188558ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK , .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO x-88551 FILE . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the budget of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year 19593, heretofore submitted to this Council, listing and itemizing the sum of $453,2$3.16 as the apportioned share of the City, of Saint Paul of said Districtt s Operation and Maintenance Expenses; the sum of 661,258.80 as the apportioned share of the City of Saint Paul of said District's Capital Additions Costs;and the sum of $44,560 as the City of Saint Paul Sewer Rentals Collection and Billing Expenses, together with the separate item in the sum of 065,000 as the City of Saint Paul Intercepter Sewers Maintenance Expense for said calendar year, be and the same and such items of expense and costs are hereby approved; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be authorized and directed to forward forthwith a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Water Commissioners, and a certified copy to the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis- Sain 'tal?auT -. Sanitary District. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays o cy / M/ ortinson Tin Favor o ainst / A-o 5M 5 8 _ re}�ftlaut (POtOeribn) SM 5.58 s*a 'council File No. 188558 —By Robert E. Peterson— - Resolved, That the budget of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul, Sanifary Dis- trict for the calendar Year -1959; here- ' tofore submitted to this Council, listing and itemizing the sum of $453,283.16 as 'the apportioned share of the City Of Saint Paul of said District's Operation ,and Maintenance Expenses; the share of $61,258.80 as the apportioned of the City of Saint Paul of said 1 District's Capital Additions Costs; and 'the sum of $44,560 as the City of Saint Billing eExPenses, together ctwith tthe separate item in the sum of $65,000 as sewerstMaintenance Expensetforesaid calendar year, be and the same and such items of expense''and costs are her approved; be it Further Resolved, That the City Clerk be authorized and directed to forward forthwith a certified copy of this reso- lution to the Board of water Commis- sioners, and. a certified copy to the Board of Saint Paul sanitary f aryDistriceapolis- Adopted by the Council August 1, 1958. Approvea�Aug August 9, 1958) Adopted by the AUG 11958 AUG 11958 19- a Mayor Acting � J I, Louis J. Bartscher, Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District at a meeting of said Board of Trustees on June 23, 1958. Dated: June 25, 1958 cvs -..cam 7 f Exec tine Secretary / I S"ti-,4t a3 RESOLUTION NO. 869 MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT TRUSTEE BY Rauth and Rvlander DA June Rgemizz RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A BUDGET OF THE NEEDS OF THE MINNEAPOLIS - SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF SAID SANITARY DISTRICT AS WELL AS FOR CAPITAL ADDITIONS CONTAINED THEREIN FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DECEMBER 319 1959• WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Dist heretofore on the 13th day of November 1933, adopted a comprehensive plan and pr gramm of procedure and work for the oolleotion, treatment and disposal of the sew and waste materials of said Sanitary District with all necessary mapaq plats, su ♦eye and estimates of the probable cost of such sewerage disposal system, all in the manner and form as by law required; and WHEREAS, It is both urgent and necessary that provision be now made for the financing of the operation and maintenance of such sewerage disposal system for the calendar year commencing January 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1959; and WHEREAS, On July 13, 19449 the date of the expiration of the ten -year period from and after the commencement of egnstruetion of the sewage disposal system of the Sanitary District, the haw required and has ever since required that apportion - went of operating cost, maintenance, and repair of said joint or common sewers a>nd of the treatment and the disposal works and appurtenances thereto, shall be allo- cated in the proper proportion to each city within said District on the basis of the total annual volume of sewage contributed by each city as the same shall be measured or estimated; and WHEREAS, Measurement or accurate estimate of such volume for the year 1959 cannot be made until the end of said year in the budget herewith submitted, said proportion has been estimated