188568S _i GINAL TO CITY CLERK 188568 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL R LUTION- GENERAL FORM SENTED BY WMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that Spiegler Construction Company be permitted to install and operate an off — street parking lot in connection with an apartment building to be constructed on Lots 1 and 2, Evergreen Rearrange- ment of Block 5, Sylvan Park Addition, at the southeast corner of Stanford and Snelling Avenues, in accordance with applicant's plan approved May 1, 195$, and subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject further to the condition that the sidewalk abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN 1 Nays DeCourcy / Rolland Mortinson Tn Favor Rosen W' kelp Against (Petersor}) Council File No. 188588 —By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, That Spieglei Construction Company be permitted to ,install andl operate an off - street parking lots in connection with an apartment building to be constructed on -Lots K and 2, Evergreen Rearrangement of Block 5, Sylvan Park Addition, at the southeast corner of Stanford and Snelling Ave- nues, in accordance with applicant's flan approved May 1; 1958, and subject o' compliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the operation of parking lots, and subject further to the condition that the sidewalk abut- said premises be kept clean and iree of ice, and snow at all times. Adopted by the Council August 1, ,1958. Approved August 1, 1958. (August 9, 1958) AUG 11958 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 11958 Approved 19— r� Mayor �>rIP¢ FFIGE OF CITY CLERK UREAU OF RECORDS Ib City Hall and Court House Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: --A, July 31,1958 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder RECE van A L 3 t 195a CORPO"TIVN COW EL 0 000 The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Spiegler Construction Co. for permit for off - street parking lot in connection with an apartment building to be constructed on Lots 1 and 2, Evergreen Rear. of Block 5, Sylvan Park Addition, at the southeast corner of Stanford and Snelling Aves., in accordance with applicant's plan approved May 1, 1958• r I IT Very truly yours 40) - J07LJ .41 'a,)-,' City Clerk MINNESOTA V.tt•.'.• � ti ......................... cR D O F ZONING, CITY OF SAINT P,AU 1. Vl::::•l.:•:; •::.......... 231•282•237 u14 0111' MALL AWIR CgW1 IfOY // /u1n /AYl f,MIMW / /OfA .......::t:i:I......... May 28, 1958 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This'is in the matter of the application of the Spiegler Construction Company for a permit to install and operate a private parking lot in connection with an apartment building on property located adjacent to the southeast corner of Snelling And Stanford;' =This property,is described ds-Aots 1 and 2, Evergreen Rearrangement -of B1ock.5'Sylvan Park Addition. The prope`r`ty was rezoned to commercial in June of 1957 for the purpose of constructing an office building. The petitioner was Marrel G. Hathaway; The public hearing on the rezoning petition was held June 6, 1957 at which time two persons appeared before the City Council objecting to this rezoning: The property under consideration -is presently vacant and has a frontage of 80' on Snelling Avenue and 120.8' on Stanford. The applicants propose to develop this property with a ten unit, two and one =half story apartment building and provide off - street parking for ten cars at the rear of the property as shown on trhe attached plan. The adjacent land uses are as follows: there are single family homes to the west across Snelling Avenue, to the south and to the /east across an alley; there is a filling station and a repair garage across Stanford to the north, these latter uses being located on commercially zoned property. There are also several commercial activities further to the north on the east side of Snelling Avenue. The proposed layout and operation of the parking area have been approved by the Traffic Engineer. The plans call for a set back of 24' fromSnelling Avenue which is the building line in this block. In all other respects the plans meet existing standards for this type .of facility. Field investigation dis- closes no basic objection from the standpoint of adjacent land use or traffic. The Board of Zoning finds that in terms of the alternative land uses permitted in a commercial zone, the proposed development is the more acceptable in the residential area,* It must also be noted that the immediately adjacent property owners signed a petition to rezone this property to commercial within the last year. In consideration of these factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that this permit to establish a private parking lot incident to this ten unit apartment building at.tbis location be granted in accordance witb,the applicant's plan approved May 1, 1958. Sincerely, 1,k,� C Herbert C. Wieland HCW:FGI Planning Director Encl. