188149ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI Council File No. 188149 —By Joseph E. Dillon, mayor — Whereas, The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners and the Council CITY OF S of the City of Saint Paul did each,pro- portionatelyy as prescribed by law ap- propriate OF THE Countatforothe year relief. in Ramsey County yeaz 1958, the sum of $950,000; and CIL kESOLUT IO Whereas, Due to national economic conditions theme was and is an increase in unemployment in Ramsey County Apo resulting in an unforeseen increase in the number of direct relief cases dur- .188149 NO. WHEREAS, the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners and the Council of the City of Saint Paul did each proportionately as prescribed by law appropriate for direct relief in Ramsey County for the year -1958, the sum of $950,000; and WHEREAS, due to national economic conditions there was and is an increase in unemployment in Ramsey County resulting in an unforeseen increase in the number of direct relief cases during the first four months of the year 1958, and an increase in costs per case, not foreseen nor provided for at the time the 1958 County Welfare budget was adopted; and WHEREAS, as a result, the actual expenditure for direct relief for the,`fi-rst four months of 1958, amounts to $609,683 and the anticipated expendi- ture 7for direct relief during the entire year 1958 >$s estimated will be $1,739,296.80, which would result in a deficit of $789.,296.80 in the 1958 Welfare budget; and WHEREAS, $471,961.66 of the 1957 County Welfare budget w4s not expended that year, of which $342,172.20 is County money and $129,789.46 is City of Saint Paul money; and WHEREAS, it is the legal obli &ation of the County of Ramsey and of the City of Saint Paul to •provide for the care of the poor of th�,,City -- and County; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Ramsey on the 23d day of Junks, 1958; by formal resolution 9-4813j, did transfer to the 1958 Welfare Board budget the County's unexpended 1957 Welfare Board budget amounting to the sum of $342,172.20, conditioned upon similar action being taken by this Council to transfer to the 1958 Welfare Board budget the Cityss share of said 1957 surplus and unexpended funds -.n its Welfare Board 4mVt; now, therefore, be it RESOLVEDp by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the City's unexpended 1957 Welfare Board budget amounting to the sum of $129,789.46, be and it is hereby transferred to the 1958 County Welfare Board budget – Direct Relief Account. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilJUL 1 1958 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy JUL 1 1958 Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson In Favor I Rosen Mayor Winkel Against PUBLISHED —S Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 2 OFF IGE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota June 26, 1958 18(�l JOSEPH R. 0 99 City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council'requested that you prepare a resolution providing for the transfer of the City's unexpended 1957 Welfare Board budget amounting to $129,789.46 to the 1958 Welfare Board budget - Direct Relief Account for the reasons set out in the attached resolution of the Ramsey County Board of County Commissioners. Very truly yours, City Clerk MINNESOTA