09-236Council File # �— �-�j l� Green Sheet # 3067222 RESOLUTION OF PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING NEW AND REVISED CULTURAL STAR GUIDELINES AND APPLICATIONS WHEREAS, on May 21, 2008, the City Council unanimously adopted Council File #08-512 establishing an ad hoc work goup to "review the goals of the Culmral STAR Program, processes, policies, b idelines, and documents, as well as Mayor Coleman's Sfrategic Plan, with the goal of idenfifying strenb hs and weaicnesses offhe Cultural STAR Pro�am and making recommendations for its improvement;" and WHEREAS, the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development assembled an ad hoc workgroup consisting of Cultural STAR Boazd members, Ciry Council representation, Mayor's representation, and PED staff, as d'uected by the Council Resolution; and WHEREAS, between July 14, 2008 and February 24, 2009 [he ad hoc work gloup met more than twenty times, either as a whole or in subgroups, to review the Cultural STAR Program, from iYs overarching goals to the smallest detai] on an application, and WHEREAS, the ad hoc work group recommends changes to the Cultura] STAR Guidelines and Applications that are designed to reflect priorities of the City, ensure good stewardship of public funds, and promote cultural vitaliry and economic growth, particulazly in the downtown Cultural District, by strengthening the arts and culYUre community; and WHEREAS, the ad hoc work group plans to submit, at a later date, a full report of the review. RESOLVED, that the City Council adopt the attached new and revised Cultural STAR Guidelines for Capital Projects, Special Projects, and Organizational Development; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the newly adopted Guidelines and Applications replace all prior Cultural STAR Guidelines and Applications; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses iYs sincere gatitude to the members of the ad hoc work group for their hard �vork, creative thinking, and commiiment to a culturalty rich and vibrani Saint Panl. Yeas Nays Absent Bostrom F/ Carter Harris ,/ Helgen �/ Lanhy Stark � Thune � I Adopted by Council: Date ��//`e�f Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � // . Approve y D � � B Re uested by De arhnent of: Planni a Eco� o�c �°elo ment B _�� Form Approved by ��City A br ey By �I i @ � Form App ved by Mayor for $�ubmission to Council BY �� �— Approved by the Office of Financial Services � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet /t/,i . -� 2 /,. � Departmenf/pffice/Council: Date initiated: v-/ � PE _Planning&Economic 25.FE6-09 Green Sheet NO: 3067222 Development ContaM Person 8 Phone: Departrnent Sent To Person I it' ate KuffSChUltr � � laonin &EconomicDevelo me � KurtSchultz 266-6590 1 Iannine&EconomicDevelonme7 CeciUBedor � 2 a or•s O�ce Mavor/Assistnraa Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 3 ouncil �� � 04-MAR-09 For Routing Doc. Type: RESOLUTION Order E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Conqct Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve a resolution adopring new and revised Cultural STAR Guidelines and Applications. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/Firm ever worked under a contract for this departmeni? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In May, 2008, the City Council directed PED to establish an ad hoc work group to review the Cultural STAR Program and make recommendations. The ad hoc work group recommends adop6on of the attached guidelines and applications. Advantages If Approved: Adoption of [he guidelines and applications will cause the Cultural STAR Program to more accurately reflect City prioriteis, ensure good stewazdship of public funds, better promote cultural vitality and economic growth, particulazly in the downtown Cultural District, by strengthening the arts and culture wmmunity. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: - Total Amount af Trensaction- CosURevenue Budgeted: Funtling Source: Activity Number: Financial lnformatio�: (Explain) February 25, 2009 1:25 PM Page 1 6y-��� SAINT PAUL STAR PR06 RAM �� 2009 Cultural STAR Program SPECIAL PROJECTS Grant Guidelines & Application Applications must be RECEIVED by 4:00 PM on the deadline date at: Cultural STAR Program Department of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 This is not a postmark deadline. Applications not received by this time at this location will not be accepted. No Exceptions. This information can be made available in the following alternative formats: large print, audio, and electronic file. We also can help your group find a language interpreter to translate these guidelines. To accommodate your request, the City of Saint Paul will need at least 10 working days. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 (651)266-7827 oy-a3�v General Information To receive additional copies of the Cultural STAR Guidelines or for more information, go to wwwstoaul.00v'star or call (651) 266-STAR (7827). City of Saint Paul Mayor Christopher B. Coleman City Council President Kathy 4antry (Ward 7) Councilmember Melvin Carter (Ward 1) Councilmember Dave Thune (Ward 2) Councilmember Pat Harris (Ward 3) Councilmember Russ Stark (Ward 4) Councilmember Lee Helgen (Ward 5) Councilmember Dan Bostrom (Ward 6) Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) Kurt Schultz, Cultural STAR Coordinator (651)266-6590 CulturalSTARCa�ci.stoaul. mn. us 2009 Cultural STAR Board Barbara Brooks, Minnesota Jewish Theater Company Bob Burns, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council / Flamin' Oh's Glenn Fisher, Twin Cities Public Television Rudy Guglielmo, Bush Foundation Patricia Mitchell, Ordway Center for the Performing Arts Sara Remke, Minnesota surSeine / Black Dog CafB Laura Zabel, Springboard for the Arts 09-�310 PART 1: GUIDELINES Purpose Goals / Strategies Geographic Focus TABLE OF CONTENTS »»»»»>»»»»»»»»»»»» 1 Program DesCription »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 2 Eligibility - Program Requirements Disbursement of Funds I Match Requirements »»»»»»»»»»» 3 Cultural STAR Board Review Process Expectations of Grant Recipients »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 4 PART II: APPLICATION How to Apply for Funds Whatto Include Application Check List Application Forms CoverPage Project Budget Expenses Project Budget Income Project Map »»»»»>7»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»>7»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» City SupporUAdverse Lending Relationships »»»»»»»»»» Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) »»»»»»»»»»»»»> 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 74 2D09 Gultural STAR Gwtlelines �j� Tabie of Contents D�l-�3(0 Sefore completing your application, please review �� •" these guidelines carefully to determine whether your group and project are eligible for tunding from the �MP^�� Cultural STAR Program. STAR VROGRAAI �� Purpose The purpose of the Cultural STAR fund is to promote cultural vitality and economic growth, particularly in the downtown Cultural District, by sirengthening the arts and culture community. Funding Goals Cultural STAR dollars, in total, are intended to: • Build and diversify audiences; • Promote a broad range of cultural offerings; • Produce a long-term impact; and • Leverage additional financial support. Strategies The Cultural STAR Program will achieve the purpose by making grants and loans for projects and programs that: attract audiences; develop and improve cultural faciiities; and build capacity of artists and organizations Geographic Focus At least 80% of Cultural STAR funds will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that are located within the targeted area known as the Cultural District. The remaining funds may be allocated to businesses in the Cultural District for projects that enhance visitor enjoyment of the District or to nonprofit organizations located in Saint Paul but outside of the Cultural District. The Cultural District is defined as the geographic area bordered by Interstate 94 to the north, the Lafayette Bridge to the east, Harriet and Raspberry Islands to the south, and Chestnut Road to the west (see Cultural District Map, Page 12). Located in the Cultural District includes: • An organization that is registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State with an address that falls within the Cultural District; or • An organization which owns property in the Gultural District for purposes d'+rectly related to its Gultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a lease or rental agreement within the Cultural District for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a permit or contract for the use of Public Venues in the Cultural District for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project. Located in Saint Paul includes: • An organization that is registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State with an address that falls within Saint Paul; or • An organization that owns property in Saint Paul for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a lease or rental agreement within Saint Paul for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a permit or contract for the use of Public Venues in Saint Paul for the purposes directly related to its Cultural S7AR project Loans and grants are available for capital projects; grants alone are available for organizational developmeni and special projects. � 9-�-�� Special Projects Program Description Special Project granis are made to groups wishing to offer quality arts activities, in any discipline, within the geographic boundaries of the City of Saint Paul. Grant requests may include costs for artists and other personnel, postage, supplies, printing, travel and other expenses necessary to carry out the project. Food and Beverage are not allowable expenses and the City will not reimburse expenses related to insurance coverage. Eligibility Eligible applicants may apply for only one of the following Cultural STAR funding types during each biannual funding round: Special Projects Grant; Organizational Developmeni Grant; or Capital Project Grant or Loan. • Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations that are located within the City of Saint Paul. Informal and/or unincorporated arts-tocused groups, individuals, and one-time arts projects that have associated with nonprofit arts and cultural organizations that are located within the City of Saint Paul and will serve as a fiscal and contract sponsor, provided that: (1) 100 % of the project takes place in the defined Cultural District (see Cultural District map, Page 12); and (2) such nonprofit arts and cultural organization enter into a contract with the Ciry of Saint Paul. • Businesses in the Cultural District (see Cultural District map, page 12) may apply for projects thai enhance visitor enjoyment of the District. • Churches and religious organizations. • Political parties and related political action groups. • Federal, state, and county agencies and departments. • Organizations (other than those that have associated with informal and/or unincorporated arts-focused groups, individuals, and one-time arts projects, to serve as a fiscal and contraci sponsor as described in these Guidelines) that have received Organizational Development and/or Special Project grants in three consecutive grant cycles (calendar years). • Organizations (other than those that have associated • City departments or d'+visions are eligible when in with informal andfor unincorporated