188597Original to City Cleric _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' IA COUNCIL RESOL 10 GENERAL FORM I f Is i PRESENTED BY COMMISSION Winkel COUNCIL 1 -88597 FILE NO August 5, 1958 E � Council File No. 188597 —By. Adrian P. W inkel- Whereas, Additions and Deductions i which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the grading and paving of Shepard Road from Wilkin Street to James Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L- 5843 -4, t ss - WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might proveo"� ni3�s'a in the improvement described as the grading and paving of Shepard Road from Wilkin Street to James Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L- 5843-4, Ashbach Construction Company, contractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to make the following addi- tions and deductions: (See Attached List) This additional amount to be financed from Bond Fund 200 ST -4. WHEREAS, The total net addition is $3,002.96, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul, through its City Council approve the foregoing addition, made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $3,002.96, said amount to be added to the lump sum consider- ation named in the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L- 5843-4, for the making of the above improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $3,002.96 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland ZLI&IM Winkel Mortinson on Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 2 AUG 5 1955 Adopted by the Council 195 - AUG 5 1958 Approved n 195 — In Favor Mayor Against 4 VIRAb MtfiaTH pg 28 6i M. U. A15DI . TION8 18859'71 L. 5843-4 dU6 Yddii 9mb&Akiueiit "I125 dUs yd6b tdpAbii ifi" plabi 24 50 Ica Yd6a 6ri6d 66d td Purhibh Khd Pliod 0035 ddth 90000 Li, , Pte Rebuilt kd- I mdhhoio IMO 644 pti dbridtrddt 4" Zhdiithid d6ndzi6tb Walk Oa 45 TWIS A6Phditid Obhdrdb6 Wekeing each pigr6d End dqkfd Rail 17s 00 2608 Uoo Additional *Ork and itkterialt The gtb,§i 6h6dt Piling Fiirfildhed r8bsdhihg.WeL1l dUd to anchor blocky 431.68 Siva tihd U65 in place foil korthbt-ft 8bhtd& Rxibbdklidd bltiinilnoun adal dd&b 0620 669 *kiiy ithbbiti-ed duAhg 6xdkvatibri4 bib, 0 s kAbor' 5166 3,0 0-05 171-50 Mdtdk6lij 5,44 ptt Vt4 A r ,,,ng, dohd Otb Curb �Ottmight) 7ft!180 d6nbiidtd dtVb RddiUbj 9660 2o4o 6 2- 6600 48000 Extra for ki lia 2679 &id to dhangb iti dmgig.ri Extra tbri.Mi k6 2011 due tb change -ih 4'0 is igil mixed Peijn6 on by"Pd6S iidAd t6 btablito sand sub -,grade doii6tkqdt 6.rbiitad Rip Rap 8pili*ay for bow6k butl6t Puriiidh Bind ihbtali dh&hhei Iron ih R6t&lrdhg Wall hdiaY 40 -tiiii k6 of 9P ki 04 P. tdtai Additibhb 70000. .143o75 0600 78. o0 1#925o55 5616 ob 11000 642.21 7524 262. 50 1#000673 290.00 l5: 00 112-39. 6 * 191e 62 AEJJ�CttOgg tN4 Pt i 60 Pdetbrdtsd V;d6V6 *Ail brtdh 1h gravel bed ddth Cons tiiudb IA Catch 8661ri LOO .1-8660o 16000 360i, oo ditt fjij Ydba dondiotd Mik R66 1A6 4500 171o00 di Uh4 Pt6 96ihtdridibg btd6j 6teei Shb6t Pilihg Driven 06-12 0 i50 2608 Uoo tbsa gtb,§i 6h6dt Piling Fiirfildhed jo.68 431.68 Siva YdA& Rxibbdklidd bltiinilnoun adal dd&b 0620 1�41240 bib, 0 s Chia e ih curb dbtlgh ..' 