187888J 187888 COUNCIL FILE NO By _ To construct saojtexy's6WIers in lloyt §.venue. frmi Sirmingha� Street to. Dieter Juncil File No. 187888- " - Street; in lYinchell St-roet from Hoyt Avenue- to, Novada, Avonuc; in Barclay Street r^ matte of constructiro INTERMEDIARY 'north of Nebraska Avenue. as platted east. of Dieter Street; in Dieter Street from Nevada Avenue to 25 feet south'of Nebraska Avenue; and in Nevade, Avenue ORDER from Winchell, Street- to Dieter Street; also, to kconstruct storm grater sewers• in E Floyt Avenue from Birmingham Street, to Dieter Street; in Winehell Stroet front In the Matter of , Constructing -sanitary sewers in Hoyt Avenue from Birmingham-Street to Dieter Street; in Winchell Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in Barclay Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in Dieter Street from Hoyt Avenue to 5 feet north of Nebraska Avenue as platted east of Dieter Street; in Dieter Street from Nevada Avenue to 25 feet south of Nebraska Avenue; and in Nevada Avenue from Winchell Street to Dieter Street; also constructing storm water sewers in Hoyt Avenue from Birmingham Street to Dieter Street; in Winchell,Street from u, ld- Hoytl 'Avenlzertoi(Nevada.�Avenue l n•Nevaga Aveni&'rt- iomdWinchellT Street'to Dieter- -Street;- in Dieter, - Street, frog evada- Avenue to Nebraska •Avenue•Yand i_ n Nebraska, AY..- t •* )4 Dt.1a <1= t .,: +0.ti;7 k,l. it. t'.tii, I"i ,> Elks .k -'k- , C", L? .� . • yvar 1— �L - -- • - li1�or�Ai4enue from, �Bi�7ingham. Strieet��toFWinchell .,Stryeet;t,aj�l, -ofy whic�h;is to be known as the WINCHELL -HOYT SFOER SYSTEM r —.3 4-1 . Lsmr_ i; i^c_r.�hV y ;(}��'�i u+ s �uG�tC'.' -ind Y °� 5:t, i`:'t•; _ ^;;?t?R.:r —2.—That- the"nature or _nezmprovement-wmeu--une Councilman DeCOUREY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON (D�BLISIIIED �0 a Councilman ROSEN Councilman W INKEL Mr. President DILLON -t ` 8 4 l To construct saojtexy's6WIers in lloyt §.venue. frmi Sirmingha� Street to. Dieter ' " - Street; in lYinchell St-roet from Hoyt Avenue- to, Novada, Avonuc; in Barclay Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nevada. Avenue; in Dieter Street from Hoyt Avenue. to 5 feet 'north of Nebraska Avenue. as platted east. of Dieter Street; in Dieter Street from Nevada Avenue to 25 feet south'of Nebraska Avenue; and in Nevade, Avenue from Winchell, Street- to Dieter Street; also, to kconstruct storm grater sewers• in E Floyt Avenue from Birmingham Street, to Dieter Street; in Winehell Stroet front Hoyt Avenue to Nevada Avenue; in 11eveda Avenue from Winchell Street to Dieter v�3th Y >treet;.�`in Die,tb Strsat� fomtdlevad�.'aenuQf t� „li.ebi >s1caAvonue; and in Nebraska Avenue from Birmingham Street to Winohell'Street; all of which is to be known as the VVINCITLL -HOYT SE",R SYSTEM h said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and thaeotal cost thereof as estimated. ,UN 95 Adopted by the Council -119 JUN 17 City Clerk Approved_ I95g Mayor U File 14104 Councilman DeCOUREY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON (D�BLISIIIED �0 a Councilman ROSEN Councilman W INKEL Mr. President DILLON -t ` 8 4 l