188200ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY cnumi-zeioN _.z , ..,; "­ OU,N Council File No. 188200 —By Milton Rosen, by request — CITY OF ST. PA Resolved, That the Council hereby RICE OF THE 'approves the award of the Contract CI Committee therefor and hereby awards c^ contract for furnishing all 'labor, ma- �L RESOLUTION- terials and services necessary for and R //11 reasonably incidental to the wrecking .1882 CO - 11958 ZONING APPEAL Notice is hereby given that A public hearing will be held before the City Council at 10 A.M. on June 26, 1958, , in the City. Council Chamber in the RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves ttmiatter;of the appeal of House, nd Elsie r;ommittee Stringer under Chapter 60,. St. Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, for therefor and hereby wards contract for furnipermission to expand their motel .to y permit restaurant on the south side of s and Hudson Road between White Bear and Kennard, also described as except the services necessary for and reasonabl incidersouth 673 feet that part, of State High- Ora e y sway No. 12 of the West 433.08 feet of g the East 937.32 feet of the Southeast quarter (SE%) of Section 34, Town - Building and Skating Room Building located atship 29, Rangg 22, Ramsey County,( Minnesota Minnesota.t Ij Dated June 11, 1958. to MINNESOTA LUMBER & WRECKING, INC. in accoY JOSEPH R. OKONESCferlt.3tions r (June 14, 1958) therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #7177 of said Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking, Inc., City to pay Contractor $290.00, such bid being the lowest and said Minnesota Lumber & Wrecking Company being a reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #7177. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy HoHand- Marti n a nn Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 0 JUL 2 1.958 I Adopted by the Council 19— R 2 1958 Approved 19— Mayor PUBLISHED DUPLICATE TO PRINTER N CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO.�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Jane 27 1958 COMMISSIONER DATE ¢ 1 RESOLVED.. That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furalshing all labor, materials and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to the wrecking of Storage Building and Skating Roes Building located at Dmmiug Field, St. Paul, Minnesota to iiIiv=O1rA. LUOU &. ili6, INC. in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid #7177 of said Minnesota Lumber & Wracking, Inc.,, City to pay Contractor $290.40, such bid being the lovest and said Mim osota Lumber & Wrockin$ CorVaay. being a. 'reliable aid roasonable bidder and the.Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper fors of contract tharefcrs and the proper City officials hereby are .authorised to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid #7177. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Peterson Tn Favor Rosen AD Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 `2 JUL 2 1958 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 2 1958 Approved 19— Mayor Minn. R -3 Attachment 1 to UPPER LEVEE RENEWAL PLAN BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION UPPER LEVEE RENEWAL AREA Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Elm Street and the North right -of -way line of Shepard Road (Upper Levee Road), proceed from there in a Northwesterly dire ^tion along the centerline of Elm Street to its intersection with the North right -of -way line of Washington Street extended East to said centerline, then along the said extended North right -of -way line of Washington Street and the North right -of -way line of Washington Street in a Westerly direction to its intersection with the Northwesterly right -of -way line of Spring Street; Southwesterly along the.Northwesterly right -of -way line of Spring Street to its inter- section with the West right -of -way line of Wilkin Street, which is thirty feet (30.09 West of the dividing line between Sec. 1 - T. 28 N - R.23 W and Sec. 6 - T. 28 N - R.22 W of the 4th Principal Meridian in Ramsey County,•then in a Southerly direction along the West side of Wilkin Street to its intersection with the North right -of -way line of Shepard Road (Upper Levee Road);'then in a Northeasterly direction along the North right -of -way line of Shepard Road (Upper Levee Road) to the point.of beginning at the centerline of Elm Street. 