190141i i` v ` COUNCIL FILE NO By Council File No. 190141— INTERMEDIARY ORDER ijIn the matter of condemning and } cing an easement 10 ft. in width for ,,: purpo "se of c ^.ti -* u -•'ing enri main - i„a a L and .�F In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement 10 ft. in width for the purpose of - constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly , 10 ft. of Lot 13, Windsor Square; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the westerly 20 ft. of the easterly 30 ft. of Lot 13, Windsor Square; also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on the westerly 20 ft. of Lot 12, Windsor Square; raider Prctirn;u�r� Or r. __._..7 `.� I: ,........_..__ - a7rprovci1. ^.i .: :° : r' also condemning and taking an easement 10 ft. in width for the purpose �o�f,.,,_ A constructing landimai!ntai�nirlg. aGpubla.er'etiier Cori, i under- ancl-across.Irots'' 29 rand 30,'r., e ;Windsor Square,rtlie:centeri�l iie'iof said�j "ease fieAtt,6­ i gyde 4wriv&di s -:follows: beginning at a point , on the south..lineg..of iLot`,.29,•- CFindsorr Square;, {Saida point tbeing j8.3 ft. wesitteilyr`o``1th�e.�southeast corner of said Lot 29, thence on a straight line in M northeasterly direction across said Lot 29 to the northeast corner of said Lot 29; I; Windsor...Square;lsaid�'easemeA extending fr 611` agriol' a-Ave. to the east -west alley in Windsor Square; - L- r.. also condemning. and "te.king a;tempor`ary.easement^ for construction purposes on..Lots 29 and 30, Windsor "Square, said temporary easement Ueing-20 ft -. "in -width t , 1 .., ..., _ and lying southeasterly''of and adjacent to the permanent easement; Co ,J..X•:' . -.,^ i�. �'r1r r ^..�3�.•i;:'�-�.i1`i .,i._,.,r. ^_i i , also., condemning- ng- and ;aking_ a- temporary easements for constru' tion purposes on f Lot 29; Wind`sor`Square, Cl aid - temporary easement being 20 ft: in width "and lying I northwesterly of and adjacent to the permanent easement �4f ca -- j on 'thd -we sterl 20-ft-;,- - — r. +h nq L oft,Lots�l2t';Wndsor +l,Square,; also condemn and take an easement 10 ft. in width for the purpose of , coristructing7 andc.mairitaiziing a� piibli'c' sewers ori;