190135Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �Couhcil File No. 190135— 1 Whereas, A'vvritten proposal for the ,�!nal-ft,g, of the f-411mving improvement, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .... . .... ...... .. ........... ............. Vh emend 'Ivy *Ve T --/,'0pe'h.,' widen' 6nd niie; from, �fh®- J ....... -Sfon6..& -Mbz.ton1'8'2n'_, �Pb 'Of, Addition(to he west ine­&t­`t&f'4_ Dittmanve Sub by takin conadmning J g, and purpop'eb.a.ttAp bf-.l6nd,.of..v'6z�r:in' -_ dt ..in-.tfiat. part. .0 'Block jg wi h f 4 and 5-' Clarke & WilLguj Addition, that part of Lots 14 and, 15., Auditor's Sub ....... . D that 'lies betwe6n­th6� foll-owihg,- dea-criVigd-prcipbrty- -NoiT 2 Datcd, th - h-, day Dcezrber ....... . ...... . ..... . ....... ► Thii iT6iih property TiEw described- as fqr_ll,6*s:Beginnihg at the southeast corner of tot 16, Block 1 ?Additi6`n; ._thdhc'e.- in a northeasterly direction to the southeast corher*of Lot 34 � AudiQi*ri"8iV-90,70i thence, along the.south line of Auditor's 8iib Nq*70 to the east lin& of Lot 14, Auditor!.6 'Sub Noi70*__, -The south PtOpertyfli 'F jkq1,Wh9 4001,Wd:ras follows t Beginning at the nortbeas't',corner of Lot 1 Wffj Block 4., Stone & Mortonis 2nd Additi6nj thence in a 66r'ihedqve dii-66fif6ft t1b'VjbjA - 1116 60,Ut, south' of the 'south line of ily- Aiiditorr& Sub No*,70 and L 57494 ft. west, of a point, tha':t' li6d 60 it. south of the zsouth line of Auditorrs'�8ub Nd-&70 and on the e: ,�tondeg4.east line,of.Bradley 1' 66 4,ehAek i h1d rp`i a iai i ' I' ellw , 'A"edt Vilhehy a le�',to 'the soilth. line of Audito' ' h 4 �t_ ­tt 11 1 tV-_CaK:Xj,-_­er rts1.SiW-No 70 V LU U'L'1�1,r"Vf-t­:jj r R7700. iol.% .line of Z&t'-144 -4­d;t'� A 1, -Vary tbtit "llock Zdb �.t& 11im"T W,.dtl� Lot :16 -aiid di rftldihirt, 'for street, a -east etly­to `-,Bk&UkT "Ur "'C_r* "' 4f 6, 1 end d Aft" by;U ipg Wo -;A5, 9 purposes all that part of L6t,"1,2 Auditor- s. Sjab'io.,70_ that lies west of the follo-i "r --'- - i—,-% (jr-4­601--r.N nic -rtnq wimg--ddsdribb&1ifie: ,Beginning at & point -on -the west-lihij of tot`i?,�.. it, a 'ifiaito-iiI, S-fib­N-5.?q_­jqfid' 5'01ft' Cfi8rtfi �f the, MitWep , corner of Nald lotj,: thence: in a southiasterly­directioh idAk"Al 4,,%-n,,r ­r' At -it r- + '[Oj • 441'a - �V i poiht oh;��d south -1-ine.,bf a-aid lot n "r. ,, -I v&j+kv gt <­e fjilmi�---rl ' , � 1 V A -, ­e - * n+ ' , ore 4 4,* �dfstaficg 6VA. ,easterly &dasured from )th6Ffi i;tl*e6t corner '" "' I" `� X 0 6f -Mt yi Dittman!.8 Sub, ; %lbo the webt(60 ft# -,of -. Lot, Dittman' s,,Sub Vzo,.cmith property lino-beirv, described as followat Dagibnir. gr at the no,rthcar�tt,corner of Lot 1 block 4., Stone & Uortonto ,end Additior');- thence in a northeasterly direction to a point that lie3 60 ft. zeuth of the'io4th ling of of a 00jr,4 that _;�ies _60 ft, z;aulth of the south line of Auditorts Sub­Nd'i,70 afiffon the extended east line of Bradley 0 - t �* - Adopted IStre-et-,;,uthbnc-e.,.eaat.erly-,and.,p.ar&Uel..to...the south line of Auditorts Sub No*70 to the east line of Lot 14,t Auditorls Sub No*70o YEAS NAYS Lot 16, so,openp widen and extend Jessie Street fromf,%Vie south-line of A Auditor's Sub extend'edreasterly to Brainerd Ave, by taking and condemning for street purposes. 1611„that part of Lot l2,PW'u'd1tor1-t Sub N6';70 that "lies *We;!ft­&f the followin �, escr.i-bed'line-:-Beginning at a point on the west line,of Lot,12., Auditor"s Su'6'No,_70 and 50Jt_. north of the southwest corner 7 of"saia lot: thence in"J9Vi6tLtheasterly direction to a point', on' 'tlie­,,soutR Z!,n'eQ4,k said 'lot and dist44qpjA0, ft,, easterly measured"T it�m­thiErj` rt!;A-it'c6fffe-r"-6f `L6t'4P­­­- no Dittman1's,,Sub,,, also the west 60 ft,' of Lot 4.,,TDittmants Sub. I G.A'11 Xr. Pr4ident, :DSpijnkel