23. n RELOOggiol PLAN Upper Levee Renewal Project, Minn. &-3 The following relocation plan consti#utes the program for effecting re- location of the sistyufive families to be displaced from the Upper Levee Project Area. g� = OP ADMINISTWIVB ORGANIZATION The present relocation staff consists oft A Relocation Officer, Assistant Relocation Officer, two Family Assistants, Property .Manages and a C1erk-Stenographer. All of these persons have had two to four years experience in relocation. The total staff -time of two family assistants, and such portions of other staff time as required will be-utilizecl until relocation is accomplished. B. 130-USING STANDAM The following standards will be followed with respect to evalu- ating the physical condition and suitability of housing as they relate, to the. minim= requirements for sanitary conditions, cooking, heating and lighting facilities, structural conditions, occupancy standards, and neighborhood environment. (It is an- ticipated that during the period of relocation, a Housing gods will be adopted within the Oity. The current draft or the adopted Oode gill be used as a guide An making the determina- tions implied'by these'standards.) 1. c io ` The building must be so located as to provides neighborhood environment Which is healthy, safe,, sani,tair and ao ; detrimental to the morale of minors. .1 $. CQad tion of etructwce as The structure must have adequate and safe mater *apply and sewage disposal. b. It must be free from serious daylight ob s` ruction. o. Hatiple dwellings must have adequate wdts and public hall lighting. d. The structure must be free from snob physical deterioration as would create health or safety hazards. e. The premises must be free of insanitary conditions and safety hazards. 3. CorAilion of D1e11iva_Uri1t The dwelling, whether an individual house or a unit in a multiple dwelling, must most the following criterias a. Permanents safe and reasonably efficient kitchen facilities including sink with hot and cold run- ning water and provisions for a cook stove. b.•. A flinch toilet and a bath or shower in useable condition must be available for the exclusive use of each 'family. a. Potable running water must be available within the unit. d. Bach unit in a multiple dwelling must have a sufficient number of exits to provide a Safe means of reaching outdoors at ground level. e. Adequate electric lighting and safe wiring must be provided. f. Seating facilities must be safe and adequuate. 2 g. Living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens must have windows. (Windows opening onto an air shaft shall not be considered as meeting standards.) h. Toilets and bathrooms must have some means of ventilation. 4. ,Qccuuancst Standards In making referral to a dwelling unit, the relocation staff shall observe the following occupancy standards to insure that dwelling accommodations are in accord with objective standards of health and decency. a. Sufficient space must be available in relation to size and characteristics of the family so that it would be unnecessary for a family to occupy accommodations which would result ins (1) Bedrooms being occupied by persons of the same sex, except married couples and children under six years of age. (2) The use of living rooms in one - bedroom units for sleeping,space for more than one person. (3) The regular use of living rooms in units larger than one bedroom units for sleep- ing purposes. b. In observing the above standards, the following con- siderations shall be taken into account. (1) The number of persons expected to occupy each bedroom shall be determined by the bedrooms capacity to provide for adequate .3 j' c; r r furniture and healthW, comfortable sleeping arrangements. (2) Every child will be considered a person, except that an infant under le months of age will not be counted as a person for occupancy standards. C. The maximum occupancy limits are as follows$ 0 -1 Bedrooms 3 persons a n 5 a 3 s 7 q 4 s 9 K 5 a la a Notet These occupancy standards may be varied provided there are special circumstances not normal to the average family and provided that such variance is approved by the Relocation Officer. 