arts-focused partnership with, or supported by, an eligible organization. groups, individuals, and one-time arts projects, to serve as a fiscal and contract sponsor as described in these Guidelines) that received funding in the first fundina round of the calendar vear. Any project cost that specifically pertains to ihe execution of the project: • Personnel ➢ Artists ➢ Employees ➢ Contractors • Supplies • Printing and postage • Space and equipment rental • 7ransportation and travel • Other expenses necessary to carry out the project • Activities located outside the City of St. Paul • Activities that have been completed prior to funding approval by the City Council • Capital improvements or construction, purchase of real capital equipment or purchase of real property orendowments • Activities that engage in political lobbying, serve the religious socialization of participants, or discriminate against persons or individuals • Food orbeverages Program Requirements • The minimum grant request is $5,000. It is unlikely that the Board will recommend funding any proposal for more than $50,000. • The same or similar proposal cannot be submitted to more than one of the following programs in any one funding cycle (calendar year): the Capital Improvement Budgeting (CIB) program, the Neighborhood STAR program, and the Cultural STAR program. U�- �31� • Organizations receiving grants must comply with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations in connection with the project, including, but not limited to, the Saint Paul Vendor Outreach and Minority Business Development and Retention programs. It is important to understand that compliance requirements may affect hiring practices and wage rates, so make no commitments prior to fully understanding these requiremerrts. Disbursement of Funds / Match Requirements • The Cultural STAR Program disburses awarded funds exclusively on a reimbursement basis and only after documentation of eligible expenditures is submitted, reviewed, and approved. Final payment will be made only after the projeci is completed and a final project report and evaluation is received. • In their final report, the grantee receiving funds tor Organizational Development or Special Projects should demonstrate that Cultural STAR funds were matched dollar for dollar. At least 70% of the match for Special Projects and Organizational Development Projects must be in dollars. Up to 30% of the match may be in-kind goods and services, such as personnel, professional services, office space, supplies, volunteer labor and sweat equity. Volunteer labor and sweat equity are valued at $10.00 per hour. Failure to demonstrate the match will not impede disbursement of funds, but will be considered if the grantee seeks Cultural STAR funding in the future. • Private, county, state, and federal funds may be used as a match. • The Gultural STAR Board has the discretion to recommend approval of other matching contributions on a case-by- case basis. The Cultural STAR Board may consider exceptions to the match requirement in highly unusual cases. Cultural STAR Board The nine-member Saint Paul Cultural STAR Board serves as the formal review body that recommends to the Mayor grants and loans from the cultural portion of sales-tax funds. The Mayor then fonvards a recommendation to the City Council for its approval. The Board consists of five Mayoral-appointed, City Council-approved, members and four members elected by arts and cultural organizations in the City. Review Process The selection process for proposais is highly competitive. The number and size of grants and loans made is dependent on the quality of the proposals and the availability of funding. The review process is as follows: • City Staff will review applications for eligibility. Ineligible applications will be removed from fur[her consideration and the applicant will be notified. • The Board will invite each eligible applicant to an interview. Applicants will be notified in writing of the time and location of the interview. • Cultural STAR interviews are public meetings; however no public testimony will be taken. Individuals wishing to comment on applications are encouraged to submit their comments in writing to City staff prior to the application deadline. • The Board will review the proposals based on program guidelines, merits, and fund availability and make funding recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. • The Mayor will present final recommendations to the City Council. • The City Council will approve, deny, or amend the Mayor's recommendations. • The Mayor will sign the Council Resolution. The entire process usually takes about three months from application deadline to the signing of the resolution by the Mayor, but may take longer. 0 q- a-3lo Expectations of Grant Recipients Project Development and Implementation � After tfie City Council approves the Mayor's recommendations, staff wi{I send each Cultural STAR applicant a letter specifying whether their project was awarded funding, and if so, for what amount. The letter will also notify awardees of the date and time of a mandatory orientation meeting, and other pertinent information. • Prior to the implementation of an applicanYs project, the City of Saint Paul and the applicani will enter into a contract. Contracts should be fully executed within six months of approval•by the City Council. Failure to do so, may resuit in cancellation of the award. The contract wili contain, at minimum, a scope of services to be performed by all paRies, a budget section outlining all funding sources and uses, an implementation timeline, and match requirements. The contract will be signed in accordance with City policy. Contract requirements include, but are not limited to: Carrying general liability insurance that insures the City of Saint Paul • Cultural STAR grants of $75,000 or less require a$1 million per occurrence and $t million aggregate limits; • Cultural STAR grants of over $75,000 require a$1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate limits. o Adherence, where applicable, to federal, state and local regulations and policies pertaining to the use of funds, such as prevailing wage standards, affirmative action, and targeted vendor programs. The amount of the award and the nature of the project (capital, special project, or organizational development) determine which regulations apply. Staff will hold a compliance meeting prior to implementation of the coniract to identify applicable regulations. Cultural STAR apalicants are stronalv cautioned to not make anv commitments until comoliance requirements and fundinq requlations are fullv understood. • Implementation must progress as projected in the application. Lack of progress is grounds for withdrawing funding. • Projects should be completed or self-sustaining within the period specified in the agreement. Requests for contract extensions are discouraged. • The Cultural STAR Program disburses awarded funds exclusively on a reimbursement basis and only after documentation of eligible expenditures is submitted, reviewed, and approved. Final payment will be made only after the project is completed and a final project report and evaluation is received. At the time of completion of all activities contained in the agreement or upon expiration of the agreement, project fund balances will be returned to the Cultural STAR Fund. • A final written report is required to determine the extent to which the project was successful. Project success will be measured against expected project outcomes and the overall objectives of the STAR Program. Organizations will not be eligible for future Cultural STAR funding until all required documentation, including this narrative report, are submitted for the most recently closed projects. 09-�31v • .. . saurtvnui STAR v�ww �� How to Apply for Funds Applications must be received by 4:00 P.M., on the deadline date at Cultural STAR Program Departmeni of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 • Your application must include all required materials_ See checklist, page 8, for a summary of ihe materials you must submit. Incomplete or inaccurate materials may result in your application being ineligible. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the deadline date. This is not a postmark deadline. Applications received after this time are INELIGIBLE and will not be reviewed. There are no exceptions to this op licv. • Applications will not be accepted by fax or email. What to Include One (1) one-sided copy of the following materials are required. Please provide the materials in the order indicated. Prepare application materials in the following format: 8�fz x 11 white paper, a text font equivalent to 10-point or larger, at least 1" margins and black ink only. Please do not bind application. Cultural STAR forms may be completed by hand. 1. Cover Page (one page) 2. Narrative (may not exceed four pages) 3. Project Team/Personnei 4. Project Budget Expenses and Income Form (hvo pages) 5. Project Map 6. Applicant Description (no more than one page) 7. Board of Directors/Advisory Committee 8. Organizational Income-and-Expense Statements (three pages total) 9. Tax Status Documentation 10. Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recently completed fiscal year 11. Gity Support/Adverse Lending Relationships 1. Cover Page Complete the attached Cover Page (page 9). This will be the fiirst page of your application and is where you will provide a Project Summary using 100 words or less. About Fiscal Sponsorship: if your group is not a public, private, nonprofit, or for-profit entity, you must apply using a fiscal sponsor. See the FAQ on page 14. 2. Narrative Submit a narrative of no more than four (4) pages, addressing all areas, including the four Cultural STAR criteria below. Use a text font equivalent to 10-point or larger. Please include the section headings shown below in bo{dface type. The narrative portion of your application is designed to help you address the following criteria. It is not necessary to respond to all of the buliets; these questions are designed to help you address the criteria. Please provide enough information to help the Board evaluate your project in relation to each of the four criteria. The Board will apply all criteria to the application as a whole. 0 9-�3 � Irtl 8Ct — W hen describing the impact of your project, consider questions such as: • What cultural need does this project address? How was this determined? • How will this project build audiences in Saint Paul? • Describe your target audience(s) and the community from which it is drawn. W hat is your expected attendance? • Flow will this project provide increased access to art forms and cultural offerings in Saint Paul? • What type of long-term impact will this project have on Saint Paul? • How will STAR dollaTS Veverage additional financiaf support in Saint Paui? QU alitv — When describing the qualityof your project, consider questions such as: • What are your artistic and/or cultural goals for this project? How will you measure them? • Who are, or will be, the artists and project leaders? How were, or will, they be selected? • What background or experience do your group, artists, and project leaders bring to this project to ensure quality? • In what ways will your project be artistically or culturally challenging for your group, the artists, the audience, or all three? Ab_ ilitV — When describing your abilityto undertake the project, consider quesiions such as: • Describe the planning process for your project. • In what ways will your board of directors or advisory committee be involved? • What experience does your organization have that demonstrates the capacity for successfully completing thls project? • What is the timeline for your project? • How will you promote your project? • What other financial support do you expect for this project? DiV21'SitV — When describing diversity, consider questions such as: • How will this project add to the diversity ot cultural offerings in Saint Paul? • Considering diversity in its broadest sense (e.g., geography, age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.) describe in what ways your project will attract, and more fully embrace, diverse audiences? � As you consider your projecYs goals and targeted audiences, describe how diversity is represented in your project (e.g., among your board of directors or advisory committee, project personnel, and/or artists). 