188002a► original to city clerk - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO t PRESENTED BY 4040ee:i' ORDINANCE NO An ordinance relating to sewer lines extending from the main line sewer to the property line, and providing for the use of cast iron pipe in the installation of the same. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That all sewer lines leading from any main line sewer in any public street or highway in the City of Saint Paul to the property line abutting such street or highway shall be a minimum of four (4) inches extra heavy cast iron pipe joined together by oakum and lead caulking joint. Section 2. That jurisdiction over the inspection of all such installations shall be and hereby is vested in the Department of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul. Section 3. That the requirements specifically set out W in Section 1 hereof shall not apply in any instance,-when the D kind and type of sewage to be carried through such sewer shall UWj U be such as to make use of the material required herein a impractical and economically wasteful! Variation from the o requirements of Section 1 shall.be made only upon such findings omade by the Commissioner of Public Works and concurred in by resolution of the Council. rr rr Section 4, This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after its passage. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: 1M 6 -66 8 City Clerk .188002 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved: Mayor Triplicate to the Comptroller 188002 - ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO An ordinance relating to sever linos extending from the wain lino sewer to the property limes and p mlding for the use of cast iron pipe in the installation of the same. THE CQUiGIL OF M CM CF SAW PAUL DOES ORDARis Section I. That all sewer lines leading ft,= any main line sewer in any public streat or, highway in the City of Saint Paul to the property lino abutting such street or highway shall be a minimum of tow (4) inches extra heavy cast Iron piper joined together by oakum and lead caulking joint. Section 2. That jurisdiction ovear the Inspection of all such installations ,shall be and horeby is vested In the Department of Public *mks of the City of Saint Paul: Section 3. That the requirements specifically set out In Section 1 hoeof shall not apply in any instance# whan the kind and type of sewage► to be carried through such sewer shall be such as to weeks use of the material required herein impractical and ocaxaomically w asteful4 Variation from the requiremonts of Section 1 shall be made only upon such findings made by the Commissioner of Public Works and concurred in by resolution of the Council. Section 4e This .Ordinance shall become effective thirty days Fran and after its passage. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk iM 6-56 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gainst Quadroplleate to Department PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. An ardluawo "latinQ to setwer l ims, tactondttg- .fit the main ling iwar to #all psopesty limp 40 PWWUQ frw tbo use of mat Jim pot in the installat of tort see•, mm cmiL ap uts my (w SJli1i'f mm mo Comixt soctim l+ Tat alt sewer lino lading ft" any win dine aaww In aoy pt6110 suvot ow "bWAMY In the city of Sam laid to tb* ply line abet stroat a Mowape WWI be a miinitw of O f +�� extra %y Cart wren Joined tegetw by sakus and teed CSWMI W Joint. Seotien 2. ihat jtwis diatian om On Impatiea of all eui* Instathtlo is diall be wW bereby Is rr96t9d In tW Dept of WIC its of do City of Saint fIul* SeCtien 3. lbst the wrmww r is apeaifiCally eat out in t l Woof shall not apply In any iatame, *An the kud sw type of "w"w to be Care i** Vxh sewer mall bw Pjak sly to Oak$ ut# Of tbo watorl" "qAvw baswln ro*dt"We of sa loltll � �t # only Variation papa moft by the Ccer#ssl~ of PUNIc Wwks and C %Vd in by "ostution of tb* Cvtit U* 8"tiaa 40 This ,fir "l become alfative thirty 4" tram and sttsr Its psssrr go. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson A gainst Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor IM 6-56 , 8 188 002 ' + 04n- V o � x G p �m x ti M ti N t i w d1 m � - pwp OD m IM m s { 40 � o Z Cos m G V3 i N W Jv 0/ o� N h r Z mo — A / 1 zZ41 2?3 6R 0 r+ r+ i N W Jv 0/ o� N h r Z mo — A / 1 zZ41 2?3 6R Maealester -_Park Publishing ". Company 1571 GRAND AVE. ST. PAUL 5, MINNESOTA TEL: MI, 9 -8484 OFFICE OF tiNorman K. Elliott June 13, 1958 Council of the City of Saint Paul, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minn. File 14116 In re: application of Parish of ulate Heart of Mary for permit private parking lot for 56 cars side of Grand, between Snelling toga (Lots 17, 18 and 19, Block View) Gentlemen: the Immac- to erect a on north and Sara - 2, Summit On behalf of Miles Clark, Virginia Clark, Bev, Kermit Olsen, Helen May Olsen, Marion C. Elliott and myself, I wish to - obj.ect to the above application as I under- stand that the ultimate aim of the applicant is to vacate the alley now existing between the church and this proposed parking lot. If binding representations are made that no attempt will be made %o vacate the alley in the future, we will withdraw our objections to the application but we will insist that this condition that the alley is not vacated be attached to any permission given by the Council.; It is absolutely vital to the busi- nesses located in this block that the present alleyway be continued and maintained as present- ly laid out. Ivry would be present personally to voice my objection, but I will be out of town on the date of the hearing and therefore am sending this letter. Thank you for your cour- tesy and cooperation in this matter. Yours very f � truly, r. ......................... :::':: A'::.'