09-1368Council �ile # V � � � � Green Sheet # 3090680 OF Presented By: Referred 70: RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� i WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the Ciry of Saint Paul for ihe fiscal year begimm�g January 1, 2010, in accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and a WHEREAS, the Ciry Council, after pubiiration ot the notice in the newspaper on November 30, 2009, partiapated m a public hearing on s December 2, 2009, on the Mayor's Proposed 20'10 budgets and levy, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and s Federal laws; and a WHEREAS, City Council passed CF 0&1291 on Novem6er 25th, 2009, approving the $18.7 million Finance Plan for the CenVai Corridor s Light Rail Transit-Streetscape Project which includes tax increment finanang from HRA Fund 148 that will be spent on a reimbursement io basis following the required public hearing and fax increment financing plan amendments, and the City requests that HRA amend its ii 2010 budget consistent with the Financing Plan, and Director of the Office of Financial Services is hereby authonzed to implement t2 tfie $18.7 milhon multi year Finance Plan as approved in CF-090-1291, mcludmg the changes to the 2010 budget as noted in is the attachment, recognizing that final allocation of STAR funds will be determined in the fall of 2010 aRer the Neighborhood STAR ia allocation process is compieted; and is ts WFfEREAS, the Counal has revised the Mayor's proposed budgeis as herein set forth; now therefore be ii 17 ia RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, is the Council of the Cily of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 2010 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, zo and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with totai budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resoWtion; and be it z� zz FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies of z3 aty govemment during the fisral year 2010 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adophon of these budgets shail constiWte za appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital zs Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases; and be it 26 zz FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in tfie 2410 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it ze zs FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Five Year Caprtal Program for 2010-2014 is hereby approved; and be it ao si PURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2010 budget for the Communiiy Development Bbck Grant Fund (100) is a mulh-year az budget based on estimates for a grant which has a fscal period that differs from the Ciry's normal budget year (January 1 through aa December 31); the authority to implement this adopted multi-year budget commences only at the begmning of the grant period, sa and shall extend beyond December 31, 2010, through the end of the grant period and; during the year when the grant is accepted ss by the Ciry Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant amount for the entire mWti-year penod; and be it 36 s� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to publish the 2010 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section aa 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Offce of the State Auditor; and be it 39 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financiai Services is hereby authorized to prepare the fnal 2010 Budgets in accordance ai with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the fnal department revenue sources and department appropriations as az necessary. Requested by Deparhnent of: Adoption Cert�ifie / by� Counal S cretary� By: / / /L//J/✓�i/!� o Approved by Mayor: D e �'2� Y BY� �at-C''.✓ 1<�ir Office of the Mayor, Financial Services By: Margaret Keily, Director, Financiai Services Approval Recommended by By: � Form Appeo'ved by City A i Y:.'