187913m rr. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f�/ -� NlJ� COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCIL 87913 NO. FILE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has informed the Council that his Department is in receipt of a letter from the Postmaster of Saint Paul in which the said Postmaster refers to a directive issued by the Post Office Department that all mail boxes be securely fastened down in concrete foundations and in which letter the said Post Master respectfully requests the permission of the City for the anchoring of the said mail boxes in such manner; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission is hereby extended to the Post Office Department to anchor all mail boxes located in the City of Saint Paul in concrete in line with that certain Postal Bulletin No. 20080, dated April 2(i., 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this permission is granted sub- ject to the Post Office Department removing all concrete anchors from any installation when any post - office or mail box is removed from such location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Rolland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Council File No. 187913 —By Adrian P. W inkel- Wherea�, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Works has informed the Council that his Department is in receipt of a letter from the Postmaster of Saint Paul in which the said Postmaster refers to a directive issued by the Post Office Department that all mail boxes be securely fastened down in concrete foundations and in which letter the said Post Master respectfully requests the permission of the City for the anchoring of the said mail boxes in such manner; now, therefore, be it - Resolved, That permission is hereby extended to the Post Offlce Depart- ment to anchor all mail boxes located in the City of Saint Paul in concrete in line with that certain Postal Bulle- tin No. 20080, dated April 24, 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto, and be it Further Resolved, That this permis- sion is granted subject to the Post (Office Department removing all con- crete anchors from any installation when any postoffice or mail box is removed from such location. Adopted by the Council June 17, 1958. Approved June 17, 1958. (June 21, 1958) Favor PAgainst DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ..�14 I' � y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO . d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has informed the Council that his Department is in receipt of a letter from the Postmaster of Saint Paul in which the said Postmaster refers to a directive issued by the Post Office Department that all mail boxes be securely fastened down in concrete foundations and in which letter the said Post Master respectfully requests the permission of the City for the anchoring of the said mail boxes in such manner; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission is hereby extended to the Post Office Department to anchor all Nail boxes located in the City of Saint Paul in concrete in line with that certain Postal Bulletin No. 2D080, dated April 24, 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this permission is granted eub- ject to the Post Office Department moving all concrete anchors from any installation when any post- office or mail box is removed from sack location. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 --In Favor 1 Against JUN 17 1 1K913 Adopted by the Council 19 JUN 17 1958 Approved 19 Mayor f • - POSTAL BULLETIN 20080, 4- 24-58, Page 5 .Ill e )L"h, ., fla. na Street Letter Box Equipment Anchoring of Street Letter Box Equipment The alarming rate at which injur- rr, and claims, resulting from the upsetting of street letter boxes, have been experienced since March 1956, inchcatrs that a more rigid policy and e-nforcenwnt is necessary with respect to the anchoring of this equipment. All boxes, with motorist mail chutes ..red all standard collection and stor- age boxes must be securely fastened &%%n on concrete, in such a manner that they cannot be moved or tipped oN,cr All four legs of the motorist mail chute boxes roust be secured and the boxes see located that, when anchored, the end of the mail chute extension is not less than twelve inches back from the curb line. Mail chute boxes, «huh have been anchored with the ee,d of the chute extension not less than four inches tion, the curb line, iii accordance with previous instruc- tions, need not be adjusted to the twelve iii( h distance .,earl ;tit h time as it is necessary to repast or replace the box On all standard collcc tion and stor- age boxes, two legs on diagonal cor- ners, must be fastened down. Drawing No. 14 -261, revised March 19, 1958, showing approved methods of anchoring boxes, is repro- duced below. Postmasters shall take immediate steps to determine the number and location of the .boxes required to be anchored As the basic regulations governing the anchoring of all street letter boxes have been in force since February 1956, the greater portion of this equipment should already be anchored. Prior to anchoring boxes, postmas- ters shall confer with appropriate lo- cal city officials to determine that boxes are properly located so as not to present a traffic hazard. In busi- ness districts, boxes should not be placed at busy intersections, but rather at poifits which will allow mo- mentary standing at curbside spacers � I 1 I : WmActi H c wLr. RAT KAHCR AND Exrkn31oN rRJjete frleew J'J*t.XCr1 EAC WAJHLII AND LII►ANJ�OH. 70LTwIM NYTARD • � �RAi,YAf HC�. iris c rrra• o Trrc•c not normally used for pubhc pa, king. These• ir,eludr fire hydrant, hus te,ad ing, and other similar mo parkine zones Similar changes should bet made in the lox ation of boxes in reci dential districts where it is found that such action is advisable from a safety or service standpoint. If there are local laws or ordi nances prohibiting the anclim ing of collection, storage or mail chute boxes and the postmaster is unable to arrange with the city official-, to waive the requirements, communi- cate immediately with the local postal inspector or your postal in- spector in charge, who will request the assistance of the Office of united States Attorney in obtaining a waiver of stick law or ordinance. The anchoring of all motorist mail chute boxes shall be completed by Jule 1, 1958. All other street letter box equipment shall be anchored by not later than December 31, 1958 The work