188642NAL TO CITY CLERK FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 188642 —By Milton O CIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Whe eas, The City of Saint Paul, by Ordinance No. 10849, passed by the NTED BY Council and approved by the Mayor IdTED B E DATE October 20, 1956, and as ratified and 4 approved by a majoFity of the electors �'^ + A t the election' held No- o ,.... fFI . VH RW, the City of Saint Paul, by Ordinance No. 10849, passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor October 20, 1956, and as ratified and approved by a majority of the electors-of said City at the election held November 6, 1956, provided for the issuance and sale of Six Million Dollars ($6,0002000) par value in and of Water Works Bonds of said City for the purposes of extendingi enlarging, improving, and bettering the Water Works .System, owned and operated by said City, and it has become and now is advisable and necessary that Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) par value in and of said Bonds be issued and sold for said purposes, with all convenient speed, as the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, by its Resolution adopted July 31, 1958, has found and requested, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell -at this time Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) par value in and of said Bonds pursuant to and in accordance with said Ordinance No. 108491 that said bonds shall be in denominations of $1,000 each; that said bonds shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed six per cent per annum payable semi - annually on March 1 and September 1 according to the coupons to be attached to said bonds; that said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in which the same are sold; that said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue;that the first installment of said bonds shall come due one year from the date of the same and the last installment of said bonds thel.l come due in not more than thirty (30) years from such date; that no annual installment of principal- of any said bonds payable in iby calendar year after the date of the -same shall exceed five times the amount of the smallest prior installment thereof payable in any calendar year after the second calendar year; that the Pnnb1p&1- $3; 300,90.0 pdr:vbli e;;Qf;:said bonds shall mature serially commencing September 1, 1959, over said thirty year period on the following dates and in the following amounts: _ 1 Date of Maturity Bond Numbers Amount Principal September 1, 1959 22197 - 22256. $ 60,000 September 1, 1960 22257 - 22316 60,000 September 1, 1961 22317 - 22376 60,000 September 1, 1962 22377 - 22436 60,000 September 1, 1963 22437 - 22511 75,E September 1, 1964 22512 — 22586_ 75,000 September 1, 1965 22587 - 22661 753,000 September 1, 1966 22662 — 22736 75,000 COUNCILMEN eas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Winkel Against [r. President, Dillon i 4IMP2 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM J] (PRESENTED BY +], COMMISSIONER DA COUNCIL NO. FILE Date of Maturity (Cont.) Bond Numbers Amount Principal September 1, 1967 22737 – 22811, 75,000 September 1, 1968 22812 – 22886 752000 September 1, 1969 22887 – 22976 90,000 September 1i 1970 22977 – 23066 90,000 September 1, 1971 23067 – 23156 90,000 September 1, 1972 23157 – 23246, 90,000 September 1, 1973. 23247 – 23336 90,000 September 1, 1974 23337 – 231+47. 105,000 September 1, 1975 23442 – 23546 105,000 September 1, 1976 23547 – 23651 105,000 September 1, 1977 23652 – 23756 105,000 September 1 , 1978 23757 – 23861 105,000 September 1, 1979 23862 – 23981 120,000 September 1, 1989 23982 – 24101 120,000 September 1, 1981 24102 – 24221 120,000 September 1, 1982 24222 — 24341 120,000 September 1, 1983 24342 – 24476 135,000 September 1, 1984 24477 – 24611 135,000 September -1, 1985 24612 –2/+746 135,000 September 1, 1986 .2471+7 – 24896 150,000 September 1, 1987 24897 – 25046 150,000 September 1, 1988 25047 – 25196 150,,000 Total. $3,000,000 Such bonds shall be denominated as Water Works Bonds, Series No* 1. RESOLVED FURTHER, that sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court Haase and City Hall in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, up to ten o'clock a. m.. (C.S.T.) on September 10, 1958, for the sale of all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St. Paul Legal Ledger, the official paper of said City, and in the Commercial West, a financial periodical published in the State of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by d certified or cashier's check for two (2) per cent of the amount of the bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid.for when ready for delivery; and that the City Comptroller shall,.at the"next meeting after receiving said bids, present the same to the Council for its action thereon, and that said bonds shall be offered to the person who - ii:]l pay par or better therefor, and at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent. AUG 7 ,1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG 7 1958. DeCourcy Holland Approved 19_ Mortinson berbon Tn Favor Rosen Actin# Mayor Winkel Against •58 2