�� ,: �- Approve b ayor r Su�e BY � of to )� d � Adopted by Council: Date �-�-J�� �d�f � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � f�Gl -17i//��( .. , , ,_� DepartmenUOffice/Council; Date Initiated: FS —FinancialServices 07DEC2009 Green Sheet NO: 3090680 Contaet Person 8 Phone: Department SeM To Person InitiallDate Susan Melchionne o ;nanas� se:vices i � 6-8825 1 ' wuorne A55ign 2 a or's OiLce Ma or/Assistant Must Be on Coun¢il Agenda by (Date): Number Fw 3 onncil Ci Cauncil RoUting 4 " Clerk Ci Clerk Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ Order TRqNSACTION E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of 2010 annual budgets. Recommendations: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Folfowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Secvice Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Council must approve and adopt 2010 spending and financing plans for the City, AdvanWges If Approved: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State law, and will have approved spending and financing plans for 2010. DisadvantageslfApproved: None. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: The city will be without an adopted budget for 2010. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates, and spending appropriations for 2009 would be caxried forwazd into 2010 and become the 2010 budgets. Total Amount of Trensaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activity Number: Financial Informatian: (Explain) December 7. 2009 2:18 PM Pana � Dy-1��� • 2010 Annual Bud¢et-Finance and Spending Plan for Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Attachment A to resolution approving the 2010 Annual Budget. r � L_J � o�-���� � Council File # 09-1291 � Green Sheet � 3087796 11/25/09 SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION CITY O�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Finance and Spending Plan for CCLRT - Streetscape 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 46 41 42 43 WHEREAS, the Me4opolitan Council will construct the Central Corridor Light Rai] Transit ("CCLRT") line through the City of Saint Paul ("Cit�') beginning in 2�10; and WHEREAS, the route for the CCLRT line has been duly established to run from an operarions and maintenance facility on Prince and Broadway Streets in Lowertown to the westem border of the City, traveling down the middle of 4�' Sfreet, Cedar Sfreet, 12`� Street, Robert Street and University Avenue; and WHEREAS, municipal consent was granted by the City of Saint Paul for the conshvction of the CCLRT line on March 18, 2009, subject to the provisions of a Memorandum af Understanding adopted on the same date; and WHEREAS, the groject scope for the CCLRT construction includes xelocafion of public uritities and reconstruction of the affected sueets and sidewalks at project expense; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul believes that the CCLRT, which is pmjected to carry 44,000 riders a day, represents a unique opportunity to spur economic and community development in neighborhoods along the line; and WHEREAS, experience from ciries around the counhy demonstrates that t]ie opportunity for 4Yansit related development is enhanced by high quality public infrastructure, including pedeshian scale lighfing, street trees, and gedestrian ameniries; and WHEREAS, the City can expect a significant return on its investment in public infrastructure in the form of a highet property ta7c base; and � WHEREAS, although the CCLRT proj ect budget does not provide for the quality of public infrashucture that the City believes is appropriate for the Corridor, the Metropolitan Council has agreed to include improvements as additions to the project scope, to be constructed with the balance of the project, if the City is able to secure the necessary financing; and 4�'HEREAS, the City has idenfified four potential financing sources: Capital Improvement Bonds, STAR Prograzn funds, related'I'IF district monies, and assessments from abutting property owners; and WHEREAS, the City confums its intendon, as required under federal law, to reimburse the City for associated costs for the CCLRT Project from proceeds of the future Special Assessment Bonds; and WHEREAS, the Ciry conrinues to seek financing from oYher sources including