as accurately as is practicable at this time; and WHEREASt The apportionment of cost for capital additions provided for in this budget shall be allocated in the proper proportion to each city within said District on the sewage volume basis, the same basis used for apportioning the costs of operation and maintenance, in accordance with enactment by the Legislat of the State of Minnesota, Session Laws of 1955; Now, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED, By the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District as followaat 1. That the operation and maintenance budget, filed in the office of the 14i.nneapolis «Saint Paul Sanitary District and dated June 23, 1958 and marked "Exhibit A," including the capital additions provided for in Schedule Q thereof, be and it is adopted. 2. That it is hereby found, determined and declared that the needs of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year January 1, 1959 to December 31, 19591 for the purposes of operation, maintenance and capital outlay is the aggregate sum of $1,207,844.97; and it is further found, determined, and declared that of said total amount of #19207,844,97, the proportionate share thereof to be borne by the City of Minneapolis is $693,303.01, and the proportionate share thereof to be borne by the City of Saint Paul is $5149541.96. MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT TRUUSSTENEED BY DA RESOLUTION NO. 859 page 2 3. That each of s4dd cities* respectively, is hereby directed to raise funds sufficient to meet the foregoing re6pea3tive amounts for the purposes aforesaid either by tax levieas•1 bond sales* imewer rental charges or by any other methods Within the authoritative reach of each of said cities. 4. That insofar as the cosh of - operation, maintenance and capital outlay is concerned at the close of the year 1959, the proportion ate volume of sewage contributed by each city for that year be measured or further 9stimaated, and the final basis of apportion- ment of such cost be readjusted in accordance with such final determination. That if, in the judgement of the Board of Trustees, it becomes neoessary in order to curry out the purposes of operation and saintenanoe of said system and provide for the capital additions ctontaiaed therein, that funds be transferred from one item of the budget to another item, the Board of Trustees of said Xstri.ct, by a majority vote of all the nembers of said Board, may aautboriso toad make such treatasfer. 6. That the Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District is hereby directed to file one properly certified copy of the aaforegoing budget with the Council of the City of Saint Paul and one with the Comswa Council of the City of tsinneapolie for approval. TRUSTEES Yeas X DILLON X KAUTH X NELSON X P. K. PETERSON X R. F. PETERSON X RYLANDER X CHAIRMAN OLSON Nayes _ 7 In favor 0 A gainst Adopted by the June 23 r ` KERWIN L. MICK I CHIRP ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT PHONE: PR. 1 -8845 D. D. WOZNIAK ATTORNRY MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT P. O. BOX 3598 CHILDS ROAD SAINT PAUL 1 :s MINNESOTA BOARD OF TRUSTEES ROBERT A. OLSON, CHAIRMAN, DULUTH LOUIS J. BARTSCHER, MAYOR P. KENNETH PETERSON, VICE- CHAIRMAN, MINNEAPOLIS ExzcuTlva SECRETARY LAWRENCE RYLANDER, CORPORATE SECRETARY, ST. PAUL ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATION; COMMISSIONER ROBERT F. PETERSON, ST. PAUL June 25, 1958 TO THE SECRETARY UNLESS MAYOR JOSEPH E. DILLON, ST. PAUL OTHERWISE REQUESTED ALDERMAN BYRON F. NELSON, MINNEAPOLIS HAROLD J. KAUTH, MINNEAPOLIS ' The City Council City of Saint- Paul Hall and, Courtbouse 91!y Pau 2, nneso a Attention Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski, City Clerk Gentlemen: Herewith is a certified copy of a detailed budget of the needs of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the operation and maintenance of said District as well as for capital additions contained therein, for the calendar year 1959• We are also enclosing two certified copies of resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District June 23, 1958 - one of which, No. 8699 provides for a budget of the needs of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District for the operation and maintenance of said Sanitary District and for the capital additions contained therein for the calendar year January 1, (1959 to December 31, 1959 - the other, No. 8709 provides that all monies budgeted for the Program of Research and