188748ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI 188748- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 188748 —By �PdC� ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM wi °" 11 Re: State Project 8280 -3 (T.H ' I Re: State Project 6280 -3 (T.H.•35 =390) Minn. I 035-2 (9) 116 (Mississippi St.- Highway) Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, City of.St. Paul WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway No. 390, renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, from Sherwood Avenue to the north corporate limits, involving Bridge No. 6512, T.H. 35 under Wisconsin Central Railroad; Bridge No. 6511, T.H. 35 under Wheelock Parkway; Bridge No. 6511+, T.H. 35 under Larpenteur' Avenue and Bridge No. -6579, T.H. 35 under Arlington Avenue; and i WHEREAS, said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul,, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6280 -3 (35 =390), S.P. 6280 -05 (35 =390), Bridge. No. 6512; S.P. 6280 -o4 ( 35 =390), Bridge No. 6511; S.P. 6280 -07 Bridge No. 6514 and S.P. 6280 -10 (35 =390), Bridge No. 6579; and- WHEREAS, said specifications are on file in the office of the Department of Highways and identified as S.P. 6212 -65 (T.H. 36 =118) Minnesota Project U-UG 092 -1 (10), S.P. 6280 -05 (T.H. 35 =390) Minnesota Project IG 035 -2 24) 116; and for S.P. 6280 -03 (T.H. 35■390); S.15.6280-01C- T.H. 35 =390), S.P. 6280 -07 T.H. 35 *390) s.P. 6280 -10 (T.H. 35 =390), S.P. 6280 -15 T.H. 35 =390), S.P. 6280 -16 T.H. 35 =390), S.P. 6280-18 (T.H. 35 =390), Minnesota Project I 035 -2 (9) 116; which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated July 1, 191+7, and Supplement No. 1 to the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, effective April 15, 1953, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 390, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 35; and �WHEREAS, "copiesFof said plans and specifications as s6 marked, labeled, and identified e also on file in the office of the Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS, the term "said plans and specifications" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and specifications as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and specifications for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 390 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 35 within the limits of the Cityiof St. Paul be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevations and grades as. shown.in said plans and I- s be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and,all, changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk H:ighway,Number_390 renumbered as COUNCILMEN Trunk Highway Number 35 in accord A pted by the Council Alin 14 1958 1g_ I ance with said plans and specifications. Yeas Nays , Decourcy AUG 14`:1958 Holland Approve! T '19' Mortinson Peterson n Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M s -s8 2 ti .. •;�- lvlU 4 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER .. 188748 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ll`JJJIII 111 333 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Be: State Project 6280 -3 (T.H. =35 =390) Mirm• 1 035-2 (9) 116 (Mississippi St. Hig mW) Eaaesey County, State of Xinneasots, City of. St. Paul VHZFXAS1 the C*mdosioner of Higbways has prepared planes and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Higtonty Na. 390, renumbered as Trunk Him fiber 35 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Pahl, frm 82erwood Avenue to the north corpoMte limits, involving Bridge ]go- 65124 T.H. 35 under Wisconsin Central Railroad; Bridge lea. 6511, T -H. 35 under liheelock Park ay; Bridge Ho. 6514, T.H. 35 under Larpenteur Avenue and. Bridge So.. 6579, T.H. 35 under Arlington Avenue; and MI FMB, said Plana are on file in the office of the Department of Sint Paul sots, being marked, labeled, and. identified as S.P. 6260 -3 (35=390)., S.P,. ^05 (35s39Q ,),, Bridge No. 6512; S.P. 6280 -04 ( 35=390): Bridge No. 6511 ;. B.P. 6280 -07 Bridge No. 6,U and s.lr.. 6280 -IO (35*390), Bridge Ho. 65793 and WHffiMW.;;. said spec .cations We On file in the office of the Department of Hi41bxaqs and identified as S.P. 602-65 (T.H. 36=1't8) mi Project t-tlGF 092.1. (3.0 ).,. S.F. 6260 -05 (T -H- 352390) 146innesota Project IG 035.2. (24) 31,6; and for S.P. 6230 -03 (T -H. 35'390)3 S.P. 6280 -0* T..H. 35=390 3 B -P. 6.-160_07L T.H. 35u390 S.P. 6280 -10. (T.H. 35=390)3 S.P. 6284.15 T.H- 35=390); 'S.P. 62801i16 �T-H- 35=390)3 S.P. 6280 -28 (T.H. 35=390)3 Mmesota Project 1 035-2 (9) 3-16; arch, together with the Minnesota Department of Hig nays specifications ,far Highly Cwffbruction, dated au:itiy 1, 19470 and awlement $o. 1 to the inzmesota Department of Higlsvaya specifications for H1.0wayy Constructim,, effective April 15, 1953., on file In. the office of the Cc►9 art►r of H:, constitute the specifications for' sasid improv�aent of Trunk Highway Number 390, renumbered as Trunk Hig way No. 351 and WHE MS, copies of said plans and specifications as .so marlemd, labeled:,. and identified are saw on file in the office of the ant of Public Works; and WHMB, the tem "said plans and specifications" an he ft1nafter useei In. the body .of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mum_. refer to,, =& inlcorporabe the plain and specifications as in the .foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; NW, TBU, Bs IT STD, 03at saI& plans and specifications fear the nt 'of Trunk Highway limber 390, remind Bred as Trunk Him Number 35 within the limits Of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. 1Z IT FMCM MOMVED, 2hat the elerat Lws and grades as .sboen. In said plans and specifications be an& they are hereby approved and ceonaent is hereby glyen to any snot all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of maid Tnmk Hi*wW lmber 390 renumbered as COUNCILMEN Trunk ]fir 35 in ac�'A�o tad by the Council � I l f: 14 195819 ante vi. maid plans, and speccations. Yeas Nays DeCourcy AUG 14 1958 Rolland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 Q