a request for State of Mianesota bonding Federal Transportation Enhancement Funds and CCLRT project contingency funds fhat are expected to be released at various points during groject construcrion and maybe used to finance proposed improvements; and 6�-I �i (�g � 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 WHEREAS, the City believes it prudent to: idenrify and adopt the Finance and Spending Plan for Cen�af Corridor— Streetscape, as aTtached in E�chibit A, in the 2010 Capital Improvement Budget and P;ogram, with the understanding that specific acrions will have to be taken related to each financing source, including the amendment of individual TIF plar.s, reviev, and cc;:,;::e:,t by ;;e C� �ornmii�ee and STr�R Baard, and the adoption of a final order and rarificafion of assessxnents and the sale of General Obligation Special Assessment bonds; now, therefore be iY RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council confirms, as required under federal law, to reimburse the City for associated costs for the project from proceeds of the future Special Assessment Bonds; and be it further RESOLVED that the Citv Council diaects Citv staff to negotiate with the Metro�olitan Council to include in the CCLRT Proiect budaet $3,100,000 for median imrorovements necessarv to ensure uublic saFetv and enhance the economic develooment ootential of the Corridor and be it finallv RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the Finance and Spending Plan for Cenha] Corridor— Stzeetscape, as attached in Exhibit A, in an amount not to exceed 18 765 430 Requested by Depar�ent of; Adophon Certified by CouncIl Secretary s Approved by Mayor. Date B By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by City Attomey B Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by CouncIl; Date (�-� 31�� 09-1291 Noo�ember �8 25, 2009 EXF3IBIT A (REVISEDI Finance aud Spending Ptan for Central Carridor - SEreetscape Tha Vlayors 2010 Proposed Capital Improvement Bud�et and Program includes ��'_,3--�^� �18 765.430 for this multi-year project to enhance the streetscape along the 5.5 mile light rail route from Union Depot in Do��+ntown to the westem border of Saint Paul along University (see Map —:4ttachment n. City staff reconunends the following Finance and Spending Plan for the Centrai Corridor- Streetscape (see Finance Plan for Central Comdor — Streetscape — Attachment In. Sources: 1. CiB 2010: SSOO,OGO 2011: $1,500,000 2. Nei�hborhood STAR (2010-2013). $1,200,000 ($300,000 per year.) 3. Net T7F (2010 — 2013) Q' =,'�,� �12,665.430 over four years to minimize need for interim borrowing costs and £urther reduce size of Assessment Bonds after TTF Plans aze amended as described below: The gross amount of TIF being used is e.?,?�3,°�? $14,210,000. lipon completion of the project, TiF will be reimbursed �'�,s� °�r $1.544,570. 4. G.O. Assessment Bonds (20131 e '�-.�8.", �2,900.000 Assessments bonds issued 2T the completion of the Project. See Attacbment III for the final financin� sources If there are pro savin s up to $3 1 million, savin�s will be shazed 80/20 between TIF and G O Assessment Bonds financine. AnV savinQS over $3.1 million will reauire a financina olan amendment Fundine Aereement. The Central Corridor Project is being awazded under multiple Metropolitan Council Contracts and these streetscape enhancements �viil paid for th:ough a Master Funding Agreement and related Supplemental Agreements betcveen the Mef Council and the C�ty. An estimated �'I50,000 of non-transit related streetscape cnhazicements will be handled separately by the City/I IRA. Future Sources To the extent the City receives outside source(s) of financinQ inciuding, but not limited tq state and federal gants, the sources that are permitted to be used to pay for streetscape enhancements t'�,�—��::-� ; above will be amended. �-i�(�� 09-1291 TIF Plan Amendments In order to impleiae*�t tlus nnance p1aL, the HRa v�211 a*nend th:ee TIP plans to permii Uze use of TIF under St2Se law ��d fhe Ft:nd:ng A�eemeni between L'ie Met Councii and the City will need to include ianguage to leeall.y p=r�nit the use oi