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l Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE � -- COUNCIL FILE NO.��� RESENTED BY ' "`"N \` —^ ORDINANFENO An ordinance amending Ordinan c e No. 87 Council File No. 188666— Ordinance 11314 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCow ,by .request— , .kn ordinance amending Ordina No. 8793, entitled: ;'An ordinance Ruthori,tha tom` Q., entitled: "An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, its successors and assigns, to construct and maintain two spur switching tracks for the purpose of operating cars or trains over the same on Cottonwood Avenue southeasterly of the east line of Prior Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." approved August 2, 1946. This is an emergency ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S >AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8793, approved August 2, 1946, be and the same is hereby amended by striking from the title thereof the word "two" and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "three'". 1!W Section 2. That said Ordinance be and the same is D hereby further amended by,adding to Section 1 theeof, following D the paragraph entitled "Track No. 2 ", the following: "Track No. 3. Commencing with a switch to be located iin in Cottonwood Avenue in the Minnesota Transfer s Railway Company spur Track No. 1, hereinabove described, approximately 310 feet southeasterly, of the east line of Prior Avenue and extending easterly to the northeasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue at a point approximately 530 feet south- easterly of the east line of Prior Avenue." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace; health and safety. Section'4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen . Winkel Mr. President (Dillo) , r d Attest: City Cler 1M 12 -67 8 AUG 2 8 1958 Passed by the In Favor Against AUG 2 8 1958 Approved: Daptieate to Printer- RESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. 188666 An ordinance amending Ordinan c e No. 8793, entitled: "An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, its successors and assigns$ to construct and maintain two spur switching tracks for the purpose of operating cars or trains over the same on Cottonwood Avenue southeasterly of the east line of Prior Avenue. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." approved August 20 19466 This is an emergency ordinance ten- dered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ./ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D©ES ORDAIEY Section 1. That Ordinance No. 8793, approved August 2, 1946, be and the same is hereby amended by striking from the title thereof the word "two" and by inserting in lieu thereof the word "three ". Section 2. That said Ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to Section 1 themof, following the paragraph entitled "Track No.. 211, the following; "Track No. 3. Commencing with a switch to be located in Cottonwood Avenue in the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company spur Track No; 1, hereinabove described, approximately 310 feet southeasterly of the east line of Prior avenue and extending easterly to the northeasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue at a point approximately 530 feet south- easterly of the east line of Prior Avenue." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) k Attest: 1M 12 -57 8 City Clerk Nays Passed by the Approved: AUG 2 8 1958 Favor Against AUG 2 8 1958 Mayor - 188666 'j July 30,. 1995 n - - Mr# MArshall .Hurley i .Corporation Counsel Building, Dear Sirs. - ° Please find attaphed a letter ar-4 a form of amend- - '. merit to' Ordingnce No.-8793, also blue print from the Annesota. Transfer Railway Company xequest�ng .perntisaion to construct - a = _third switch on ;Cottonwood. - We find no objection tol this _ Would you ;'pleaae _check, over this amendment and if it meets with your appFOVal, irould you introduce said sieend- ment to. this ordinancee . - Yours very truly., .. ARTHUR TEWS Chief Engineer encls. f4. APPROVED:. 'w Commissioner of Public Works ac _ An-.Ordinance amending Ordinance No: 8793, entitled: "An ordinance authorizing the issuance of a permit to the Minnesota Transfer Railway - Company, its successors and assigns, to construct and main -,' tain two spur switching tracks for. the purpose of operating cars or trains ;z over the same on Cottonwood Avenue southeasterly of the east line of Prior Avenue. _, This is an emergency• ordinance rendered necessary for the preser� i• nation of the public peace, health 'and safety.