09-1372CouncilFile# 09-1372 Green Sheet # 3090156 Substitute 12/14/09 Agenda Item #41 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented �� 1 WHEREAS, to comply with the Metropolitan Council—Environmental Services method of 2 chazging local goveming bodies for Reserve Capacity Chazges, the Saint Paul City Council, pursuant to 3 Secuon 77A'7 of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973 4(Chapter A-6 Administrative Code) as amended, which establishes Service Availability Charges (SAC); 5 and 6 7 WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council—Environmental Services has increased the unit charges for 8 the year 2010 from $2,000.00 to $2,100.00 per unit; now, therefore be it 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 RESOLVED, that Councii Resolution C,F. 260524, adopted January 23, 1973, as amendsd, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to increase the SAC unit charge from $2,000.00 to $2,100.00 per unit far the year 2010, and that the Department of Safety and Ins�ections is authorized to collect an administrative fee of up to 6.0% above the SAC unit charge for their costs in administerine the pro�ram; and be it further RESOLVED, that this amending resolution will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Adopuon Certified by Counf�'1 Secretary BY� ./ / (l1.9ii/_ar.ivC.» ApprovedbyMay Date j2j2,�JJfj�( /-� —�-�— BY� �,t.C`.✓ �dlli.cl�--� r Requested by Department of. r /J C � _ �� C[. n� �� v�.u �v�- C� t�a-r d�, � i� t S By: Approved huk e in icial S rvires /" By: Approved by C' y A orney By: ' �� ° ��� , �G7 '' ���� Approved by M or f ubmis � Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ���/�/�J/ Publ� �}�a��� — � �l►� Jfl9 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green�heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet /i/a � z.� -, � � Deparhnent/OfficrJCouncii: Date Initiated: `� 1 I' l��' FS _FinancialServices o , pE�2oog Green Sheet NO: 3090156 Contact Person & Phone: ����t Sent To Person InitiaVDate Bruce Engelbrekt � o �o�� �+� Brnce elbrekt L s� 2�8-8854 1 Aftome John Kell � Rl, Assign 2 mauciat5ervices tKell Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Num6er 3 or's Oifice Ma or n Ma or 16-DEG-09 • For . Routing 4 ounc0 � Doc. Type: RESOLUTION Order 5 ' Clerk ' Clerk E-Doeument Required: Y Document Contact BN� Engelbrekt . Cotrtad Phone: 266$854 Totai # of Signature Pages_ (Clip AII Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approve resolution authorizivg the 2010 Service Availability Charge (SAC) as estabGshed by the Mettopolitan Council- Environmental Services Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer ihe Following Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this perso�rm everworked under a contracl for this deparlment? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has tt�is persoNfirm ever been a city empbyee? Yes No 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill �ot rwrmally possessed by any - current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and altach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Ciry is required to charge SAC fees associated with new development, redevelopment or new sewer coanections in the city. In 2009 the fee was $2,000 per SAC unit. This resolution authorizes the increase in the fee to $2,100, which is the rate Me[ Council requires municipalities to chazge for 2010. The City needs to collect this amount because the Met Council requires it to be fransmitted to them. Advantages If Approved: The Ciry will be authorized to collect the wrrect SAC fee, which must be paid to the Met Council. Disadvantages If Approved: Property owners will be paying more foL SAC fees when they get btilding permits or sewer connection permits. DisadvanWges N Noi Approved: The City will not be authorized [o collect the $2,100 SAC fee, which is the amount owed to Met Council. The City should not want to subsidize this fee. � " Towinmountof $2�100.00 ����i��� Transaction: CastlRevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: P�operty ownefs Activity Number: Financial Information: Funds are deposited into Fund 260 per city ordinance. �� � a � ���� (Explain) December 2, 2009 9:30 AM Page 1 �� St. �auf ii� � Septemher 10. 