•'.: ;RD OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL 231."2.237 1713 CITY NALL AND COUtT NOYft SAINT PAY► 9,NINNffOTA ........................ i June 18, 1958 Mr. Joseph'Okoneski City Clerk Building - Dear Sir: ' This is in the matter of the application of Capitol,'Parking Ramp Inc. for a permit to install and operate a public parking ramp on_ property located approximately in the center of the block on the east side of Robert-Street between 5th and 6th streets. This property is described as the south 50' T�ta­6_a _,the north 50' of lots 8 and 9, Block 12, St. Paul-Proper T zoning-is commercial, i The property under consideration has a frontage of 100' along Robert Street and ex- tends easterly 100' along the southerly property line and 150' along the northerly r property line. The applicants propose to develop -the 240 car six story parking ramp, combined with four retail store activities along the Robert Street frontage.• Automobiles will enter and leave the facility from a driveway on- Robert Street which will provide access to a reservoir space having a capacity of approximately 12 cars. There will,;also_be available for emergency use an exit to an alley on the east. The Board of Zoning has considered this matter in detail and find that the applicant's plans reasonably meet the requirements of circulation from the standpoint of minimizing traffic congestion on adjacent streets. In making a recommendation that this permit be granted and that the plans submitted be approved, the Board of Zoning takes cognizance of the fact that it is strictly impossible to predetermine traffic and congestion inci- dent to facilities of this kind due to the fact that much depends on the efficiency of the operational staff,.and therefore they feel that the traffic engineer should be given the authority to review this operation periodically, and make changes as the need arises. The Board is of the opinion that the physical layout of this facility would promote efficient operations. The Board takes note of the fact that the applicant is an ex- perienced parking lot operator with a reputation for efficient management. Therefore, the Board is confident that every precaution wilt be taken from an operational stand- point to minimize any,possibility of traffic congestion on adjacent streets resulting from the use of this facility. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that this permit be granted, subject to the conditions outlined in the attached letter from the Traffic Engibeer dated May 21, 1958, and approval of the final plans by the City Architect. Sincerely, C Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director HCW :FGI Encl. , Jt C -O -P -Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 19ORKS May 21, 1958 Mr. Herbert C. Wieland, Director City Planning and Zoning Board 1315 City Hall' Dear Mr. Wieland: We have,been asked to review the attached plans for the Capitol Pahking Ramp on the east side of Robert Street north of Fifth. Street. The plans are dated May 7, 1958 and were prepared by Brooks Cavin Architect. We recommend that the plan be revised in accordance with the following: 1. That a satisfactory illuminated sign be incorporated in the plan in- forming the public of the ordinance prohibiting left turns into or out of the garage. ' I . 2. That the plan incorporate a satisfactory electrically operated sign with a legend to the effect, "Sorry, full, please drive one'. 3. That the curb radii for right exit and extrance be increased so as to facilitate use of the east curb lane of Robert Street. 4. That the plan provide for a reservoir space of at least 12 car spaces rather than the pre:,ent 8 car spaces apparently available (assuming tow lanes 'tin ", one 'tout"). 5. That the plan call for marking the magazine lanes with permanent lane markings. The proposed 9 foot lane widths are very narrow, and maxi- mum use can probably not be achieved without lane marks. 6. That any off -duty officers or flagmen used to assist exiting vehicles be subject to the control and direction of the Traffic Engineer. Yours very Truly, EUGrNE V. AVERY EVA:'Sjh TRAFFIC ENGINEER 5/22/58 received ' I Red Wing A: Harvey Hawlcenson, President Ray Jeslce, Vice President Mayor of St. Paul Honorable Joseph E. City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sir: C. 1. ®. Council Red Wing, Minnesota 01 Unity Means Strength July 19, 1958 Dillon Emil Simonson, Recording Secretary Al. Murtinger, Treasurer 4 p S, , tjU4 .moo l ���'At; 0/l1 1958 C� `p4, We note by the news sources that the City of St. Paul is contemplating an ordinance to ban the use of clay sewer pipe in running the connections from main street sewers to private property lines. The Red Wing AFL -CIO Council should like to point out to the governing body of the City of St. Paul, two good reasons why such action should be seriously considered prior to the passage of such ordinance. First of all it has been proven that cast iron pipe is more costly than the clay pipe. Secondly, no steel pipe is manufactured in Minnesota. We have a plant manufacturing the clay pipe products in Red Wing with an employment of around seventy -five men. With Governor Freeman and his various committees striving vainly to. secure more industries for Minnesota, it would also seem that the people of Minnesota should patronize the manufacturers who have been in Minnesota these many years. We shall follow the actions of your council with great interest, as it will in all probability be setting a precedent for all Minnesota cities. Sincerely yours, RED WING AFL -CIO COUNCIL -� /0d4r� Xc::�,�� Harvey Hawk ens6n, President G Kenny Tri, Se etary KT /gk 6a E n is 2 , Laid over to V 3rd and app Adopt ed_ Yeas ys Yeas Nays DeCourcy � DeCourcy Holland Holland �xc eR Mortinson /� ortinson Peterson terson �� RkosPen (�J[ i7 Rosen Mr. Presldent Dillon v Mr. President Dillon I 8