09-163coun��� Fs�e # D 1— 3 Green Sheet # 3066280 RESOLUTION NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Pcesented by �% 1 RESOLUTI011T ACCEPTING CONTANIINATION CLE.�NUP GRANTS FROM THE DEPARTMEYT OF 2 EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE METROPOLITAN COIINCIL FOR THE 3 NEW HORIZON, OLD HUDSON SENIOR HOUSING, COMMERCIAL CLUB, LEXINGTON COMNIONS, 4 AND MISSISSIPPI D4ARKET SITES 5 6 WHEREAS, the City Council on May 14, 2008, by Resolution Number 08-500, authorized the Director of 7 the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development to apply to the Department of Employment and 8 Economic Development and the Metropolitan Council for grants to investigate and remediate the New 9 Horizon, Old Hudson Senior Housing, Commercial Club, Lexington Commons, and Mississippi Market 10 sites; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Department of Employment and Economic Development approved Contamination 13 Cleanup grants of $71,283 for the New Horizon and $51,720 for the Mississippi Market sites; and 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council approved Taac Base Revitalization grants of $374,400 for the Old Hudson Senior Housing, $96,000 for the Commercial Club, $448,800 for the Lexington Commons, and $68,000 for the Mississippi Market sites; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does hereby certify that $1,110,203 in funds are available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2009 budget and recommends the following changes to the 2009 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budaet DEED Cleanup Grant, New Horizon School 101-36303-3490-61739 $ 0 DEED Cleanup Grant, Mississippi Market 101-36303-3490-61740 $ 0 Met Council Cleanup Grant, Mississippi Mazket 101-36303-3802-61740 $ 0 Changes $ 71,203 Amended Budget 71,203 51,720 $ 51,720 68,000 $ 68,000 Met Council Cleanup Grant, Old Hudson Senior Housing 101-3 63 03-3 802-6173 1 $ 0 $ 374,400 $ 374,400 Met Council Cleanup Grant, Commercial Club 101-36303-3802-61741 $ 0 $ 96,000 $ 96,000 Met Council Cleanup Grant, Lexington Commons 101-36303-3802-61743 $ 0 $ 448.800 $ 448 800 Total: $ 0 $1,110,203 $ 1,ll0,203 G 9�/�� 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Resolution # SPENDING PLAN Current Budget Chan�es Amended Budget Contamination Cleanup, New Horizon School 101-36303-0547-61739 $ 0 $ 71,203 S 71,203 Contamination Cleanup, Mississippi Market 101-36303-0547-61740 $ 0 $ 51,720 $ 51,720 Contamination Cleanup, Mississippi Market 101-36303-0547-61740 $ 0 $ 68,000 $ 68,000 Contamination Cleanup, Old Hudson Senior Housing 101-36303-0547-61741 $ 0 $ 374,4Q0 $ 374,400 Contamination Cleanup, Commercial Club 101-36303-0547-61742 $ 0 $ 96,000 $ 96,000 Contamination Cleanup, Lexington Commons 101-36303-0547-61743 $ 0 $ 448,800 $ 448 800 Total: $ 0 $1,110,203 $ 1,110,203 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul accepts these grants and approves the above changes to the 2009 budget. Requested by Deparhnent of: Plannin and co o��evelopmenY By: � \� Form � Adopted by Council: Date '�//�d� Form Adoption Certi£ied by Co eil Secretary g �I� �2���.��� BY� /i l/oi/GV�i/�i,CS/Jst� Approve y ays . Date d O Approved�t ° e YF� azi ' eiv` es BY� _�� C_._� By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � _ 0�-��3 DepartmenUOfficelCOUnciL• i �a�,^�a,ed: � Green Sheet NO: 3066280 � PE - P�anning & Economic 22_�AN �9 � Development CoMact Person ffi Phone: � �; Deoertment Sent To Person I� ' CraigBlakely � i 0 Plannine&Ewuomicpeveloomei� ��' 266-Fi697 1 �Plannin2 & Economic Developme� i Denardnen[ DireMOr - Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): 04FE6-09 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E•Document Required: Y Document Contact: ConWCt Phone: Assign Number For i Routing Order 2 Plannine & Economic Develonme�'� PEA Accoanane 3 Ylanuine & Economic Aevelopmei: Deparm�e�t DirectorX 4 RiqancialServices �I FSnaneialServices Dir. i Fnancia] Services , i Fnancial Service5 Accte. 6 Mavor's Office � !Navor 7 Council � City CooncL l��!� Total # of Signature Pages t (Clip All Locations tor Signature) ' Action Requested: � Adopt the resolution accepting grants from DEED and the Met Council for cleanup of contamination for the New Horizon, Old � Hudson, Old Hudson Senior Housing, Commercial Club, Lexington Commons, and Mississippi Mazket sites. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): ,, Planning Commission CIB Committee , Civil Sernce Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a wntract for this department� Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlFinn possess a ski11 irot srortnalty possessetl by any current city employee? Yes No Explain alf yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. ' Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City was awarded $1,11Q203 in cleanup grants. ' Advantages If Approved: ; Projects will proceed. � Disadvantages If Approved: i None. Disadvantages If NotApproved: ' Cleanup grants will not be available. TotalAmountof $1,110,203.00 , Transaction: Fund�n9 source: See Resofution Financiai Information: '�� (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y Adivity Number: January 22, 2009 11:15 AM Page 1