1885571. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE. LUTION— GENERAL'FORM ..8855 COUNCIL Council File No. 188557 —By Peterson — Milton, ,iosen- Whereas, The Technical C in its report to the Honoral and -Members of the City dated, Pnov WHEREAS, the Technical Committee, in its report to the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council, dated July 30, 1958, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, has outlined the necessity for increased sewer rental rates for 1959; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the recommendations contained in the aforementioned report of its Technical Committee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the basis for computation for sewer rental charges to cover operation and ma- intenance expenses of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul--\- Sanitary District, to be made and levied against property served by the said District with respect to property lying within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul as well as property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul and served by the sewage disposal system of the City of Saint Paul effective January 1, -1955, shall be in accordance with the following schedule, to -wit: Meter Size 3/4 ✓ 1 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 be it Sewer Rental Charge 4.48 5.60 10.08 13.41+ 20.16 47.04 ' 100.80 244.16 470.40 8o6.4o _ 1142. LSD 1572.48 F.k FURTHER RESOLVED, that sewer rental charges to be made and levied against property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul and served by its sewage disposal system shall, in addition to being subject to the foregoing schedule of rental charges, be also subject to the additional sewer rental charges to be made and levied against such property (to compensate COUNCILMEN Adopted by'the Council 19— Yeas Nays t DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5.58 2 Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor J! +INAL TO CITY CLERK t L .188557 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM for capital expenditures cost levied in the form of taxes on property within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul), in accordance with the follow- ing schedule, to -wits Meter Size Sewer Rental Charge 5/8 4.00 3/4 5.00 1 9.00 1 12.00 3 12 18.00 2 42.00 3 90.00 4 218.00 6 420.00 8 720.00 10 1020.00 12 1404.00 be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing schedules of sewer rental charges shall be exclusive of and distinguished from sewer.L%nnual Charges" elsewhere provided for; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that provisions of Ordinance No. 7958, approved October 25, 1938, as amended, including amendment by Ordinance No. 8359, approved April 2, 1942, shall govern the collection of said rental charges and the use of the monies obtained, and such charges shall be collected from the property liable therefor as determined by said ordinance; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the resolution adopted by the Council July 30, 19529 C. F. No. 160722, is hereby modified and superseded by the terms of this resolution; be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Water Com- missioners of the City of Saint Paul and a certified copy copy to the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councill lI.g ;1 `1958 19 'eas N DeCourcy Holland Approved AUG JL POO 19- Mortinson n ...o..,, Tn Favor �J Rosen A�tl rig Mayor win4e! � - Against Vmkl+nc wetczson) - 1111 4w 188557 July 30, ].958 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madams The budget of the Minneapolis -St. Pau! Sanitary District for the year .1959 has been submitted to the City of St. Paul for approval and the establishment by the city of sewer rental rates for 1959. When the present system of sewer rental rates was established in St. Paul, it was the purpose of the Council to provide funds in this manner to care for the operation and maintenance costa of the Sanitary District: Capita?! costs In- volved through the issuance and retirement of Sanitary District bonds remained as part of the tax structure of the city. Since the original construction of the plant and until 19559 capital expenditures at the Sanitary District have not been major in character, and the St. Paul share of such expenditures has been financed from the sewer rbntal fund. The capital expendituie budget of the Sanitary District for St. Paul for the three yesars 1955, 1956, and 1957 totaled $54,067.07. The actual expenditures charge4 to St. Paul during this 3-year period a >ceeded the budget try the total amount of $104,749.75. These expenditures in excess of the capital outlay budget were m34e by transfer from the operation and .maintenance fund and have resulted in depleting that fund to the extent that it appasits that at the end of 1958 there will be a shortage in this fund of approvAiSately $30,000. The St. Pau! shard of thra 19 58 capitaA expenditure budget imunts to $42,515.7n and the l95 budget $61,258.80. The Technical Committee has endeavored to determine the possibility of financing these capital expenditures extending back to 1955 through the issuance of addi- tional St. Paul Sanitary District bonds under the original authorization which covered the construction of the plant. This would restore the substantial bal- ance in the sewer rental fund