3. Project Team/Personnel Attach a list of key people(groups involved in your project. Briefly describe their qualifications for the project. 4. Project Budget Complete the budget forms on pages 10 and 1 t. Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). Include all project costs and identify specifically how Cultural STAR lunds wilf be used in the project. Project budget information must be specific and include verifiable cost estimates. 5. Project Map Use the map ot the Cultural District on page 12, to identify the location where project activity is to occur. For projects located outside of the Culturai District, please ident'rfy the project location on a one-page map from a program such as MapQuest. 6. Applicant Description Describe your entity—mission, structure, current audiences served, membership, staff, etc. using no more than one page. 7. Board of DirectorslAdvisory Committee Attach a one-page list of current officers, principles or board/advisory committee members. 8. Organizational Income and Expense Statements Submit one-page statements of financial activity for each of the past three years (three pages total). Do not include the current year's statement. Tfiese financial slatements should reflect the organization's actual revenues and expenditures. o9-a3� 9. Tax Status Documentation Furnish a copy of your group's IRS-tar-exempt status determination letter or Articles of Incorporation for a for-profit entity. OR Furnish a letter of agreement with your fiscal spo�sor and a copy of your fiscal sponsor's IRS tar-exempt status determination letter. The date on the letter of agreement must be no more than one year old. See the FAQ on page 14 for information regarding use of a fiscal sponsor. 10. Audited Financial Statements Furnish Audited Financial Statements (or form 99D) for the most recently completed fiscal year. 11. City SupporUAdverse Lending Relationships City Support: In the table provided on page 13, list the source/program and amount of all monies received from the City of Saint Paul in the past five years with most recent year first. Also include the amount of any remaining balances. Adverse Lending Relationships: Report any present or past adverse lending relationships between your entity, including principals, and the City (examples: default, delinquent payments, litigation). 6 9�� 3l0 APPLICATION CHECKLIST NAME OF ORGANIZA Submit application materials on 8'/z x 11 white paper. You may reproduce these pages on your computer, as Iona as vou stav within the space and number of paaes allotted. Both the person completing the application and the organization's chief officer or president should sign the cover page where indicated. Cover page may not exceed one page. Required Application Materials Your application must include all the following materials, collated in the following order: This Application Checklist, page 8. Cover Page, (one page only) page 9. Narrative (may not exceed four pages). List of Project Personnel. Project Budget Expenses form, page 10 (one page only). Project Budget Income form, page 11 (one page only). Map with location where project activity is to occur, page 12. For projects located outside of the Cultural District, please provide a one-page map from a program such as MapQuest. Applicant Description (one page only). Current list of officers, principals and board members of your entity (one page only). One-page statements of financial activity for each of the past ihree years. Do not include the current year's statement. These financial statements should reflect the organization's actual revenues and expenditures. Copy of the letter from ihe lRS documenting your group's tax-exempt status or Articles of Incorporation for a for- profit entity. Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recenUy completed fiscal year. City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships, page 13. Up to three letters of support (no more than one page each) (optional). 0 9-���v � 2009 CULTURAL STAR APPLICATION SPECIAL PROJECTS SAIMPAUI COVER PAGE o� Deadline: March 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. ^ August 28, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Legal Entity Submitting Request: Check type(s) of entity: Federal I.D. #: (or Soc. Sec. #) � Contact Person: Address: Title: Phone: � � Project Name: Project Address: City Council Ward: Tracking # 2009- ❑Public ❑Private ❑ For Profit ❑Non-Profit # of Employees (full-time equiv.) # of Patrons (most recent year) � E-Mail Address: Fax:: St. Paul MN STREET CITY STATE ZlP Project Summary Using 100 words or less, please describe the concept and design ot your project (what, where, when), highlighting those areas expected to be funded by Cultural STAR. STAR Grant Request: Matching Funds (cash & in-kind) Total Project Cost minimum $5,000 Is your project located within the Cultural District? ❑ YES ❑ NO Signature of lndividual Typed Name Tit/e Date Completing Applicatron Signature of Board Otficer Typed Name Title Date ay-��� -. . SAIMPAUI STAR vxoca,w r� Complete budget forms beiow. Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). You must provide a detailed description of any budget line item of $7,000 or more. Expenses STAR OTHER A. PROJECT EXPENSES FUNDS FUNDS EXPLANATORY NOTES Personnel em lo ee or contract ArtistiC Employees Gontractors $ $ Administrative Employees Contractors $ $ Su lies $ $ Printin and Posta e $ $ Facilities / E ui ment $ $ Trans ortation $ $ Marketin / Promotions $ $ ADA-Related Costs (e.g., s�9n languaqe mterpreters, signage, rintin $ $ Fiscal S onsor Fee $ $ Other rovide details $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $ $ TOTAL EXPENSES (STAR Funds + Other Funds) $ 10 o9-a��v Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income�. income ii a y-a-3� -. SAIMTPAUL STAR vxocww �� � � a Y l4 � li 12 o9-a3� City Support: List the source/program and amount of all monies received from the City of Saint Paul in the past five years with most recent year first. Also, include the amount of any remaining balances. Adverse Lending Relationships: Report any present or past adverse lending relationships between your entity, including principals, and the City (examp/es: defau/t, delinquent payments, litigation). 13 ��-a3� Frequentfy Asked Duestions (FAQ) What is a Fiscal Sponsor? A tiscai sponsoris a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that receives Cultural STAR grant monies and manages the financial aspects of the project on behalf of a group that does not have tax-exempt status. How do we apply using a Fiscal Sponsor? The Cultural STAR Program accepts applications from informal and / or unincorporated arts-focused groups using a fiscal sponsor. Groups or artists in the district that are incorporated as for-profit entities (LLC, etc) MUST apply directly to the Cultural STAR program, without a fisca! sponsor. Fiscal Sponsorship guidelines: • 100°/a of the applicanYs project must be in ihe cultural district. • The fiscal sponsor must be a 501 c3 organization located in Saint Paul. • The applicant must have a board of directors or advisory committee (not the board of the fiscal sponsor) that provides input on, and oversight of, the project. • The applicant must provide a letter of agreement from the fiscal sponsor regarding the application to the STAR program. The letter must include the amount or percentage of the fiscal sponsorship fee (if any.) • The applicant should include the fiscal sponsorship fee (if anyj as part of their project budget. A 501 c3 may serve as fiscal sponsor for multiple projects in any STAR round; the board will consider the project, organization or group and its advisory board with the same criteria as all other STAR applicants. If we are recommended for funding, when will we get our money? The period between the application deadline and final approval by the Mayor and City Council may take three months or longer. All Cultural STAR funds are provided on a reimbursement basis and NO costs incurred prior to final City Council approval are eligible for reimbursement. Eligible expenses incurred subsequent to final City Council approval may be reimbursed. However, there are a number of compliance requirements with which you, as a recipient of Cultural STAR tunds, must comply. DO NOT MAKE ANY COMMITMENTS OR EXPENDfTURES UNTfL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND HOW THESE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. Reimbursements will be made only after a contract is executed and you have supplied adequate documentation of expenditures and documentation that compliance requirements have been met. What comoliance reauirements mav apqlv to mv proiect? Recipients of public dollars must comply with a number of local, state, and federal requirements. The following compliance requirements may apply to your project: • Vendor Outreach Program, including Business Subsidy Opportunity Template • Affirmative Action ! Apprenticeship Opportunities Pilot Project • Workforce Utilization Template • Labor Standards — Federal Davis Bacon and City (Little) Davis Bacon • Living Wage • Business Subsidy • Sustainable Development (Green) Policies For more information see: http:/lwww.stoaul.qov/comphance ia 6y-�-�� SAINT PAUL STA R PR06 RAM �� 2009 Cultural STAR Program ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Grant Guidelines & Application Applications must be RECEIVED by 4:00 PM on the deadline date at: Cultural STAR Program Department of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 This is not a postmark deadline. Applications not received by this time at this location will not be accepted. No Exceptions. � This information can be made available in the following alternative formats: large print, audio, and electronic I file. We also can hefp your group find a language interpreter to trans{ate these guidefines. To accommodate your request, the City of Saint Paul will need at least 10 working days. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street Saint PauV, Minnesota 55102 (651)266-7827 09-�3 � General Information To receive additional copies of the Cultural STAR Guidelines or for more information, go to www.stoaul.aov/star or call (651) 266-STAR (7827). City of Saint Paul Mayor Christopher B. Coleman City Council President Kathy Lantry (Ward 7) Councilmember Melvin Carter (Ward 1) Councilmember Dave Thune (Ward 2) Councilmember Pat Harris (Ward 3) Councilmember Russ Stark (Ward 4) Councifinember Lee Helgen (Ward 5) Councilmember Dan Bostrom (Ward 6) Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) Kurt Schultz, Cultural STAR Coordinator (651)266-6590 CulturalSTARCaIa stnaul.mn us 2009 Cultural STAR Board Barbara Brooks, Minnesota Jewish Theater Company Bob Burns, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council / Flamin' Oh's Glenn Fisher, Twin Cities Public Television Rudy Guglielmo, Bush Foundation Patricia Mitchell, Ordway Center for the Pertorming Arts Sara Remke, Minnesota surSeine / Black Dog Cafe Laura Zabel, Springboard for the Arts oy-��� TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: GUIDELINES Purpose »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 1 Goals / Strategies Geographic Focus Program DesCription »»>»»»»»»»»»»»»> 2 Eligibility • Program Requirements »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 3 Disbursement of Funds / Match Requirements Cultural STAR Board Review Process ExpeCtations of Grant Recipie�ts »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 4 PART 11: APPLICATION How to Apply for Funds »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 5 What to Include AppliCation CheCk List »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 8 AppliCation Forms »»»»»»»>»»»»»»»> 9 CoverPage ProjeCt Budget Expenses »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 10 ProjeCt Budget Income »»»»»»»»»>»»»»»> 11 ProjeCt Map »»»»»»»»»»»>»»»> 12 City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships »»»»»»»»»» 13 Frequently Asked Questions »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 14 2009 Cultural STAR Guidelines �ij Table of CoMents ., �_ Na1NTPAt11 STAR VROGRAM �� a�-a� � Before completing your application, please review these guidelines carefully to determine wheiher your group and project are eligible for fiunding firom the Cultural STAR Program. Purpose The purpose of the Cuftural STAR fund is to promote cultural vitality and economic growth, particularfy in the downtown Cultural District, by strengthening the arts and culture community. Funding Goals Cultural STAR dollars, in total, are intended to: • Build and diversify audiences; • Promote a broad range of cultural offerings; � Produce a long-term impact; and • Leverage additional financial support. Strategies The Cultural STAR Program will achieve the purpose by making grants and loans for projects and programs that: attract audiences; develop and improve cultural facilities; and build capacity of artists and organizations Geographic Focus At least 80% of Cultural STAR funds will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that are located within the targeted area known as the Cultural District. The remaining funds may be allocated to businesses in the Culiural District for projects that enhance visitor enjoyment of the District or to nonprofit organizations located in Saint Paul but outside of the Cultural District. The Cultural District is defined as the geographic area bordered by Interstate 94 to the north, the Lafayette Bridge to the east, Harriet and Raspberry Islands to the south, and Chestnut Road to the west (see Cultural District Map, Page 12). Located in the Cultural District includes: • An organization that is registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State with an address that falls within the Cultural District; or • An organization which owns property in the Cultural District for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a lease or rental agreement within the Cultural District for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a permit or contract for the use of Public Venues in the Cultural District for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project. Located in Saint Paul includes: • An organization that is registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State with an address that falls within Saint Paul; or • An organization that owns property in Saint Paul for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a lease or rental agreement within Sai�t Paul for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a permit or contract for the use of Public Venues in Saini Paul for the purposes directfy related to its Culturaf STAR project Loans and grants are available for capital projects; grants alone are available for organizational development and speciaf projects. Organizational Development Program Description a y-a-3 � The Organizational Development program provides grants for projects designed to strengthen the management, administration, or operations of the recipient organization. Such activities must 1) advance the mission of your group, and 2) have the potential for significant or long-term impact. The intent of the program is to challenge the organization, infuse new thinking, develop new systems, or strengthen existing systems to further the group's growth and development. Eligibility Eligible applicants may appfy for only one of the following Cufturai STAR funding types during each biannual funding round: Special Projects Grant; Organizational Development Grant; or Capital Project Grant or Loan. • Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations that are located wiihin ihe City of Saint Paul. Informal and/or unincorporated arts-focused groups, individuals, and one-time arts projects that have associated with nonprofit arts and cultural organizations that are located within the City of Saint Paul and will serve as a fiscal and contract sponsor, provided that: (1) 100%> of the project takes place in ihe defined Cultural Disirict (see Cultural Districi map, Page 12); and (2) such nonprofit arts and cultural organization enter into a contract with the City of Saint Pauf. • Businesses in the Cultural District (see Cultural District map, page 12) may apply for projects that enhance visitor enjoyment of ihe District. • City departments or divisions are eligible when in partnership with, or supported by, an eligible organization Any project cost that specifically pertains to the execution of the project: • Personnel ➢ Consultants ➢ Employees ➢ Contractors • Supplies • Printing and postage • Space and equipmeM rental • Transportation and travel • Other expenses necessary to carry out ihe project • Churches and religious organizations. • Political parties and related political action groups. • Federal, state, and county agencies and departments. • Organizations (other than those that have associated with informal and/or unincorporated arts-focused groups, individuals, and one-time arts projects, to serve as a fiscal and contract sponsor as described in these Guidelines) that have received Organizational DevefopmeM and/or Special Project grants in three consecutive grant cycles (calendar years). • Organizations (other than those that have associated with informal and/or unincorporated arts-focused groups, individuals, and one-time arts projects, to serve as a fiscal and contract sponsor as described in these Guidelines) that received funding in the first funding • Activities located outside the City of St. Paul • Activities that have been delivered in the same way and for the same purpose on an ongoing basis • Activities that have been completed prior to funding approval by the City Council • Capital improvements or construction, purchase of real capital equipment or purchase of real property or endowments • Activities that engage in political lobbying, serve the religious socialization of participants, or discriminate against persons or individuals • Food or beverages • Expenses related to insurance coverage D�/-��� Program Requirements • The minimum grant request is $5,000. It is unlikely that the Board wi11 recommend funding any proposal for more than $50,000. • The same or similar proposal cannot be submitted to more than one of the following programs in any one funding cycle (calendar year): the Capital Improvement Budgeting (CIB) program, the Neighborhood STAR program, and the Cultural STAR program. • Organizations receiving grants must comply with a11 federal, state, and local laws, rufes, and regulations in connection with the project, including, but not limited to, the Saint Paul Vendor Outreach and Minority Business Development and Retention programs. It is important to understand that compliance requirements may affect hiring practices and wage rates, so make no commitments prior to fuliy understanding these requirements. Disbursement of Funds / Match Requirements • The Gultural STAR Program disburses awarded funds exclusively on a reimbursement basis and only after documentation of eligible expenditures is submitted, reviewed, and approved. Final payment will be made only after the project is completed and a final project report and evaluation is received. • In their final report, the grantee receiving funds for Organizational Development or Special Projects should demonstrate that Cultural STAR funds were matched dollar tor dollar. At least 70% of the match for Special Projects and Organizational Development Projects must be in dollars. Up to 30% of the match may be in-kind goods and services, such as personnel, professional services, office space, supplies, volunteer labor and sweat equity. Volunteer labor and sweat equity are valued at $10.00 per hour. Failure to demonstrate the match will not impede disbursement of funds, but will be considered if the grantee seeks Cultural STAR funding in the future. • Private, county, state, and federal funds may be used as a match. • The Cultural STAR Board has the discretion to recommend approval of other matching contributions on a case-by- case basis. The Cultural STAR Board may consider exceptions to the match requirement in highly unusual cases. Cultural STAR Board The nine-member Saint Paul Cultural STAR Board serves as the formal review body that recommends to the Mayor grants and loans from the cultural portion of sales-tax funds. The Mayor then forwards a recommendation to the City Council Sor its approval. The Board consists of Sive Mayoral-appointed, City Council-approved, members and four members elected by arts and cultural organizations in the City. Review Process The selection process for proposals is highly competitive. The number and size of grants and loans made is dependent on the quality of the proposals and the availability of funding. The review process is as follows: • City Stafi will review applications for eligibility. Ineligible applications will be removed irom furiher consideralion and the applicant will be notified. • The Board will invite each eligible applicant to an interview. Applicants will be notified in writing of the time and location of the interview. • Cultural STAR interviews are public meetings; however no public testimony will be taken. Individuals wishing to comment on applications are encouraged to submit their comments in writing to Gity staff prior to the application deadline. • The Board will review the proposals based on program guidelines, merits, and fund availability and make funding recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. • The Mayor will present final recommendations to the City Council. • The City Council will approve, deny, or amend the Mayor's recommendations. • The Mayor will sign the Council Resolution. The entire process usually takes about three months from application deadline to the signing of the resolution by the Mayor, but may take longer. d9� �310 Expectations of Grant Recipients Project Development and Implementation • After the City Council approves the Mayor's recommendations, staff will send each Cultural STAR applicant a letter specifying whether their project was awarded funding, and if so, for what amount. The letter wi11 aiso notify awardees of the date and time of a mandatory orientation meeting, and other pertinent