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMI (Please type or print) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: �emedel -e�- gee ®as�rnett- an =e��s� #ag Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (c'ross out R FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No, of tanks and capacity: ElPARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other ( indicate type--T Capacity of parking lot 11 Cars To be used in connection with: A- partment MISCELLANEOUS: ( indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: Located at (address) Corner of Snelling & Stanford Legal Description :Lot's #1 &#2 Block 5 Add'n Evergreen Rear of Sylvan Park Add'n. Applicants Name :8piegler Construction Co. Home or Office Address: 1710 Saunders Avenue - St. Paul Phone No. :mi. 8 -7+12 FOR /BY THE APPLICANT, n _ 4 -9 -58 (sign VSPaul ) (date) Address : 700 Building - St. Paul Phone No: CA. 4-4834 ) When completed; file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the Board of Zoning, Room 1315, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Z -3 7/2/54 a. i` �i �I �11 1� t j, S� 1' q. a. 'I d j" �'­ The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul We, the undersigned property owners living within one hundred feet of Lots 1 & 2, Evergreen Rearrangement, do hereby consent and acquiesce to the construction of an apartment building on the afore- mentioned lots 1 & 2, Evergreen Rearrangement and also for a permit for parking area for the required number of cars. Lot 3, Evergreen Rearrangement Lot 4, Evergreen Rearrangement Lot 5, Evergreen Rearrangement Lot 12, Block 4,Evergreen Rearrangeme J Lot 14, Block 4,Vernons Rearrangement Lot 1, Block 4,Vernon's Rearrangement' Gb Lot 2, Block 4,Vernon's Rearrangement -_­,__ a Lot 3, Block 4,Vernon's Rearrangement Lot 4, Block 4,Vernon's Rearrangement Lot 5, Block 4,Vernon's Rearrangement- J��D "'O'� r� City Council of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Our File No. S58 -0106 - Spiegler Construction Company Gentlemen: In connection with the application made by my client, Spiegler Construction Company, for an off- street parking permit at Snelling and Stanford Avenue in the City of St. Paul, which was continued from May 29 to Tuesday, June 10, 1958, I wish to advise. your Honorable Body that my client desires to have me withdraw his application for this off - street parking permit. I would like the Council of the City of St. Paul to know that Spiegler Construc- tion was not a party to the original rezoning of this property from residential A to commercial and that although my client has invested approximately $2, 000 in preliminary plans, appearances before the Planning Board and other miscellaneous expenses, he feels that he would rather withdraw his application than become embroiled in a neighborhood dispute. He still feels that the vicinity wherein which these lots are situated is essentially and predominately commercial and that the best use for the property would be in. accordance with the Planning BoardI s recommendations; however, because of the unfavorable background and history involved in the matter, my client feels he would rather withdraw than continue to become involved. in this dispute. I wish the City Council to know that the Spiegler Construction Company employs as many as. 60 building construction tradesmen. from time to time, but that at the present time the cumbersome machinery of handling an apart- ment building project from acquisition of site to issuance of building permit directly results in costly delay and unnecessary unemployment. Approximately three months ago, `my client and I obtained approval and favorable consideration on an apartment building project at Seventh and May Streets in the City of St. Paul. Although the project originally contemplated 16 units, conferences held with the Planning Board and revision of design work resulted in the project being reduc d to an 11- apartment unit which met fully with 41 of the y� LAW OFFICES S. ROBINS ROBINS, DA\(IS $ LYONS JULIUS E. DAVIS M. ARNOLD LYONS MINNESOTA BUILDING SIDNEY S. FEINBERG HARDING A. ORREN SAINT PAUL I RICHARD CONVERSE M I N N E A P O L I ERWIN A. PETERSON CAPITAL 4-5884 EUGENE MINENKO RAND TOWER KENNETH E. TILSEN ROGER T. SAHR 1 WILLARD CONVERSE ROBERT C. BELL June 5, 1958 " DEAN K. JOHNSON BERNARD ROSENBERG AR NOLD M. BELLIS JAMES C. COTTINGHAM JAMES MALCOLM WILLIAMS THOMAS O. FEINBERG RODERICK B. MCLARNAN JAMES A. KARIGAN ISRAEL MIRVISS GERALD E.RUTMAN City Council of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Our File No. S58 -0106 - Spiegler Construction Company Gentlemen: In connection with the application made by my client, Spiegler Construction Company, for an off- street parking permit at Snelling and Stanford Avenue in the City of St. Paul, which was continued from May 29 to Tuesday, June 10, 1958, I wish to advise. your Honorable Body that my client desires to have me withdraw his application for this off - street parking permit. I would like the Council of the City of St. Paul to know that Spiegler Construc- tion was not a party to the original rezoning of this property from residential A to commercial and that although my client has invested approximately $2, 000 in preliminary plans, appearances before the Planning Board and other miscellaneous expenses, he feels that he would rather withdraw his application than become embroiled in a neighborhood dispute. He still feels that the vicinity wherein which these lots are situated is essentially and predominately commercial and that the best use for the property would be in. accordance with the Planning BoardI s recommendations; however, because of the unfavorable background and