shall be done, if practi- cable, by regular employees. If the use of regular employees will not pert mit accomplishment of tf.e wink within the time specified, authority is granted to contract for thc an- choring of this equipment, subject to the limitations specified in Section 652.2 of the Postal Manual. For this purpose, the $300 limit applicable to the Regional Operations Director for approving local procurement is raised, to $500. Bids in excess of that amount must be forwarded through channels to the Bureau of Facilities, Division of Supplies, for approval. Costs for material and /or labor shall be charged to A/C 55427. Postmasters will be held responsi- ble for completion of this project in accordance with the requirements above. A one -time report qn the an- choring of the mail chute boxes, showing the total cost, shall be sub- mitted to the Regional Operations Director not later than July 15, 1958, and a similar report on the collec- tion and storage boxes not later than January 15, 1959. Each region shall then submit a consolidated repot t to the Bureaus of Operatio,r, and Facilities. Section 652.58 of the Postal Nfar,- ual will be amended accordingly Bureau of Operations. 20080, April 24, 1958, Page 5 L r� Ilk � V POSTAL All Offices Having Street Letter Box Equipment BULLETIN Anchoring of Street Letter Box Equipment The alarming rate at which injur- ies and claims, resulting from the upsetting of street letter boxes, have been experienced since March 1956, indicates that a more rigid policy and enforcement is necessary with respect to the anchoring of this equipment. All boxes with motorist mail chutes and all standard collection and stor- age boxes must be securely fastened down, on concrete, in such a manner that they cannot be moved or tipped over. All four legs of the motorist mail chute boxes must be secured and the boxes'so located that, when anchored, the"'end of the mail chute extension is not less than twelve inches back from the curb line. Mail chute boxes, which have been anchored with the end of the chute extension not less than four inches from the curb line, in accordance with previous instruc- ns, need not be adjusted to the tw Lye inch distance until such time as it is necessary to repair or replace the box. On all standard collection and stor- age boxes, two legs on diagonal cor- ners, must be fastened down. Drawing No. 14 -261, revised March 19, 1958, showing approved methods of anchoring boxes, is repro- duced below. Postmasters shall take immediate steps to determine the number and location of the boxes required to be anchored. As the basic regulations governing the anchoring of all street letter boxes have been in force since February 1956, the greater portion of this equipment should already be anchored. Prior to anchoring boxes, postmas- ters shall confer with appropriate lo- cal city officials to determine that boxes are properly located so as not to present a traffic hazard. In busi- ness districts, boxes should not be placed at busy intersections, but rather at points which will allow mo- mentary standing at curbside spaces L•C F e% � :E('NAEHIN E 8OLr. rLAT JY.tSHER AND.EXPANSION J'XZrL7GSCREWFLAr r%J7OWRE H CAD. Irin �JW:AS�H AND F]I PAN SION. EOLTIYITN NOTAHO AsHER ' i +:`•i J ° ;„ , CONCRETE SUS~ M'r TYPE-0 SYPL E � TYPE•C (OORH)OOLTSLOCATEO TO COINCIDE WITH HOLES _ • IN BO %LEGS. a 4- + I 5roRAGE&LARGEGGLEEMOILOXES I TYPICAL METHODS OFANCHORI NG C CONCRLTL 7 A0 r/ 20 1 TTPE•0 ir1El lam— o. IFZuI 20080, 4- 24-58, Page 5 not normally used for public parking. These include fire hydrant, bus load- ing, and other similar no parking zones. Similar changes should he made in the location of boxes in resi- dential districts where it is found that such action is advisable from a safety or service standpoint. If there are local laws or ordi- nances prohibiting the anchoring of collection, storage or mail chute boxes and the postmaster is unable to arrange with the city officials to waive the requirements, communi- cate immediately with the local postal inspector or your postal in- spector in charge, who will request the assistance of the Office of United States Attorney in obtaining a waiver of such law or ordinance. The anchoring of all motorist mail chute boxes shall be completed by July 1, 1958. All other street letter box equipment shall be anchored by not later than December 31, 1958. The work shall be done, if practi- cable, by regular employees. If the use of regular employees will not per- mit accomplishment of the work within the time specified, authority is granted to contract for the an- choring of this equipment, subject to the limitations specified in Section 652.2 of the Postal Manual. For this purpose, the $300 limit applicable to the Regional Operations Director for approving local procurement is raised to $500. Bids in excess of that amount must be forwarded through channels to the Bureau of Facilities, Division of Supplies, for approval. Costs for material and /or labor shall be charged to A/C 55427. Postmasters will be held responsi- ble for completion of this project in accordance with the requirements above. A one -time report on the an- choring of the mail chute boxes, showing the total cost, shall be sub- mitted to the Regional Operations Director not later than July 15, 1958, and a similar report on the collec- tion and storage boxes not later than January 15, 1959. Each region shall then submit a consolidated report to the Bureaus of Operations and Facilities. Section 652.58 of the Postal Man- ual will be amended accordingly. — Bureau of Operations. 20080, April 24, 1958, Page 5 j _ ... lst cuss r�ite� Otato Post (Office IN A MENTION WITIALE AND DATE CNT:vle Saint Paul 1, Minnesota May 23, 1958�'� The Honorable Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr. Winkel: Because of the many injuries and claims resulting from the upsetting of Street Letter Boxes the Post Office Department has directed that all boxes must be securely fastened down on concrete in such a manner that they cannot be moved or tipped over. Since the vast majority of our Mail Boxes are located on city sidewalks and boulevards, we solicit the cooperation and approval of proper city authorities to anchor these boxes in accordance with instructions contained in Postal Bulletin No. 20080, dated April 24, 1958, a copy of which is enclosed and explains procedure. Your early and favorable consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, gurd A. Bertel sen Postmaster Enclosure