TLz' z.Re; t,�� a oi L'�e amended TI' Pian and Bud�et r,menanent. Outside Review/ Ameudments In fihe next 90 days the CIB Committee and Neighborhood STATt Boud will review and comment on the Finance and Spending Plan for the Central Corridor-Streetscape. To the extent other local sources become avai?able over the muiti-yeaz project this Finance Plan will be amended. Preliminarv Schedule November l8, 2009 — City Council Finance Plan For Central Corridor — Streetscape resolution adoption. - _ ++ - December 9, 2Q09 — Review and comment by STAR board y December I Q, 2Q04 — P.evierv and comment by CiB Committee December 16, 2009 — 2010 Capital Improvement Budget adopted (including CCLRT Financing), _ 7anuary 6, 2010 — Public Hearing T�' D � TM�� a-- ��+� �,• •� Einal Order to €e� authorize �assessment �s financing Januarv 20, 2010 — Pubiic Heatin� � the TIF Plan Amendments Attachments Attachment I - LRT Map Attachment II- Spending Plan for the Central Conidor — Sh�eetscape Revised Attachment III - Net TIF and G.O. Assessment Bonds amounts o�-(��8 D -,. � U 7 � � D 3 � �ttachment 1 �9-12g1 K1GIS�GIS - Ka+n\CeM•al CwrHQ1TFDisfiCSLNtnn W b�-(��g 09-129] �ttachment 2 ' ' _ _ — r _ ^ G) ' : C i C : /. N w Y II I I �� s � f I. y� i �� � i. F _ N M - s'° ,. Y � v L _ V Iv u i": ^ I � _ - � _ =w> __ ^ �cs'c" - y - � �' � r ^ � � (� .i' _ V� Z'AC? � J z - C� = = J �c � c - _ � F ` _ e = - - _ _ � - - 'F. - � c - � � o _ � ' n - _ _ c ° _ _ E _ _ _ c � : r ' ' y � l � v V - _ � ' y ' _ ^ - ' - _ . a ._ � , -s - ° � ' ' _ °� ' ��� c = ' � L � � � - � � ' ' � " ' _ � � _ _ _ ° ' � - �� - - - o -- - ' «� N - o� ' _ � °€ - ° a _ W W u' � � G � O -� O o C O � � � ' o h in tn o _ -,� �g "� v � g _ O _ � ' ' ' �c �� o v+ ° O G O C K � K ba u bc _ � Aa i/� O _ — � - f _ a n > C. 'n ;h � � c3 x y �o a � � o � ny A 4 � Y C N v N C � O Y � n � O 09-1291 � 1����� Attachment 3 Finance and Spending Plan for Central Corridor Streetscape Revised Budqet Scenario Revised 11-25-2009 SOURCES CIB (2010) CIB (2011) STAR Net TIF (2010-2013) GO Assessment Bonds (2013) TOTALSOURCES Total Assessable Costs Percent Cwered by GO Assessment Bonds TJSES University Ave�ue Streetscane LighYing (recent cost redvction) Street frees, structural soil Boulevatd pavers Specia] paving (signalized crosswalks) Special paving (intersectlon corners) Median improvements Median Irrigation Parking ImprovementsJMitigation Sidewalk fumishings Up�raded overhead contact system poles Subtpfal Uaiversity Avenue Bownfown Skeetscaue 4th Sheet lighting 4th Street boulevard pavers 4th Street upgraded OCS poles Guideway Safety Elements Cedar Street trees, structural soi1, iaigation Cedar Street sidewalk pavers Cedaz Street lighti�g (globe) Cedar Street upgraded OCS poles Cedaz & Ath Enhancementslconnections Subtotal Downtown Fiber Conduit - UniversiTy Ave/Downtown Station (Westem, Victoria or Hamline) Original Plan 11118/2009 $500,000 $1,500,000 $1,200,000 $15,182,330 $3,945,000 $22,327,330 $9, 611,180 41% Original Plan 11/18/2009 $1,400,000 $3,700,090 $600,000 $2;490,000 $30Q000 $2,400,000 ffi700,000 $0 $600,000 $I,OOD,000 ffi13;60D,0p0 $52,430 $50,000 $67,OOb $185,000 $295,000 $SS,Q00 $260,000 $60,000 $2,168,000 $3,192,430' $256,000 $5,2Q0,000 Subtotal Project Costs $22,248,430 Costs oflssuance $78,400 TOTAL USES $22 329 330 ��-�3�g Attacl�ment 3, Page 2 � 0 0 N M b N N > K m �. R U 0 N N O L O U � c m U 0 C ro a m B C' d Q � a' NI m' U C �' LL [ L- Y C � ? e Y � � o d � � 'L 3bE(� �£ �Cl2UIi�'JE�S' e C � � U E � � �) o - O � $ �r >�+ � � GI ^ o ^ ^ O K V3 65 va O j�� fA O � O O' O �! C r N � N � � � K � °O O ° o ��`�'� o 000 0 0 j O O O' o ��n � y� o j O O � k � � � � O _ 00000coK'oI w � o o ° - � O G O O� O O�m y� — � Vi w V' �' w 65 C N w6? yy _ �s 3 ; � C � T . � G '� � I C � ` � � o C � � ' O u` oE aG � e y � ��= 00 L� Q� � � _ a j - ' - _ - f, '� � ^_ _. F r_ mv;f�]v; v.�.L: v. ja K�K�owKC�KKO v � � o o` o o g o� „�i c a ' °' czN� � �N W ti H �^� O C O O o 6 O O O O < ^ O G C O � P SS W�� K N K.��i .� � 6�9 W t - = �a C p J /) � i J � a � �C = 4 �J � � x v � �a �-0 a � v C Y� _ � L .�. m ^ � = v .