information. • Prior to the implementation of an applicanYS project, the City of Saint Paul and the applicant will enter inio a contract. Contracts should be fully executed within six months of approval by the City Council. Failure to do so, may result in cancellation of the award. The contract will contain, at minimum, a scope of services to be performed by all parties, a budget section outlining all funding sources and uses, an implementation timeline, and match requirements. The contract will be signed in accordance with City policy. Coniract requirements include, but are not limited to: Carrying general liability insurance that insures the City of Saint Paul • Cultural STAR grants of $75,000 or less require a$1 million per occurrence and $1 million aggregate limits; • Cultural STAR grants of over $75,000 require a$1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate fimits. o Adherence, where applicable, to federal, state and local regulations and policies pertaining to the use of tunds, such as prevailing wage standards, affirmative action, and targeted vendor programs. The amount of the award and the nature of the project (capital, organizational development, or organizational development) determine which regulations apply. Staff will hold a compliance meeting prior to implementation of the contract to identify applicable regulations. Cultural STAR auplicants are stronalv cautioned to not make anv commitments until comnliance reauirements and fundina reaulations are fullv understood. • Implementation must progress as projected in the application. Lack of progress is grounds for withdrawing funding. • Projects should be completed or self-sustaining within the period specified in the agreement. Requests for contract extensions are discouraged. • The Cultural STAR Program disburses awarded funds exclusively on a reimbursement basis and only after documentation of eligible expenditures is submitted, reviewed, and approved. Final payment wif! be made only after the project is completed and a final project report and evaluation is received. At the time of completion of all � activities contained in the agreement or upon expiration of the agreement, project fund balances will be returned to the Cultural STAR Fund. • A final written report is required to determine the extent to which the project was successful. Project success will be measured against expecied project outcomes and the overall objectives of the STAR Program. Organizations will not be eligible for future Cultural STAR funding until all required documentation, including this narrative report, are submitted for the most recently closed projects. 6y�a3� • •.. . fA1Ni4AUl STAR ortxwu� �� How to Apply for Funds Applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. on the deadiine date at Cultural STAR Program Department of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saini Paul, Minnesota 55102 • Your application must include all required materials. See checklist, page 8, for a summary of the materials you must submit. Incomplete or inaccurate materials may result in your application being ineligible. Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the deadline date. This is not a postmark deadline. Applications received after this time are INELIGIBLE and will not be reviewed. There are no exceqtions to this olic . • Applications will not be accepted by fax or email. What to Include One (1) one-sided copy of the following materials are required. Please provide the materials in the order indicated. Prepare application materials in the following format: 8'/z x 11 white paper, a text font equivalent to 10-point or larger, at least 1" margins and black ink only. Please do not bind application. Cultural STAR forms may be completed by hand. t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cover Page (one page) Narrative (may not exceed four pages) Project Team/Personnel Project Budget Expenses and Income Forms (two pages) Project Map Applicant Description (no more than one page) Board of Directors/Advisory Committee Organizational Income-and-Expense Statements (three pages total) Tar Status Documentation Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recently completed fiscal year City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships 7. Cover Page Complete the attached Cover Page (page 9). This will be the first page of your application and is where you will provide a Project Summary using 100 words or fess. About Fiscal Sponsorship: if your group is not a public, private, nonprofit or for-profit entity, you must apply using a tiscal sponsor. See the FAQ on page 14. 2. Narrative Submit a narrative of no more than four (4) pages, addressing all areas, including the four Cuitural STAR criteria below. Use a text font equivalent to 10-point or larger. Please include the section headings shown below in boldface type. The narrative portion of your application is designed to help you address the following criteria. It is not necessary to respond to all of the bullets; these questions are designed to help you address the criteria. Please provide enough information to help the Board evaluate your project in relation to each of the four criteria. The Board will apply all criteria to the application as a whole. a9-a3� IITI eCt — When describing the impactof your project, consider questions such as: • What problem, opportunity, issue, or need will this project address? How was this determined? • What is compelling about this situation? How will addressing this important opportunity/need have a significant, long-term impact on your organization? • How mighi this project enhance your ability to broaden or strengthen your cultural offerings? • How will STAR dollars leverage additional financial support? QU81i — When describing the quality of your project, consider questions such as: • Who are, or will be, the project leaders? How were, or will, they be selected? • What background or experience do your group, consultants, and projecl feaders bring to this project to ensure quality? • What are your project goals? What is the outcome you plan to achieve? What mechanism will you use for evaluating the success of this project? How will you know when you are done? How will you know if this project is a success? Abilitv— When describing your abilityto undertake the project, consider questions such as: • Describe the planning process for your project. • In what ways will your board of directors or advisory committee be involved? • What experience does your organization have that demonstrates the capacity for successfully completing this project? • What is the timeline for your project? • What other financial support do you expect for this project? DIV21'SitV — W hen describing diversiry, consider questions such as: • How will this project add to your ability to diversify the cultural offerings in Saint Paul? • Considering diversity in its broadest sense (e.g., geography, age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.), describe how this project wi11 lead to an enhanced ability for you to build and diversify audiences? • As you consider your projecYs goals, describe how diversity is represented in your project (e.g., among your board of directors or advisory committee and/or project personnel). 3. Project Team/Personnel Attach a list of key people/groups involved in your project. Briefly describe their qualifications for the project. 4. Project Budget Complete the budget forms on pages 10 and 11. Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). Include aIl project costs and identify specifically how Cultural STAR funds will be used in the project. Project budget information must be specific and include verifiable cost estimates. 5. Project Map Use the map of the Cultural District on page 12, to identify the location where project activity is to occur. For projects located outside of the Cultural District, please identify the project location on a one-page map from a program such as MapQuest. 6. Applicant Description Describe your entity—mission, structure, current audiences served, membership, staff, etc. using no more than one page. 7. Board of Directors/Advisory Committee Attach a one-page list of current officers, principles or board/advisory committee members. 8. Organizational Income and Expense Statements Submit one-page statements of financial activity for each of the past three years (three pages total). Do noi include the current year's statement. These financial statements should reflect the organization's actual revenues and expenditures. D y� a-3lv 9. Tax Status Documentation Furnish a copy of your group's IRS-tax-exempt status determination letter or Articles of Incorporatio� for a for-profit entity. OR Furnish a letter of agreement with your fiscal sponsor and a copy of your fiscal sponsor's IRS ta�-exempt status determination letter. The date on the letter of agreement must be no more than one year old. See the FAQ on page 14 for infortnation regarding use of a fiscal sponsor. 10. Audited Financial Statements Furnish Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recenUy completed fiscal year. 11. City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships City Suppor[: In the table provided on page 13, list the sourcelprogram and amount of all monies received from the Gity of Saint Paul in the past five years with most recent year first. Also, include the amount of any remaining balances. Adverse Lending Relationships: Report any present or past adverse lending relationships between your entity, including principals, and the City (examp/es: defau/t, delinquent payments, litigationJ. D�1���� APPLICATION CHECKLIST NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Please include a copv of this checklisi with your oroposal Submit application materials on 8 Yz x 11 white paper. You may reproduce these pages on your computer, as lona as vou stav within the soace and number of oaqes allotted. Both the person completing the application and the organization's chief officer or president should sign the cover page where indicated. Gover page may not exceed one page. Required Application Materials Your application must include all the following materials, collated in the fol{owing order: This Application Checklist, page S. Cover Page, (one page only) page 9. Narrative (may not exceed four pages). List of Project Personnel. Project Budget Expenses form, page 10 (one page only). Project Budget Income form, page 11 (one page only). Map with location where project activity is to occur, page 12. For projects located outside of the Cultural District, please provide a one-page map from a program such as MapQuest. Applicant Description (one page only). Current list of officers, principals, and board members of your entity (one page only). One-page statements of financial activity for each of the past three years. Do not include the current year's statement. These financial statements should reflect the organization's actual revenues and expenditures. Copy of the letter from the IRS documenting your group's tax-exempt status or Articles of Incorporation tor a for- profit entity. Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recently completed fiscal year. City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships, page 13 Up to three letters of support (no more than one page each) (optional). D f-a-3�v � 2009 CULTURAL STAR APPLICATION ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT �aM„�� COVER PAGE o�c� Deadline: March 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. ^ August 28, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Legal Entity Submitting Request: Check type(s) of entity: Federal I.D. #: (or Soc. Sec. #) Tracking # 2009- ❑Public ❑Private ❑ For Profit pNon-Profit # of Employees (full-time equiv.) # of Patrons (most recent year) Contact Person: Address: STREET CITY STRTE ZIP Title: E-Mail Address: Phone: � ) Fax.: � ) Project Name: Project Address: St. Paul MN STREET C/7Y STATE ZIP City Council Ward: Project Summary Using 100 words or less, please describe the concept and design of your project (what, where, when), highlighting those areas expected to be funded by Cultural STAR. STAR Grant Request: Matching Funds (cash & in-kind) Total Project Cost mimmum $5, 000 $ Is your project located within the Cultural District? ❑ YES ❑ NO Signature of lndividua/ Typed Name Title Date Comp/eting App/ication Signature of Board Offrcer Typed Name Tit/e Date 6 �- �3�v -. . SAIMPAUL STAR oxocww �� Complete budget forms below. Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). You must provide a detailed description of any budget line item of $1,000 or more. Expenses STAR OTHER A. PROJECT EXPENSES FUNDS FUNDS EXPLANATORY NOTES Personnel em lo ee or contract Artistic Employees Contractors $ $ Administrative Employees Contractors $ $ Su lies $ $ Printin and Posta e $ $ Facilities / E ui ment $ $ Trans ortation $ $ Marketin / Promotions $ $ ADA-Related Costs (e.g., si9n language interpreters, signage, riniin $ $ Fiscal S onsor Fee $ $ Other rovide details $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $ $ TOTAL EXPENSES (STAR Funds + Other Funds) $ 10 ay-�3 � Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Projeci Expenses and one page for Project Income). Income ii o9-a3� -. wxrv.w� STAA PROGRAM l� 7 N a Y .� N �,� . LZ � City Support: List the source/program and amount of all monies received from the City of Saint Paul in the past five years with most recent year first. Also, include the amount of any remaining balances. Adverse Lending Relationships: Report any present or past adverse lending relationships between your entity, including principals, and the City (examp/es: default, delinquentpayments, litigation). 13 D�-�3� Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What is a Fiscal Sponsor? A fisca/ sponsor is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that receives Cultural STAR grant monies and manages the financial aspects of the project on behalf of a group that does not have t�-exempt status. How do we apply using a Fiscal Sponsor? The Cultural STAR Program accepts applications from informal and / or unincorporated arts-focused groups using a fiscal sponsor. Groups or artists in the district that are incorporated as for-profit entities (LLC, etc) MUST apply directly to the Gultural STAR program, without a fiscal sponsoc. Fiscal Sponsorship guidelines: • 100°!0 ofi the applicant's project must be in the cultural district. • The fiscal sponsor must be a 501 c3 organization located in Saint Paul. • The applicant must haye a board of directors or advisory committee (not the board of the fiscal sponsor) that provides input on, and oversight of, the project. • The applicant must provide a letter of agreement from the fiscal sponsor regarding the application to the STAR program. The letter must include the amount or percentage of the fiscal sponsorship fee (if any.) • The applicant should include the fiscal sponsorship fee (if any) as part of their project budget. A 501 c3 may serve as fiscal sponsor for multiple projects in any STAR round; the board will consider the project, organization or group and its advisory board with the same criteria as all other STAR applicants. If we are recommended for funding, when will we get our money? The period between the application deadline and final approval by the Mayor and City Council may take three months or longer. All Cultural STAR funds are provided on a reimbursement basis and NO costs incurred prior to final City Council approval are eligible for reimbursement. Eligible expenses incurred subsequent to final City Council approval may be reimbursed. However, there are a number of compliance requirements with which you, as a recipient of Cultural STAR funds, must comply. DO NOT MAKE ANY COMMITMENTS OR EXPENDITURES UNTIL YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND HOW THESE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. Reimbursements will be made only after a contract is executed and you have supplied adequate documentation of expenditures and documentation that compliance requirements have been met. What comqliance reauirements mav apqlv to mv proiect? Recipients of public dollars must comply with a number of local, state, and federal requirements. The following compliance requirements may apply to your project: • Vendor Outreach Program, including Business Subsidy Opportunity Template • Affirmative Action / Apprenticeship Opportunities Pilot Project • Workforce Utilization Template • Labor Standards — Federal Davis Bacon and City (Little) Davis Bacon • Living Wage • Business Subsidy • Sustainable Development (Green) Policies For more information see: htt�://www.stpaul.aovicompliance 14 09-a-31p sA�Nr vau� s - r �► R PROCRAM �� 2009 Cuitural STAR Program CAPITAL PROJECT Loan and Grant Guidelines & Application Applications must be RECEIVED by 4:00 PM on the deadline date at: Cultural STAR Program Department of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 This is not a postmark deadline. Applications not received by this time at this location will not be accepted. No Exceptions. This information can be made available in the following alternative formats: large print, audio, and electronic file. We aiso can help your group find a language interpreter to translate these guidelines. To accommodate your request, the City of Saint Paul will need at least 10 working days. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1300 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (651)266-7827 o�-a�� General Information To receive additional copies of the Cultural STAR Guidelines or for more information, go to www.stpaul.QOVistar or call (651) 266-STAR (7827j. City of Saint Paul Mayor Christopher B. Coleman City Council President Kathy Lantry (Ward 7) Councilmember Melvin Carter (Ward 1) Counciimember Dave Thune (Ward 2) Councilmember Pat Harris (Ward 3) Councilmember Russ Stark (Ward 4) Councilmember Lee Helgen (Ward 5) Councilmember Dan Bostrom (Ward 6) Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) Kurt Schultz, Cultural STAR Coordinator (651)266-6590 CulturalSTARCa�ci.stqaul mn.us 2009 Cultural STAR Board Barbara Brooks, Minnesota Jewish Theater Company Bob Burns, Metropolitan Regional Arts Council / Flamin' Oh's Glenn Fisher, Twin Cities Public Television Rudy Guglielmo, Bush Foundation Patricia Mitchell, Ordway Center for the Performing Arts Sara Remke, Minnesota surSeine / Black Dog Cafe Laura Zabel, Springboard for the Arts D9-�� !o TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1: GUIDELINES Purpose »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 1 Goals / Strategies Geographic Focus Program Description Eligibility »»»»>»»»»»»>»»»» 2 Program Requirements »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 3 Disbursement of Funds / Match Requirements Cultural STAR Board »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 4 Review Process Expectations of Loan and Grant Recipients PART U: APPLICATION How to Apply for Funds »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 6 What to Include AppliCation CheCk List »»»»»»»»»»»>»»»> 9 AppliCation Forms »»»>»»»»»»»»»»»> 10 CoverPage ProjeCt Budget Expenses »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 11 Project Budget Income »»»»»»»»»»»»»»» 12 ProjeCt Map »>»»»»»»»»»»»»»> 13 City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships »»»»»»»»»» 14 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) »»»»»»»»»»»»»> 15 2009 Culiural STAR Guidelines �11 Table of Contents v9-�-3r� '• •- SAl17f FAUL STAR VROGRAM �� Before completing your application, please review these guidelines carefully to determine whether your group and projeci are eligible for funding from the Cultural STAR Program. Purpose The purpose of the Cultural STAR fund is to promote cultural vitality and economic growth, particularly in the downtown Cufturaf District, by strengthening the arts and culture communily. Funding Goals Cultural STAR dollars, in total, are i�tended to: • Build and diversify audiences; • Promote a broad range of cultural offerings; • Produce a long-term impact; and • Leverage additional financial support. Strategies The Cultural STAR Program will achieve the purpose by making grants and loans for projects and programs that: attract audiences; develop and improve cultural facilities; and build capacity of artists and organizations Geographic Focus At least 80% of Cultural STAR funds will be awarded to nonprofit organizations that are located within the targeted area known as the Cultural District. The remaining funds may be allocated to businesses in the Cultural District for projects that enhance visitor enjoyment of the District or to nonprofit organizations located in Saint Paul but outside of the Cultural District. The Cultural District is defined as the geographic area bordered by Interstate 94 to the north, the Lafayette Bridge to the east, Harriet and Raspberry Islands to the south, and Chestnut Road to the west (see Cultural District Map, Page 13). Located in the Cultural District includes: • An organization that is registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State with an address that falls within the Cultural District; or • An organization which owns property in the Cultural District for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a lease or rental agreement within the Cultural District for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a permit or contract for the use of Public Venues in the Cultural District for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project. Located in Saint Paul includes: • An organization that is registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State with an address that falls within Saint Paul; or • An organization that owns property in Saint Paul for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a lease or rental agreement within Saint Paul for purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project; or • An organization that has secured a permit or contract for the use of Public Venues in Saint Paul for the purposes directly related to its Cultural STAR project Loans and grants are available for capital projects; grants alone are available for organizational development and special projects. Capital Project Program Description The Cuftural STAR Capital Project program provides loans and grants to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as buildings and equipment. Such activities must have the potential for significant or long-term impact and 1he expenditures must be depreciable. o9-a3� Eligibility Eligi6le applicants may apply for only one of the following Cultural STAR fundirtg types during each biannual funding round: Special Projects Grant; Organizational Development Grant; or Capital Project Grant or Loan. • Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations that are • Churches and religious organizations located within the City of Saint Paul • Politicat pasties and related po4itical action groups • Any public, private, or non-profit entities thai are located within the Ciry of Saint Paul • Federal, state, and county agencies and departments • City departments or divisions are eligible when in partnership with, or supported by, an eligible • Organizations that received funding in the first organization funding round of the calendar year. Direct capital costs of the project. Up to 20% of Cultural STAR funds may be used for direct project costs that specifically pertain to the execution of the capital project. • Examples: Building permits; design fees; engineering, soil testing, environmental, legal, financing, licensing, and inspection fees; developers' fees; acquisition and demolition costs; utility relocation and Construction; construction costs including loan and interest fees. Direct and indirect financial resources such as: . Private expenditures for physical improvements • Use of STAR funds to develop a STAR proposal or organize an eniity to manage a STAR proposal • Activity that has been completed prior to project approval for funding by the City Council • General operating expenses. • Payment for the applicants' own labor for construction or improvements (may be used as a match) • Refinancing existing debts. • Major public improvement projects (e.g., street repaving, sewer work, recreation centers, etc.) • Duplication of a current City program or facility. • City forgivable loans or grants. • Volunteer meeting time • Grants o� contributions from sources such as . In-kind service donations from the applicani foundations or cosporations organization such as already existing office space, phone service, etc. -- In-kind donations • Local lender commitments from parties other than the applicant are eligible. • In-kind services from individuals and businesses • Applicants are encouraged to fund project such as personnel, professional services, office administrative expenses with other resources space, supplies, volunteer labor and sweat equiry (e.g., , foundation grants, cash donations, etc.) for physical improvements (Up to 30 % of the total and to use these funds as part of the match match) • Additional City funding (CDBG, TIF, CIB, and HRA funds) may be used as a maich onfy'rf ihe funds are in the form of a payback loan. og-aa � Program Requirements • The minimum loan or grant request is $5,000. There is no maximum request for Capital Project Loans and Grants. • All capital improvement projects must have site control. This may take the form of a Iong-term lease (seven years or more) or ownership of the property where the project will be completed. • The same or similar proposal cannot be submitted to more than one of the following programs in any one funding cycle {calendar year): the Cap+tal Improvement Budgeting (CIB) program, the Neighborhood STAR program, and the Cultural STAR program. • It is unlikely that the Board will recommend repeat funding for the same project in future cycles. • Requests for public capital improvements that are defined by City policy as "above standard" will require a legally- binding and enforceable plan for maintenance and/or operation over the useful life of the improvements. • Capital Project Loans and Grants cannot fund organizational development or special projects. expenses. All legal requirements of the City of Saint Paul must be met such as: • The property must be appropriately zoned, meaning the property must conform to use under the City Zoning Ordinance. • Health, safety and ADA items required by City building codes must be addressed. • For new construction, properties must be on legal buildabfe lots. • Prior to performing leasehold improvements, the tenant must obtain written permission from the building owner for the improvements. • Prior to project implementation, all necessary permits must be obtained. Upon completion of improvements, the applicant must have followed, and the property must meet, all applicable code, permit, and license requirements. Finally, the property must be properly inspected and must have a Certificate of Occupancy upon completion, if applicable. • Organizations receiving grants or loans must comp{y with all federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations in connection with the project, including but not limited to the Saint Paul Vendor Outreach and Minority Business Development and Retention programs, labor standards, living wage, business subsidy, and sustainable development. It is important to understand that compliance requirements may affect hiring practices and wage rates, so make no commitments prior to fully understanding these requirements. Disbursement of Funds / Match Requirements • The Cultural STAR Program disburses awarded funds exclusively on a reimbursement basis and only after documentation of eligible expenditures is submitted, reviewed, and approved. Final payment will be made only after the project is completed and a final project report and evaluation is received. • Cultural STAR funds for Capital Projects must be matched dollar for dollar. This is considered a minimum match, with preference given to projects that exceed this requirement. No money shall be disbursed until documentation of the match, in the appropriate ratio, is received and approved. At least 70% of the match for Capital Projects must be in dollars. Up to 30% of the match may be in volunteer labor and sweat equity. Volunteer labor and sweat equity are valued at $10.00 per hour. • Private, county, state, and federal funds may be used as a match. • The Cultural STAR Board has the discretion to recommend approval of other matching contributions on a case-by- case basis. The Cultural STAR Board may consider exceptions to the match requirement in highly unusual cases. 09-�10 Cultural STAR Board The nine-member Saint Paul Culiural STAR Board serves as the formal review body that recommends to the Mayor grants and loans from the cultural portion of sales-tax funds. The Mayor then forwards a recommendation to the City Council for its approval. The Board consists of five Mayoral-appointed, Gity Council-approved, members and four members elected by arts and cultural organizations in the City. Review Process The selection process for proposals is highly competitive. The number and size of grants and loans made is dependent on the quality of the proposals and the availability of funding. The review process is as follows: • City Staff will review applications for eligibility. Ineligible applications will be removed from further consideration and the applicant will be notified. • The Board will invite each eligible applicant to an interview. Applicants wiil be notified in writing of the time and location of the interview. • Cultural STAR interviews are public meetings; however no public testimony will be taken. Individuals wishing to c.�mment on applications are encouraged to submit their comments in writing to City staff prior to the application deadline. • The Board wil{ review the proposals based on program guidelines, merits, and fund availability and make funding recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. � The Mayor will present final recommendations to the City Council. • The City Council will approve, deny, or amend the Mayor's recommendations. • The Mayor will sign the Council Resolution. The entire process usually takes about three months from application deadline to the signing of the resolution by the Mayor, but may take longer. Expectations of Loan and Grant Recipients Project Development and Impfementatio� • After the City Council approves the Mayor's recommendations, staff will send each Cultural STAR applicant a letter specifying whether their project was awarded funding, and if so, for what amount. The letter will also notify awardees of the date and time of a mandatory orientation meeting, and other pertinent information. • Prior to the implementation of an applicanYs project, the City of Saint Paul and the applicant will enter into a contract. Contracis should be fully executed wRhin six months of approval by the C'ity Council. Failure to do so, may result in cancellation of the award. The contract will contain, at minimum, a scope of services to be performed by all parties, a budget section outlining all funding sources and uses, an implementation timeline, and match requirements. The contract will be signed in accordance with City policy. Contract requirements include, but are not limited to: o Carrying general liability insurance that insures the City of Saint Paul • Cultural STAR grants of $75,000 or less require a$1 million per occurrence and $1 million aggregate limits; • Cultural STAR grants of over $75,000 require a$1 million per occurrence and $2 million aggregate limits. o Adherence, where applicable, to federal, state and local regulations and policies pertaining to the use of funds, such as prevailing wage standards, relocation requirements, affirmative action, and targeted vendor programs. The amount of the award and the nature of the project (capital, organizational development, or special project) determine which regulations apply. Staff will hold a compliance meeting prior to implementation ot the contract to identify applicable regulations. Culturai STAR aoolicants are stronalv cautioned to not make anv commitments until compiiance requirements and fundina reaulations are fullv understood. a q-�3� • Implementation must progress as projected in the application. Lack of progress is grounds for withdrawing funding. • Projects should be completed or self-sustaining within the period specified in the agreement. Requests for contract extensions are discouraged. • The Cultural STAR Program disburses awarded funds exclusively on a reimbursement basis and only after documentation of eligible expenditures and match is received and approved. Final payment will be made only after the project is completed and a final project report and evaluation is received. At the time of completion of all activities contained in the agreement or upon expiration of the agreement, project fund balances will be returned to the Cultural STAR Fund. • A final writlen repori is required to determine the extent to which the project was successful. Project success will be measured against expected project outcomes and the overall objectives of the STAR Program. Organizations will not be eligible for future Cultural STAR funding until all required documentation, including this narrative report, are submitted for the most recently closed projects. �y-a3� '�'� Part II: Application How to Apply for Funds Applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. on the dead3ine date at Cultural STAR Program Department of Planning and Economic Development 1300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 • Your application must include all required materiats. See checklist, page 9, for a summary of the materials you must submit. Incomplete or inaccurate materials may result in your application being ineligible. • Applications must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the deadline date. This is not a postmark deadline. Applications received after this time are INELIGIBLE and will not be reviewed. There are no exceqtions to this op licv. • Applications will not be accepted by fax or email. What to Include One (1) one-sided copy of the following materials are required. Please provide the materials in the order indicated. Prepare application materials in the following format: 8�/z x 11 white paper, a text font equivalent to 10-point or larger, at least 1" margins and black ink only. Please do not bind application. Cultural STAR forms provided may be completed by hand. 1. Cover Page (one page) 2. Narrative (may not exceed four pages) 3. Project Team/Personnel 4. Project Budget Expenses and Income forms (two pages) 5. Project Map 6. Applicant Description (no more than one page) 7. Board of Directors/Advisory Committee 8. Organizational Income-and-Expense Statements (three pages total) 9. Tax Status Documentation 10. Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recently completed fiscal year 11. City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships 1. Cover Page Complete the attached Cover Page (page 10). This will be the first page of your application. This is where you will provide a Project Summary using 100 words or less. About Fiscal Sponsorship: if your group is not a public, private, nonprofit or for-profit entity, you must apply using a fiscal sponsor. See the FAQ on page 15. 2. Narrative Submit a narrative of no more than four (4) pages, addressing all areas, including the four Cultural STAR criteria below. Use a text font equivalent to 10-point or larger. Please include the section headings shown below in boldface type. The narrative portion of your application is designed to help you address the following criteria. It is not necessary to respond to all of the bullets; these questions are designed to help you address the criteria. Please provide enough information to help the Board evaluate your project in relation to each of the four criteria. The Board will apply all criteria to the application as a whole 09-�3� Im eCt — When describing the rmpact of your project, consider questions such as: • Describe the problem, opportunity, issue or need that your capita{ purchaselimprovement is intending to resolve? • Why, given aIl the ways your group could use capital, have you decided on this project? What is compelling about this situation? • How will addressing this important opportunity/need by making this capital purchase or improvement have a significani, long-term impact on your organization? • How might this project enhance your ability to broaden or strengthen your cultural offerings? • How will STAR dollars leverage additional financial support? QUalitv — When describing the qua/ity of your project, consider questions such as: • Who are, or will be, the project leaders? How were, or will, they be selected? • What background or experience do your group, consultants, and project leaders bring to this project to ensure quality? • If you are purchasing equipment, describe how you arrived at purchasing this particular equipment. • What are your project goals? What is the outcome you plan to achieve? What mechanism will you use for evaluating the success of this project? How will you know when you are done? How will you know if this project is a success? Abilitv — When describing your abilityto undertake the projeci, consider questions such as: • Describe the planning process for your project. • In what ways will your board of directors or advisory committee be involved? • What experience does your organization have that demonstrates the capacity for successfully completing this project? • What is the timeline for your project? • W hat other tinancial support do you expect for this project? DIV2rsitV — When describing diversity, consider questions such as: • How will this project add to your ability to diversify the cultural offerings in Saint Paul? • How might this project lead to an enhanced ability tor you to build and diversify audiences? • As you consider your projecYs goals, describe how diversity is represented in your project (e.g., among your board of directors or advisory committee and/or project personnel). 3. Project Team/Personnel Attach a list of key people/groups involved in your project. Briefly describe their qualifications for the project. 4. Project Budget Complete the budget forms on pages 11 and 12. Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). Include all project costs and identify specifically how Cultural STAR funds will be used in the project. Project budget information must be specific and include verifiable cost estimates. 5. Project Map Use the map of the Cultural District on page 13, to identify the location where project activity is to occur. For projects located outside of the Cultural District, please identify the project location on a one-page map from a program such as MapQuest. 6. Applicant Description Describe your entity—mission, structure, current audiences served, membership, staff, etc. using no more than one page. 7. Board of Directors/Advisory Committee Attach a one-page list of current officers, principies or board/advisory committee members. 8. Organizational Income and Expense Statements Submit one-page statements of financial activity for each of the past three years. Do not include the current year's statement. 7hese financial statements should reflect the organization's actual revenues and expenditures. D9-a-�lD 9. Tax Status Documentation Furnish a copy of your group's IRS-tax-exempt status determination letter or Articles of Incorporation for a for-profit entity. OR Furnish a letter of agreement with your fiscal sponsor and a copy of your fiscal sponsor's IRS tax-exempt status determination letter. The date on the Ietter of agreement must be no more than one year old. See the FAQ on page 14 for information regarding use of a fiscal sponsor. 10. Audited Financial Statements Furnish Audited Financial Siatements (or form 990) for most recently completed fiscal year 11. City SupporUAdverse Lending Relationships City Support: In the table provided on page 13, list the source/program and amount of all monies received from the City of Saint Paul in the past five years with most recent year first. Also include the amount of any remaining balances. Adverse Lending Relationships: Report any present or past adverse lending relationships between your entity, including principals, and the City (examp/es: defau/t, delinquent payments, litigation). � g-a�� APPLICATION CHECKLIST NAME OF ORGANIZA' Please include a copv of this checklist with vour proposal Submit application materials on 8 Yz x 11 white paper. You may reproduce these pages on your computer, as Ionp as vou stav within the soace and number of oapes allotted. Both the person completing the application and the organization's chief officer or president should sign the cover page where indicated. Cover page may not exceed one page. Required Application Materials Your application must include all the following materials, collated in the following order: This Application Checklist, page 9 Cover Page, (one page only) page 10 Narrative (may not exceed four pages) List of Project Personnel Project Budget Expenses form, page 11 (one page onfy) Project Budget Income form, page 12 (one page only) Map with location where project activity is to occur, page 13. For projects located outside of the Cultural District, please provide a one-page map from a program such as MapQuest. Applicant Description (one page only) Current list of officers, principals and board members of your entity (one page only). One-page statements of financial activity for each of the past three years. Do not include the current year's statement. These financial statements should reflect the organization's actual revenues and expenditures. Copy of letter from the IRS documenting your group's tax exempt status or Articles of Incorporation for a for- profit entity. Audited Financial Statements (or form 990) for most recently completed fiscal year. City Support/Adverse Lending Relationships, page 14 Up to three letters of support (no more than one page each) (optional). D 9'� lo � 2009 CULTURAL STAR APPLICATION CAPITAL PROJECT :aMO,�� COVER PAGE ��, Deadline: March 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. �� August 28, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. Legal Entity Submitting Request: Check type(s) of entity: Federaf I.D. #: (or Soc. Sec. #) Tracking # 2009- ❑Public ❑Private ❑ For Profit ❑Non-Profit # of Employees (fuli-time equiv.) # of Patrons (most recent year) Contact Person: Address: STREET CITV STATE ZIP Title: Phone: Project Name: Project Address: City Council Ward: E-Mail Address: Fax:: St. Paul MN STREET C/TY STATE Z/P Project Summary Using 10U words or less, please describe the concept and design of your project (what, where, when), highlighting those areas expected to be funded by Cultural STAR. STAR Loan/Grant Request: Matching Funds (cash & in-kind) Total Project Cost Is your project located minimum $5,000 within the Cultural District? ❑ YES ❑ NO Signature of lndividua/ Typed Name Title Date Completing Application Signature of Board Officer Typed Name Tit/e Date 10 09-�310 �-• . fA1MPAUL STAR 7ROGRAM �� Complete budget forms below. Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). You must p�ovide a detaifed descripiion of any budget line item of $7,000 or more. Expenses STAR OTHER A. PROJECT EXPENSES FUNDS FUNDS EXPLANATORY NOTES Personnel em lo ee or contract Artistic Employees Contractors $ $ Administrative Employees Contractors $ $ Su lies $ $ Printin and Posta e $ $ Facilities / E ui ment $ $ Trans ortation $ $ Marketin / Promotions $ $ ADA-Related Costs (e.9., s�gn language interpreters, signage, $ $ rintin Fiscal S onsor Fee $ $ Other rovide details $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBTOTAL $ $ TOTALEXPENSES (STAR Funds + Other Funds) $ 11 09��3� Print or type on the forms provided or generate your own forms with the same information in the same format (one page for Project Expenses and one page for Project Income). lncome iz py�3�3 � .� SNNTPAUI STAR vrtocww �� � �a a c R y ,-� 13 09 �2-310 City Support: Lisi the source/program and amount of all monies received from the City of Saint Paul in the past five years with most recent year first. Also include the amount of any remaining balances. Adverse Lending Relationships: Report any present or past adverse lending relationships between your entity, including principals, and the City (examp/es: defau/t, delinquent payments, IitigationJ. 14 O�J�a'3 Zv Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) If we are recommended for funding, when wiil we get our money? The period between the application deadline and final approval by the Mayor and City Council may take three months or longer. All Cultural STAR funds are provided on a reimbursement basis and NO costs incurred prior to final City Council approval are eligible for reimbursement. Eligible expenses incurred subsequent too final City Council approval may be reimbursed. However, there are a number of compliance requirements with which you, as a recipient of Cultural STAR funds, must camQly. DO NOT MAKE ANY COMMITMENTS QR EXPENDITURES UNTIL YOU FU�LY UNDERSTAND HOW THESE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS WILL APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT. Reimbursements will be made only after a contract is executed and you have supplied adequate documentation ot expenditures and documentation that compliance requirements have been met. What comoliance reauirements mav apoiv to mv oroiect? Recipients of public dollars must comply with a number of local, state, and federal requirements. The following complia�ce requirements may apply to your project: • Vendor Outreach Program, including Business Subsidy Opportunity Template • Affirmative Action / Apprenticeship Opportunities Pilot Project • Workforce Utilization Template • Labor Standards — Federal Davis Bacon and City (Little) Davis Bacon • Living Wage • Business Subsidy • Sustainable Development (Green) Policies For more information see: http://wwwstoaul.qov/compliance 15