►! . - L; Approved Aug. 2, 1946• ;J The Council of the City of-Saint Paul does ordains' SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 8793, approved .Aug. 2, 1946, be 'and the same is +' hereby amended in the title by, striking out the,word "two" and inserting ' . in lieu,thereof the word "three ", i -- =' SECTION_ 2 - That Ordinance No. 8793,' approved Aug. 21 1916, be and the same is ' ; [ further 'amended in Section 1 thereof by inserting a new paragraph after 1_ # the description of Track No. 2- the followings } "Track No. 3 i' "Commencing Frith a switch to be located in Cottonwood Avenue s in The Minnesota Transfer Railway Company spur Track No. 1 here - �. inabove described, approximately 310 feet southeasterly of the F :- east line of -Prior Avenue and extending easterly to the northeasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue At a point zpproximately 580 feet south - ' easterly of the east line of Prior Avenue." 'r SECTION 3 } This ordinance is hereby declared to be an. emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety* i° o SECTION 4 This ordinance'shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, appr oval and publication., ^- is • - - 4,, FORM 2= RP&S 7-46 l ' _ - .. _ • ' _ �? THE MINNESOTA TRA, SEER- RAILWAY COMPANY j; PROPRIETARY COMPANIES: ` CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE ST. PAUL '& PACIFIC R. R. - NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS &'OMAHA RY. '1� CHICAGO, GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY - GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY - '„ CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY R. R,= { MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL & S. 5. MARIE RY. CO. , CHICAGO,-ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RY. _ MINN[APO LIS & ST. LOUIS R. R. - - ,• - _ • I r _ _ • r - . SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA f M. J. GALVIN t - GTZRAL SOLICITOR J 28; 1958 { 9 '�.. Adrian Wikikel. , Goi missiorier :of PubUc W6rks City-'.of Saint, Paul _ = City Hall ' L - Saint FPaul, vi tin - D'oar Mr. winkei= The Minnesota Transfer Railway Company iishestd construct- and" - � maintain a n' ov( track with`a, switch in Cottonad6d, Avenue, leading off . fr= Track No, i described in ordinance Xoi, 8793, approved s -i 4u.g. 2.. 194.6, to serve Xorthmrest Cooperative Mi51's. A proposed ! o me ordinance- anding' ordinance No. 8795 is enclosed in tripli.catdq , together'wlt'h three prints ahoy -f hg the proposed- new track. - Mr. John 1# Janszn,. our Ghief_Engineers, discussed this matte— With *' Mr. legs_ last Friday and- ani' extra copy of- tYfs letter -is enclosed for Mr. Tews - _ If you, require, airy addi tion2il information one please tat 'us kn.'�v and - 'we will be glad to give it• to. your. 'Very truly youras J.. (141viri 1 4 4' 2 ih An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 8793.. entitled:, '"An ordinance ,authorizing' the lssuance - of, a- permit to th4- Minnesota "Transfer Railway Company., its successors and assignsv,to construct and main - tain_ taro ,spur- switching tracks for the purpose, of operating` cars or trains over the same on Cottonwood Avenue. ' sdutheAsterly'of,tho,ea-st line of Prior &venue,, , This is an emergency ordinance - rendered necessary for the presert- vation of, the public peace., 'health -and safety." Appr 9ve d Aug. 2 j. 1946. - The Council, Of the City of 'Saint Paul does ordain:.' SECTION 1 That Ordinance No.. 8793, approved Aug., 2., 1946.,, be and the same is hereby amended-in'the title' by sipiking'out the word -"two" and inserting in -lieu thereof the word "three"*' SECTION L 2 That,, Ordinance,No*.8793,_ ap- proved Aug. 21 1946, be and the same is further amended in Section 1 thereof by inserting a neiv,paragraph after the description of'Track,Nd# 2 the following: "Tra,'ck-No#'3 ."Cbmmencifig with a switch -to be located in Cottonvro'od Avenue in 'The Minnesota Transfer Railway Company spur Track No. 1 here- inabove- described approkibately 310 feet southeasterly ofjhe east,' I-Vne,of Prior Avenue and extending easterly to the northeasterly line Of C.ottonwo'od Avenue kt a -point'Tproximatelzv 530 feet south- easterly of the east line of Prior Avenue," SECTION-3 This,:�otdinanca, -is herebv declared to be an emergency .ordinance rendered necessar�.for the pres_ervation of-the public peace., health and safety@. SECTION 4 This, -ordinance 'shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publicationo A' 10 lb 10 1A /00 (p Ito F GCE it cot4pp 00 GIB 0 0 �3 \ j 0 0 0 Opp o✓ /s�f`��`� G° 19 P � v7�FC 9a_ sa•\ �8• 341 H1,01 7- IV W- CAW 7 1-9-e6 is I Laid ove 3rd and 2n r to app- Adopted 1176' Nays \eCourcy Holland eterson Rosen Winkel r. President Dillon Q 18 %66 i Yeas Nays oll„A°'Gearep'" Ii • MxxniriAidk Mortinson A Peterson Rosen Mr. Preisi enDillon