5. Location in Respect to place of Enloyment In making referrals to dwelling accommodations, the relocation staff shall make certain that no family is forced to accept housing when said housing would necessitate the head of the family commuting an un- reasonable distance to and from his plane of employ- ment. g� - bility to P�.v The following shall constitute the rent - income ratio and criteria for evaluating family ability to purchase housing. 4 a a. Tenants No family shall be recquixed to accept referral to a dwel.ling knit if the rental charge for such unit exceeds 25% of th9 familtee monthly .income. In applying this ratio, carq and judgment must be exercised so that the individual needs and res- ponsibilities of the family are considered. Some of the factors which must be taken into cony sideration are size of family, and age of children; unusually high expenditures of income for medical treatment or care, excessive family, debt$. When any of these or other factors exist the family visitor shall discuss the circumstances with the relocation officer, and a fair and reasonable ad•- juatment shall be made. b. Home Buyers It shall be the policy of the Rehousing Office to consider the following in the purchase of a homes (1) the cost of'the house should not exceed 21 times the annual income. (2) when computing annual income, the income from all secondary wage earners should be evaluated. (3) sporadic income of minor cbildren'or working wives generally will not be taken into account. (4) income derived from working wives who are in the child - bearing years must be realistically evaluated. (5) the age of the purchaser shall also be considered. ,5 c. PTLMOING a,L- 29ATION aESOUa S since the project consists of sixty -five whi•`,e families$ and since no ocher -major public displacement is contem- plated curing this period, it is believed tb..t there is no de P licit in riva'�e or ;public housing supp'_y, It is expected that the families in the project will be re- i housed as fol =owss 1. Twenty -nine families are apparently eligible for low -rent public housing. It is expected that fourteen of the twenty -nine will accept and move into federally aided low -rent housing. The reloea- tion of the families from the Upper Levee project coincides with the completion of seventy -two units in the Mt. Airy Public Housing Prdject. This together with normal turnover occurring at the other two low -rent projects amply fulfills the need for such units for displaced families. Prior- ity shall be given on low -rent public housing for eligible displaced families. 2. Forty-two or sixty -four percent of all families from the project area are expected to buy homes and will have substantial down payments. 3. Nine families will seek private rental housing and will be referred to current listings for decent, safe and sanitary housing which has been certified in accordance with the above outlined standards. D* TWORABY MpgAT ON It in expected that there will be little or no need for .6 WHMwjw,whw.B6Oxd of RmO4V CoW*y Com4spioners and they Cotua di of than City Of St. Pain: at d s proportionetay A pzl OO#bid f Saar ra n for d rice Va O Ili 90i0y. Oomby for the yes*, 1$% the svi of $950000,00* and NSA¢ 'to 'r tioaai.. oioomai.# OmUtIons ttW* craws sod Is an .lw -"a* is o Row Com :reouiios atY. v areseen 3 t iffier of dixaot r�rl a mss: the rLmt - Raur aax?rrt o= t yvw '19�% ad at ncreaus* , in coo: poi -come..