� " _ �' iil � � ��' � N � n l T � O ° a;_ ; N � N v � � ��� : JJ V v�, J� � O O O O � H �^ � � � J � � � o 0 < � a l h K � � �� �� O K O C w � m w 3 3 .\ � 3 ^ J o�-i�r�� • 2010 Annual Budeet-Technicai Adiustments Attachment B was being fmalized at the time the Council agenda was published. The attachment will be added prior to the meeting. � • 2010 Budget Balancing Status General Fund Resolution Attachment i z Mayor's Proposetl Budget... 3 General FurW 4 Mayoh Budget Total 5 6 Gap Excess/(ShoMall) 7 e Technical Changes to the Mayor s Butlget... s io Revised Revenue or Budget Estimates: 11 Fire Revisetlestimateforparamedic(eerevenues 12 Fre Reduce general funtl patlion of SAFER grant-iundetl Frehghters 13 Gefrerei Govertmrent AaouMS Rsvreed estimate fo. Pdice Pension Aitl revenue 14 Generel Govemment Accounts Revisetl estimate for Fire Pension futl revenue 15 General Govemment AccounLS ReNSetl eshmate for Pobce-Fre Disabiliry Aitl revenue 16 HREEO Uptlate with correM s[eps for recerrt nires; also impacis special funds, see 6ne 100 1] Non Depahment Finanrang Revise Xcel franchise fee revenue 18 Non Departmen� Fnancing Revise esGmate for Distnct Energy Fmnchise revenue 19 NonDepartmenlFinancmg ReviseestimateforDislrictCOOlirgtranchiserevenue 20 Non Deparimem Flnancing Fevise estimate for Energy Park iranchise re�enue 21 Non Department Finarwmg Revise esLmata Po[ Empire BWtde� i�ancluse ravenue 22 Non Oepartmerrt Fnancing Correct Hotel Motel Tax revenue accordirg to brmula CF:D9-1368 Spending Financing 194.967,128 194.961.7 28 194,961.128 194,961 128 (81.83]) Butlget Neutral 23 Non Depatlmen� Pinancing Hotel/Motel ta<iransfers fmm previous butlgets never credrted to general funtl - oneUme; see iine 104 24 NonDepartmentFinancn+g ExcessTlFrevenue-base 25 Non DepatlmerR Finanung Revise estimate of Parking meter and iine revenue Vansier to the generai fund 26 27 New or Amended Grant Budgets: 28 Rre Carry forwartl matchirg funtls-2008 Assistance to Frefighters Grent (AFG)-spec fund impachline 133 56,059 29 Fire Carry brwartl matching funtls-2008 AFG Fire Prevention grant, special fund impacbline 134 4,162 30 ai FirefighterTestFinancing: 32 33 Fre Frehghter entrance test costs-speaal fund impact-line 14� 250,000 34 35 8etter Align Departmen[ Budge[S: 36 General Govemment Accounis Reahgn Intergovernmental Relations spending to betler matcn ary needs 37 Generdl Governmeo[ Accounts Move i�lernal loan repayment Por CH impmvements ou[ af General Govt Acc�wts 38 07C Move mtemal loan repaymerrt for CH impmvements to OTC for proper signature au[horiry 39 Parks Shift solid waste Vansier to Parks GF from Pub6c W orks GF ($2�5lQ 40 Packs Reahgnment ot Recreation Semces activ�ties 41 Pobce Move Property Room antl Crime Lab exp's from Ma�or Crimes tlrvision ro Support Svcs div�sion 42 A3 Technical Corrections Uue to Enors, Omissions and Other Changes: 44 HREEO Fix FTE muntling 45 46 BudgetAkerTechnicalChanges 67 48 Gap Excess I (StwMall) 49 5o Paiicy Changes Proposed by [he Mayor... 5i 52 DSI 53 Fire 54 Non Department Fnancing 55 Parks 56 Pol¢e 57 Public Works 58 59 60 BudgetAfterPOlicyChatges 61 62 �ap:Excess/(Shortlalp 63 Holtl vacarrt poshions open for 4 pay penotls Increased 2010 revenue realrzed by implemenbng new parametlic rates in Oec 2009 Hotel / Motel Tax - atltlitional oneLme use of funtl balance; see line 167 Holtl vacant position open for 4 pay periatls Hoid vacant posrtians open foo 4 pay pe�iods Hold vacant posttion open for 4 pay perwds Budge� Neutral (120 000) 120,000 8udgel NeN*ai BudgetNeutral (]98.295) 269,619 70,226 (4p,499) Budget Neulrel (414,469) 5,000 5,503 9,868 986 138,400 140,000 438,D00 (279.085J 56,059 4.162 250,000 ButlgetNeutral Budget Neutrai Budget NeWral Butlget Neutral Budget Neutral 195,189,512 194,816,603 (372.909) (32,72]) 20,000 245.624 (4,953) (35,442) (7,183) 195.109.20] 794082.29 (26,980) OHice of Financial Services 1/8/201012'41 PM Ge�eral Fund Council Changes to the Propased Budget 6a 65 66 67 CAO 68 Cquricil 69 �S4 70 DSI 71 Fre 72 Noa Deparimert Fr�anu�g ]3 Non �epartment Finanan9 ]4 Parks ]5 Public Works ]6 ]] ]8 ]9 80 81 BudgetAfierCouncilCnaiges 82 83 Gap Excess/(ShoMalq