187751Orlenal to City Clerk � 751 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE "C'L NO MM �Z OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That there be and is hereby appropriated out ` of the Weed Cutting Fund Code 13-D3 -122, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) payable to Mr. Joseph J. Tarara, 895 East Rose Avenue, St. Paul 6, Minnesota, for the -purpose of reimbursing him for an assessment for weed cutting levied against his property described as the North 55 feet of Lots 1 thru 5, R. F. Marvins Addition, as the assessment was levied in error and the property owner having paid this assessment as represented by tax receipt-No. 2466V9 dated June � 1958. COUNCILMEN "Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon sm 6 -56 2 ' 'i C Council File No. 187751 -!By Adrian P. Winkel — Resolved, That there be and is here- by appropriated out of the Weed Cut-, ting Fund Code 13 -133 -122, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) payable to Mr. Joseph J. Tarara, 895 East Rose Ave- nue, St. Paul B, Minnesota, for the pur- pose of reimbursing him for an assess- ment for weed cutting levied against his property described as the North 55 1 feet of Lots 1 thru 5, R. F. Marvin Addition, as the assessment was levied in error and the property owner hav- ing paid this assessment as represented by tax receipt No. 248019, dated June' 3, 1958. Adopted by the Council June 4, 1958. Approved June 4, 1958. (June 7, 1958) JUN 4 1958 Adopted by the Council 195— JUN 4 1958 Approved 195- . it Mayor :� • Duplicate to to Printer CITY OF ST. `PAUL FILLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESCIYWo That tiers be and is hereby- appropriated out of the Mood Cutting Fund Code 13,03-122# ,the. sus of, Fifty Dollars ($31.00) payable to laic' J®oph, J. Tarara ' 895 Fast Rose Avon"p stf Paul 6, Minnesota, for the purpose .of reimbursing hire for an ,asssswwnt for wood cutting levied against his property described as the Worth 55 toot of Lots 1 thru h,. 'R_. F. Marvin ,addition, a4 the assessient woo, levied ew in oust ind'the property w kaving paid this assesemnt as z*pcessntsd 'by► tax rsoslpt Me.,' 2466191 dated June 3, 1958 • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Belli, Mortinson -Pet-erso r Rosen I&/ Mr. President, illon 6M 6 -ee cqjW2 JUN 4 19 Adopted by the Council 195— JUN 4 1958 Approved 195— -Tn a F vo r Mayor A gainst