D001848City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • BUDGET REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request oE the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 1996 and 1998 budget of the Caoital Improvement Budaets fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Capital Improvement Budget 3T510-7316 Trans£er From CIB 1996 3T510-0892 Architectural Fee 3T510-0898 Building Improvements 3L016-7316 Transfer £rom CIB 1996 3L016-0898 Building Improvements • Prepared by: Activity Manager c C �� Requested by: De rtment Director Current Budaet Chanae 373,000 (48,000) 63,000 (30,000) 310,000 (18,000) 200,000 98,000 335,000 98,000 --------- -------- 1,281,000 -0- � e► r i i �- - J � � Amended Budaet 325,000 33,000 292,000 248,000 383,000 1,281,000 Y1r �� App ed by: Mayor 3 - �. - Z�o�O.� Date DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 64161 �braries February 22, 2000 CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: p n�nTTnimnrs mnrrarma"i'E Frazi G3lt 266-7072 , ��,�� Dm va cm'covnrcn. NUMBER FOR c17Y.41TORI.�Y 3 clixCi.EEtx MiJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY ROUTING �`��� ORDER 2 FlntnPrcw, sEltV DIl2 a t1[�r SE2vicES�wccf MAYOR(ORASS7.) CIVII.SERVICECAbA�IISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATi7RE) acriorr �QuESxen: Approval of Administrative Order revising the 1996/98 Capital Improvement Budgets to move funding from the Central Library Tuckpointing to the Saint Anthony Pazk Branch Library to cover a shortfall.. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) IP161@ffiQDRTAII, �1��`/l[27L+ �IDFI'Il7l3AQ.'Il'6 kY1NJ�7C AFT�WlEI� iC� Il+QDII.II.QD@Yl�i� �II71@�PII�I3�c PLANNINGCOM[.4SSION _CIVII,SERVICECOPMdiSSION Y.HesSlvspevsoa�5effiCVaWOHked�dp'S6o0k8Etf�Hlisdepe8ffient? CB CAMbIl7TEfi STAFF _ Y. HeS ffiis e� been 8 ntsrtucrcocmx P�� �Y��➢oyeeT SUPPORTS WI-IICHCOUNCII.OBJEC7NE7 s. YDoes �is pevsanis¢�a possess a s&iY1 aoe nrnmeBlr P�� �v �Y 6„ermt siry �P�Yea? � mffi q¢� s�vs¢¢� ��¢�¢�G¢ �sU m�m7 s�Qm¢ih Qm �� s�¢aR INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE� OPPORTi7NITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): Budget adjustments are needed to cover the costs associated with the Saint Anthony Library Branch cessibility/improvement project. There aze monies available in the budget for the Central Library Tuckpointing project. Costs associated with the Saint Anthony Library have escalated due to the complexities of ternunating the contract with the main contractor. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: There will be sufficient funds to complete the Saint Anthony Library project. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will be unable to complete the Saint Anthony Project within the e�sting budget. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $-0- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: 1996 Capital Improvement Badget ACTIViTY NUMBER: 3T510, 3L016 � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIP� (���' � � j��� ��R o � z000 �� � 6\msv�dwpdoca�CIB.GRN.a'Pd - `