187901PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. lK i-,gol Council File No. 187901 — Whereas, A written proposal for the I of the following improvement, viz.: Improving Randolph Avenue on new alignment from West Seventh Street to the west line of Duke Street, by gradip curbing an�,:yi�rr�Y Ith,,I� The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: I -. ... . - -- - •� - -� � pro ,. -- .,.�,......... _,_. .....,...._..... -- -- ,.. - Improving Randolph Avenue on, alignment from West Seventh Streipt to the west ' line of'Uke Street, *'by" gFadlrig�'" curbing and paving with 3 -'1/2" .+asphaltic • -- concrete saur-facIng on..a!'.. conct�►t�. base. ; - by -- sradtng, v±td. pav t ng, driveway and street returns; by reconstrueting,exlat,ing fact llt!aw on the Interseetlrtg stroe rth�ri "� not in nforn�i y with .siTd, rep ovewnenty by c©nst''uctll #�tpri watsr�sawer and drainage fac111tieasi by ,constructing sewer, eatgr,,end gad seirv,*tc,Wt�nnmct��ms., tram street magi ns to property 1100 Whetif i"45sa.ry; ru'cf i hg; -rpttl ntng .... ....... walls and ra111ngs, by constructing co6dults and :appurtenances for futur`s trir'�i c and t i ghting s_ysten -where hbccassary' and 'by doing .e1.1 othor work necessary and l nc i dents) to c '- 1 eti set d improve�rlen PRELTA11N � R Y, r�eU)F Also, fa>proving Toroslto_ :Strae on i�e,w ailgnmr$h �frosA;tho norti�', of 1ianfdolpfi Avanue serester_1,y. v :old street ;to . g<r!ldt ng, curbing and surfacing with b1 twi noes *starts).-' - ' upro�iing R iTolp i i4venuo on al i9nmPt from Mot Seventh treat to, the' .....west •1_Ine.•of -Duke Stre+st,.•by.•gradl,ngi; curbing and = p>NVing rsritb 9 1 /Z''•asphiltic..•..• concrete surf cln9 on 7 "• concroto besel, by gradtno, and paving driveway and street ...... retur" l by °roc+�nstruct; ng�--exl s; i ng., f acl,'i I t j Iff" ru► "`,tha •t raters t i...- .stroots whet;'.. ha�.t ! nfQl�'�ri,YlerlhuLa��i!!i*ti *.b t e1 rl9: ii, a wester sir►wers arid. YiF__ 1- r t a -._. thy- •�:.n,ge -fact l itlosl by .conitituctl.ng sewer, wester erg fgim4 ainrice tgnnect ons from °straet 'Ins to property. 1.1nos whore necetsaryt by constructing retaining wilisd- aiid'ps1lJrKi =� �d�+'ctriiot�ig�'ifu'lte= +ie�+i `�tafiancc�l'o �fuxuce traffic nd httr� systse t• :f' yt ,l *J-n-g!�P1J,,Qth.!ryrk.' .otsary. and t ad d rY?a d1-0 of said 11pr7VemenC, 3lu ?1. ��-: "1:I 4f. .1c 0 3 TfAloo 110-pirQtr.i `To ti '1= 1;.t=r` a �+ctiri,'b+ei '�if`Ignment from the north Ii.ns 0 f 0 R+ilpt#u�ph. Ave�411#,tmtr,- �yjaf,.s #1�d ,;itr�et -;I�oi fi$1�rfaet�lwM�'tIl,�f byfgradi.n - curbing and u !:=3 �i�iIIlIY1��TOL�� 1? a`tII::II'i.C?. Adopted by the Council- ........................................................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCourcy Holland XRMWg Winkel Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon Approved-------- - - - - -- —..it 17 195$ ----------- --- - -- - .. - - -- --------------------- ---- ---------------------------------------- -- ----- ------ Mayor. (0 P LISIiED .2 -s'