190061'0R1&hAZL TO C,JTY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��� COMMISSIONER \ eArr- COUNCIL 19 0061. FILE NO. RESOLVED, that henceforth the procedure for the City's purchase of the two separate classes of postage, namely, (1) postage only; and (2) postage where printing is involved; shall be that set forth in that certain document filed herewith entitled, "Recommended Procedure for Purchase of Postage on Miscellaneous Claim" bearing the endorsed approval of the Purchasing Agent, City Comptroller, and Commissioner of Finance, such recommended procedure being hereby expressly approved and authorized. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy V-Q a Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 5M s•58 2 In Favor Against Council File No. 190081 —By 1V)Irs. Dona M. DeCourcy— 111 Resolved, hat henceforth the pro -� cedure for the City's purchase of the two separate classes of postage, namely, (1). postage only; and (2) postage where printing is involved; shaII be that set forth in that certain document filed herewith entitled, "Recommended Pro- cedure for Purchase of Postage on Miscellaneous Claim" bearing the en- dorsed approval of the Purchasing Agent, City Comptroller, and Commis- sioner of Finance, such recommended procedure being hereby expressly ap- proved and authorized. Adopted by the Council November 25, 1958. Approved November 25, 1958. (November 29, 1958) NOV 2 5 1958 Adopted by the Council 19_ NOV 2 v 1958 Approved 19_ Mayor .DUPL'tCATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that henceforth the procedure for the Cityls purchase of the two separate classes of postage, namely* (l) postage only; and (2) postage where printing is involved; shall be that set forth in that certain document filed herewith entitled, "Recommended Procedure for purchase of Postage on Miscellaneous Claiaa" bearing the endorsed approval of the Purchaeing Agent, City Comptroller.: and Commissioner of I`i.nance, such recommended procedure being hereby expressly approved and authorized COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy t Hello 19 9 7 Mortinson Peterson Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 2 In Favor Against 1_90061 [t OV 2 5 1 958 Adopted by the Council 19— (�i 0 2 5 1 °58 Approved 19 Mayor RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE OF POSTAGE 1 ON MISCELLANEOUS CLAIM There are two procedures for the purchase of postage. 1. Postage only. 2. Postage where printing is involved. (1) POSTAGE ONLY Miscellaneous Claim is prepared in four copies. The same information will appear on this claim as formerly was typed on the Purchase Requisition. Department will retain file copy (pink) and transmit the three remaining copies of the Claim to the Comptroller's Office for approval as to funds. Comptroller will retain charge copy white) and re- maining copies (two) will go to the Cashier in the Finance Department. Cashier in Finance Department will make check in sual manner but payable to the Postmaster, presently S. A. Bertelsdn and not to the Purchasing Agent, Finance Department retains the fourth copy of the Claim (yellow) and attaches the check to the Audit Copy of the Claim (blue) and the blue copy with check attached is ready to be picked up by the Purchasing Department messenger. Department will schedule claim in same manner as other claims. (2) POSTAGE WHERE PRINTING IS INVOLVED Printing requisition is prepared in the usual manner and sent to the Purchasing Department. When the printing job has been awarded the Purchasing Department will inform the Department by form letter as to the successful bidder or bidders and the cost of the postage to be used on the job. Upon receipt of this notice the Department should prepare a Miscellaneous Claim for the postage as above but should mark the Miscellaneous Claim "Postage for Purchase Requisition # to and also note the printers name if given on the form letter from the Purchasing Department. The process- ing will be as for other postage and the Purchasing Department messenger will pick up the blue copy of the Claim and the check. The printer will pick up the check in the office of the Purchasing Agent and on receipt of the check will acknowledge the receipt of the check on the face of the Claim. The blue copy will then be placed in proper file for delivery to Department. Department will then schedule claim in same manner as other claims. - 1/91 1061 QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COLEUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE a XtMLVFD,, th t henceforth the procedure for the Ci'ty' a purchase of the two separate ale3ses of poatige, namely# (1) poutoge only; 4hd (2) pootage vhere printing is involved; aball be that set forth 1n that certei.n doc=eut filed herevith entitled, " Roco=onded Procedure for purchase of Postage on Miscellaneous Claim* bearing the endorsed approval of the PurchasinS agent, Cit7 Comptroller, end CommisDioner of y -1nancei such recd ended procedure being hereby expressly approved emd. a..utbori.zed, , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Iollan Mortinson Peterson Rosen in re Mr. President, D' lon sM 5.58 2 -----In Favor Against NOV 25 1958 Adopted by the Council 19_ Approved NOV 255 1958 19- Mayor