Atltl furdirg tor Communiry Prosecu[or Orie-Sme transfer of Utiliries Rate Imeshga0on furd balance to general funtl Adtl tuntlirc� tor OSI Code vspectoc Atld atlministra6ve fees for assessment services Atld furMinp for Flre oveNme to Mayofs wntirgency ��e-rime use of remairung HoteVMO[el taz fuM 6alartz, see h�e 1T4 Orie-6me tra�sfer of generdl debt service iurd balanw irrto general fund; see 6ne 781 Transfer in Solitl waste NM balance, impaMS spedal luntls; see ���e 175 Add fuMuig for 0.66 FTE of Bicycle/Petlestnan Coordinator ro Mayor's conUr�gency CF: 09-1368 ]3,28� 72,904 81.237 73,125 250,000 44,3�6 1]6,980 133,021 68,902 195,582,633 195,5ffi,633 OHice of Flnancial Services i/8/2o7012:41 PM 2010 Budget Balancing Status Special Funds and Debt Sn Mayor s Proposed Butlget... 85 Special Furds 86 Oebl Se�vice FuMs 8] Mayors Butlget Total � 89 Gap Ercess/(Shartall) 90 9t Technical Changes to the Mayar's Budget... 92 9a Revised Revenue or Budget Estimates: 94 Debt Atl�usiment to tlebt service aM subsequert[ year basetl on actual borp sale results 95 Debt PayneMarylarqdebtsernceantlsubsequentyea� 96 Debt Atl�us�menttopendirgtlebtserviwaritlsubsequentyear 9] Oebt Decrease m Vansfer revenue fmm sdewalks 98 �ebt Increase in Bmltl Amenca Bontl subsitly 99 �ebt Increase fund balance use for subsequent year 100 HREEO Update wi[h correcl steps for recen� Inres, also impaqs general iuntl, see line 16 t01 HREW/RiverPnnt Atld'PaperSales-OUtsitleAgency"revenue,retluce"PaperSales-City' 1�2 OPS Remsetl revenue prqectron fo� HoteVMOteI t� 103 OFS Increase Hotel/MOtei t� transter to general NrM, not previously budgetetl 104 OFS Hotel/MOtel tae tmnsfere imm previous butlgets never cretlited ro general funtl - onebme, see line 23 105 OTC Media Semces salary ad�usiment ro reflect current personnel 106 Parks Retluce PED properry mairrtenance revenue (550,000) arb replace with use of fund balance 107 PED Increase Communiry DevelopmeM Biock Grant (C�BG) pmgrem inwme and program speMing 108 Public Works Retluce Parking fund trensferro general fund based on curreM revenue esfimates 109 Pubhc W oeks Adtletl back revenue to ParVUnq Pontl to elimmate tliscrepancy wlNOn-Eept financing total 110 Public Works Revised estimate for Eureka recycbng service basetl on amentled contrad 111 Pu61ic Works Ramsey Co fee-proces recytlirg fee on pmperty tu statements-prev[ously paitl bu[ rwt budgeted 112 Public Works Transfer ro Real Estate br hantlbng collectio� of recycling assessmentfee 113 PublicWorks RevisetlesGmate�or20fOSCOREgrant 114 Pubbc Works Revised estimate for 2010 number of umts to charge recyciing service charqe 175 Public Works Net Oecrease in use of FB far all needetl charges in So6d Waste funtl 116 Publ¢WOrlcs IncrtransferfmmSewer-GBfonncrease0cosloiSt.AntnonyParksewertunnelrebab,seeline199 117 PubbcWOrks Adtlinterestpaymerrcon20105ewerborMs 118 ii9 New ar Amended Grant Budgets: 120 CAO ViolenceAgainstWomenACt(VAWA�Grant-budgetallnon-pe�sonnelin2010 121 CAO ViolenwAganstWomenACt(VAWA)Grent-butlgettullremainingconsultantconiractamounim2�10 722 Fire Atljust 2010 porGOn of SAFER Grant based on new mformation 123 Fire Matchirig funtls for 200� Assistance to Frehghters Grant (AFG)-carrietl forward 124 Fre 2007UrbanAreaSewritylmtiative(UASI)Granibalancecarriedforward 125 Rre 2007ASSistance ro Firefighters Grant (AFG) balance carried forv+artl 126 Fire 2008 AFG Gran� balance wrned forwartl 19 Flre 2008 Urban Area Secudry Imtiatrve (UA51) �rant balance carned �orv✓artl tt6 Fire 2008HOmelantlSecuntyGrant(MNJOin�AnalysiCenter-JAC)carriedforward 129 Flre 2008AFGFrePreventiongren�authonrycarnedforwartl 130 Fre 2008 Homelarb Security Grant carnetl forvuartl 13t MayorsOriice CarrySOrwartl2010portionofSemMShiRGran1 132 MayoYSO�fine CarryforwaYd2010portionofCallegeACCesSGrant 133 OFS Tra�nier from Fund 50-General Fu�-AFG g�aM match, gen tund impacFSee fine 28 134 OFS iransfer irom Fund 50-Gen Fun6AFG Flre Prevention grant match, gen furW impacbsee line 29 135 OFS Ad�ust�epartmenrofEnergygrnntbu�getsforeflectfullgraMaward 136 Police ViolenceAgainstWOmenACt(VAWA)-newgrant 137 Polme AIMCOPRecoveryGrarrt-newg�ant 138 Police 2009 CoverdeilGranhnew grant 139 Police 20091CAC Granhnew grant 140 Potice 2009HOmelanOSecunryBombGranF-newgrant 14/ Pohw Cold Gase Fetleral GranFeMension of prewow grant 142 Poiice JAG Recovery GraaMmuease payment to ofher age��es based on Mgher awa�tl 143 Pohce Reduce pmjected balance �o carry forwartl trom 2008 Coverdell grarrt 144 ia5 FirefighterTes[Financing: 146 OFS Correctone-bmetransfertoHRforFrefightertest,incorrectlybutlgetetlinPmposed 14] OFS Transfer from Funtl 50-General Funtl for Firefighter test, gen funtl ImpaM, see line 33 1� ia9 Better Align Department Budge[s: 150 Parks RealignmentoiFecreationServicesactivities 151 Park4PUbbcWOrks Move SoLdWastetrarasferirom Public Works genfund activityto Parks 152 Publ'ic Works Reallocate postage 8 pnnUng of yssessment notices amorg severai acbvities 153 Publ�cWOrks Real�gnsgnrHUfbiSMrgxtiv�Ty 154 i55 Technical Corrections Due to Errors, Qmissiuns aad Other Changes: 156 DSI qmentl Code Enforcementta recognize CDBG-R revenue for vacant buildirgs in lieu ot fund 802 157 OFS Funtl 802 t2risfer for Vawn� BuAdrzg Demos 156 OTC Correct steps ior COMET core team and increase iransfer Bvenue irom C09 pro�ect 159 PED Funtl 930 tae exempt ISP m�eres[trensier to CIB, inciutlirg correcbon for 2009Imnsier 160 PuEhc W orks Correct W PA repayment to general tlebt funtl 161 162 Butlget After Techtxcal Changes 763 164 Gap: Excess/ (Shortlall) 1/8/201012:d1 PM CF: 09-� 368 Spending Fnancing 265,844,238 265,844,238 5Q921,48fi 59,92t.486 325,�65,724 325,765,�24 (657.695) 910,774 (33.500) (1 03n Budge� NeuVal (82,437) �0,000 iao,000 (9,50]) Butlget Neutral 50,000 (279,085) 150,000 (84,444) 37.�W 1,000 1,500,000 405,000 (20,853) 109,278 131,154 i1.03� BudgetNeNr31 (82.437) 70,000 iao,000 (9,507) Budget Neutral 50,000 (279,085) 710,000 7,356 (14,842) (38,958) 1,500,000 405,000 8,234 �,280 1],878 49.424 295,580 52.179 105,835 1,091.424 86,700 12,8�9 70,000 85,000 45,000 Ss,o59 4,162 1,341.900 119,6d3 290,�21 123,957 355,826 50,000 1],700 150,000 (75.871) 8,234 ],280 17.876 49,424 295,580 52.179 105,835 1.091.424 86700 12.879 ]0,000 85.ao0 45,000 56,059 4,162 1,341,900 179.643 290.721 123,95� 355.826 50,000 17,700 150.000 Q5,671) (18,OOOj (18,000) 250,000 250,000 ButlgetNeutral ButlgetNeutal ButlgetNeutrel ButlgeWeutral ButlgetNeNra� ButlgetNeulral HutlgetNeu[ra1 ButlgetNeu[rai Butlget Neutrai Butlget Neutral 35�.�00 350.000 24.629 24.629 440.000 440,000 45,239 45,239 333,295,3]7 333295,3I1 0 INfice ot financ�al5ervices Special Funds and Debt CF: 09-1368 Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... 165 16G i6� OFS O�-Lme trnnsfe� of froteVmotel hu tuM bala�e to general tuntl for revenue shortfall; sea hne Sd 245,624 245,624 169 169 ButlgetAkerPOlicy Charges 333,540,995 333,540,995 1]0 1�1 Gap:Excess/(Shortfall) 0 OHice of FinancialServices 1/8/201012:41 PM Special Funds and Debt Councii Changes [o the Proposed Budget... 772 1]3 CityCaundl 1]4 OFS 1]5 Pubfic Works 1�6 Public Works 17/ PuWic Works 178 Publ¢ Works 1]9 Debt 180 �ebt 181 Oebt 182 1� 186 Bu�get After Council Ghanyes 185 18G Gap Excess 1(Shortla{I) Transfer Utiiiry Rate ImeSGgatlon funC balance to General Funtl Onatime use of remanirg HoteVMOteI 1� funtl balance Variste�retl to generai furitl, see line 72 Solid waste tund balance tmnsferred to general funtl; ue line �4 Sewer Funtl - Use of fuM balance, tmnsfer to debt service for WPA technical conecAOn Resrore retlucbon for sitlewalk replacemerrt Reduce t2nsfer ro Traffic funtl, use funtl balance ro fu� replacement of knocked down poles Techniqi wrrec6on to W PA iransfer fmm sewer fund Reduce �evenue from �bmry de6t trans(e[ to accomplish �brary budget resolutioo attachment liaes 37 aM 38 Atltl transfer from general debt fuM to general fuM; see One �3 CF: 09-1368 ]2.904 72.904 d4,376 44,3�6 133.021 733.021 500,000 500,000 115,000 715,000 (200,000) (200,000� 500,000 (323,p20) i]6,980 334.383.2]6 334,383,276 OKce of Flnanmal Services 1/8/201012:41 PM 2010 Budget Balancing Status Capital Improvement Budget CF: 09-1368 Spending Financing ie� i86 Mayor's Proposed Budget... 