0-05 171-50 titis hifii ptt Vt4 A r ,,,ng, dohd Otb Curb �Ottmight) 7ft!180 d6nbiidtd dtVb RddiUbj 9660 2o4o 6 2- 6600 48000 Total. bedtdbiotis 59188666 itRT AbbfttOM 3,002096 Duplicate to Printer 188597 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Winkel August 50 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which aught prove to be necessary In the improvement dascribed,as the grading and paving of Shepard Road from Wilkin street to Jaates Avenuei Comptroller's Contract L- 58434, Ashbach Construction Companyf contractor, have been provided for in the specifications, and WHERE, it has been found necessary to make the following addl- tions and deductions: (See Attached List) This additional amount to be financed from Bond Fund 200 ST -46 WHER ,'The total net addition is $3,002,96& now therefore be it f RESOLV900 That the City of 2t. Paulo through its City Council approve the foregoing addition, made in accordance with the specifications In the sum of $3,002.96, said amount to be added to the lump sum consider -, ation nmmed In the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract 1,•5843 -4, for the making of the above improvement, The Comrmissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $3,-002.96 1s the correct amount to be added to the above contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland RX%X= Winkel Mortinson P- eters4m Rosen Mr. President, Dillon ant s_ae 2 4 --In Favor U Against AUG 5 1958 Adopted by the Council 195 — AU G 5 1958 Approved 195— Mayor V I -- _ i 188597 . _ P114AL ESTIMATE SHEPA p ROAD, a gILKIN St's TO JAI S 58434 ADDi TI m 72 Cu9 Ydso Embarikzbaht 1.25 911,25 29 No Yde, T6p6oil in place 125 Sq. Yds. Grass sod to purnish and ].Ace 2050 70000. 2 eadh . 00ht tPUc t A A Cat dh ja s inp 9O° 00 h3*75 0 Oe a 5 Lino Ft.' Rebuilt Nc�a ]. I�Qeitiixole 7 +7j Sqo Ft, Construct 12.00 8'OC 5 Toms 4� Monolithic doricrete Walk 6645 10450 Asphaltic Concrete gearing dburee- fiype811600 561 00 1 each Flared End Guard Rail 17000 17000 Additional work and materikib � Or' retaining tall due to anchor blookd and ties in place for 96rthern StA tes s ®a wall, uncovered during elcavationa. Labor 516030 Materials 34 ,653 Fquipme+ki t 6420 al Ettre f'dr igo ii® 2079 alle to ch.aangc i,h . design 75024 9Xtra- for He Rio 2077 due to change in design 262o50 Mled Prime on By -Pass road to stablize send subi-grade 1,0000o73 Construct Grouted Rip Rap Spillway for sewer outlet 290000 Furnish and install Channel Iron in Retaining Mall 15000 Relay 40 Lira Fto of 21" R. Co Pe 11 Total Addition@ 69191 ©62 DEDUCTIONS 160 Tine Et, 6f4 Perforated V0 Co Po Vall Drain in gravel, bad 2 each Construct IA Catch Basin 1e00 !60,00 3o 8 Cu. Ydso Concrete Mix go, IA6 1808 00 350 ®60 434 Lbs, Reinforcing Steel 45° 00 -71* 0C 172 Line Pt, Steel Sheet Piling Driven 0012 2()06 3 6 Lbse Steel Sheet Piling Furnished 0 °50 1600© 362 Sqo Ydso Rubberised Bituminous seal coat fl0o08 ^ 1.31;,68 430 Line Fto Cha? e in curb design 0°20 -Ia472.4o lib Lino Into 7"X18P4 Concrete Curb (S,�r &ji:lit Cn05 z X1050 20 Lin. Ft0 7" "x184" Concrsto CuVb (Rzdjue � , 20 OO 2 ~ �. 460 00 80 Go Tc� a wl D ®d�sG ti i�� 3,,183o66 �� �' ADDX! Ti 0j�s 3 ,,Ou, 96