which would exist had not these capital expendi- tures been financed from it. Information from the city "s bond attorneys in- dicates that the refinancing in this manner of past expenditures is not possible without additional legislation. The budget estimate of the Sanitary District for St. Paul for the year 1959 amounts to $4539283.16 for operation and maintenance and $61,258.80 for capital additions, making a total of $514,541.96. The District budget also includes a budget estimate of the St. Paul plater Department for collection costa in the amount of $44p560. The 1958 city budget contains an item of $65,000 for the expense of the Public Works Department for maintenance of intercepter sewers,and a like amount has been requested by the Public Works.Department for 1959. In vier of the existing conditions, your coramit'tee ree-emnnds: 1. That the capital additions budget in they anwunt of 561,258.83 be financed by the issuance of additional Sanitary District bonds of the City of St. Paul. Hon. Mayor & Members of the City Council -2- July 309 1958 2. That the schedule of sewer rental charges now in effect as established in Council File No. 1607229 approved July 30, 19529 be increased in the amount of 12% in all cases to finance the opera- tion and maintenance of 19599 this increase to become effective January It 1969. 3. That the charges to be made and levied against property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul and served by its sewage disposal system for capital expenditure costs, which are Included in the tax structure for property within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, shall be in accordance with the schedule of sewer rental charges now in effect and as set forth in the abovementioned Council File No. 160722.- These charges for capital expenditure costs are to be in addition to the sewer rental charges for operation and maintenance set forth in Item 2 above. Respectfully submitted, TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Leonard C. Seawr, Chairman Valuation & Assessment Engineer Edwin F. Jones Secretary Utilities Engineer .john J. Faricy Chief Accountant Leonard N. Thompson General Manager, Water Department Carl P. Herbert Director, Bureau of Munizipal Research Alfred H. Schroeder City Architect George M. Shapard Arthur W. Tews Street 8 Highway Engineering Coordinator Chief Engineer, Public Works Department Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel EFJsew y. t f, � L i r 1 I- t f 5M 5 f QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLE NCIL NO. 18557 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 181toct Rosen �..1.��T= s ---` -d DATE RHEAS, the TechaScal Ccunittee, in its -report to the sawrdblem Mayor and Mmaberes of 'the 'City Council, dated, AaY 30, 1958, s copy of which Is attached hereto and Made a Vart hereof by reference, bass outlined the aeceseity for increased seer rental rates for 19593 and W10=0 t#e Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the reccamralendations contained is the afor menti=ed report of its Techniosli dowItteei nay.0 therefore, be it RWMVM,v, tbAt the basis for computation for sewer rental charges to cover opomtIon rind o intemope expe"m of the 1UjM apolis_ft1 at Psu1 Sanitary Dlsstrict, to be nude and: levied !Surat pmi6rty served by the said District; Vith respect to properttiy 3ylvg vithin the corporate 1Satsito of the City of $sl it Faml, has well as yroWty 3ying outel" the corporate lists of the City of Sail at Paul and served by the sewage disposal synths of the City of Saint Paul. effective .J uamryr 1, 1955; i�iaeall be IX accordance with the fo3.ioving schedule, tovit: ' Meter Base Solver PAntal Charge be it Ft> MM E MOIGYBD, that sever rental *barges to be wade and levied against property Lying outside the corporate limite of the City of Swint Paul and served by its sewage disposal system shell, in addition to being subject to the foregoing schedule of rental charges, be also subject to the additional sever rental charges to be made and levied Ogoiust such property {to ca ate COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ eas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel s. President, Dillon 2 Tn Favor A gainst Approved 19— Mayor V4 5.^6D� 10.08 13.44 20.16 2 47.04 3 100.80 4 244.16 6 470.40 8 806.40 10 1142.40 12 1572.48 be it Ft> MM E MOIGYBD, that sever rental *barges to be wade and levied against property Lying outside the corporate limite of the City of Swint Paul and served by its sewage disposal system shell, in addition to being subject to the foregoing schedule of rental charges, be also subject to the additional sever rental charges to be made and levied Ogoiust such property {to ca ate COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ eas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel s. President, Dillon 2 Tn Favor A gainst Approved 19— Mayor iQUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM FE COUNCIL NO.55� t for capital expenditures cost levied In the form of t� on prope r within the corporate limits of the City of Saint, ftul), in sccord+ance with the follow- ing scbeduls,. to -nits' Dater sites Sever Rental urge +Y Eater i, ■ ■wr..