t - Basemen "ttttlietcentei-�lineof� said eas'eroent,(;to; beter i f
sewers to be a 30 foot w ;i:de
(obtained)s^bei}ng described a' si•%followsi' IiCorimencing =at,a p6Tht1'on"the_eiit' lI.i:ne'',of'
x '"' = "a "j'l 6e 6 4 feettsouth�'of4 the` i6rtti!l i ne`bf!)96AVon;'.2;�
rWh'Tte .Bear Ave. said point b i g 7 5
Townshi 28,'- North, ,CRange�22',West;.tthience ',easterly, along ay�l;inerparal'l:e'1
111"o - 0ptt ,t:h r" .."I { -�4.,^ ''` .'•t i4!' -.' .t.� - ✓• .A' ,.,,. i..__
x`745 feet di °s'tantgfrofif t e •no - l i ne�of- •sai`d section.,2�rto a point ;that`��is,140:•9.
feet di stant�'from' the east `l1`i neof��7h'i;tetBear- ;Avenue, ` tliencel "SoCthea's'terl'y
point 'thati6 hs= 2=1!01 feet eas'terlyo'f theea`101 i neAofj Whi te� ' Bea"r�Avenue' end ;8!154 feet , h
�, ,y ',. no }! Vii. !•��t ,�i. ! +� .br ►;",. ) ♦ • Ir n.�.
•south of the-, north l `ineofsaid'sect�ion2'tiience ea "srtenly�•alorigal.inet�iat,i j•
-- parallel :�to�anAd�815�feetdistant from the' north line of,',s.ai'd -Sect ion 2'ao, th.e.''`�r�'
aforedesc °gibed easement. the east line of the NW4- of4the NW4 of'said Sec_
• #. ' :-,.?i �'i.:i'i► 's :.trL x..: <�' �p....;Y �`i�:i li .. .: 'i. �. ... ?�: °_..%,i C:• ._. _ .•r ��•� • -. .•�'#
tion -2.t
•All"of which is to be known as the BATTLE CREEK SEWER SYSTEM - EXT.ENSL0NS -rn_ --
�� :t T '+t yr vi * -..-r - .•�Mt� -R -- -�.r ' "fi'�J S?tS l"j �,.
ttl SAE': ,3' �1i,•,di u';t Apo '�%:i «E
,.tf' a;p1Gt.i.�a��.._�% .- :S 'ir: i. -..1'
�� �i:; � f.•S: - -4- ' � s_ .... }t -° � o t1aa;Ni��"c'��at�lcl-�
' � .. .... _ p � �p� ',�i'tLL• it . -
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