D001845City of Saint Paul • OFFICE OF THE MFIYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGST REVZSION Current sudQet • 168,792 51,405 99,393 881,795 69,323 293,628 9,561,186 1,260,322 8,900 -0- -0- -0- 558,968 18,072 175,711 1,809,101 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director o£ the Department o£ Libraiies to amend the 1999 budget of the General fund, the Director of the Department of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the £ollowing manner: General Fund-Division of Libraries 03400-0111 Full time permanent 03900-0222 Telephone - monthly 03400-0939 Fringe benefits 03901-0111 Full time permanent 03401-0297 Data Processing Services 03401-0939 Fringe bene£its 03902-0111 Full time permanent 03402-0439 Fringe benefits 03402-0369 Other o£fice supplies 03903-0111 Full time permanent 03403-0369 Other office supplies 03403-0939 Fringe bene£its 03904-0111 Full time permanent 03409-0279 Other repair maintenance 03409-0439 Fringe benefits All others 9,851,546 Prepared by: Activity Manager • � ° `� - Requested by Department Director Chancre 39 (7.179) 5,763 9,291 (35,500) 20,727 (72,958) 75, 601 521 6,417 329 2,318 (19,378) 13,023 6, 031 -0- � No: IJ DD 1 R�S Date:� '�- -0� Amended Budqet 168,781 44,231 55,156 886, 036 28,823 269,355 9,488,228 1,335,923 9,421 6,917 329 2, 318 539,590 31,095 181,742 1,809,101 9,851,546 App�d by: May� � 3- z- z000 Date Dbo I 8'y,� DEPARTMENTlOFFICElCOUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN�SHEET NO 64162 ibraries February 28, 2000 NTACf PERSON & PHONE: p u�rriwtmwre INmw[mnre Susan Cantu 266-7076 p�IGN � D�e.�zn.m�r Dm uzs cny cowcu. NUhiBER FOR �Y ATTORNEY 3 C7fY CI.ERK MI7Sf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY ROUTING (DATE) ORDER z �.n�cutsEavDm a eman�cutSSaviceswcci MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVf1.SERVICECAbA955ION TOTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acziox �QVESxen: Approval of Administrative Order revising the 1999 budget for the General Fund for the Department of Librazies RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Il'IE]k3.�IDFiAII. �L@6'If29E �RI7f1E�A�Il'� P11IIJ�9' AFI�IR 7Cf�.+ IFQDII,Ii,.�mSIQy� �II17E�9'II�Fi6: PI.ANNR�IG COMI�955ION _CIVII. SERVICE CObA�IISSiON Y. Hes ffiis j+d'SOdfOffi eYIX w6Tked vod� 8 600ffiest fod P68S depeY4ae0t? Cffi CA1vII IlTSF.E sTetaF _ 2. Hes �s pasani5� evce been a sity �p➢oyee7 �DISIRICI' COUR7 SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCII.OBJEC'IIVE� 3. YDmes m'vs peasoa/� passess a s&i➢➢ not 0o¢r�a9➢y possessed by aay ause�8 safly �ploYee? 1Ea� m� 9¢s m�ss¢tt� �nn sm]�rt�P¢ �i¢¢P �a➢ �6am¢➢n bm �¢¢� �U WII7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNITY (Who, Whsf, Wheq Where, Why): Adjustments are needed to cover negative balances in major object codes within the Library's General Fund budget. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: There will be sufficient funds in the major object codes and the Library will be in compliance with the City's budget controls. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library's budget will show a negative balance at the major object level. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $-0- COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: pCTIVITY NUMBER: GL-0OS-03400-03404 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� ���r `kf�?'! ,� �fiAR Q 3 200� -„ ,,, n<�,��� �.�aN.� - �,�c�sn