- 44'. Poro+s�n` zor p . led fox at. the linnet t ..190 Comity Welfatr�i bit adpiftd} #jA Wit ! ! a rowat, t o eptua3; i for UM4 rocs tot t * mist :f= sob tl* of 9g8,* OnodmWd to IZO, 00 . ma the Otuapoqd expa to * tor' c�ireat ? lief` AU#ft tb�,saatirii y 1958 Is qxtiftted vAl. bs 1139a W6.80 which Vouid resuat a .s oil. oi* $7$9, 96.80 .iu X958 w r: 1? :# and $4.71 *961.66 0f . '195T Y We a bud t ; got .tea- that year, 4 .,� 1'j2:20 3s Gbaaat t y789 4 is ' City' of 8t., PW4 'ieQm3tr and . .Tt is tbs IU4 obU;atiou of tips County of :Od.. of the City. of St. Paul to pro4idm for tile, -care of the poor of the' City 'sad County, Nair, Uwtetorle, 130: It RE�(B.YSD day he .&�a�rd of Courwty. Caeq i oz�irs vt� thr C quAty. o�`,.'R y' (Could U, „ , l Ci ' Cty�s} mx957 Welfastr Boaud of tbe1 qUV of S4 PwA ht beget amow#iiws to: $ d, :7 + ($i29a789.46) be, auad :M ber«by iii transferred to the 190 Wi s ' Board., buftat, WX44 Rgl4et Aauouut, Conditiongd- upon simJ2" lectors by the Cecil of the City of fit. Paul (Board of Count ionrrs o the County of RpMW) to transfer to the 1$FA Ws1laure Boat. buffet* #-be City's ( Comty' *) Mho' of said 1957 eurpllus ttim is - r i temporary relocation. If one or more displaced families meet with ler;vhy delay �.n possession of a house which they are buylug or baildl g, skitab!", tempor -ary relocation will be effectoZL. E. RMATT HOMES III SITE 1. The follcAng contacts with Bite occupants have already teen made: i a. The attached letter, Exhibit A. was used to inform site occupante and owners of property in the contemplated project. b. d 100 percent survey has been completed since all properties in the project area will be acquired. ai The following services will be rendered to displaced families: a. A relocation office will be established Within the project area. b. Referrals to suitable private rentals will be gives to families by the Family Assistant. Three" rejections -of such referrals shall be considered as refusal to accept suitable housing. c. Applications for low -rent public housing will be taken by the gamily Assistant and will be processed immediately by the Tenant selection Interviewer. When it is determined that the family meets the requirements for low -rent public houeiag, it will be offered the first G available unit. d. Referral to sa? es housing trill ba made by the Family ,I.asistant in a realistic ne..ner, and where etch assistance is needed, help will be sought for the family in obtaining mortgage financing. The City has made application for certification for 221 financing. e. Self - relocated families will be visited after relocation and the dwelling unit will be inspected. If the dwelling unit fails to meet the criteria listed under b, (1) and (2) above, further assist- ance will be offered to the family until such time as the family obtains standard housing or refuses further assistance. 3, jAocat on Payments REORKSM Relocation payments as provided for under Section 106 (f) of Title I of the Housing Act of 1956 will be used for this project. 4, Eviction EQ11cv The processes of eviction will be used in the following cases only: a. Nod-- payment of rent after every effort has been made to induce payment; b. Sefusal to accept and move to accommodations offered far permanent relocation which when offered'are decent, safe, and sanitary; within the financial means of the tenants; and reasonably accessible to transportation and commd:nttr facilities; and 3 ".8 refusal to accept and move-to tempOrary- relocations when essential to clearance of a portion of the site in accommodations at least as good in all respects as that he now occupies; c. Continued unauthorised or illegal occupancy or upon the creation of nuisance by the tenant. 5. Communi, tt Paxticivatiou As a result of the visits made by the relocation, staff at the time of the survey. a climate of acceptance and good will toward the local public agency has been engendered in the community. A citizehts, dity -wide Relocation Advisory Committee Is already in existence and should the need arise the members of this committee are available for consultation with the relocation staff. 