2009 TO: SUBJECTS: I) SGWER SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARCiE (SAC) RATE FOR 2010 2) SAC OUTDOOR SPACE DfSCOUNT, EFFECI IVL- IN OCTOBER 1) A metropolitan (or wholesale) SAC is paid hy your municipality to the Council (MCES) as users connect to the metropolitan waste�vater s} stem for the first time or as a user's maximum demand Cor sewer capacity increases. Tliese fees are f'or the availability of capaciry (not the actual use) as demanded by development or changec in i�ce nn cnP�{f� properties in y our community. "I�he metropolitan SAC fimds we colfect pay for the reserve capacity (unused) portion of the capital costs of the metropolitan wastewater system as authorized in Minn. Stawtes sections 473.52! (2) and 473.517 (; ). t'he Mctropolitan Council has adopted a$100 increase in the mevopolitan SAC rate effectivc January 1, 2010_ At and after that date, the new basic rnetropoli[an SAC rale will be ,52, /00. Note that thc SAC rate ii the rate in effecE at the time of payment on the building or sewer conncction pennit issuance, regardless of' when the permitting process began. As you ma� know, your co�mnunity may have different retail SAC rates; difterent credits may apply and/or your community inay colleci the fees in different manner than the �netropolitan SAC, pursuant to Minn. Statutes sections 473.521 (; ), 4�.075 (3) or other authority. 2) The Metropolitan Council approved a 75% discount for the Service Availabiliry Charge (SAC) for outdoor spaces that �i•ill be exposed to wet weather conditions, with an implementation datc of October l, 2009. Outdoor spaccs affce[ed may include these spaces (where there are toilets available): restaurant and bar outdoor seating areas, golf courses and driving ranges, outdoor pools and water parks, park shelters, outdoor tcnnis courts, drive- in restaurarats and theaters, aaid outdoor public areas such as zoo exhibits. [f you have any financial questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 602-1 196. For SAC procedural questions, please contact lessie Nye at (651) 602-1378 or read the SAC proced�ire manital on our web site at: www.metrocou nc il.org/en v ironment/Rates E3 i l l i ng/SAC_Program.htm. As alw�ays, your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, ��� Jason M. �,Villett MCES Finance Direcmr cr. Jessic Nyc. SAC Program Administrator, MCES ,, .��, r.�.�...��,. d ���; Council SEF 1 1 f1NANCk�, OPI'ICIAI_S, BUiLD[NG AND INSPECTION DLPAKTMG�ITS ,.. , . ,..�. � ,�, �,,,., �1�(�"1� Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: All Council Members FROM: Bruce Engelbrekt Financial Services — Real Estate Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex DATE: December 2, 2009 RE: 12/16/2009 Public Hearing — 2010 Rate for Service Availability Charge (SAC) I recommend a public hearing befare the City Council be held on December 16, 2009 to consider approval and implementation of the 2010 rate far the Service Availability Charge imposed by the Metropolitan Council — Environmental Services as of January 1, 2010. The 2010 charge applies to all building or sewer connection permits issued and paid for in 2010. Council File # �� - I'J� a ' Green Sheet # 3090156 RESOLUTION CITY 9F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 WI-IE S, to comply with the Metropolitan Council—Environmental Services method of charging local go rning bodies for Reserve Capacity Chazges, the 5aint Paul City, Council, pursuant to Section 77.07 of the aint Paul Legislative Code, adopted Resolution C.F. 260524 on January 23, 1973 (Chapter A-6 Admini live Code) as amended, which establishes Service Charges (SAC); and i / WHEREAS, the Metrop itan Council—Environmental Se ces has increased the unit charges for the year ZO10 from $2,000.00 to $, 00.00 per unit; now, therefo�e it RESOLVED, that Council Resolu't�n C.F. 260524, aflopted January 23, 1973, as amended, be and the same is hereby fiu ther amended so as to i crease the ��C unit charge from $2,000.00 to $2,100.00 per unit for the year 2010; and be it fiu•ther �/ RESOLVED, that this amending resol tio�i\ e effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. r � � Bostrora Carter Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date B Requested by Department of: Ftcncvv�-G�[+,Q �f✓ic S � By: � Approved by By: Approved b� By: