187835ORIGINAL, TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GL RESOLUTION - GENERAL .187835 COUNCIL NO. FILET ; 7: 'I -ncil File No.' n,78315—By, Adrian P. FORM9.•...�L�- 'cflt SR c� it •�f b9� ^vco� to�7ertJ Jzs� ui• bei$ 3403b Yuegmnn vswilvs R' oeaniT� r RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works, subject to the conditions hereinafter stated, hereby is authorized to issue a permit to Midwest Radio - Television, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, to close to general street traffic Fourth Street between St. Peter and Wabasha Streets between 6:30 P. m. and 9:00 p. m. on the 12th day f June, 1958, for its presentation thereon, through WCCO Traveling Show °,�a variety show program, open to the public without charge, as part of the dedicatory exercises in connection with the inauguration of the City's Indian Tourist Informa- tion Bureau, such being calculated to promote the public interests; RESOLVED FURTHER, that said permittee shall exercise said permit under the supervision and subject to the direction of said Com- missioner and shall, at said permittee's own cost and expense, furnish Casualty and Liability insurance coverage indemnifying thb, "Ci#,of Saint Paul against all liability on account of any and all injuries to person and /or property occasioned by and/or - connected with said „permitteele exercise of said permit hereunder, such Casualty and Liability- insurance coverage to be in the amount of 50,000 for injury to anyone person, in the amount of $300,000 for injuries to several persons, and in the amount of $25„000 for injury to property, occurring in any one accident. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 in Favor n Against JUN 10 1958 Adopted by the Council 19 JUN 10 1958 'g ,.....�.r. .JT9�' � -+ - .. �w�' i�. 7-= �v)' I�. YiFh�. w:,:• 5ws6t+- CeC� /O++•:Naay+a•IW�o:Mri•.�r_ ,,3y a n , r. s .�T �v•I ", .: it •1r<go�•�' DUPLICATC TO PRINTER • I '- �� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works, subject to the conditions hereinafter stated, hereby is authorized to issue a permit to Midwest Radio - Television, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, to close to general street traffic Fourth Street between St. Peter and Vabasha Streets between 6:30 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. on the 12th dsy Sf June, 195$, for its presentation thereon, through. WCC0 Traveling Show, /a variety show program, open to the public without charge, as part of the dedicatory exercises in connection with the inauguration of the City's Indian Tourist Informa- tion Bureau, such being calculated to promote the public interests; RESOLVED FURTHER, that said permi.ttee shall exercise said permit under the supervision and subject to the direction of said Com- missioner end shall, at said permittee's own• cost and expense, furnish Casualty and Liability insurance coverage indemnifying the -Cit,A­, of Saint Paul against all liability on account of any and all injuries to person and/or property occacioned by and/or connected with said permittee's exercise of said permit hereunder, such Casualty and Liability {.riszkrance coverage to be in the amount of $50,000 for injury to any ous person, in the amount of $300,000 for injuries to several persons, and in the amount of $25,.000 for injury -to property, occurring in any, one accident. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s•sa 41MOD 2 JUN 10 1958 Adopted by the Council 19— JUN 10 1958 Approved 19— Th Favor j Mayor Against r v ABeI94 NT Cm EP ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERBERT S. WEST Capital of Minnesota PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGINEER ARTHUR G. WELIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WI'NKEL, Commissioner BRIDGE ENGINEER MAURICE W. HEWETT CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator TRAFrIC ENGINEER ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer EUGENE V. AVERY June 9, 1958 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel 316 City Hall Attention: Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Asst. Corporation Counsel Dear Mr. Hurley: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTFNANCE ENGR RICHARD L. WHEELER BUREAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, SuDL BUREAU OP MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH PRINCIPAL ACC A JOS. PAVIa' The request of WCCO -TV as more fully described in the attached photocopy for the closing of Fourth Street from approximately 6:00 P.M. to 8:30 IP.M. between St. Peter and Wabasha Streets on Thursday, June 12th, has been approved by this department aid the City Traffic Committee. The purpose of the show is to promote and publicize the opening of the 1958 tourist season in St. Paul. In accordance with your conversation with Mr. Avery we wish to re- quest that your office prepare as quickly as possible a resolution author- izing the street closing and making provision for the filing of an appro- priate certificate of insurance coverage either in the amount required for the ,Fifth Street skating rink or a greater amount if you feel this is desirable. Would you also discuss the amount and type of insurance re- quired as well as the procedures to be followed with Mr. Headley so that he may be fully informed. Yours very ex.& 4�L_ ADRIAN P. WINKEL Commissioner of Public Works N 0 WCCO Radic and Televisic,n CBS Basic .4ffiliaie TELEVISION D11•I,,ION SO sm'TH ANTI{ -TRPF.T MINNF,\PoLl., t. 11I.�KF:Sl1TA IA.M.c),_\ 01.51 Jurw 4, 19M ssioer A&ian Wlydc(el City Hall St. Paul, Minnasota c4ffwdsdww Minkel We have been asked to .supply you an4 the Council vi th the following infornm lon r*Prding tho WCCO-1V s6w sc6c6lad for St. Paul presentation an June 12. This Is a WCO -TV show using @Wipmmt owned or leased by this station and presenting perfoman "lcyed by WCCO -W. The Him of the program will be approxirrptrly from 6.30 '.M. to &30 P.M., and thrs location of the stuve would be an the sidewalk In front of the City mall on the fourth Street sid*. In return for perWaion Rw us to eruct than stage and prewt the program, and for the city's offer to block Fourth Stmt betwma St, peter and Wabaho frlam 6:W P.M. to the can - clusion of the pr m, CC>-TV agrees �o hold the City of St. Paul harmless for any occident caused by our aquipwant or personnel, and we dvaIl provide a certificate of Insummce com4eroge if ran aired. Cordially Shermn X. Hoadjoy A- mistant Meager , SKH:lip CC: John Marshall, at. I "I C6mbw of Cerra John Sherrmn, VKC0_W REPRESENTED BY FREE do PETERS • NHW 'YORK I CHICAGO • SAN FRANCISCO o DETROIT 0 ACL.ANTA • LOS ANGELES