history involved in the matter, my client feels he would rather withdraw than continue to become involved. in this dispute. I wish the City Council to know that the Spiegler Construction Company employs as many as. 60 building construction tradesmen. from time to time, but that at the present time the cumbersome machinery of handling an apart- ment building project from acquisition of site to issuance of building permit directly results in costly delay and unnecessary unemployment. Approximately three months ago, `my client and I obtained approval and favorable consideration on an apartment building project at Seventh and May Streets in the City of St. Paul. Although the project originally contemplated 16 units, conferences held with the Planning Board and revision of design work resulted in the project being reduc d to an 11- apartment unit which met fully with 41 of the y� s City Council of St. Paul - 2 - June 5, 1958 recommendations of the Planning Board staff and the Planning Board. At that time, Mr. Spiegler was finishing up a project at Seventh and Chatsworth in the City of St. Paul and he would have employed his crew of men on the new project at Seventh and May. Several days after obtaining Planning Board approval, we were notified the State Highway Department might object to the issuance of a building permit because of a contemplated and. proposed right -of -way for the Lexington Avenue bridge. Rather than appear before the City Council and become involved in a dispute with the State Highway Department as to whether or not they could hold up the issuance of- a building permit on a proposed right -of -way, and even though the Spiegler Construction Company has, a considerable investment in this- lot, my client felt that they would rather forego pursuing the matter, and instead negotiated for the Stanford and Snelling Avenue site. As far as my client knew, there were no restrictions on this site. It had been zoned commercial and he felt he had a right to construct this. apartment building. All of this confusion and these delays have resulted in a loss of employment during the past 60 days and costly delays to my client. Although my client has' become somewhat discouraged about these proceedings., he nevertheless feels confident in the future of St. Paul and again has. invested in a building site on East Seventh Street in the neighborhood of Johnson Parkway. We have initiated a proceedings to determine the effect and application of the zoning ordinance on this property in order that an apartment project can begin. This proceedings was filed in the City Clerk's Office. on May 29, 1958. We would appreciate having this application processed as- soon as' possible and expedited if at all possible in order that the Spiegler Construction Company may again resume its construction operations and re- employ its crew of men, if the crew is still available after these many delays. Both my client and I urge that something be done. to expedite the handling of this type of matter as, it appears that some procedure could be set up which would enable a builder to determine within a very short period of time after he acquired a site whether or not he is going to be able to utilize it for the purpose for which he purchased it. We do not send this letter in any spirit of criticism, _ cept constructive" criticism, as we know that the Council itself may not be aware of this situation, but we do feel that some study should be made and some effort should be made to expedite this type of proceedings so ag to shorten the time between the initial application filed with the Planning Board and the final issuance of off - street parking permit. Further, this letter is not intended as any criticism whatsoever of the Planning Board because it is both my client and the writer's belief that this entire matter should be processed by the 81 IMI `j City Council of St. Paul - 3 - June 5, 1958 Planning Board inasmuch as applications for off - street parking' permits were never intended. to be used as a "spring board' for belated applications for re- zoning. We, therefore, urge that some revision be made of this procedure whereby the entire responsibility for this type of proceedings be left either with the Planning Board where it properly belongs or turned over entirely to the Council where we feel it would be. an imposition upon the legislative function of your Honorable Body. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter. Yours very truly, VIS & LYONS S. Robins SR /m cc: Planning Board This - letter has been written at my request and with my approval. SPIEGLER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 0 0 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St; Paul 2, Mirwr u r rr sa r,o' July 18, 1958 Your' are .-hereby notified that the O-o'tncil'- of the City of St, Paul `eciTl consider t�e,mmatter of app"'lication of Spiegler Construction Co. for off•- street parking' lo± permit in con - necti,,5n jtith F'i `apartmQnt• building to be constructed on Lots 1- arnd '2, _ Evergreen Rear. of Block 5,' Sylvan Park Addition, situated at the southeast corner of Stanford any Snelling and that a public hearing will be h*ld in the Council Ch4mbers of the Court Hrm-3e arid 'City Hall Building on July 31, 1958, ir thm pity of, Sto aul, at 10;00 o'clock A.M. ,.File i- ^'1 Commissioner of Finance