■�r S/e 4.00 . V4 5.00 9.00 l 12.00 18,o0 2 42,.oD 3 90.04 # 218 +00 6 42000 8 720.04 10 1420,00 12- 14o4.40 be- it BESMVEDa that the foregoing schedules, of sever rental. charges stall be a xcbmive of and distingt4 sbad from seer "Aruml. Charges" elsewhere provided f-cWj be it 1 FUR= MMMVED, that provisions ef Ordinance Now 7958, approved October 251 1938, as end,. including amnftent by Ozdinsnce Now 8359, approved April 2, 1942,. shah govern the collection of. said rental ebarge s, and the to of the mules obtained., and swb eharges sbal], be collected fraw the property 1%ble therefor as determined by said ordinance; be It FMMM FMMVEDt that the: resolution adopted by the Council JULY 301 1952, Cis !Pi Roi 260722, is hereby modified and superseded by the terms of this resolution; be it PW= RWMVED, that the City Clerk be and be is hereby di mote d to forward AL certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Water Com =' missimere of the City of Ehint Paul and * certified copy to the Board of Trustees of thex ><dix ►pol.ie.6Saint Paul Sanitary Distrlct. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy 8 `X Holland I g Mortinson Rosen X - - Vice Pr4sident Peterson 5M 5 .58' k In Favor — against Adopted by the Council AUg• It 195-8— Approved Aug. It 195-8- Robert P -+ Peterson Ar_tiVg Mayor 4P l July 30, 1958 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs and Madams The budget of the Minneapolis -St. Paul Sanitary District for the year 1959 has been submitted to the City of St. Paul for approval and the establishment by the city of sewer rental rates for 1959. When the present system of sewer rental rates was established in St. Paul, it was the purpose of the Council to provide funds in this manner to care for the operation and maintenance costs of the Sanitary District. Capital costs in- volved through the issuance and retirement of Sanitary District bonds remained as part of the tax structure of the city. Since the original construction of the plant and until 1955, capital expenditures at the Sanitary District have not been major in character, and the St. Paul share of such expenditures has been financed from the sewer rental fund. The capital expenditure budget of the Sanitary District for St. Paul for the three years 19559 1956 and 1957 totaled $54,067.07. The actual expenditures charged to St. Paul during this 3-year period exceeded the budget by the total amount of $104,749.75. These expenditures in excess of the capital outlay budget were made by transfer from the operation and maintenance fund and have resultod In depleting that fungi to the extent that it appears that at the end of 1958 there will be a ahortage in this fund of approximately $309000. The St. Paul share of the 1958 capital eupenditure budget amounts to $42p515.71 and the 1959 budget S61,258.80. The Technical Committee has endeavored to determine the possibility of financing these capital expenditures extending back to 1955 through the issuance of addi- tional St. Paul Sanitary District bonds under the original authorization which covered the construction of the plant. This would restore the substantial bal- ance in the sewer rental fund which would exist had not these capital expendi- tures been financed from it. Information from tha,city °s bond attorneys in- dicates that the refinancing in this manner of past expenditures is not possible without additional legislation. The budget estimate of the Sanitary District for St. Paul for the year 1939 amounts to $4539283.16 for operation and maintenance and $61,258.80 for capital additions, making_a total of $5141541.96. The District budget also includes a budget estimate of the St. Paul Water Department for collection costs in the amount of $44,560. The 1958 city budget contains an item of $65,000 for the expense of the Public Works Department for maintenance of intercepter sewers, and a like amount has been requested by the Public Works Department for 1959. In view of the existing conditions, your committee recommendss I. That the capital additions budget in the amount of $61,258.80 be financed by the issuance of additional Sanitary District bonds of the City of St. Paul. Edon. Mayor & Meters of the City Council -2-- July 30, 1955 2. That tha schedule of sewer rental charges now in effect as established in Council File No. 160722, approved July 309 1952, be increased in the amount of 12% in all cases to finance the opera- tion and maintenance of 19399 this increase to become effective January 1, 1959. 3. That the charges to be made and levied against property lying outside the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul and served by its sewage disposal system for capital expenditure costs, which are included in the tax structure for property within the corporate .limits of the City of St. Paul, shall be in accordance with the schedule of sever rental charges now in effect and as set forth in the abovementioned Council File Nd. 160722. These charges for capital expenditure costs are to be in addition to the sewer rental charges for operation and maintenance set forth in Item 2 above. Respectfully submitted, TECHNICAL. Leonard C. Seawre Chairman Valuation & Assessment Engineer ..Io Sacret�y Utilitiet Enginoer thn ' J. icy i f A o ntant org . &h.arei itre t & Highway Engineering Coordinator d-W CO %,Loon N. Thompson General Manag r, VI Ater Departn*nt Carl P. Herbert Director, Bureau of icipal Research Alfr H. Schroeder Ci Architect' r� Ar fit. TeV6,3 Chief Engineer, Public Works Department Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel EFJaew