6. There axe no additional relocation requirements imposed by State or local law. •9 1 Financing Plan STATEMENT OF METHOD PROPOSED FOR FINANCING THE THE UPPER �� REDEVELOOPMF�TT, MILAN. R -3, ACCOWANYPTG THE MEVELOPMENT PLAN MR PROJECT, MILAN. R -3, DATED JUNE, 1958- Minn. R�-3,� rill be financed pursuant to a The Upper Levee Redevelopment Project, Lce-4t and Grant Contract with the Federal Government acting through the Federal Sowing and Home Finance Administration. This contract will provide for temporary loa;s to be made or guaranteed by the Federal Government to the Authority to fi °u-oce project expenditures and for a Federal grant and Iowa grants to meet th9 ne;f costs of the project. The plan for financing for the Upper Levee Project is summarized as follows: 1. Total project expenditures (not including relocation payments) 2. Local Non -Cash Grants (Including credits for construction of the flood control levee, Shepard Road, and Elm and Washington Streets, benefitting the.Project) 3. Gross Project Cost (Item 'l plus item Z) 4, Return from Sale of Land 5, Net Project Cost (Item 3 minus Item 4) 6, Federal Grant 7, Local Grants a. Local Non -Cash Grants by City and Authority This Project b. Cash Federal Relocation Payments Grant (Nop includdd in gross project costs aii c've ) Estimated y, Am t�n� l -.. $512,56o.00 plus $170,890.00 $683,450.00 $zi5.000�o $46o,450,00 $2979560.00 $170,890.00 None $12,175.00 CITY PLADi'NING BOARD OF ST, PAUL, 1313 Courthouse . RESOLUTION CONCERNING REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE UPPER LEVEE RENEWAL PROJECT, MINN. R -3 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutecc 1954, Section 462.515 pro - vidd that the planning agency of the munici- pality in which an area is to be redeveloped shall provide a written opinion as to a re- development playa for each an area. NOW, THEREFORE, f3E IT RESOD VED BY THE CITY PLANNING BOARD OF THE CITY OF SAI1'IT -PAUL that having considered the plan entitled "Redevelopzhent Plan for the Upper Levee Renewal Project, Minn. R -3" which plan consists of and only of the following items all of which are dated Jcuno. 1958, except as noted: A. The Narrative Attachment 1: Legal Description B. The following maps dated March, 1958 Map A: "Project Area Plan" 1Virrp B: "Street and Highway Adjustments Plan" Map C: "Sewer Playa" Map D: "Water System Plan" Map E: "Private Utility Adjustments" Map F: "Zoning Plan" C. Relocation Flan - Upper Levee Renewal Project. The City Planning Board now advises the Saint Paul City CoQncil8 the Housing and Redevelopmexit Atiho ity of the City of Saint Paul and all others that it is the opinion of the City Planning Board of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota that the objectives and purposes of said Plan conform to the genes-al playa objectives of the City of Saint Paul and that the proposed land uses. streets and transportation pro- posals grid other provisions of the ?)an are consistent with the Preliminary Guide Plan for Saint Paul prepared by the City Planning Board in 1958 and adopted by said Board on April 11, 1958. Kaye S 0__ Motion C-,- � 6/13/58 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 1. PLACE OF DEATH: STATE OF MINNES0TA County of Ramsey 10. AGE Yon City of Saint Paul Dar 4 a IF LESS than 1 1, No. 2.197 Goodrich Ave Length of stay: 11. USUAL OCCUPATION Locomotive EMineer In hospital or institation yrs —mos- ays In this community 40 yrs- rnos days 3. FULL NAME Harry J 'Nilson OF .. Ulsorced a ee, ----,a or to Married Wilson 1 59 Years 9. DATE OF BIRTH December 26 1662 10. AGE Yon Mtha I on Dar 4 a IF LESS than 1 1, 64 1 I 11 —hn. ar�1a 11. USUAL OCCUPATION Locomotive EMineer 12. -Y OR BUSINESS N P Ry 13. BIRTHPLACE Lexington Ohio James A Lrilson It. NAME 1 W Other condition• 15. BIRTHPLACE Ohio s 1G. MAIDEN NAME Anna Thompson 17. BIRTHPLACE Ohio 19 THE AUOVE I9 TRUE Infernant•aawe TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Hazel Nilson 6�anaar ,1 2270 C t A ur urw.cwnau: Minnesota City St Paul No 2270 Carter Ave sldenee within Units of ells or i— rooratd .111 -1 e6 MEDICAL CERTIFICATION 22. DATE OF DEATH February 7 1947 rr. I HEREBY CERTIFY: ,Tthat I attended decnsd from Feb eb 23 194 1. Feb 7 1��J I wt saw h im all- on Feb 7 I� 47, To the beat d ss kn d onledre, death arcurr on the date stated soon. a• — . — / Im d cu ints ves f death coronary thrombosis . j Dantlaa hr Do. b Do Other condition• Phsalela� Underline the use to which deatn should b lute°d eta• tlatleaas. (Include preaoancs within 7 months of death) Major dndl.