09-155Susnension 210AI2009
Council File # 09-155
Green Sheet # 3066239
Presented by
1 WFIEIiEAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") has identified redevelopment projects within
2 the City that meet the purposes and criteria of the Redevelopment Prob am of the Department of
3 Employment and Economic Development; and
5 WHEREAS, the City has the legal authority to act as the legal sponsor for these projects identified as
6 Koch Redevelopment Project: Public Streets, Penfield Redevelopment Project, and Riverview Economic
7 Development Association Redevelopment Project, contained in the Redevelopment Grant Program
8 applications to be submitted on Febiliary 2, 2009 and that the Saint Paul Department of Planning and
9 Bconomic Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Employment and Economic
10 Development far funding of these projects on behalf of the City; and
12 WHEREAS, the Ci1y has the legal autharity to applp for financial assistance, and the institutional,
13 managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and
15 WHEREAS, the City has not violated any Pederal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, graft,
16 ldckbacks, collusion, conflzct of intexest ox otfier unlaw£ul or carxupt pxactice; and
18 NOW TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon approval of its applications for the Koch
19 Redevelopment Project: Public Streets, Penfield Redevelopment Project and Riverview Economic
20 Development Association Redevelopment Project by the state, the Department of Planning and Economic
21 Development on behalf of the City may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above
22 referenced projects, and that the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations
23 as stated in all contract agreements; and
25 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the
26 appiication are committed to the projects identified; and
2$ BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED that the Director of the Department of Plannin� and Economic
29 Development is hereby authorized to execute such a�eements as are necessary to implement the projects
30 on behalf ofthe City.
Requested by Depariment of Planning and
� Econo ev 2
� �
Form Approved
By: L
Adopted by Council: Date _�
l3daption Ceitified by Coun i Secretary
By: �
Appi ed by ay D ��
Form A pi ed M�pz for S. s ion to ouncil
sy: v
Approved th f o i ia �i �r�,� ces
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUOffice/Councii: Dafe Initiated: ry
PE _ Planning & Economic ' 21-JAN-09 Gre'P.n Sheet N�._.3-066G.7�7 -
Devefopment — - - - -
Kate Reilly
Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date):
E-Document Required: Y
Corrtact Phone:
� � o
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Number 3
Routing 3
Order _ � 5
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Approve the attached reso]ution authorizing the City of Saint Paul to apply for DEED Redevelopment Grants for Koch
Redevelopment Project: Pub]ic Sheezs, Riverview Economic Development Associat�on Redevelopment Project and Penfield
Redevelopment Project.
Recommendanons Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Ptannmg Gommission
� CIB Committee
� CivB Service Commisslon
Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions:
1. Has this persoMfirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empfoyee?
Yes Na
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
' Initiating Problem, issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ' !
, The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has 2009 Redevelopment Grant funds that are
. available.
Advantages If Approved:
The City will obtain 2009 DEED Redevelopment Grants for these projects.
� DiSadvan[ages If Approved:
� Disadvantages {f Not Approvetl:
�� Ciry will not Qbtain these funds.
Total Amount of
, Transaction:
F�ntling Source:
Fi�ancial Informafion:
January 21, 2009 1:59 PM
CosURevenue Budgetetl:
Activity Num68r:
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