187737° COUNCII _,'P_TT F_N()_ 187737 _ —cil File No. 187737 - y By_-- ________At+'- :fhe matter , °' imp ruing Stillwater 3� ' ti ue, ,gym " ;�1te :, •ar Avenue to g ng. with as ORDER ° � .•.:j:"' ;- con, rr!k o7Q 1�.Sitt ;iCt >.isttt �.rF, i t' ' ti ^ S.'V 3wa ,793i�'J J �rl3 srt In the Matter of improving Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to McKnight Road by surfacing with asphaltic concrete the existing concrete pavement; widening the roadway to 44 feet by grading and paving the north and south side strips with 7" concrete base and 32" as haltic concrete; by grading and paving alley and driveway returns; by constructing new curbs and sidewalks where necessary; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer; water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing conduits and appurten- ances for future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to said improvement, under Preliminary Order------ - - - - -- 186041-------------- - - - - -- approved ------------ - - - - -- February--- -,- _a.,9S$ IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------------- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, 'be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is improve Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to McKnight Road by surfacing with asphaltic concrete the existing concrete pavement; widening the roadway to 44 feet by grading and paving the north and south side - strips with 7" concrete base and 32" asphaltic concrete; by grading and paving alley and,driveway returns; by con- structing new curbs eri� where necessary; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to. the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing con- duits and appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which i xiecessary and incidental to said improvement, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improv J ent in ag�g�r�lance therewith. Adopted by the Council- Approved--- 7�f Approved - -- File 14055 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTINSON Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL Mayor DILLON z -55 2M 2 JUN n� 4 1958 pl, i 4. PUBLISHED & 57 S --------------- - - - - -- City Clerk. --------------- Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 18"1"322 •REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) s- In the matter of improving Stillwater Ave. from White Bear Ave. to McKnight Road etc. 187 7 3 7 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: • The Commissioner � of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - _ $ 24 10.00 Comm. - .50 per fi The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ Res. - 4.50 •per ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I VALUATION LAND BLDG. Trots, 16g 17 118 16 I Hazel Park$ i .1$145-0 II 119 I 6 do II 400 3300 iiSubl., to sever e=t.; Lots 20 thru 124 I 6 I do II 2400 II 125 I 6 I • do II 400 2050 26I 6 I do 400 1850 127 6 do II 400 2100 128161 cW II 404 250 Riots 29 & 130 16 I do II 775 3450 II 116 I 5 I do 400 �I 17 1 5 . I do 400 22 II Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -68 °8 •�2` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. I 181 5 1 II IILot 19 & W. of 1 201 5 1 do 11,600 1,750 11 Lot 21 de N. of 1 20 1 s 1 do II 600 .I 122 15 I do II 4w II - 123I 5 I do II 400 3-350 !I 124 51 do 400 3650 !I 125151 do 400 4150 II1 26 1 5 do 400 2900 II 27 1 5 1 do 11 koo 2950 11 s 28 5 1 do II 400 2900 9� 1 29 1 5 1 do 400 2650 130 15 1 do II 400 250 I! 13 1121 Beaver Lake Helgt$ I1 450 4700 II -; 1 4 1121 da II 450 1300 11 15 221 do II 450 lil.4tis 6 & 17 1121 do 111325 7600 IV 1 17 1 9 1 do 475 2850 II 1 18 1 9 1' do 450 3750 1191 9 I do II 450 250 II 20 1 1 do II 475 3354.: -.,.. 1 10 8 1 do II 350 1950 =:.:" 11 111 1 8 1 do 275, 31oo II 1 2181 do 325 2450 iiPart W'ly of a line frm the- BE I I I II I! corner o a point on N« .line thereof 15 f'to WAY !roan 0 I 1 II II corner or 113 1 1 do II 350 1350 i 1 TOTAL II FORM G.S.11 goo 3-58 8 1, ` -3- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II VALUATION LAND BLDG. II Tt�,t Bert of Lot 13 E ' ly of a bne I I I II Ion fram SE corner thereof to a poin I I I R: line 15 ft.- W' lv fram 111E c r o IILot 13 & ail of 1 141 8 1 Beaver We Heights 11$375 $1504 IE ' 1151 8 I CIO II 350 1754 1161 81 do 11350 1300 �I 117 8 I do 354 2050 i� 1181 81 do 11440 154 II Ex.. triangular part measuring 8 ft. ion N. line & 107-25 ft. on E. line II of- 1 11 1 61 do 11.00 7 IIElly,triangular part of Lot 11 ift. I Ii measuring 8 ft. on N. line & 107.25 II on E. , line & Part of Lots 12 & 13 W'ly of a line run Pram point 6.9$ Il 41 Une$off Lot 13 to a point- .98 ft. I I II IIW'ly Pram NE .corner of and on N'ly 11z I I lI .3Ane of 6 do 475 3150 111lat, part lying B' ly of a line Cam. I I I 11 Iat a point on N. line of Lot 130. II ft. W. of NE corner of Lot 13 SE'ly to a point on S. line lithence ot Lot 14j, 4.98 ft. E. of SW corner I of I I II I Lot 1 , part of Lott► 13 & I 1 I. I do II 375 2500 I(That Part lying Wily of a line coma. •at a point an N. line of Lot 13,• ft. W. of BE cornr:,of Lot 13� ,ll I13,11 thence'SE13,yto a point on S. line 1 1 II , . ft. e,, of SW corner o.. ' Ilof Lot 14 & E'ly of a•3ine cam. on I I I II Of 140t *tbmoe 1 I I II il= corrnner of Lot19 j BE'ly to a poin on S., line of Lot 13, 1 1 116.98 ft. E, of SW corner of tot 13#1 S I1 Part of Lo is 14, 13 & 1 141 6 1 do 1 II I I I I Den E. Ian s llokcmis Park II 3D 47-50 II 1 121 1 1 do II II I I 1 I do II . ll 1 TOTAL rallm 2.5.11 wo a•a. 8 (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IIDESCRIPTION I LOT ISLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. II 1 141 1 1 Den E. Lane 18 Nokamib Park 11 $350 $3400 !! 1 15 L 1 1 do 11350 3050 II 1161 11 do 11350 11 117111 do 11375 4050 U 1 9 1 21 do 11375 1800 11 Lot 10 & W. j of 1 11 1 2 -1 do ;I 500 4250 IIE. of Lot u & a.0 of 1 121 2 1 do 11 500 4250 11 1 131 2 1 do 350 4000 !� 11412 i d4 II 375 II 1.101 3 1 do 11 775 2550 I11131 do 325 5750 1321 3 I do 11325 11 Lots .13 1141 3 do 11675 4750 Ilsubj._'to. Ave, over E..25 ft*; 1 15 3 I do 11 175 iIS:4bJ* to C,aese Ave: & ,ex. N« 180 ft..1 I I II IiYart,of of tae W. 165o.35 gtop tho No .aov# � Lot I N" of Sti�te _ line 385*5 t on S. line i1snsex; I I I II of Stillvater Ave. & E. o$ Lane'e 1 1 T. 29.1 R, 22; ; & pub,, to'Nokcmig. I I I II � Ave '' I I i• do II i 11, 1 Deaver 11 wo ii., o „ �e . ee�sn x . or 0owrnment, L o t 3, E,• of a l l ne run 1 Ilpoint on 6 � line of 570 ;M4 E- P Et &-N. of Stilawater Ave.; in I I I II 11 ` 'o 29., It, 1 I I II II , `' I I I eeex Park law 11 1 1 TOTAL roww c...tt wo 3-31 8 t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG !� - 125 I 1 I Essex Park II60 !I E. 80 ft.. of ,mot of f3ovt. Lot 3 S' I I it of Stillwater Ave.t W'1Y of ".LVLL I of Lot 1 & E. of a11ey in I! Ilia Secs 26„ T. 29, R.� 22 I I I Wplatted !! 700 2700 !IEx. E. 80 $t. ex. W. 10 ; C,;.. for part of Govt. Lot 3 S 11y of Stillya yo er Abe. IIW'1.Y of D170 St,*,* w'4 of Lot 1 & H. in • Blk. 2 • Essex Park in See.. 26 of . H. 22 I I do 900 5700 ! ! I 2 I lEe4ex Park 775 3340 ! 4�ft, of part f $� 0 N. of 'a I I I I! (line run W.o parallel with S. line o$ Isd. block from point on E. line of .I. ! 14 - 9 .• from HE corner of said B*k I& 11 f't 3.19 Also y sub j., to serer esmt. & ex Iii w t ly'of axl ine run sca ly with I I I II 11Fline of ad• block f'an point t .,14 N line thereof & 320 ft. Er, from IIN corner thereof,. I I G I aver DOW Raightp II 500 800 !! ! 1 1 1 Tilson't Basex Park P3.at 1 II 200 4950 IlLots 1 & 12 1 1 Beaver Lake Heights II 725 5 11Lots 3 & I ! 1 1 do 750 4,ot 1 Sa E; 15 ft., of Trot 3 & all of ! 2 12 I do � 725 3150 �Ex:-.E. 15 f't..s Lot 3 & ex:. W. 13 fti; 4 1 2 I do 11 400 4650 11W. 13 ft, of Lot 4 & all of 15 12 I ft II 425 4-vo II ! 1 ! 3 I do II 350 3750 I� ! 2 13 I do 325 11PArt of Lot 3 & 4 E'ly of line, beg. I NE point, rner of Lot. 4; thence. S. . r3o I I !! !!. • . ;; t4eh ce f3w 4015,1 W. to poif►t on S. line & 18..5 ft. frCM1 I( I !! II• corner .o 13 ! 3 I do !! 325 ! I TOTAL ! FORM D...11 .00 9.58 8 -6� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) �ORM 0.0.11 000 3-3 DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. rt of ii M 3I beg, at point on Nt lane of � 8.2 ft. f (a MR cOf�'ILI x' Og Trot s t3 nce II IIso 7030' W* 54.45 ft *; thence s. 40--15t W. 54.2 i't. to point on 8. �I Line & 18,5 ft„ frW SW corner of I I I II II I ;� I 3 I o d II 325 37 O. II I 6 I y do II 325 14 I do II 425 395 II 12 I 41 I do � 375 1450 • II I3 141 do II3 75 2050 II I I I II 26 n %t 'ex, lili"t W. of a -lied run IIfzx= NW corner to a point on 8. Brie of & 7 ft, E : of 3W corner ' of I 5 I 4 I do II 375 2350 I� Lot 6 & that pent of Lot 5 W. of urle I I II 11run from NW corner to pint on S. i line & 7' ft. E. of SW corner of 5 4L do II' 400 2950 II 11 5 I do II 475 r II I2 151 do II 375 2700 II I3 151 do II 375 2300 II 14 L I 5 I do 375 2200 5 1 15 I do 11375 1750 II 16 I 5 I do �I 375 1750- II I 1 I 151 'do II' 425 2750 II12 1 15 I do '350. 1800. II 13 I 151 do ' �' '350 2800 4ot 4 & E. j of 15 I 151 do II 550 3500 II W. j of Lot 5 & as of 6 I 151 do II 625 II I I I II TOTAL II �ORM 0.0.11 000 3-3 -7" CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Ir- DESCRIPTION I LOT B ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. UPart of LotB 1 & 2 W"2,y Of a line I I 1 II 1 run from point on Nk line of 'r lo 46.21 ft. Stiltly from NE comer oP I I I II 184- Lot 1 tp point on S' ly line • of �. 1Q.32 ft. sw' ly from SE I I I 1! 11c oraer of , pd. Trot 2 & all of Tots �. 3, 480 y 5 1 141 Beaver zA3m Heights 112050 $26900 I� I I I II J run from tint on N 'line of Lot 1 I i •II46.21 ft•, SW14r iron NE corner of Lot 1 to a point on S lly line of �. I Ilad,19132 ft. SW'3,y frcm SE corner o� 2 I 14 do II 700 13300 !� 16 1 141 do II 400 �I 17 141 do I! 400 2950. 11 1 8 141 do 475 2550 - II 11 13 do 11450 4700 I. 12 1 131 do 11400 1650- 1 13 1131 do 11400 11 141131 do 11375 2100 I: 111181 do 11875 2900 II 12.1181 do 11725 5500 II 13 I x.81 700 1 4 118 I do 11 400 II 1 5 11B I do 11 500 2000 IlLot 1 & H. of I �? 1 8 1 del Park; Division 4 Il 475 5400 iiww i of Lot 2 4 au or 13 I $ I do 11550 4600 119. 10 ft., of Lot 5 4 ell of 1 4 I 8 ( do � 500 4900 IIE; 20 ft. ,of Lot 6 & ex. E# 10 fit .; �-_W_o 12 ft ., Lot 7. & ex- E* 20 ft�, 1 5 6 18 8 I do 11 1 do 11 500 4000 475 6600 FlW11--i2-ft- of• Lot, 7 & all of 1 8 1 8 1 do 11 525 5500 1 TOTAL 11 � �oew o.s.tt noo a•n �$ 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. I� E In ft - of lot 10 & al of I Q I 8 I j��el_ Park,. 1liyision 4 �� II, a /!L of Tat, 11 R. P 3,d �, I '1d I 8 I an '�.�SQ_ II 600 5990 kt n T, is 12 JL 113 I 8 I do II CM 8500 II I 34 18 I a� II 40 27,0 II I I do II 375 21 iI I 1 7 I 375 700 �I• 12 I 7 I do II 440 2850 13 I 7 I do 440 I) I4 17I do II 400 2400 �I I5 17I do II400 15oo II 16 17 I do 400 1704 II 7 17I do II 4W 1950 II 18 17 I ao II 400 1850 I9 17I do II 400 1950 - II 110 7 I do II 4o0 645o II I11I 7I do II 440 3254 I12 7 do 400 .1 %, 73 ft. of W. 140 ft. of LOU 1 p 3. 111 I 7 I do II 1900 2954 II ex, N. 73 ft,. of Toots 24 *081�t� I 33 I 7 I do lI 100 8250 h t I I II I TOTAL II X74,840 $5-94,65o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated May 6, 1958 Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -68 �8 � %2- A &a&e Commissioner of Finhc Y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Apri 1. 23, V 19 58 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration a the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 186041 approved February 4, t9 58 relative to Improving Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to McKnight Road by�sur:. facing with asphaltic concrete the existing concrete pavement; widening the road- way to 44 feet b grading and paving the north and south side strips wittJ711 �con Crete base and asphaltic concrete; by grading and paving alley and driveway returns; by constructing new curbs a d sidewalks where necessary__; rm by� reconstruct _ ; ing sto water drainage facilitites; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains ,to the ro�erty, lines where necessary; by reconstruct- ing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in con - formi tycw_:i thlsaijd iimprovement,; Eby- constructing tddnduJ mfand °ca0purt6nances, for °(future lighting and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is necessary and inc- i=denta;l,, to said improvement. 1 —Said- improvement is- - ---necessary and (or' —aesi rab-i-e. �-- 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 243,910.00 , and the total cost (See Attached Letter) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. !'q �VEO 23 Dyad w Commissioner of Public Works • C)F N�,� 4p ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER HERBERT S. WEST PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN ENGIN 6 ARTHUR G. WELIN • , BRIDGE ENGINEER ISTAURICE W. HENVETT • TRAFFIC ENGINEER EUGENE V. AVERY • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL, Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer `Q0_® April 23, 1958 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR RICHARD L. WHEELER BUREAU Or SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER, Supt. • BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH • PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICES • I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for the improv- ing of Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to McKnight Road by surfac- ing with asphaltic concrete the existing concrete pavement; widening the roadway to 44 feet by grading and paving the north and south side strips with 7" concrete base and 32 asphaltic concrete; by grading and paving alley and driveway returns; by constructing new curbs and sidewalks where necessary; by reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by construc- ting sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to the property lines where necessary; by reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for future light- ing and traffic control systems and by doing all other work which is neces- sary and incidental to said improvement. 1 1 Estimated Paving Cost $219,577.00 Engineering & Inspection 21,958.00 $241,535.00 Add for Water Dept. Changes 2,375.00 $243,910.00 . Estimated Property Assessment 36,000.00 City's Share (County & Mun. State Aid) $207,910.00 The estimated property share of cost is based on making the follow- ing assessment rates per front foot: Commercial - 760 lin. ft. at $6.50 $ 4,950.00 Residenti.,al - 6900 " It it $4.50 31,050.00 Estimated Total Assessments $36,000.00 (Includes curbing) Driveways, where necessary, at $5.00 per square yard Sidewalks, " It •, at an estimated cost of $0.55 per square Foot. (Charges for sidewalk shall be made in accordance with prices in effect as per annual sidewalk contract). Hon. Adrian P. Winkel - 2 - April 23, 1958 +r 6" Sewer service connections, extra, if needed $200.00 each 60' Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street 3/4" Water Service connections, extra, if needed @$ 95.00 each,plus paving cuts It it 0$100.00 It It It It 1tt n n u n u n 0$140.00 66' Street from Hazel Street to McKnight Road 3/4" Water Service connections, extra, if needed 0$100.00 each, plus paving cuts pt It tt tt It tt n (0)$110.00 " to a at 12 t n u n It u tt 0$150.00 tt n n tt For larger services, estimates will be made by the Water Department. Costs of paving cuts will be: $45.00 for one cut .85.00 " two " 120.00 " three " Yours very truly, Ar hur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works 187737 PETITION OF PROTEST WE,THE UNDERSIGNED,HEREWITH PROTEST PRELIMINARY ORDER 186041 AND PRELIMINARY ORDER 186655 WHICn PROPOSE TO IMPROVE STILLWATER AVENUE FROM WHITE BEAR AVENUE TO MC KNIGHT ROAD. ? X14 /`/3 y s" 5?•7 1� WE,THE UNDERSIGNED,HEREWITH PROTEST PRELIMINARY ORDER 186041 AND PRELIMINARY ORDER 186655 WHICH PROPOSE TO IMPROVE STILLWATER AVENUE FROM WHITE BEAR AVENUE TO MC KNIGHT ROAD. 014. 3 YLLA/ �A�GC> '4z a7 tt'j v4a-A-r-� -oy 6 1-:2-0 3 16- �- �� u WE,THE UNDERSIGNED,HEREWITH PROTEST PRELIMINARY ORDER 186041 AND PRELIMINARY ORDER 186655 WHICH PROPOSE TO IMPROVE STILLWATER AVENUE FROM WHITE BEAR AVENUE TO MC KNIGHT ROAD. i�L� L,r f- ' WE,THE UNDERSIGNED,HEREWITH PROTEST PRELIMINARY ORDER 186041 AND PRELIMINARY ORDER 186655 WHIOH PROPOSE TO IMPROVE STILLWATER AVENUE FROM WHITE BEAR AVENUE TO MO KNIGHT ROAD. �,. .zl�. 191-2- / 8f 0-L /pl0 r 2' '3 - •� o a v r �Yh'iTE BE AR - - -- - AYE I � I I I t y I i I I I I i - 4 I I I •d I 1 9 t ' I � I yF� , I � M d ° O 11 i � t 3. l I, t a A � 1 v) ` I F as : !ry 3 f � } W' A� a •t T . ly >� I i I I I I i - 4 I I I •d I 1 9 t ' I � I yF� , I � M d ° O 11 i � t 3. l I, t a A � 1 v) ` I F as : !ry 3 W' A� a •t . ly i• y i I _I I ' I I I r I • I / I I - I 'EL 9 �p a� 'o v a� I ] i I h ' a ' y o \0 z� 0 9 J -y r• r c , m n o' i . � I i i 14Ire J'f i h'9l t J iN 'w ": � �J,.,. r gam•{ .. ,+'.%.� -, .v : ?�'' -�!�-,� .-j! t:.• �l:r,:h�•..a"yr�'u'-'h•"h�x ^.knd'�Y J'if;' I L'.•'F Sj ie4@'r; r,. �r,:�a:�M�".%i.'.� "•`` ;i •. "'�` � _ mir �;r' V 1lY ��J iJ4�i%ti:4� •��4`L:.". .+.. L.•��ii r'. �:Y- IiiaCEJ.SOC? • •➢!br•U. #i. /1 �.•] .' . - ?a. "ti•1c�hlh"