09-175Council File # ��' � ! � Green Sheet# 3066637 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2a 25 26 27 -- - : - _— -- "� Presented bv RESOLUTION ESOTA � . WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has endorsed and encouraged its employees to participate in professional events, conferences and presentations related to their ongoing project work, as time and the budget allow; and WHEREA5, City employee Merritt Clapp-Smith is cunendy serving as project manager for the Ford Site Planning Project and oversaw the consultant team lead by EDAW that conducted the first phase of the Ford site planning work to prepare five aiternative development scenarios for the sate; and WHEREAS, the lead consultant from EDAW for the Ford planning work is gresenting on the Ford project at The Big Dea12009 National Brownfield Association conference in Phoenix, Arizona at the end of March 2009 and has requested Merritt Clapp-Smith to par[icipate in the conference presentation, with all associated travel expenses for attendance at the conference to be paid by EDAW; and WI3EREAS, participation in such a presentation and conference will enable Ms. Clapp-Smith to share and learn ideas regarding auto plant and brownfield redevelopment with other professionals from around the L3nited States; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves accepting the donation from EDAW to pay for Ms. Clapp-Smith's travel costs and hotel and food expenses and that such donarion shall be deemed to be a gift to the City in compliance within the meaning of Sections 41.03 and Chapter 41 of the Administrative Code; and F[JRTHER RESOLVED, that this donation to pay for the expenses of Merritt Clapp-Smith to attend The Big Deal 2009 National Brownfield Association conference is determined to be for a public purpose. Yeas Carter Harris By: Apprc By: Apprc By: Adopted by Council: Da[e d '//�/L�9 Apprc Adoption CeRified by Counc�Secretary gy; g � i Approved by ayor; Date 3 L U �� � sv: (�� Gw of: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �� ��'�� S DepartmenUGHice(Council: Date Initiatetl: -� QE _ Planning & Economic 03-FEB-09 Greer�Sheet . . Merritt ClappSmith 266-6547 Must Be on Coune7l Agenda by (Dafe): 04MAR-09 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACTION E-DOeument Required: Y Document Contaet: Contact Phone: � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Sig Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: � Adopt the attached resolution approving acceptance of a dona6on from consultant group EDAW to pay all travel expenses for Merritt Clapp-Smith to attend a conference at EDAW's request, and that such donation shall be deemed to be a gifr to the City in compliance within ffie meaning of Sections 41.03 and Chapter 41 of the Administrative Code. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personai Service ContraMs Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Ooes Ihis personlfirtn possess a skill not �ormally possessed by aoy current city employeel Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, 155ues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: The consulting firm EDAW, which led the first phase of the Ford site planning work, has requested Memtt Clapp-Smith to attend a�d co-present on the Ford project work at The Big Dea12004 National Brownfield Associa[ion Conference in Phcenix, Arizona at the end of Mazch 2009. EDAW has offered to pay all of Ms. Clapp-Smith's associated k'avel expenses in order for her to participate in this co¢fexence. AtivaMages N Approvetl: Memtt CL2pp-Smith, City Plannet with St. Paul PED, will participate as a presenter in a national conference to discuss St. Paul's Ford site planning work. Disadvantages H Approved: None. � DisadvanWges If NotApproved: Menitt Clapp-Smith will not attend the conference or present. Total Amount of $450.00 Transaction: Funa�ny souroe: EDAW (consulting firm} Financial information: g450.d0 is an estimated amount. (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: F�� �S 4 ��l�q V1��4 9��1�� February 4, 2009 12:45 PM Page 1