189 CaprtallmprovementBUtl9et 87,311,000 87.311p00 190MayoisBUtlgetTOfal 87,371,000 8�,311,000 191 192 Gap: Emess / (Shortfall) 0 793 75a Technicai Changes to the Mayar's Budget... iss 796 Revised Re�enue or Budget Estimates: 19] CIB / Parks Como Aquatics Faciiiry rense esGmate tor tae exempt m[erest eamings revenue (220,000) (220,000) 198 CIB / Parks Payne MarylaM' change fina�nrg source from ISP boMS to RZED bonds, increase pro�ec[ tuntivg 6,000,000 6,000,000 199 CIB/PUbhcWOrks SewerTUnnelRehabincreasesewerboMrevenue.tor§1.SMincreaseinStAnthonyTUnnelpmject 1,500,000 1,500,000 200 GB f Pub6c Wwks 8ord sa�e costs npda[e prqecietl cest of 2010 sireet boiM sale msis (28,OOD) (28,000) 201 q8 / Publm Works Atltl assessmerrt hnanarg ior Sitlewalk Program to reflectetl anbcipated tlowntown sitlewalk work 50,000 50,000 202 zoa Better Align Department Budgets: 204 CIB / F�e Gommuniry Wamrtg Siren- move 2009 federal grant revenue to capital pro�ec[ 205 CIB / OFS Move Real Estate �esign program irRO OFS 206 CIB / Public Works Move Real Estate Design program ou[ oi PW 212,408 30,000 (30.000) 6],258 (2,800,000) 191,000 212.408 30,000 (30,000) 20� 20a Technical Correc[ions Due to Errore, Omissions antl Other Changes: 209 GIB/ Library Amentl W. �th Library pro�ect to atltl C�BG-F revenue (C083T19734250) 210 CIB / Pubhc Works Ma�or Sewer Pepair correc[ financmg source fmm Sanitary Sewer Fees to Sewer Utiliry Fund trenster 211 GIB / Public Works Major Sewer Repair: correM financing source imm Sanitary Sewer Fees to Sewer Utiliry Funtl Vansfer 212 GIB/ Public Works Sewer System flepair retluce sewer bontl Bnanurg, increase Sewer fund Irensfer 213 CIB / Pubiic Works Sewer System Repam. reduce sewer bontl bnancing, increase Sewer furW iransfer 214 CIB / Public W orks SNrmwaler �uality Improvements. reduce sewe� boM oevenue, increase Sewer Fu� tmnsEer 215 CIB / Pubhc Works Stormwa�er �uab�y Improvements: reduce sewer bontl revenue, increase Sewer Funtl transfer 216 CIB / Pubiic Works RSVP retluce amoun[ of assessmen4s - tlouble entered in Pmposed butlget 217 CIBlPublicWOrks RSVP.wrrectamountofstreetboMsfor2010RSVP 278 GB / Public Works Correc[ bnanarg source on Local, S�reet, Alley, Se�+er and Lightmg Program from Street bontls 219 CB ( Pubhc W orks Go�rect hnancing source on Local, Street, Alley, Sewer and Lighfmg Prog�am to AssessmeMs 220 221 222 ButlgetAtlerTechmcalChanges 223 220. Gap�EZCess!(Shortfalp 225 zz6 Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... 227 6�258 (2,080,000) 2,080,000 (2,312,000) 2,312,000 (i.428.��0) 7,428,000 (2,800,000) 191,000 (1fi3,000) 163,000 92,283,6fi6 92,283,666 228 CIB / Parks Park/Library Faciliry Mamtenance� increase 2010 program to fully funtl rec center site improvemerrts 500,000 500,000 229 CIB / Parks ParWtibrary Facility Maintenance: revise use ot prior year CIB for rec center srte impro�emenis (8,000) (8,000) 230 CIB / Parks Park/Library Faciliry Mamtenance remove Xcel revenue, already t2nsferted in 2009 (586,000) (588,000) 231 CIB 7 PaLcs AsphaH Program' sMft portion ot 2010 tlolla.s to 2011 to tulty Suntl site imprweme�ns m 2010 (39.000) �39,000) 232 CIB/Parks PalaceRec:shittportionof2010dollarsto2011rofultyfundreccentersrte�mprovemeritsin2010 (750.000) (15q000) 233 CIB / Parks Grantl Rountl: shift portion oi 2010 tldlars l0 2911 to tully Euntl rec cerder srte impmvements in 2�10 (3t L�W) (311,�00) 234 CIB / Pubbc Works Cemral Corndor Streetscape: atltl TIF hnancing to expantl scope of 2010 work 14,210,000 14,210,000 235 236 237 Butlget Aker Policy Changes 238 239 Gap Excess / (ShoMall) 240 105,897,666 105,897,666 INiice ot Financial5ervices 1/8/201012'41 PM Capital Improvement Budget Council Changes to [he Proposed Butlget... zai 242 CIB/Parks 243 CIB/Parks 244 CIBfPubl¢WOrks 245 246 24] 248 BudgetAfterCauncil Gharges 249 250 Gap E<wss! (Shortfaip 251 Atltl (uMirg for Como pool cors[ruction - Build America BoMs Adtl eMerrial funtlirg for Como paol coretruqion - Meho Pa�1cs revenue Restore Sv�Mi�g tor Sitlewalk replacemeiri program CF: 09-1368 q500,000 4,500,000 z�sa.00a z,isa,000 115,000 115,000 112,680,666 112,680,666 OHice ot Finarwial Services 1/8/201012:41 PM