187845"t •1 .. ..sr, original to City Clerk -. �� 84 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N � � 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ot�ncU FYle No. 187845 —By Adrian P. COUN ,IL RESOLUTI GENERAL FORM �r r,l�. 'a itl%- flame�cT'r7fi'?', it �- PRESENTED BY { 0 COMMISSIONER Adrian P. Winkel DATE Yt� rt.t�wl1 4i 'sj ;= ttut�trs Pf,1f. 06�o0�f� r– "? -g00.0" ct In connection with the grading, improvement, and paving of Kasota Avenue frm Raymond Avenue to the West City Limits, under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 175957., approved March 1, 1956, be it .RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein authorized and instructed to proceed, with city forces, with the construction of a paved and surfaced connection to Eustis Street for traffic use during the construction of the Eustis Street Bridge over the Northern Pacific tracks at the intersection of Kasota Avenue,,such work to be done at an estimated cost of $1900, including an approximate estimate of $150 for expense by the Northern Pacific Railway Company, said Company to be reimbursed by the City upon the submitting of itemized bill and approval of such bill by the Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Department of Public Works. Charge City Share of Local Improvements Fund, Code 31 -E1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland t§wwi6effic Mortinson Peterson Roj&el Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 QW 2 r• � ITn Favor Against JUN 10 1988 r Adopted by the Council -195— JUN 10 1958 PUBLISHED Duplicate to Printer � - _ • • _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL •18184 - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED � P. COMMISSIONER Winkel DATE In connection with the grading, Upro'vl =nt, and pang of btsot& Avenue fr m R0IMWMd lveMW to the Went City Limits, under PreUmin=7 Order C: F. No. 175957s gqrpro"d. March 1, 1956, be it R VBD, That the CoMISsioner of Pub13c Works be aid he in herein authorized and rostra eted. to procead,, with city forces.$ t with the construction of a, Pfd and. surfaced connsect.}.on to his $treat for traffic use during the construction of the N ustis Str"t midge over the Northern Pacific trwkt at the intersectica of laxota Avenue, such work to be donee at an estim ted, cost of $190q, Including an epproodmte estimate of *150 for expense by the Northern Pacific R&AlwW Coqpa3V,, said Camay to be reimbursed by the City upon the submitting of itemised bill and aapprov*l of such bI11 by the Cowissioter and Chief Rngineer of the Departuent of Public Works. Charge Citr Share of Local; Inrovemsnts Fund., Code 31,41. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland wsxkkk�i( Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. Presiden`�; Dillon SM 2 -57 2 JUN 10 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— Approved JUN 10 1958 195 — In Favor Mayor Against