Investigation in Schedule G, the Capital Additions and Major Replacements portion of the 1958 budget, be and they are re- appropriated and made avail- able for lawful expenditure during the balance of the calendar year 1958 and during the calendar year 1959- The attention of your honorable body is respectfully referred to page 23, the last page of the tentative budget report where, in transmitting same to the Board of Trustees, the District's Chief Engineer pointed out that the Sanitary District law, Chapter 3419 Mason's Statutes, Minnesota Session Laws of 1933, provides in Section 179 that the governing body of each of the two cities shall, on or prior to August 1 of each year, determine by resolution the basis of sewer rentals to be charged within each of said cities. Respectfully yours, For the Board of Trustees, Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District uis J. VBartscher Executive Secretary LJB:f cc: Mr. J. J. Mitchell �x Mr. Ed. Jones e Mr. Len. Seamer I, Louis J. Bartscher, Executive Secretary of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, do hereby certify that the attached is a true and accurate copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District at a meeting of said Board of Trustees on June 23, 1958• Exe utive Secretary Dated: June 25, 1958 OS MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 8 ?() TRUUSSTEFT,E�D BY Di llnn And Nwl Ann DATE June 230, 1958 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A BUDGET AND FOR TUE RE- APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS OV MINN]WO118-SA NT PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT TOR CAPITAL ADDITION PURPOSES FOR THE CALr—NDAR YEAR JANUARY 1, 1959 TO DECEHBER 319 1959 WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Ninneapol:ias -Saint Paul Sanitary District,' heretofore, on the 13th day of November 1933s adopted A comprehensive plan and program of procedure and work for the eolleeti.on, treatment and disposal of the sewage and waoto materials of said Sanitary District with all necesoary Maps, plate►,'survsys and estimates of the probable cost of such sewerage disposal system all in the manner and form as by law required, and WREAS, The Board of Trustees of this Sanitary District heretofore, on'the 24th day of June 19570 adopted a detailed budget of the needs of said Hines olio- Sa.int Paul Sanitary District for the calendar year 1958, and WIMREAS, Schedule a, the Capital Additions and Major Replace - sento portion of said budget provided funds to be expended on the District's Program. of Research and Investigation, and WHEREAS, Said budget was modified or amended on the 9th day of December 1957,' and again on the 9th day of June 19589 in- an effort to expedite certain portions of said Research Program, and WBEREAS, There may be some unexpended funds at the close of the year in Schedule 4 of said budget which, in the public inter - ost,-could be carried over into 1959 and used to accelerate the Research Program either by augmenting funds provided in the 1959 budget for use in connection with certain portions of the Research Program to be done next year, or to begin work on other portions of said research Program for which funds have not boon provided. Now, Therefore$ Be It RESOLVED, By the Hoard of Trustees of the Minneapolis -SeInt Paul Sanitary District, as followas i H. RESOLUTION NO. $ ?Q 'IVIiNNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL pa6e SANITARY DISTRICT PRESENTED BY TRUSTEE DATE 1. That all monies budgeted for the Program of Research and Investigation in Schedule ti, the Capital Addi.tionm and Major Replacements portion of the 1958 'budget, bo and they ate hereby re-appropriated and made available for lawful expenditure during the 'balance of the calendar year 1958 oxd during the calendar year 1959 for the purposes set forth in tho comprahonsibe plan and program of procedure i and work for the co"13aotious treatment and disposal of the eewage and waste materials of said Sanitary District as adopted Z7oveab*r IN 19339 and as subsequently modified or amended. 2. That the txecutiwa gaoretary of the Minneapolis - Saint, Paul Sanitary District is hereby directed to file one properly certified copy of this resolution with they Cousci l of the City of deiut Paul and one with the Common Council of the City of Minneapolis for approval. TRUSTEES Yeas X DILLON X KAUTH Nayes _7 In favor X NELSON X P. K. PETERSON —_0 Against X R. F. PETERSON X RYLANDER X CHAIRMAN OLSON Adopted by the Board dune 23 1