187941Original to City clerk 187941 941 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. `ll ii ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION MERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Adrian P Winkel /' June 16, 1958 COMMISSIONS DATE WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Section 53 of the City Charter, period from June 1, 1958 to June employment of certain employees more than eight hours per day following work: Works has reported, in accordance with the existence of an emergency during the 15, 1958 which rendered necessary the of the Department of Public Works for or forty hours per week in doing the Emergency !street, building, sewer & bridge repair Dispatching men for emergency repair work Dispatching motor vehicles for all emergency Operating equipment on emergency repair work Emergency'calls for sewer maintenance Removing debris from city streets Tending fire at Asphalt Plant on Sundays and Emergency garbage pickup Taking care of complaints at city yards work Council File No. 187941 =By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That the proper city offl- cers are hereby authorized to pay cer- tain employes in the Department of' Public Works for extra employment as described in the resolution. Adopted by the Council June 17, 1958. Approved June 17, 1958. (June 21, 1958) holidays Drawing plans & specifications for grading and paving jobs Mimeographing grade profiles & revising house numbers Servicing =icipal equipment Making up sidewalk assessments Inspecting city improvement jobs Completing payroll work And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessity,of answering all emergency repair calls, keeping city streets free from debris,-keeping fires at'Asphalt Plant continuously, picking up garbage, taking complaints at city yardsi cflinpletiiig plans and specifications for grading and paving jobs, need for grade profiles and house numbers, completing sidewalk assessments, keeping city equipment in good running condition, inspecting work done by "contractors on street and sidewalk work, and completing payroll work. THEREFORE:BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city "'officers -are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performed such"work'in accordance'wJ:th —the provisions of the Councilts salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6446. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland fir— Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon` 5M 6.86 2 Adopted by the Council JUN 17 1955_ JUN 17 1958 Approved 195- Ir \ Mayor �v �o 0 a 0 u m 0 A a 0 c k ti y V, a Y • T i f o v x Om7 . � R S Y u MARION CATHEDRAL RAVOUX 0 m ros 1 RICE f ■ ..... \ m f m O W m v ?5 cn Z � O m M D• ° °- ° � v p O o• 70 m Z f ' wDion of treets ' in 'Gh� astern Yiet'ir!s :rbY ` i rrl *U1 ¢9: A*VbuY .nest i .iwd,., b*'AUd'de,*iri'bl tti;�. now ,aQ'?ltotc_. Preto* �dusuong. *t�f�eesel• �'�'.'�►U1 ' M=sm _ that, colmn y f , '•- cQ cix- • Oq t Sty of Saint �'bi zo lst�d pctd Otreet!'tcr Im , (irait ad' vithi i :the . - ' ve t rgj Aie)i strict c6nosts o n � f :4 : • � - 3rtho Aire "e�ud . 1 `ion `rife h=..► - _ty _ . R ABC :iT -�nl WHO LVM 04 c6 of th3a "i�eo�iit�on Ue , _:of. the O.�.�_ y bent ' ._ }.' _, -'.. `' .._' I • - •- - ` _ •.," - w - • I ,_ , L -r -_. i ` <I. ; ' • - -. a •. ; . _ -. %\ -. .1•_. is - •; -' -. ..� ...'_ •," ,17r' _� /r _ - -� $` ,. _ - .' `• � ; - - .` i .. •� .ice -a. =.a -.. _' .. :f= - y. .. - _ ^• .y _ • •,- •' • d�`_y ..' !'1-. ^ I ,. 4''- ~ELI •.... `' ' -• '• e. I - ` ' - . .. , ,f. •. .. � r •• , .. .•� •fir ! '. - .a. . - -' :• � .. -• ( '._ _ f' ••- ` .. ` • u.�..r�� ` = 1. rrr..7: i. - - ;oussng and Redevelopment Authority OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA June 13, 1958 ICK J. SMITH. CHAIRMAN YLE W. HINES. VICS,CFUIRMAN t ENSON C. BRAINARD. SECRETARY RANK H. DELANEY. ASSISTANT SECR6TAM LAYTON G. REIN. TREASURE7t B. WARNER SHIPPEE. EKIU=WE DIRECTOR HAROLD L. RUTCHICK, GENSRAL COUNSEL 1745 City Hall and Court House SAINT PAUL 2 MINNES A Honorable Mayor and City Council 1 City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I am enclosing herewith a copy of a resolution adopted by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota at its regular meeting of April 30, 1958, with reference to the use of the name "Ravoux" for a street in the Western Redevelopment Area. The Authority Commissioners would appreciate any action which you may take to effectuate the intent of this resolution. Sincerely yours, C#wrer Ship ee Executive Dixector R E S O L U T I O N N 0. 58-39 April 30, 1958 WHEREAS the vacation of streets in the Western Redevelopment Area will eliminate Ravoux STreet, and WHEREAS it is considered fitting and desirable that the name of Ravoux be preserved among street names in ST. Paul, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THL HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA that the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul be requested to apply the name " Ravoux" to an L- shaped street to be created within the Western Redevelopment Project area, which street consists of a portion of St. Anthony Avenue and a portion of Farrington Street. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul. Y r F