188009ORIGINAL TOJeITN CLERK PRESENTED BY w COMMISSIONE F CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTIOI)I— GENERAL FORM NCIL Ale% 1 -88009 Council File No. 188009 —By Adrian P. Winkel, by reguest- Whereas, Ray Betts, an employe of the Department of Public Safety of the City of Saint Paul, was injured on August 27, 1958, in a third party acci- dent, 1�' while ,,+i engaged hP Denartmentnof WHEREAS, Ray Betts, an employe of the Department of Public Safety 6f the City of Saint Paul, was injured on August 27, 1956, in a third party accident, while engaged in the per- formance cf his duties for the Department of Public Safety, and the City has incurred medical expenses in the amount of $12.00 therefor, and the employe, by reason of said injury, was dis- abled for work for a period of time, being paid the amount of $146.25 theref or; and WHEREAS, a settlement has been negotiated by the parties in the total amount of $900.00, including any amount to which the City would be subrogated for medical expense and salary; and WHEREAS, the office of the Corporation Counsel is in receipt of the check of Lechtman and Goldberg, attorneys for the employe, and payable to the City of Saint Paul in the amount of • $75.00; and the Office of the Corporation Counsel recommends ' -� that this amount be accepted in full settlement of the City's subrogation interest for medical expenses and salary paid to the employe because of said third party accident, now, therefore, b.e it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be authorized to accept said amount of- $75.00 from Lechtman and Goldberg, in full, final and complete settlement of the City's claim for medical expenses and salary paid for its employe, Ray Betts, in connection with the said third party accident; 4.that of said sum of $75.00, the amount of $12.00 be credited to Fund 31 -G1 -B, and the balance of $63.00 be credited to Fund 7 -C -1. It is understood that no attorney's fees will be paid by the City, the same having been included in the share of the settlement payable to employee. % , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland ��... Tn Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 +Q JUN 19 1958 Adopted by the Council 19— JUN 19 1958 Approved 19- P. — \ PUBLISHED, :? /- ,�' DUPLICATE T. ?8IEITER • Y • 188 0( F 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE (4 - WHEREAS, Ray Betts, an employe of the Department of Public Safety -of the City of Saint Paul, was injured on August 27, 1956, in a third party accident, while engaged in the per- formance cf his duties for the Department of Public Safety, and the City has incurred medical expendes in the amount of $12.00 therefor, and the employe o l by reason of sAid injury, was dis- abled for work fora period of time, being paid the amount of $146.25 therefor; and WHEREAS, a. settlement has been negotiated by the parties in the total amount of $900..00, including any amount to which the City would be subrogated for medical expense and salary; and WHEREAS, the office of the Corporation Counsel is in receipt of the check of Lechtman and Goldberg, attorneys for the employes and payable to the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $75.00; and the Office of the Corporation Counsel recommends that this amount be accepted in full settlement of the City's subrogation interest for medical expenses and salary paid to the employe because,of said third party accident, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be authorized to accept said amount of $75.00 from Lechtman and Goldberg, in full, final and complete *ettlement of the City's claim for medical expenses and salary paid for its employe, Ray Betts, in connection with the said third party accident ;, 'that of said gum of $75.00, the amount of $12,00 be credited to Fund 31 -G1 -B, and the balance of $63.00 be credited to Fund 7-C -1. It is understood that no attorney's fees will be paid by the City, the same having been included in the share of the settlement payable to employee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland e e r£ Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 In Favor Against JUN 19 1958 Adopted by the Council 19— 'r IAl 19 1958 Approved 19_ Mayor