— Of sDenllo.• Of aatopes Addn•• —_ ar or ve _ 24. If death wee doe te eatem.I -ese, all 1. the foilowlna: 1s. Donee .e 2 /h h 47 i; (a) Ardaent..alrmr..r namlrla. avrrlrr) Brainard Minn D• w---" Renosd to (Cremalto _Y_es) (b) Date of oeeurrene 20. Sisn:iore of Emb lm F—ral Director: - 1697 Emh. Lie. N (e) When did Inlorr occur? Arnold 0 Cinje °—Tli— i (City orto..) (Count,) (state) tD. We. N ( (d) Did Inters occur In or about home, on tarn, in Industrial place, In Add— Dvblle DInn7 While at work? eirm N.m Listoe & �vold (e) k ?can of I.J. 21. Data Reesl,ed Ns- 2/10/47 5629 Hal en Desalt xs. 91aa.tpr rr 9L D. _ _ Elan °lvn of Wools Realstnr Add•••• 1515 Charles 2/8P4 7 Date Amended puritunnt to authority received and filed In Us Idlaaeeota ntafe Dgartmut of Health on of Public Safety- - Bureau of health- Division of Vital rrt2T•Irtr ATF OF DEATH PLACE OF DEATH: STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Ramsey City of Saint Paul 2267 ComnonWO&lth No. -_. 'Length of stay: In hospital or institution_ yrs.— mos. —doya i"'itnlion, Rivn prp 2. USUAL RESIDENCE. OF DECEASED: or -deuce pnor its Minnesota State -_ County - Township__ Village -- • " ' " City_ - No...__._ 2267 Com_tauwealth _, -Yes _ - n th 3. Full. NAME Ruby L Field - MEDICAL CERTIFICATION t. (p) SOCIAL SECURITY NO. I 4. (b) IF VETERAN. NAME WAR I __ August 23 1941 None �I 22. DATE OP DEATH[ � s. sex i. COLOR OR RACE I �. on r�� +larded• «'wowed or eev_oral Female I White 5larried i� u. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY: That I attended dec cased rrom wws9rg 19 to Aur 2—.> -3 S. fo a >mrded. Ww.w.d or Dlrarced, I e. (b) AGE a aloe II Aue 23 1+. NAME OF IJUSBAND OR WIFE I last saw h �r .lire on 6C years 1 o the Lcat o1 my 1 nowiedae, death occurred on [he Q+te a[ated� Albert M Field _ _ _- I / /(1 uarat,an January 9 1883 — `/.�!__ -. • -- -- -- +. DATE OF BIRTH I Immediate -use of dnth I+. AGE Year. I %I,;th. I Day. I IF LESS than I day. Acute cardiac failye_— .. _ _ 58 7 14 _hrs. ar —min. ,I - Housewife I -- ... 11. L•SOAL OCCUPATION _- - __- - I H er£eneion severt3l , Dueto -_ - -. -_ -- _ —_ - __ - - - -_ . _ _ - -- - ' u. INDUSTRY OR BUSINESS �I 13. BIRTHPLACE Due to_ -.- _ A lust E Shraudeaba'dlh _ _- -_- - - - -- -_ - - Is. NAME ,_. -. - -- other canditfon. Diabetes IDellitue Physician Merton Wiso _ I (rnclnde presnency within 3 month of delta) IS. RIRTIIPLACE ,_ ".. -. _. .. _ - -• �I Cnderiine We e to whah `Sarah 7 1laror flndlnQs: - depth should tI16. MAIDEN NA1fE _ _— _- ..__._ __. __._ _ T - - - -.^ twehprRedsn- w iI Or uatitouy. 17. BIRTHPLACE II g erteneive SyndrOIIe I IS. 771E ABOVE IS TRDE TOA IIPt 'I' P MY ENOtYLEDCE Ot autopsy-..•..•- -- Informant's own M 1e d i info want's 2267 Cotantonwealth - - -- - Addre II 27. It dnth wee due to external cause, all In the foliowln¢: 19. Burled at Date I{ (a) Accident, suicide, or homicide (specify) - - --- -- - I or Hartland Wiso (crem.han- Na-ya) - Remo.ed to 2388 (h) Data of accurrenc - - -- 2s. ElIInature of Embalmer or Funeral DlEmb.rLl<. \o.-_. -- I (c) Where did Injury "curl (City or Town, (in Industrial Mate) Harold C Anderson - F. D. Liu No._ _1150 � (d) Did Injury occur In or about home, on farm. In ladustrlal Diue, la Address 334_ =, Snell nT �Y St P1�_. - ^� -- II puhlle Dlace7 - - - -- -While a[worki 21. Data Rexelrad No. II 25. 8/25/41 113,267 M.R.Dean Signature of Deputy 11"letrar Ad Amended vunusat W authority r.. dead and filed In tha Min—ta Pau• D.P•.,w•a••t •t R..uh ""